



Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Electronic Theses and Dissertations (ETDs) programs often encounter obstacles of technical, legal, financial and business nature. To develop a multifaceted view of ETD programs, the concept of Business model (BM) can be used. BM helps to grasp a detailed understanding of business feasibility and viability, which entails a broad spectrum of key factors and features the business. The existing BM ontologies and frameworks however are often generic and do not match the specific context of ETDs programs. The purpose of this paper is to fill the gap and identify and empirically evaluate a BM ontology that corresponds to the peculiarities of the ETDs context. In this study a multi-method approach is chosen. First, by means of a systematic literature review, different ontologies and frameworks in the literature were reviewed. The findings were used as an input to conduct a series of interviewing with National ETD (NETD) program’ s managers around the world. Based on the interviews, ETD-specific BM ontology is proposed, which consists of eight key components, including users, financial aspect, governance, content providers, content, services, technology, and cooperation. Business-driven challenges of ETD programs have not been studied by academic community properly. This research is the first attempts to study NETD programs through BM perspective and aims to investigate BM of such programs at ontology level. Since NETD programs are collecting, organizing, and making TDs available for their users, their viability is important. Defining of BM’ s key components of these programs allows their mangers and policy-makers to address business-driven needs and ensure viability and stability of the programs.

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Sajedinejad Arman

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The management of information and communication technology in the country is developing in all sectors, including the field of science and technology information. In this regard development requires an accurate recognition of needs and determination of relationships among various stakeholders. Therefore, the commitment and participation of all stakeholders in the design and implementation process of ICT development ensures the success of the development objectives. Iranian Research Institute for Science and Information Technology (IranDoc) as one of the largest custodians of country’ s scientific and technologic data provides the value added services on existing researches data and plays a key role in the development of scientific services based on technology in the country. In this research project, we try to draw a comprehensive map of the services of the Iranian Research Institute for Science and Technology (IranDoc) in e-government context in the field of information science and technology of the country, considering the development of information technologies and especially e-government in the country. In this project, beside analyzing the value chain of the of scientific and technology information of the country, functionality of the field of information technology will be determined by taking stakeholders in the chain into consideration and it will provide necessary requirements for the development of services. In the current plan, by reviewing the upstream documents and programs and expectations of the country’ s scientific and technological information system, the position of IranDoc services is being redesigned and the current service development path is illustrated. Also, a comprehensive review of the pattern of service delivery in the form of e-government in different countries has been carried out and the similarity of services provided in our country has been analyzed. In this regard, services provided in e-government approved formats were presented in the country. The approach of the research is largely qualitative. In the first stage, research is formed based on studies and the concept mining as well, and extraction of key terms from upstream documentation is derived a general view of service design. In the second phase, a comparative study of e-government in different countries has been identified as the comparative pattern of the country, and finally by conducting specialized interviews and utilizing the expertise of the services, we provided the role of the Institute of Information Science and Technology of Iran (IranDoc) in e-government context.

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Recent researches suggest that data is known as one of the most valuable resources of any organization. On the other hand, today science and technology data have become a key to the growth and development of each country. Treasure system plays a key role in advancing science and technology in the country and providing researchers with the services of effective and efficient research. Accordingly, the performance of this system is one of the factors influencing this mission. On the other hand, the major part of the observed quality problems in the area of information dissemination by the system is rooted radically in the output of another system called the registration system, which is at the very beginning of the process of recording, organizing and disseminating information. Determining the desirable status (or level of quality) in each field of the metadata from a variety of quality aspects such as accuracy, inconsistency, completeness, etc. is one of the most vital steps in the field of quality of the registration system. In this study, after reviewing the standard data quality management models, a comprehensive framework was developed to determine the quality dimensions of the registration system. The TDQM model was selected as one of the most widely used data quality model to evaluate the components of the system from its main four-dimensional core, accessibility, terrain and display. Then, in the form of a Quality Management System, key factors will be determined in the quality control system of the registration system. The data quality plan presented after the validation by the team of experts as the reference point for determining the non-conformities of the data. At the end of the present study, practical steps were taken to improve the quality of this system.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Infrequent and ineffective usage of IT after initial adoption may incur undesirable costs or results in waste of effort to develop the IT. Most of information systems (IS) continuance models try to define how users accept IS and use it. The aim of these models which originally were developed for marketing research and modeling of repurchase behavior of consumer, is evaluation of loyalty and continuance in individual level of system usage or measures of acceptance of systems is used for studying continuance of systems while effective factors of continuance for organizational user are ignored. Therefore, in this research for identifying affecting factors on continuance of information systems, the main factors are defined by reviewing literature, and through semi-structured interview independent variables are defined including independent variables like governor, manager, leadership style, technology change, strategy, users, customer expectation, culture, law, transparency, system position and mediator variables like positive and negative switching costs and the model is made by using Atlas T/I software in the last step, final model of research is customized in the Ministry of Communication and Information Technology.

