The use of treated wastewater (effluent) in irrigation of agricultural crops has become a point of attention in many arid and semi-arid regions of the world. To reduce the risk of public health issues, as well as, to increase the irrigation efficiency, the use if drip irrigation system is also advised. However, the potential for clogging of irrigation system especially those related to the drippers is increased in this practice and can become a significant economical and mangemental burden. In this research the effect of water quality management on clogging of different drippers was investigated. For this purpose, five different irrigation schemes and three types of drippers were used. The irrigation schemes included use of water, effluent, diluted effluent (50% each water and wastewater), water alternating by effluent, and effluent followed by washing the system. The drippers Types included; vortex, long path and micro-flopper. The experiment was conducted at a small-scale level at a research greenhouse located at College of Agriculutre, Ferdowsi University of Mashad. On the basis of the results, the slops of the lines showing the change in drippers? Flows versus time, were - 4.86, -5.23, and -5.87 for the treatments using diluted effluent, alternating water and effluent, and effluent followed by washing, respectively. The correlation coefficients obtained for these treatments were 0.62, 0.65, and 0.73, respectively. The results of this research showed that all the irrigation schemes included water and effluent, had a significant (p ? 0.05) impact on reduction of drippers? Clogging and as a result on increasing the flow, as compared to the irrigation scheme used effluent alone. However, the differences observed between the schemes using both water and effluent were not significant. In regard to the effect of dripper types on clogging, although micro-flopper showed a better performance, the differences observed between different types were not significant.