Jebale-Barez plutonic complex is composed of granitoid intrusive bodies and is located in the East and southeastern of Jiroft province of Kerman. The plutonic complex is composed of granodiorite, quartzdiorite, granite and alkaligranite. Plutonic rocks are mainly composed of plagioclase, alkali-feldspar, biotite, amphibole and quartz. Based on microprobe analysis, plagioclases vary from andesine to labradorite and alkali feldspars occur as orthoclase. All amphiboles are magmatic and placed in three groups: calcic amphiboles, iron-rich amphiboles, amphiboles consist of Fe, Mg, Mn. The study of oxidation and reduction state of their source magma by amphibole chemistry, in dicated high oxygen fugacity. Therefore, granitoids of Jebale-Barez plutonic complex are I-type or related to magnetite series and the estimated oxygen fugacity imply oxidation magma and its formation in convergent plate boundary. On the basis of geo-thermo-barometric calculations, using Hamarstrom - Zen, Schmidt, Johnson - Rutherford, Smith - Anderson and Uchida methods, amphiboles have crystallized about 1.54 to 7.87 kbar at the depth about 18 to 23 km. As emplacement or crystallization temperature of Jebale-Barez plutonic complex based on the two feldspar thermometer using Anderson method has been ranges between 550 to 750oC and using Putirka method has been achieved between 710 to 830oC and based on Ti-in- amphibole thermometer has been ranges between 670 to 735oC. In addition, hornblende -plagioclase thermometer shows 653 to 732oC for equilibrium of these two minerals.