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مقاله حاضر به اندیشه اصلاحی حاجی آقا مجتهد شیرازی نماینده برجسته دوره های دوم تا چهارم مجلس شورای ملی می پردازد. پرسش اصلی این تحقیق آن است که در اندیشه حاجی آقا شیرازی، جامعه آن عصر دچار انحراف از چه مبانی و اصولی شده که نیاز به اصلاحات پیدا کرده و راهبرد ایشان برای برون رفت از وضع موجود جامعه و رسیدن به وضع مطلوب چیست؟ اندیشه اصلاحی حاجی آقا شیرازی به لحاظ شکلی در چارچوب مشروطیت و قانون اساسی و به لحاظ محتوایی با طرح مفاهیمی همچون مبارزه با تبعیض، فساد، ناامنی، فقر و احیای حقوق ملت برگرفته از مفاهیم و متون اسلامی قرار دارد. وی اصلاحات را تنها وسیله نجات جامعه آن روز می داند که فقط از طریق مجلس به عنوان مرکز ثقل کشور با استفاده از تصویب قوانین و نظارت بر اجرا قابل تحقق می باشد. روش تحقیق در این مقاله، توصیفی تحلیلی می باشد.

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NIKFAR JASEB | Baqeri Mohamad

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The holy Quran, as is revealed to guide man, has explained the principles and bases of desirable situation in personal and social area. A political revolution, however, as a manner being able to lead to its desirable end, has not been Quranicly studied until now. The question of the paper, therefor, rises on the subject. Answering it, one may say that though the holy Quran does not introduce a particular way for reforming society, considering its indexes, methods and manners of life, one may attain to some clues in the field. The purpose of the paper, therefor, lies in finding enlightening, social and economic principles for a political revolution to occur. And again, it show the way a revolution should pass for arriving at its desirable end. In addition to using tow method of conceptual comparison and objective comparison, the method of analyzing and surveying conceptual elements was emphasized.

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The paper has centered on the question: why domination system with the leadership of USA always attempts to make and keep a climate full of outcry on otherness-making with regard to opposite currents and a state being of two imaginary poles of selfish and otherness and to spread false fear of others? Using a discourse approach, the author has concluded that the why and roots of such measures should be found in durable need of dominant western discourse (that of USA) to the existence of a fearful other for keeping identity unity and continuing its hegemonic place during time. In this way, the others made for itself by domination system play the part of an expelling agent to strength the identity of dominant discourse and, in spite of their cases and temporal conditions, are of the same usage. The consequence of such discourse in international area of politics may clearly be seen in USA leaders` using it to keep and continue to militarism, invasion, military intervention in different part of the world and increasing production of weapons.

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The importance of Islam as a norm lies in the fact that every judgment on current and group in the field of thought and beliefs in IRI is based on accurate knowing pure Islam. The necessity of studying different sides of the norm of pure Islam as a criteria and standard originates from the necessity of assessing the views of political parties and groups and every research on mental currents in contemporary Iran. In this paper, therefor, the subject has been limited as: Islam as a norm in the area of political value. In this way, the question of the paper follows as: what may be counted as the indexes of pure Islam for distinguishing Islamic true values from fusional Islam in IRI? As is described, the indexes includes: legality, structure, rights and duties.

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For architecture Principles to be actualized and presenting an appropriate and nationally and internationally suitable model for Islamic Revolution, indexes and strategies of this architecture, particularly in case of mosques, should be compiled and described exactly. Compiling and analyzing those indexes taken from the great leader`s speeches and general policies of IRI, It, therefor, has been sought to give such strategies that after their first reasoning and study, for measuring their authenticity be given to scholars of the field. It has been concluded that %76 of the strategies are agreed with by all. Generally viewed, an appropriate mosque on the level of Islamic Revolution, consists in a mosque outstanding and simplex, new in form, on the basis of Islamic thought and revolution, dynamic fiqh, past architecture principles, in harmony with native and advanced technology, respecting environment and satisfying the needs. Method of study may be described as analytico-reasonable using Delphi authentication.

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Happening of Islamic Revolution has been counted as a turning point in the history of international relations. Proposing political Islam, IR has articulated its discourse of power and with its presence in the field, affected the discourses of power in regional and international area. Therefor the question of the paper follows as: how political Islam has affected the discourses of power in the two levels in the space of competition and conflict? Exactly considering the space of conflict and struggle ruling the discourses in international system and sub-system of the west of Asia, with regard to the time of IR happening in Iran and using the method of discourse analysis, we may draw and explain gradually ascending streamline of political Islam in the geometry of international power. Otherness-making of political Islam with both power discourses of Communism and Liberalism and, consequently, with their sub-discourses in the west of Asia caused a number of sub-discourses of the area to be fallen and destroyed.

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Islamic Revolution has planned to theorize and give plans and models in all fields including communications and total communicative instruments that are of extraordinary importance. It, therefor, is the reason why of referring to the field of media and necessity of their becoming Islamic and revolutionary in Constitutional Law. In this paper, the failures of present theories in this field, necessary elements for appropriate media and importance of explaining native theory have been studied. as is viewed by the author, not only present theories of media and communication are not acceptable, but also measures made in Iran do not satisfy the needs either and, consequently, an Islamic and native theory is unavoidable.

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Saddam`s fall in 2003 and appearance of new political structure in Iraq prepared important opportunity for IRI to influence human societies, particularly Shi`ites and support ideals of IR in regional problems. Such been the case, the paper tries to explain the how of Iraq new changes` effect on Iran`s power and influence and answer the question: what may be considered as the effect of Iraq`s new political structure on IRI`s regional power? As is explained in the paper, following Saddam`s fall and Shiite state of becoming geopolitical, IRI and IR`s place, more particularly in political, social, media and cultural point of view, has been considerably ascended and, thereof, it been able to play better than before.

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One of the most important theological problems in Islamic world consists in the realm of religion, given determined the field of human legislature would become clear. Generally saying, two views may be found in this ground: of majority and of minority. Agreeing with each would have its own effects in legislative system of country. IRI Constitutional Law, being influenced by the former, has intended Divine will to rule over all area of the Iranian`s life. The intention is receivable from various principles of Constitutional Law, particularly from the fourth. The paper, surveying the two approaches, has explained the view of Constitutional Law on the realm of religion and the agents causing its being of majority.

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Religious democracy, supporting and protecting past findings of national identity, is capable for actualizing such new components of national identity as law-abidingness, political participation, developing high education on the basis of cultural plurality, national solidarity, citizenship law, preparing appropriate model of Islamic Iranian development. Today, Iranian identity has been regarded as a politico-legal subject, emphasizing Iranian laws. The problem of national identity, therefor, in addition to traditional components of territory, history, religion and language, should be put in a framework of human and legal values, beliefs and norms. The paper intends to study the question of the place of national identity in religious democracy. As is explained in the paper, the discourse of religious democracy may function as an appropriate ground for new components of national identity. The purpose of the paper lies in paying attention to new components of national identity in harmony with the needs in modern Iranian society.

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