Present article is a research in the field of "strategic review of satellite effects on the youth beliefs in national security direction" Basic goal of research is recognizing ideological religious beliefs conditions, and n4tionalism, ideological and religious values of two groups of the youth: 1-Those who are satellite programs watchers, and 2-Those who are not satellite programs watchers. Research method in this (paper is correlation and associational case and field study. The sample, in this review, is 1022 people from Tehran youth with average age of 22.5 years:. Depended variables are "commitment rate to religious values", "the rate of nationalism", and "the religious and ideological belief rate". The depended and independent variables which derive from the research theoretical framework have been interacted with each other and also with background variables. This article with a combined model and pattern, beside the media factors, has intention to the audience and variables which are in relation with the audience himself, in order to show that, beside satellite media factors; there are some other factors from the audience which make effectiveness of this media, strong or weak. Reviewing the variables relationship, show that: 1-religious belief rate, commitment rate to religious values and nationalism of those who watch the satellite program are different from those who are not the satellite program watcher, and 2- Among those who watch satellite program, beside satellite factors, there are some other factors which make effectiveness of satellite strong or weak. In order to safeguard the Islamic Republic of/ran security against satellite program, the implementing courses of action for achieving comprehensive goals and policies, the Islamic Republic of Iran's programs are as follows: "concentrating policy making and offering cleared and identified policies in relation to cultural and social problems in order to confront the enemy satellite programs threats against the Islamic Republic of Iran".