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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources


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Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Aim of this paper is to recognize the content & history of vertical urban design as a new theory of urban design that was result of the lack of appropriate construction areas and the related urban problems. Because of this aim, investigation of Tehran conditions as a case of implementation with this approach is the other result of this article.The comparative content analysis of publications & analytical approach with the base of grounded theory is method of this research. In this regard, some related terms such as vertical landscape, sustainable skyscrapers, ecologic urbanism and ecologic design came up with attitude of vertical urban design.The research findings show that the terms of ecologic sustainability as well as vertical development for maximum use of sky space are considered as the main subject of the mentioned attitude. In the next step, conditions and realities of Tehran as an Asian metropolitan comparing with vertical urban design features investigated and results obtained. Finally the proposed pattern for consideration of this approach in Tehran presented.In this model, the six macro zones of proposed Tehran master plan selected and presented as a mathematical function.

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The way of climatic design has an important role in environmental comfort. This is more important in cities with specific climate. Through climatic factors the wind flow has a main effect on form of city. Street direction, buildings height and density, distribution of high buildings, etc are elements of urban plan that effect on wind flow style in urban public spaces.Despite the interaction of urban design and urban wind flow has been concentrated by experts from 1950 onwards, there are not sufficient researches about this subject in Iran. There is a rich treasure of climatic design in old cities of Iran.Bushehr, being located in northern side of Persian Gulf, has settled in hot humid region since four hundred years ago. Urban spaces of Bushehr have formed based on the climate position. We can see climatic design initiatives from whole city to buildings.This article according to descriptive analytical method and data collection with field survey pursuits climatic design initiatives according to wind flow in old Bushehr.Results show that urban spaces of Bushehr have formed in a hierarchy of climatic design according to regional wind. We can see this initiative hierarchy in site selection of city, distributing density in city, the specific form of plazas and streets, streets direction, streets profile, building elevation, urban spaces skylines, the form of architectural spaces and some specific architectural elements like Shenashir, Tarmeh, Boon.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

View 4126

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Great earthquakes mostly caused huge damages to human life. Vulnerability of street networks is one of this damages which makes the rescue operation dealing with serious problems. Physical expansion and high density in big cities may cause hazardous condition in case of earthquake because of narrow lines, being far from medical care centers and locating in high risk area.In case of earthquake the streets network will be destroyed and large amount of human injures and property damages are on the way. The 6th zone of Tehran, with population of approximately 2200000 in 1385 and area of 20 km2 is one of the most important zones of Tehran. Existence of some land-uses such as ministries, embassies, higher educational institutes, medical centers and regional hospitals, immense enterprise companies, etc, reflects the high importance of this zone. This issue expresses the need for paying more attention to problems such as disaster and incident management.In this paper by employing indexes such as accessibility to medical centers, relation between width of street and height of building, construction and population density, land-use, PGA, building quality, vulnerability rate of street network of 6th zone against earthquake were calculated and combined using IHWP method and GIS.The findings of this research reveal that facade of streets with high density of construction and population, low building quality, further distance to SOS center and high level of inclusion have high rate of vulnerability compared with other facade of streets. From north to south of the zone the vulnerability of facade of streets increases. Also highways and facade of streets which have more width and less construction and population density have less value of vulnerability. Street with vulnerable bridge, high level of inclusion, construction and population density, are more vulnerable.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

View 2107

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In Urban interventions, Meaning of "organization" has different interpretations and even paradoxes. So using of this word in urban plans titles has different reading in both theoretical and Practical parts. Large using of "organization" in urban plans titles and also using as a technical word specifies necessity of precise reading for this word. In This article two parts has analyzed, at first; words, expressions and technical definitions and then experiences.In Persian language, there is no a precise definition for organization". By considering of other languages (English, French and Italian) only in French there is an equal word. In spite of having a precise word in French language, their urban intervention experiences have different interpretations and even paradoxes in meaning. In field of domestic regulations, "organization" has just mentioned as a title. In these regulations, "organization" is improving life conditions in urban and rural areas. Urban organizational plans couldn’t get a precise approach in both domestic and foreign experiences. In other words, in urban plans, "organization" is not a technical word, but it’s only a neutral title which is making clear any theoretical–practical mechanism. In order to use this word in field of urban interventions, it should be mixed with other technical expressions and words.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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The Aim and scope of this paper is recognizing of content & history of vertical urban design as a new.Architecture is a mixture of passions and ideas for better living through building and creation of different constructions in which we remove our needs as living, security, comfort, and many countless needs of human being.According to general equality of species societies in constructions during centuries there are some common pattern in constructions. But, regarding to human specifications in understandings and intelligence of areas which has an absolute dependence to human sensation tools, unfortunately in human societies, disabled people who doesn’t have common senses for this issue are different to the usual people, particularly blind people who are missing the main sense.on the other hand architecture mostly use the spectrum and in other words it’s a visual art. So on, in an architecture project for blind people these issue must be mentioned: In case of preventing the feeling of ostracism in these people, we can’t isolate them from normal people in some limited area and also specializing a huge project exclusively for a short percentage of population doesn’t have economical justification and also due to technological and scientific growth in recent and coming years, so that we may see such evolution that a new procedure in architectural design might be needed to be included with visual elements. So what’s beneath on this project is a quest for recognition of blinds understanding of architecture and present a pattern of a suitable place with their understandings and generally a design for an entertainment and cultural complex for a rest and passing a nice and remembering time for everyone with putting some preferences in the area for blind people and making some facilities and enjoying conditions for them with have an eye on basis of a landscape architecture project.

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Darabgerd was one of the flourishing cities of Sasanian era which with the collapse of this dynasty gradually lost its importance, and was eventually abandoned in sixth century of Hegira.The results of authors' archaeological studies on this city has made it clear that in the time of Sassanian Kingdom, the city had a concentrated, powerful and hierarchy settlement structure. However, after invasion of the state of Iran by Arab Muslims, the city went through several changes in terms of the functionality and operation of its spaces.In fact, archaeological evidences indicate that most of the early Islamic inhabitants of Darabgerd, were inclined to reside in the northern half of the city; and the southern half was hardly inhabited. These findings also suggest that, during the early Islamic centuries (7-10 AD), part of its inhabitants were lived in areas outside of the western gate of the city.In this paper, an attempt has been made to identify and characterise the form and function of this unique city, utilising archaeological findings. In other word, the paper tries to determine the functionality of Darabgerd’s residential zones and districts in the early Islamic centuries, as well as answering the questions raised on the main causes of changes that have taken place in the social structure, form and functionality of this city.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Tall buildings in urban landscape can be considered from tow views. On the one hand tall buildings can positively affect on the cities, on the other hand they can to cause disappear good looking of city or good views in the city.In this research, tow kinds of tall buildings, cluster and stand-alone tall buildings, are be compared to find their affect on the urban landscape.Three main targets in the urban landscape are considered: 1- function 2- identity 3- aesthetics.The method of analyze the results is to compare of the opportunities and threats of two kinds of tall buildings, cluster and standalone tall buildings.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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