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Khajeh Ahmadi Ahmad

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The main goal of this study is to present fuzzy logic-based method in order to evaluate preparedness of organizations in adopting information management system. As a case study, this model was implemented in Zahedan Municipality. In addition to above mentioned goal, the process of the study specifies the weakness and strength of organization under consideration in adaptation and implementation of these system. In this study, using the factors extracted from previous studies and receiving views of 20 IT experts, 19 indexes are selected for task process, and preparedness of Zahedan Municipality [equal to 0. 467] to accept information management system (based on the numbers between 0 and 1) is calculated, while using verbal expressions of experts and specialists associated with organization. The weakness and strength of Zahedan Municipality in this path are specified as side effect of research. Development and expansion of network in the organization and knowledge of personnel coming from positive effects of IT applications in increasing productivity and performance efficiency are determined as reliable and strong. Furthermore, the organization has weakness in electronic communication with citizens and other (upstream and counterpart) organizations in the city, province, and country and up-to-date information banks and clarity of available data in them.

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In order to increase relevant retrieved results and users satisfaction, information retrieval systems are seeking a way to change keyword-based search to concept-based search. These systems use the tools that can convert terms to concepts. Over the years, this provided the basis for production of tools such as classification schema, vocabularies, subject headings and thesauri. Recently, ontologies are used in complementing this process. The main problem of this research is how the great information retrieval systems of the world claiming to use ontologies and thesauri use the semantic features of these tools in their information retrieval process? In this paper 7 information retrieval systems which use these tools, were selected. Using literature review, the semantic features were presented in the form of research checklist. These features include 5 general categories of concept search, synonyms search, suggestion for search, use of ontologies and display. The researcher examined these features with structured observation in the form of checklist. Though these systems use these tools for searching and retrieving, they don`t show the expected features. In studied factors, ERIC Database and the National Library of Australia achieved maximum scores of 32 and 24 respectively, while the National Archive of Australia and the British Museum had minimum scores of 12 and 13 respectively.

