Among moral corruptions and major social disasters is bribery,
which causes wickedness, injustice, violating other peoples rights,
and an atmosphere of distrust in the society. Bribery can appear
in the form of paying money, doing something, or saying
something. The prevailing opinion of jurists is that bribery is
actualized through paying money. But the question is that whether
acts and words can play the same role. Some jurists have
generalized the concepts of bribery and some have not, while the
majority of them have said nothing in this regard. What is
investigated and analyzed in this essay is generalization or
otherwise of the bribery, opinions of supporting and denying
jurists in this regard, and ultimately expression of the chosen
theory as follows: Bribery without money is religiously forbidden,
whether words or acts, but those two differ in civil and penal
liability or otherwise.