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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Introduction: The present study was designed to determine the patter-n of antibiotic resistance of Escherichia coli (E.coli) isolated from urinary tract infection in Jahrom aiming at a rapid and appropriate empirical management. Material and Methods: A cross-sectional study was carried out on l08 urine samples of patients with urinary tract infection in Jahrom hospitals and general practice in 2003. Antibiotic susceptibility was done by disk diffusion method and MIC.Results: Gentamic in had the least effect on E. coli with 72.1% resistance. Co-trimoxazol and rifampin were the most effective oral antibiotics. 89.5 percent of the E.coli were resistantto two or more antibiotics. The most associated resistance was co-trimoxazol-rifampin and cotrimoxazol-gentamicin Conclusion: Based on the results gentamicin and co-trimoxazol were less effective for treatment of urinary tract infection, but nalidixic acid and ciprofloxacin were appropriate for empirical treatment.

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Introduction: The complications of surgical wounds (esp. wound infections) are considered as a major problem in surgery wards. Complications of surgical wounds are classified as early and late complications. Among the common and early complications is hematoma, seruma and wound infection. In the recent years, the modem technology especially Laparoscopic intervention has brought about great developments in general and specific surgical operations.Material and Methods: This study was carried out on 210 bedridden patients operated in Milad Hospital during the years 82-84 .The patients were classified into two groups: group A(106 patients) and group B (104 patients) were operated by open surgery and laparoscopy, respectively. The patients were candidate for the two methods on a randomized basis and the statistical test used was proportional test carried out in experimental method and in from of clinical trial.Results: Out of 210 patients, there were 130 female and 80 male patients. The rates of relative frequency of early complications were 8 and 1respectively among 106patients having undergone open surgical operations and 104 patients having undergone laparoscopic operations (P<0.05).Conclusion: This study proves that there are fewer early complications of surgical wounds under method, tissue damage is smaller so there will be smaller dissection and since vascular damage is smaller, early complications less frequently.

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Introduction: Momordica Charantia (MC) belongs to the cucurbitaceous family. MC is A plan that is widely used in traditional medicine as a-n antidiabetic agent. The aim of the present study was to evaluate the effect of the raw fruit of MC on some blood biochemieal parameters in rats.Materials and Methods: Three groups of rats received a diet containing 1%, 2% and on MC (control group) respectively for a duration of two months. Blood samples were collected in the begining and at the end of the study. The sera were separated and used for determining of biochemical parameters including fasting blood suger (FBS). glycated hemoglobin (HbAlc), cholesterol (cho), high density lipoproteins ( HDL ), low density lipoproteins (LDL), triglycerides ( TG ), urea ( U ) and creatinine (C).Results: The diet containing 1% and 2% MC decreased FBS significantly (p<0.002), and HbAlc (p<0.004) as compared to the control group. The 2% MC diet decreased Cho (p<0.001) and LDI (p<0.001) as compared to the control group. There was no significant change in the other factors.Conclusion: On the basis of the results obtained, it may be concluded that MC can effectively normalize glucose and lipid inpatients. For better conclusion experimental human studies are recommended.

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Introduction: Fetal loss and recurrent abortion account for significant emotional distress for couples desiring children. Regarding the etiologic importance, this study has been carried out to determine the serum level of C3 and C4 in women with recurrent miscarriage.Material and Methods: This case control study was carried out in Shariatee Hospital of Bandar Abbas University of Medical Sciences, during 2000-2001. 109 women with definite diagnosis of recurrent abortion or fetal loss as patients and 220 matched women with at least two successful deliveries and negative history of miscarriage as controls were studied. The sera of the patients and the controls were tested by SRID method for determining C3 and C4.Results: The prevalence of reduced serum levels of C3 and C4 in the patients and the controls were 22.02% and 5% respectively and that of C4 in the patients and the controls were 24.77% and 8.18%, respectively. There was a significant difference between the prevalence of reduced serum level of C3 and C4 in the patients and controls (p<0.001).Conclusion: The results of this study suggest that the complement system plays a significant role in recurrent miscarriage. Further studies are needed to explore the role of immune system - classical pathway of complement system-in fetal loss and spontaneous abortion.

