Due to weak and corrupted economic and political structures of their ruling system and domination of foreign powers, Muslim societies have always been inspired by Islamic revolution of Iran; since Islamic revolution of Iran is considered an identity discourse in direct relation with nearby regions with the same beliefs. The most important measures for this relation can be explored within the framework of nodal point (juxtaposition of religion and politics) and floating signifiers (fighting against arrogance, fighting against tyranny, justice seeking, freedom seeking, …) and comparing them within the discourse of Islamic revolution and revolutions of Tunisia and Egypt whose resultant is identity seeking uprisings in Islamic societies and is analyzed under the influence of political Islam. On this basis, it is due to the discourse of political Islamism that Islamic revolution of Iran has managed to maintain its historical continuity and expand itself. This expansion is indebted to nodal point of the discourse of Islamic revolution of Iran (juxtaposition of politics and religion) as well as its floating signifiers resonated in the revolutions of Tunisia and Egypt.