Lawyers according to their routine, act as individuals or partners. Today, according to regulations of certain countries, corporations or other firms can provide legal services including handling of court cases under specific rules. Under Iranian law, there are no specific regulations governing the practice of law within a corporate structure. However, legal practitioners can form corporations, co-operatives and non-commercial firms to provide certain legal services. With respect to granting these corporations license to render legal services, it should be noted that there are no specific regulations in this regard. Due to this fact, different interpretations have been given by jurists concerning this issue. Some believe that granting such a license is not forbidden, since according to Article 588 of Commercial Act, legal persons have the same rights and obligations under Iranian law as a natural person. What is understood from Article 2 of "the Nature of Acquiring License to Render Legal Services Act, ratified in 1997" regarding qualifications of volunteers seeking license to practice law is that only natural persons can be granted such a license. In practice, to this day, the license to practice law has not been granted to corporations and firms and courts do not recognize legal persons as lawyers. So, contrary to countries such as the United States of America, practicing law in courts which is the most important function of corporations is considered illegal in Iran. But due to advantages of practicing law by legal persons and in order to fill the gaps that give rise to abuse, it is necessary, as in other countries, to organize the current state of affairs and allow such persons to practice law under specific regulations.