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With introduction of big data technologies into business sector and developments that have been made in this area, it is necessary to conduct studies on the evaluation of big data ecosystem in the country. Since there is no big data ecosystem assessment model so far, the present paper seeks to present a model of big data ecosystem assessment in Iran using metaphor of the natural ecosystem assessment model. The model for natural ecosystem assessment in this research is the Millennium Ecosystem Assessment model. Using this model, the ecosystem of services offered in big data area in the country has been evaluated with the aim of meeting the needs of the end user. To this end, the Millennium ecosystem assessment model has first been studied. By identifying the key dimensions of the model, the big data ecosystem assessment model has been developed using the concept of metaphor. Then the evaluation steps are described using the developed model. Finally, by examining the industry of big data in the country, the results of the big data ecosystem assessment in the country have been obtained and solutions have been proposed to improve its status. According to the results, it can be said that the largest number of active companies in big data market are the companies that provide infrastructure and analysis services. Therefore, it is necessary to provide the required support for development of transmission, storage and analysis of infrastructures in the country. The most influential driver for providing the big data services in the country is the emergence of new technologies. Technology will affect the performance of the companies and therefore its services, and so the familiarity of the companies with the new technologies and the use of new technological solutions to provide better services to customers can affect the performance of companies.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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This study deals with the direct and indirect relationship between knowledge management and innovation using meta-analysis approach. The purpose of this study based on goal is descriptive and type of use is applied. The study population included 41 dissertations, theses and organizational identity research that of which 14 sample selected using non-random purposefully method for meta-analysis. The identification reliability via the agreement of the referees in selecting the researches and their categorization, the coding reliability was obtained via the agreement of the referee on the use of specific concepts to variables coding and significance and effect size reliability was obtained via an agreement on effect size calculation between two meta-analyzers. Findings showed that among 48 effect size, 18 effect size is high (higher 0. 5), 17 effect size is low, and 8 effect size is medium. Also results show that direct relationship between knowledge development, knowledge sharing, use of knowledge, knowledge keeping have higher effect size on innovation.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Digital identity has become a significant paradigm in variety of fields such as, sociology, psychology, social studies, information science and software engineering. Digital identity, as an interdisciplinary research field has a plurality of concepts and terms. Therefore, Ontology is able to define a common cognitive literature and basis for active researchers and specialists in this field who need to share information. In this research a great effort was used to study digital identity using the qualitative method of “ domain analysis” and to use a population of more than 228 information sources of scientific outcomes such as, articles, theses, identified books and reports from Google Scholar database, online encyclopedias, lectures and training videos, and other keywordbased online sources which can be accessed by keywords of this field on Google. Identification, aspect extraction and digital identity-related ontology were also conducted and the identified OWL language-based ontology was represented using OWLGrEd and webovowl software and then experts’ views were studied and reviewed ontologically. Different definitions and keywords of this field were identified by the conducted survey and the ontology of digital identity was provided. Features of digital identity was provided from 10 different aspects such as paradigms, constituent content, producers, data, identity representation, control, durability, life cycle, awareness and risk-challenge levels, and finally a new definition of digital identity was explained based on the extracted ontology from the field.

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The main aim of this study is to analyze Websites content quality in Iranian universities of technology. The method of this study is content analysis; one of the webometrics methods. Applied reaserch and content analysis method with analytical approach have been used in this paper. The research population is top ten Iranian technology universities selected according to their ISC latest version of university ranking. The required data for this paper was gathered based on keyword density and prominence, Meta tags, keyword & traffic organic, Text/HTML ratio, Unicode and duplicate content. All of these are indicators in content quality and used in this research for data extracting. Information of each website is extracted & analyzed on February 2018 by Webometrics tools and Excel software. The results showed that the content quality of Amir Kabir, Isfahan, Sharif University of Technology and University of Science and Technology are better than the other universities. Also, Malek Ashtar University of Technology and Kerman Graduate University of Advanced Technology have poor website content quality. The admins of Iranian university websites can use the results of this study for improving their websites’ content quality.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Due to the dynamic environment of today and the increasing number of websites, their assessment and evaluation has also arisen. On the other hand, Website users do not like static pages and are looking for ones that can transfer more information in less time. In this regard, the purpose of the present study is to evaluate the criteria for evaluating websites with emphasis on the use of infographic. The model presented in this study was validated using a sample of 311 users from some of the most popular Iranian websites and partial least squares method (PLS). The findings of the fitted structural equations showed that: 1) infographic is one of the components of website evaluation that has a positive and significant effect on website quality, user satisfaction from website and its desire to return to website; 2) the quality of the website has a positive effect on the user’ s satisfaction and their eagerness to get back to the website; 3) satisfaction of the users from the website motivates them to get back to the website; 4) satisfaction of the users from the website and their eagerness to get back to the website has a positive effect on the commitment and loyalty of users to the website.

