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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Intrudaction: Health management education is one of ways for health achievement and an absence effective education method is partly accounted for underdeveloped health. Health management education is a noticeable topic in health promotion and Purpose: The aim of this study was to determine the knowledge and attitude of health managers about health managing before and after education in 2007. Methods: This is a descriptive analytical study carried out to determine the knowledge and attitude of health managers about health management in health deputy managers personnel in the year 2007. Fourty five people from 60 managers of health have been recruited for our study. The data were obtained by a valid questionnaire in three parts including: demographic information, managers' knowledge, and attitude about health management. We conducted pre-test before education and post-test after education. Twenty five questions were designed to assess knowledge, 13 to assess attitude. Data were analyzed using SPSS. Results: There was no significant correlation between knowledge, attitude and education of managers about health management before and after education.Conclusions: According to the above findings, it is necessary to change the educational program with respect to managers' needs and education about health management in the country is important. We need promotion for educational planning.

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Introduction: Anthropometric has an important role in industrial management and also occupational health; and it is needed that its information collected regularly. Even though before anthropometric among different Iranian nations have not been studied, present research has been done aimed to evaluation the different anthropometric factors in Iranian workers, in six Iranian nations and preparing the informatics database including their anthropometric dimensions. These information could be help for designers, engineers, and public health people. Methods: In present research, data about 3716 people samples, including 2965 male and 751 female have been studied. The study population were the Iranian workers aged between 20-60; and study environments were 9 Iranian universities which including six nations: Fars, Kord, Turk, Lor, Balouch, and Arab. Thirty six body dimensions, and also body weights of workers - chosen randomly- measured as static method. Additionally, a questioners included demographic identities questions of the samples have been collected. Rated vertical planes with 2*1 meters dimension, small and large calipers, measurement elastic bond, and scale weight to measure body dimensions has been used. All measurements has been done in either seated or stand up standard situation. Results: Our results showed that the average height in Iranian workers were 172 cm. for male; and for female 158 cm. Also average weight for male were 74 kg, and for female 58 kg. WE found a statistically significant difference between male and female heights and weights (p<0.0000). The 5th percentile for petit men are almost equal to 50th percentile to medium women. Conclusions: The difference between male and female workers body dimensions showed the necessities of chosen some method to design products and equipments.

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Introduction: The use of a computerized system improves the effectiveness and efficiency of a medical record department, when managers and medical record staff design it according to their needs. Methods: The present study is an applied-descriptive study. The first checklist is provided from professional texts, articles and internet. Having interviewed with medical record users, the researcher determined their needs in general requirements of HIS, general requirements of medical records department, medical records management, admission, discharge, statistics, coding, filing and chart completion. Then the characteristics of systems were determined by means of observations and questions; and the percentage of compatibility between systems and needs of medical record users was calculated. Results: Our findings showed that totally; average of compatibility between systems and needs of medical records users is 54 %. There are the least conformity in coding and filing and chart completion and the most conformity in medical records management and discharge. Our findings also showed that the users' needs are regarded by venders of systems and often they have met earlier and more important needs. Conclusion: It is imperative that venders with support of managers regard more and more to users needs in order to improve systems.

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Intrudaction: Conspicuous achievements of organization with minimum facilities on one hand and failure of organizations with materialist abilities on the other hand have been shown the considerable role of factors including non-materialist and spiritual in their success. Organizational culture would be considered as an effective factor in organization performance. correlation of organization's culture with the implication of six sigma in teaching hospitals affiliated with Kerman University of Medical Sciences (KUMS). Methods: This is a descriptive-correlative study. The research society were employees of KUMS (N=1634). The sample size was 110; selected through a stratified random sampling. The data was collected via researcher-made self-administered questionnaires. Data collection tool was a questionnaire with three parts: ( demographic information, organizational culture, and six sigma). The five point Likert scale used for scoring questions. Results: Our findings showed that there is a significant correlation between organizational culture and six sigma (Pearson correlations coefficient found as follow: 0.772, (0.01). In comparing organizational culture indices; control and individual creativity had the highest mean score (61.37 and 58.94, respectively). Among six sigma indices, genuine focus on the customer, and Data- and Fact-Driven management had the highest mean score (2.92 and 2.82 respectively). Strive for perfection, tolerate failure had the lowest mean score. (2.34)Conclusions: Considering the significant correlation between organizational culture and implication six sigma under, it would be desirable to prepare an appropriate atmosphere for implication six sigma in hospitals.

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Introduction: Nowadays conflict is a serious problem in organizations, but conflict isn't reason for corruption in organizations for its nature. Ineffectiveness conflict management is the reason of undesirable outcomes. This study was carried out to determine correlation between emotional intelligence with conflict management strategies in managers of Qazvin Teaching Hospitals. Methods: This is a correlation cross sectional study. Sample subjects were 78 managers of Qazvin teaching hospitals. The Data were collected by Shearing's Emotional Intelligence questionnaire (EIQ), Robbins' Conflict Management Strategies questionnaire (CMSQ), and a demographic characteristics questionnaire, Likert's scale was used to score questions. The data analyzed by descriptive statistical indexes, Pearson's correlation coefficient, independent T test, and one way ANOVA. Results: Findings showed that between managers EI with avoidance strategy in conflict management was significant negative correlation ( yy = - 0.370), no correlation observed between EI with two strategies control and collaboration in conflict management (P>0.05). Also there was no correlation between EI and managers demographic characteristics (age, gender, job experience, management experience and educational degree). Conclusion: Management EI can be an important factor in diagnosis and selecting the best strategy for conflict management in organization.

