Tide is the main deriving force of sea level variations. Accurate information about tide is needed for oceanographic studies, correction of satellite altimetry observations, removal of tidal effect from the observations of superconducting gravimeters, and removal of tidal effects from the geographical coordinates computed by Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS) and the heights by precise leveling. Engineering activities at sea, such as building harbors, offshore oil platforms, placing under water pipelines, and many other applications require accurate knowledge about sea level and currents, which could not be derived without having a thorough knowledge on tide. The information about the tide, currents and seawater circulations are also of great importance for sea navigation. Due to importance of tidal information, analog computers are developed especially for tidal analysis, years before the advent of electronic computers. At the coastal area, tidal information can be obtained by coastal tide gauge stations. However, at the offshore there is not such possibility. There are various methods for offshore sea level measurements, but among them satellite altimetry is proven to be the most efficient one. Altimetry satellites are providing sea level variations in global scale and therefore are widely used in oceanic sciences. Modern altimetry satellites are equipped with range measuring instruments, which can measure the distance between satellites to the sea surface up to few centimeters accuracy. Thanks to positioning systems such as SLR, GPS and DORIS the geocentric position of the altimetry satellites can be determined to a very high degree of precision, that is why altimetry satellites are nowadays so versatile in oceanic sciences. In this paper we are aiming at a global 4-D time and space tidal model by taking advantage of high quality satellite altimetry data. The constant and the harmonic parts of the global ocean tide are modeled up to 9 major tidal constituents, namely, S2, M2, N2, K1, P1, O1, Mf, Mm, and Ssa. The computations are started by the Fourier sine and cosine series expansion for the aforementioned tidal constituents including the constant part, while the frequencies of the tidal constituents are considered known, and the coefficients of the sine and cosine functions are assumed as unknown quantities. Next, the coefficients of sine and cosine functions as well as the constant part of the Fourier expansion are expanded into spherical harmonics up to degree and order n , where n corresponds to the number of linearly independent spherical harmonic base functions needed for the modeling of the tidal constituents, determined via independent columns of the Gram matrix. The unknown coefficients of the spherical harmonic expansions are computed using sea level observations within cycles 1-350 of the Topex/Poseidon satellite altimetry during 11 years of its mission. A set of orthonormal base functions is generated for the sea areas covered by Topex/Poseidon observations from the spherical harmonics by Gram-Schmidt orthogonalization process and used for modeling the aforementioned tidal constituents. The computed models based on orthonormal base functions for the 9 tidal constituents and the constant part of the Fourier expansion, are tested numerically for their validity and accuracy. Numerical tests proved centimeter accuracy of the computed tidal model. The major contributions of this work can be summarized as: (1) Number of tidal constituents, determined from the satellite altimetry observations. (2) Use of orthonormal base functions at the sea area to present MSL and tidal constituent models.