Undoubtedly, security could be regarded as power, including different kinds, the most important of which is "economic security". As it has been always declared by Islamic scholars, among other kinds of security, economic security is one the outstanding securities of every society which affects the identity of society and other types of security as well. According to them, "economic crisis" is the opposite side of economic security, which is rooted in "economic domination" of every enemy of Islamic society with the aim of misleading Islamic revolution. Thus, they encourage their followers to make an attempt in order to prevent the crisis and develop security. From the viewpoint of leading Muslim scholars, elements of economic security include: natural resources and raw materials, technical knowledge and financial policies. As for natural resources and raw materials, they believe that economic development depends on fresh air, abundant whole some water, and fertile land, and that to initiate any action requires its "particular knowledge" and that none of these could be completed, except through an "economic plan" in financial issues.