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Introduction: Nursing is a job based on ethical and legal commitments. one of the most significant responsibilities of every nurse is to know the rules and regulations of his/her job. Methods: This cross-sectional descriptive study was conducted to determine the nursing personnel attitude about their professional rules and responsibilities in jahrom hospitals. The data were collected by a two-part questionnaire. The first part contained demographic data and the second part contained 50 questions, 40 of which were about professional rules and regulations (part one), 7 questions about nursing duties ( part two ) and 3 about committing professional crimes (part 3). The samples involved all of personnel in 2 hospitals (271). Finally 167 questionnaires were analyzed by SPSS software The percent of the answers to each question was also determined.Results: The findings showed that 60% of the participants were from astad Motahari hospital (O.M.H ) and 40% from paymanieh hospital ( P.H ).The Mean ago of the samples in (O.M.H) was 33.5 and in P.H was 29. Also the mean range of job time in O.M.H was 11.5 and in P.H was 7.5. 65.3% of personnel had B.S nursing degree and 23.4% were auxiliary nurses. The mean rank of the questionnaire was 25. The mean rank of the knowledge in 2 hospitals was 37.52. In O.M.H it , was 36.88 and in P.H, 38.48% there was a significant difference between the mean rank of knowledge in P.H (M=29.44 SD±3.14) and in O.M.H (M=28.03 SD±2.29) in part one (p =0/000). However, there were no significant difference between the mean rank of knowledge and age, education, marriage job time and type of responsibility.Assessment of the answers to the questions revealed that the knowledge of 135 (80.8%) personnel about taking oral consent and 95( 56.9% ) about the consent of a patiem. seeking help or nursing care over the phone, and 101( 60.5% ) about finding one of the parents and taking the consent before doing any relatively urgent treatment for their children was poor. Also 133 nurses (79.6%) didn't agree damage to the patients due to the negligenle of health care providers. 72 (43.1%) said that if work problems occurred in their workplaces, they didn't know where and to which coust of law to reffer to and 133 (79.6%) said that if there were some professional problems they wouldn't have been supported by their employers.Conclusion: The results showed that the mean rank of knowledge in three parts was higher than the mean rank of the best but in part one the mean rank of knowledge in P.H was higher than O.M.H. probably one reason is that there are more B.S nursing graduates that work in P.H and pass the nursing ethies course. The knowledge of personnel about some important rules was poor. So the nurses must be educated about some professional rules and the course of nursing law must be added to nursing curriculum. Also by preparing notebooks and in service education, the knowledge of the personnel must be educated.

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Introduction: Scorpion stings have accounted for 10-15% of all bites for many decades. Scorpions sting is a significant medical problem in the middle east area, specially in the underdeveloped tropical countries. Scorpion stings cause a wide range of sign and asymptoms. The aim of this study is to assess the present clinical management of scorpion bits in Jahrom city.Material and methods: This prospective study was conducted between 1380-82 and a total of 63 cases of scorpin stings referring to health center were studied.The data included demographic information and first aid managements were conducted by health persons in referral cantros (nurses or doctors).Results: A total of 63 victims were studied (30 male and 33 female with manage of (23.8±15.1). The upper 50.8% and lower extremities 33.3% were the most common site of the bite. The most common and systemic symptom were pain (%88.9) and anxiety (68.3%) respectively. Other significant symptoms included, cardiovascular problems system with palpitation (46%) and respiratory problems (58.7%).Males had more respiratory problems (p=0.017).The majority of victims received local closure, and immobilization as first aid. The most common prescribed drugs were analgesics (82.5%) and antihistamine, (74.6%) and specific drugs for cardiac problems such as nifidipin or atropine.Conclusion: Based on the results, it seems that scorpion sting in this area does not lead to severe life threatening effects except anaphylactic shock.Another significant finding of the present study is low knowledge of our health personnel about management of scorpion stings. Finally, it is important to continue similar studies for better evaluation of various types of scorpions and their symptoms in the area.

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Introduction: Falls and accidents lead to different types of physical damage in the elderly. The most common type of are trauma and fall them that represent significant cause of morbidity and mortality in our country but they are not well characterized. The aim of this study is to determine some epidemiologic aspects of trauma in the elderly.Material and Methods: We organized a cross-sectional study of patients aged 65 years old and older. On a numbers they referred to Shiraz Trauma Centers with all types of damages secondary to trauma. Data were gathered from emergency rooms daily in winter2004andthe follow up and outcome were gathered from patient's files in different wards. Data analysis was performed using descriptive statistics through EPI info 2002 soft ware.Results: The studied group comprised 207 patients who had inclusion criteria. 61% were male and the reminder 39% was female Most of the patients were 65-69 years old. The most common type of trauma in this age group was falling down. 43% were admitted to hospital for more than five days and the average of the admission period was 7.63±6.9 days. Accidents at home (29.3% of cases) was more common than other places. In hours between 6pm-12pm, 35.27% of the accidents happened. The highest fatality rate was among car accident patients which 12.3%.Conclusion: Considering the increasing number of trauma in the elderly people and also high rate of disability and mortality in this group, implementing preventive strategies in this regard is recommended.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Introduction: Fetal loss and abortion are responsible for significant emotional distress for couples desiring children. Regarding the etiologic importance, th-is study has been carried out to determine the prevalence of anti-Toxoplasma gondii antibody in women with abortion.Material and Methods: This case control study was carried out in Shariatee hospital in Bandar Abbas university of medical sciences, during 2002-2003.124 women with definite diagnosis of abortion or fetal loss as patients and 251 matched women with at least two successful deliveries and negative history of miscarriage as controls were studied. The sera of the patients and the controls were testcd by ELISA method for determining anti-Toxoplasma gondii antibody IgG and IgM.Results: There was a significant difference between prevalence of anti- Toxoplasma gondii antibody IgG (P < 0.001) and IgM (P= 0.006) in the patients and the controls.Conclusion: The results of this study suggest that Toxoplasma gondii plays a significant role in abortion in this area of IRAN.

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