It has long been recognized that the TAS diagram is not robust in classifying altered volcanic rocks and proxies using more immobile elements have been developed for that purpose. Through recent years, researchers introduced new discrimination plot based on immobile Th-Co elements as proxies of K and SiO2 are very useful to classify metamorphosed and weathered rocks especially in volcanic arc successions.The application of different elements, especially Th and Co, in classification of the Cretaceous volcanic rocks in Saghez-Piranshahr area is examined here. Based on petrographic studies, these rocks are andesites and basaltic andesites. Also sub-volcanic and related pyroclastic rocks accompany them.Low grade metamorphism in green schist facies and weathering process are affected studied rocks. Secondary minerals, such as epidote, chlorite, tremolite, actinolite, prehnite, pumpellyite, sphene, iron oxides, calcite and quartz, observed and are products of low grade metamorphism and alteration. Microprobe analysis reveal that plagioclase composition became homogenized (albitization). Rare K-Feldspar crystals are formed within rock matrix.Cretaceous volcanic units in Saghez-Piranshahr area formed in a volcanic arc due to obvious negative Nb anomalies in spider diagrams normalized to MORB. Samples show scattered patterns by using ordinary classification methods which use main oxides or some trace elements, therefore their nature and type could not be clearly recognized. But, Th-Co diagram let us to classify them as calc-alkaline basalts, basaltic andesites and andesites. Therefore, Th and Co are efficient tools for recognition of magma nature and rock types in such metamorphosed and weathered rocks.