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Introduction: Emerging and developing of information technology has impact on library functions, especially on materials organization, so this survey carried out to study the use of information technology in cataloging departments at central libraries of medical universities and faculties in Iran. Methods: In this descriptive study research population were managers of cataloging departments in central libraries of 44 medical universities and faculties. We used questionnaire for data collecting, after its validity and reliability confirmation. From 44 distributed questionnaires 41 were completed and returned. Among research population 41 libraries replied those questionnaires and the reminder of them omitted because they didn't answered the questionnaires. The collected data analyzed by SPSS software and the results presented by descriptive statistics in tables and graphs. Results: Existed hardwares in these libraries included: 496 computers, 108 printers, 29 scanners, 27 barcode reader scanners, 79 CD writers that were out of dates and different. Existed soft wares had the same situation too. From these 44 soft wares, 34 copies (83%) were Parsazarakhsh and 7 next copies were Nosa, Kavosh and Mava. Among the catalogers with diploma to Master of Science degree in different major including medical library and information science, 22 catalogers were educated on cataloging process from internet. They paid attention to analytical cataloging greatly and to authority control slightly. In aspect of non-book materials thesis (80%) and related websites (2.5%) had most and least frequencies. The catalogers used different methods such as; original, CIP and copy cataloging in cataloging process. Only 29 libraries (70.7%) used all methods. In aspect of using different parts of soft wares, cataloging and acquisition had most and least frequencies. Only 32 libraries prepared backup files and 31 libraries had network for using those soft wares. In process of bibliographic electronic searching, web-based OPAC of national library of medicine and Bibliofile had most and least frequencies too. Conclusion: because of the absence special program in using of information technology, organization development of different library materials, unbalanced situation of human population, hard ware and soft ware equipments, have not direct connection with internet , its slowness and connection discontinuation and unfamiliarity with cataloging electronic tools, confronted the surveyed libraries with difficulties.

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Introduction: To take informed consent for treatment is one of the essential rights of each patient. All healthcare centers must complete consent forms. In spite importance to get informed consent forms, there isn't adequate paying attention to complete these forms. This research is aimed to review the completeness of consent forms in IUMS's teaching centers. Methods: In a descriptive, cross-sectional research we reviewed the completeness of consent forms using a questionnaire. We selected 330 consent forms of inpatient patients in treatment-teaching centers from IUMS; by a stratified random sampling method. Data were collected through observations; and consent forms survey. In order to providing information we used descriptive statistics by SPSS. Results: Our findings showed that there were incompleteness for patient's family and first names in informed consents forms in 7.2% (24 patients), and for of patient's addresses 71.5% (234 patients). There weren't any sign or finger print in 1.2% (4) forms. In 5.4% (18) forms was bad handwriting. 2.4% (8 patients) patients didn't have legal age while they singed form consent, and 3.6% (12 patients) forms singed by consanguinity and casual relatives. In emergency conditions there were for 86.6% (74 patients) family name and first name recorded; while in non emergency conditions 94.7% (235 patients) were recorded. Also forms were confirmed by witnesses in 77.6% (66 patients) in emergency cases; while in non- emergency cases it was 59.9% (147 patients). It was applied another form as acquaintance (exemption) in 96.1% (76 patients). Conclusion: Goal of getting consent forms is providing the best decision-making for patients. Because importance of getting consent form for patient and treatment centers, it is necessary to reception personnel training to acquire knowledge about consent forms and their completeness.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Introduction: Social Security Organization is known as the biggest insurance organization, with coverage 28 millions of countryُ's population and 34 thousands personnel with wide spread realms of insurance, remedy, investment, … is important and key subject in economical and social structure of country; therefore increasing productivity this organization include society of public benefits. Methods: This study estimate labour, capital and total productivity of the branches of Tehran Social Security Organization by Indexes, Data Envelopment Analysis and Production Function methods, in 2004-2004. We used panel data and input-oriented form for estimation of mentioned methods. The dependent variable is the number of insured, the explanatory variables are the number of personnel and capital costs. Data obtained from center of statistics organization. Results: Findings showed that the mean of total productivity variation was 1.021. Since it's higher than one, so the productivity had been improved. Also the results of Indexes, Data Envelopment Analysis and Production Function methods are the same; and are due to the effectiveness of total productivity variations from technological changes. Managerial and scale efficiency changes stand in next orders. Conclusion: Productivity improvement of production factor can be reduced organizations expenditures. Finally, it is recommended that the impression of some factors such as the quality of services and satisfaction of insured on the mentioned branches productivity should be considered.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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