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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
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This article tends to review the role, influence rate and effect of new social desires of developing countries on their internal security, and also by discovering the relationship between these two variables using library data collection and field survey, tries to check the research results by using chi square test in sample community. The results from questioning and reviewing the experts in this article shows that developing countries should increase new social needs understanding and enhance security capacity and direct it toward policies and new learning of soft power branches in their societies to be able to distinguish between domestic new social desires and foreign ones (conducted by stranger powers and colonizers) and to concentrate achieved national energy for increasing internal security and to confront the remained oppositions in soft threat form.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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The aim of this paper is examine the impact of free flow of global information and its negative performances in armed forces and given its palpable consequences, the necessary strategies will be offered. In current world of advanced information and communication technologies (ICT) because of their innate capabilities, the ground has been prepared for the global hegemony system to establish deep relation with life of human beings and to design and carry out a widespread propaganda and psychological operations against other nations in line with its colonial objective. Hence, to counter such situation, the performances of free flow of global information, the nature and role of psychological operations, recognition of national and international environments in the fields of advanced media and communication technologies and also the grounds of cultural vulnerability have been analysed and assessed and we have come to this conclusion that the psychological environment dominating on the society and subsequently on the armed forces has been subjected to vulnerability and therefore, preemptive measures and carefulness is necessary. In this research which has been conducted through case and cohesive method, the view points of experts and authorities, the study of deeds and documents and also gained experiences of trans-regional forces in their recent invasions to neighboring countries have been used and finally this conclusion has been reached that formulating principled strategies from free flow of global information is necessary and inevitable for promotion of military loyalty among armed forces of developing countries.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Since economic security at the national macro level is an institutional frame of economic, political, legal and social great variables conditions which attracts economic practitioners confidence in a national system, and with having confidence feeling to policy making secures the national economic growth, and recognizing its components are very important.In this article it is tried by relying on different views about economic security as the most important dimension of national security after cold war, its main components would be achieved, calculated and analyzed. Based on that, in the first step, economic security components in two dimensions of economic great quantitative component and economic activities environmental component have been classified. In the next step, basic elements of each component based on theoretical and practical studies have been achieved, and thereafter by using Moris indexes, each component in the form of analyzable index for Iran and 104 other world countries during 1980 to 2002 periods have been calculated. Finally, after classifying achieved results from calculated indexes, first in the mentioned period, economic components and environmental components in Iran have separately been analyzed and in another stage comparative evaluation of every mentioned component in Iran with other world countries have been done. At the end some recommendations appropriate to results are of offered.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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This research deals with the analysis of security organizations of developed and under development countries in the globalization age and pays attention to the fact that the extension of globalization process and the related evolutions make new threats and occasions for all the actors of the international system, so that even the security organizations are not exempt of these evolutions and are affected by the threats and occasions created by the globalization. As the developed countries have more abilities in different domains, so they have more ability to use the occasions and reduce the threats and change the occasions; but the under development countries, because of the insufficiency in different levels especially from technological aspect, not only have no ability to use the new occasions but also transform the occasions made by the globalization to threats against themselves, because of the dominion of the negative thought among the decision-makers towards the globalization. So, we study first the common tasks of security organizations and then, the capacities of security organizations of developed and under development countries.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Defence sector in every country is part of strategic sections of that country which, with the usage of experienced human labor, proper investment, defense munitions export and security provision in the country, can have positive effect on the country economy. Present article, by using information and statistics of the time period of 1353- 1383, tries to determine Iran's defense expenses affect on economic growth and private consume. For this purpose by considering economic offering side, two models of two parts and four parts each of which includes defense and consume sections, have been used. In this relation, governmental defense and non-defense sections productivity regarding private consume, has been studied and indirect effects of these sections on economic growth which result from their foreign impact on private consume section, has been reviewed. The results show that economic great variables such as exports, investment, labor, defense section total effect and non-defense governmental section total effect on economic growth are positive.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Present article is a research in the field of "strategic review of satellite effects on the youth beliefs in national security direction" Basic goal of research is recognizing ideological religious beliefs conditions, and n4tionalism, ideological and religious values of two groups of the youth: 1-Those who are satellite programs watchers, and 2-Those who are not satellite programs watchers. Research method in this (paper is correlation and associational case and field study. The sample, in this review, is 1022 people from Tehran youth with average age of 22.5 years:. Depended variables are "commitment rate to religious values", "the rate of nationalism", and "the religious and ideological belief rate". The depended and independent variables which derive from the research theoretical framework have been interacted with each other and also with background variables. This article with a combined model and pattern, beside the media factors, has intention to the audience and variables which are in relation with the audience himself, in order to show that, beside satellite media factors; there are some other factors from the audience which make effectiveness of this media, strong or weak. Reviewing the variables relationship, show that: 1-religious belief rate, commitment rate to religious values and nationalism of those who watch the satellite program are different from those who are not the satellite program watcher, and 2- Among those who watch satellite program, beside satellite factors, there are some other factors which make effectiveness of satellite strong or weak. In order to safeguard the Islamic Republic of/ran security against satellite program, the implementing courses of action for achieving comprehensive goals and policies, the Islamic Republic of Iran's programs are as follows: "concentrating policy making and offering cleared and identified policies in relation to cultural and social problems in order to confront the enemy satellite programs threats against the Islamic Republic of Iran".

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Mass destruction weapons, from military point of view, have special importance. If they are used against military forces which do not have facilities and proper training, there would be a very painful and tragic disaster. In this paper ground force defense losses against enemy NBC actions have been surveyed in order to be able to exploit its results for increasing ground forces military operational capability against NBC attacks. In order to achieve ground forces losses against NBC factors, variables such as organization, human resource, NBC support facility updating in training and operational units, offered training, facilities in reporting and alerting domains, individual protect, pollution removal and medical actions have been studied. For reaching to a logical and essential solution, facility and technological level in the defense NBC domain, and also their development trend in developed countries in this field has been reviewed. And by comparing ground forces conditions environmental strengths, weaknesses and opportunities and threats have been achieved and its data from questionnaires have been gathered and analyzed.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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