Quantitative description of infiltration process is crucial for many applications in hydrologic cycle. The direct measurement of infiltration is time consuming, expensive and often impractical because of the large spatial and temporal variability. Any indirect parametric estimation of this process would be quite useful. Although, the so-called pedotransfer functions (PTFs) are widely used as an indirect method to predict the soil hydraulic properties, no attention has made to indirect estimation of infiltration. The objective of this study was to develop and verify some parametric PTFs to predict the infiltration process under three different land uses; namely pasture, wheat and fallow. For this purpose, 123 double ring infiltration data were collected. The parameters of four infiltration models were then obtained, using sum of least squares error method. Basic soil properties of the two upper pedogenic layers such as initial water content, bulk density, particle-size distributions, organic carbon and gravel contents, CaC03 percent, field moisture capacity and penpanent wilting point water contents were measured for each sampling location. The parametric PTFs were then developed to predict the parameters of the infiltration models, using the step wise regression method. The accuracy of the derived PTFs was evaluated using MAMD, MRMSD, SDMRMSD and MPearson statistics. The results indicated that the PTFs derived for the land under fallow have the best performance on cumulative infiltration prediction. Under pasture, wheat and fallow land uses the derived PTFs for Philip, Horton and Kostiakov-Lewis models were the best predictor of infiltration, respectively.