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The purpose of this conceptual research was to explain the capabilities, semantic platform and view point of Schema. org to processing and organization of web content objects (data entities) by analytical approach. To collect data documentary analysis was used. The research community included texts and researches related to the field of “ structured data” and “ Schema. org” . A total of 43 sources, as well as the official website of the “ Schema. org” were selected using a purposive sampling method for analysis. The results of the survey showed that Schema. org is a common vocabulary that is used to describe and markup web content objects and create structured data for better processing and organization. It has a certain structure and semantic platform. Its structure is like an ontology for naming the types and properties of content objects, the relationships between types and properties, and the capabilities of describing these properties and relationships. Its semantic platform is adapted by semantic markups such as microformat, microdata, RDFa 1. 1, and JSON-LD. The results of the research showed that there are three major approaches to the processing and organizing of content objects in the Schema. org: the ontological, context-oriented, and nesting approaches. Overall research results showed existence of different approaches to Schema. org represents a comprehensive view of the Web content objects while paying attention to improving interoperability with search engines. Also, the production of structured data with such schemata is an important contribution to the realization of semantic web or web of data.

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Today, ranking systems in universities have been considered by the academic community and there is a tight competition between world universities to achieve higher ranks. In the meantime, the ranking of university websites is also in the spotlight and Webometric research center announces the ranks of university websites twice a year. Examining university rankings indicators and Webometric ranks of the university indicates that some of these indicators directly and indirectly affect each other. On the other hand, a preliminary study of Webometric indicators shows that some Search Engine Optimization (SEO) indicators can affect Webometric ranks. The purpose of this research is to show how far the SEO metrics can affect the website rank of the university. To do this, after extracting 38 points of the significant SEO metrics of the selected universities using various tools, data analysis was conducted along with applying association rules on the data. The results of the research show that some of the SEO metrics, such as the number of back links, Alexa Rank and Page Rank have a direct and significant impact on the website rank of universities and in this regard, interesting rules have been extracted.

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Plagiarism detection is the process of locating instances of plagiarism within a work or a document. The main component of a plagiarism detection system is its text alignment algorithm aiming at detecting paraphrased passages of texts in a suspicious document, using a small set of candidate source documents. As text alignment algorithms are highly language-dependent, thus the numerous existing algorithms for other languages other than Pesian cannot be employed for Persian plagiarism detection puposes. There are different text alignment algorithms for Persian texts, while most of them are only able to detect exactly identical passages shared between texts. However, in many cases of plagiarism detection we are coping with the problem of finding similar passages that are already paraphrased. In this paper, we propose two new text alignment algorithms which are able to detect paraphrased texts in Persian language. The first one is a semantic algorithm that employs a dictionary to detect paraphrased sentences and the second one is a probabilistic algorithm that uses the statistical information obtained from a large corpus of Persian texts to detect similar texts. Compared to other existing semantic text alignment algorithms, the proposed algorithms use different measures to check the similarity between the text sentences. Furthermore, the probabilistic algorithm is the first probabilistic text alignment algorithm proposed for the Persian language. Moreover, while all existing text alignment algorithms check the similarity between any two sentences of the text separately, the proposed algorithms consider the similarity neighboring sentences in the text as well. The implementation results indicate that while the quality of both algorithms in detecting paraphrased texts is high enough and almost the same as each other, the proposed probabilistic method is more efficient than the proposed semantic algorithm in terms of computation time.

