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Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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This article examines the impact of the Islamist justice and development party in turkey's domestic and foreign policy and promote the dignity of the party's strategic turkey in the Middle East, to promote turkey's position as a member of NATO and the EU closer to the gates of Europe, the deals. Changes in turkey since 2002 and the Islamist justice and development party to power started and won by the party will continue as president. However, interpret the "Second Republic" to describe the modified Turkish Islamist AKP party is properly interpreted. Turkey under the AKP rule witnessed a serious change in the regional policy of this country. The Turkish government, before the justice and development party eyes were pinned to the north to be leniency of the Europe union countries to be turkey and the economic benefits of joining the Europe union will benefit. Justice and development party, especially the second half of the nineties changed their strategy and his eyes towards the south and surrounding areas and the strategic environment and tailor their civilization.

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Michel Foucault assumes the relation between power and knowledge as a dialectical one. In essence, power creates knowledge and knowledge creates power. According to Foucault, power is a floating and horizontal subject with "capillarity" as its basic element. Power and knowledge are actually createdwithin discourse. The discourse of globalization reproduces power and knowledge within itself. Foucauldian power in the context of globalization equals and conforms to Emanuel Castles' "network society". In other words,"network power" somehow overlaps "network society". The author distinguishes between the situation of globalization and the discourse of globalization and analyzes globalization with a discursive approach. The author will address this question that whether this discourse deals with hegemonism from the interaction of power and knowledge in the discourse of globalization. Being aware of the post-modernist situation of the international relations, the author of the present research believes that in the discursive struggle, the discourse of globalization creates a kind of power and knowledge which serves to make the hegemony of this discourse operational. on the other hand, within the framework of discursive accentuation and marginalization, every discourse tries to marginalize its rival discourse and regarding the dominant discourse of globalization the strategy of accentuation and marginalization becomes operational. On the other hand ideological forces are at the service of globalization discourse that makes neoliberalism operational throughout the world. In fact, neoliberalism acts as the "nodal point" for the globalization that ascribes meaning to the floating signifiers. since every discourse is to find antagonism, political Islam is defined as the "other" against the globalization. There is a close relation between antagonism and hostility. In the contemporary era,"discourse analysis" can be applied to the international relations.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

View 2349

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According to the international law of responsibility, a state whose acts or omissions are against the international regulations is obliged to redress the damages to the injured state or states. In fact, breach of any obligation in the international law incurs responsibility. The most important point regarding the international environmental law is its different aspects and expansiveness of the issues specifically issues with exterritorial nature like borderline pollutions and international destructions. The world needs a serious cooperation at the time of tremendous and sudden problems regarding the international environmental issues. Even today, the world’s leaders have transferred the environmental issues from marginal and sidelong sections towards their main political agenda. On the other hand, the international law researchers have been dealing with creating the rules regarding states' responsibility and commitments, especially on accountability regarding destruction and borderline pollutions and meanwhile the states have been dealing with issue according to the responsibility system by expanding the international agreements with the purpose of preventing the activities obnoxious for the environment. On the other hand, establishing the international criminal court is one of the considerable international activities in criminal support of the environment. But despite the fact that the international responsibility has a considerable position in the international law, this issue has been vague in the international environmental law and redressing the damages; however in the recent years it has been developing.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

View 9353

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Unlike piracy and slave trade that were as the first instances of international crimes and world jurisprudence in combination with prosecuting and punishing those who committed them, there are some other international committed crimes in marines that have recently attracted the attentions of world community.Amongst different kinds of crimes according to the degree of importance as mentioned above and how the world copes with them by entering into the international treaties, two items of important crimes such as piracy, armed robbery against ships with marine terrorism have been considerably noticed. The spread of treaties to cope with the crimes mentioned above in territories beyond states’ jurisprudences were mainly focused on these discussions.This paper has also discussed the four conventions of Genoa (1958), marine laws (1982), Rome convention (1988) and attached protocol on navigation security accompanied by other international documents and those of regional and reciprocal documents.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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A hundred years before the rise of the third Reich, Hegel, in his writings, wished for days in which the Aria- Germanic soul and thought became the soul of the new world so that it actualized the absolute truth and accomplished his historical duty, a dream which came to true in Fascism period. Hegel considered state as the shadow of God on earth, admired the history making persons as god-like creatures and regarded war necessary for the moral correctness of the societies. Studying the foundations of Fascism reveals that the above- noted ideas are the components of fascism, nomatter how important are the ideas of some prominent philosophers such as Nieztche, croce, Ggentile, categorically, Hegel is the philosophical great grandfather of fascism, a prominent philosopher whose philosophy is so open to interpretation that some like Popper considers fascism as an amalgamation of Hegel’s ideas and nineteenth century materialism. The point is the concurrence of theory and practice in fascism which this article tries to examine.

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An archaeology of mashroteat, s discourse show that nodol poit or basic signifier in this discourse was autocracy and dictatorship problem. There was two effect in feild of foreign relations. First: Mashroteat’s discourse cause lose the power of central government and then expanded the power of local government and Second: the mashroteat discourse was about some basic signifier on internal issue and then does not created any knowledge about autocracy policy and finally mashroteat s discourse prepared a better context for hegemony and more intervention of relations in Iran.

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