Throughout the ages, Shiite scholars have related, compiled and
published hadith and carried out scholarly studies of hadith collections.
One of the most important achivements of Muslim scholars has been the
identification of those criteria by which sound hadith can be
distinguished from those of dubious authenticity. Seyk Tustplayed an
important role in this field. Contemporary intellectual and cultural
disputes had a noticeable effect on the views of Seyk Tusi especially in
the field of hadith scholarship. Seyk Tusi, who was one of the pioneers
of the science of determinig sound hadith, did not simply relate sound
hadith, but rather, in accordance with the principle
...(It is better, as far as it is possible, to
present the whole rather than to reject a part thereof) and, of course,
whilst presenting the criteria for disecrning weak hadith, he quoted both
versions of the hadith, side by side. Seyk Tusi only rejected a weak
hadith in cases where it was in direct opposition to a well known fatwa
or to a hadith which was widely considered sound.
In this article, along with a precise examination of the matter, those
hadith which are accepted by the Seyk and his reasons for declaring a
particular hadith week, such as: Wad, idmar, -gataba, irsal, inqita
Sudud, guluww, being in opposition to ijma (community consensus) are