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is an important attribute for software quality that can play a significant role in improving user experience. Various methods have been proposed for evaluating the usability of software systems. Selecting a proper method for collecting information and evaluating the usability of a software application is a challenge due to the variety of methods, and consequently the time and cost required for their implementation. In this paper, ease of use is considered as a subset of usability and it is defined as the user’ s effort to perform a task in the software application. We evaluate ease of use based on two methods; questionnaire and users’ performance in an empirical study and compare the results of these two methods. In this way, two different versions of an online store application with similar functionalities are produced and the users are asked to perform specific operations in the application and then answer questions regarding the ease of use of various software functionalities. During the experience, the interactions between user and the software are logged and consequently the user’ s performance is measured based on the successful completion of the operation, the time of the task completion, the number of steps taken by the user, the number of errors, and the time taken to fix the error. These criteria have been selected based on observable criteria and ease of use measurement in relevant research. The results of this study is based on the data of 48 applicants except one of the functionalities which has been expanded to 70 applicants in order to achieve adequate level of confidence. Our results indicate that the evaluation of the questionnaire does not correlate with the performance of users in the measured criteria. In some functions, the performance of the users in two versions of the application do not have a significant difference, but their views are significantly different in the questionnaire. On the other hand, in some other functions, the performance of the users in two versions has a significant difference but the results of the questionnaire does not show a significant difference. Verifying the performance of each user with the results of his/her questionnaire does not indicate correlation between these two methods results. Also, according to the results of this study, the honesty of users in the questionnaire evaluation can be questioned, since 80% of the users who have not performed a functionality rated it higher than good in the questionnaire.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Improvement in information retrieval performance relates to the method of knowledge extraction from large amounts of text information on web. Text classification is a way of knowledge extraction with supervised machine learning methods. This paper proposed Kullback-Leibler divergence KNN for classifying extracted features based on term weighting with Latent Dirichlet Allocation algorithm. LDA is Non-Negative matrix factorization method proposed for topic modeling and dimension reduction of high dimensional feature space. In traditional LDA, each component value is assigned using the information retrieval Term Frequency measure. While this weighting method seems very appropriate for information retrieval, it is not clear that it is the best choice for text classification problems. Actually, this weighting method does not leverage the information implicitly contained in the categorization task to represent documents. In this paper, we introduce a new weighting method based on Point wise Mutual Information for accessing the importance of a word for a specific latent concept, then each document classified based on probability distribution over the latent topics. Experimental result investigated when we used Pointwise Mutual Information measure for term weighing and K Nearest Neighbor with Kullback-Leibler distance for classification, accuracy has been 82. 5%, with the same accuracy versus probabilistic deep learning methods.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Using a co-word analysis, this study aims to map the intellectual structure of Iran Knowledge and Information Science (KIS) in Islamic World Science Citation Database (ISC) during two 5-year periods from 2006 to 2015. This is an applied scientometric research which uses co-word analysis. The research population consists of 2467 articles which have been published in the KIS journals and indexed in the ISC. SPSS, BibExcel and UCInet are utilized for preparing and analyzing data and also for visualizing maps. Findings showed that in the first time period (2006-2010), 7 clusters, and in the second time period (2011-2016), 13 clusters were formed which in both time periods, “ scientometric cluster” is the most important one. Despite the relative overlap between clusters of the two periods, the topics in the second period were of a higher number and breadth. In both periods of study, “ university” is the most frequent keyword with 82 and 149 occurrences, respectively. “ Journals” is the next frequent keyword in the first period, and “ academic libraries” in the second period, with the occurrences of 54 and 108, respectively. The more emphasis on the IT related issues, such as digital libraries, in the second period is one of the main differences between the two time periods.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Humans do different behaviors to meet their needs constantly. These behaviors are different and each of them constitutes subject of disciplines such as psychology, sociology, management, art, knowledge and information science, and some specialized sub-disciplines of them. Investigating information behaviors and knowledge behaviors are favorite subjects in knowledge and information science. These behaviors show the main elements of user activity to interact with information and knowledge as well as retrieval systems. This paper with considering the importance of these concepts tries to review the literature through analytical and discussed concepts such as data, information, knowledge, wisdom, and intelligence. Afterward, the prerequisites for the formation of knowledgeseeking behavior are expressed and defined as knowledge-seeking behavior and differentiation with information-seeking behavior. The surveys showed that the concept of knowledge-seeking behavior is an important concept and is very wide so that we can expect to open a new area in literature and research in various fields especially in knowledge and information science. It is necessary to develop and regulate the frameworks in this field.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic ResourcesDownload 0 مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic ResourcesCitation 0 مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic ResourcesRefrence 0
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