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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
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Nowadays knowledge has an important role in organizations as an intangible asset. Better and more effective use of organizational knowledge in a systematic and managable manner and integrating it in organizational culture makes a considerable progress in organizations in terms of economic, social and cultural perspectives. On the other hand unsuccessful knowledge management can impose enormous cost to organization. Therefore, recognizing knowledge management success factors and applying them, may be a guide for better managing it. Success factors of knowledge management have been reviewed and investigated from many approaches and different cases have been studied in organizations in the world. In this paper we are supposed to put these factors in the KM cycle with a different point of view and clarify the priority and importance of these factors in each step of the cycle by using proper tests. Based on the results of this study, 17 factors ranked from first to seven in 3 steps of knowledge managemet cycle and between them appropriate motivational incentives, leadership support, continual learning and organizational free space have the most frequency.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Having knowledge based economy as outlined in Iran’s 2025 vision statement, requires special attention to industries in which the power of human intellect and creativity play a vital role. Software industry is a shining example that characterizes such an industry. Accelerating and shaping the growth of software industry, thus, is expected to be among the priorities of the Iranian national policy-makers.The system of national intellectual property protection for software is a determining factor which affects the survival and growth of the software industry and for the same reason attracts special attention in the national technology policies. Given the especial nature of software, On the other hand, determining the optimal form and degree of software protection has been a serious concern for policy-makers in different jurisdictions.This paper briefly reviews the different forms of protecting software as intellectual property and analysis the pros and cons of patent protection. Then, the complexities attached to software patenting in different jurisdictions are examined. The present levels of patent protection of software in Iran are investigated. Finally, the shortcomings of the Iranian patent system in offering proper protection for software are highlighted.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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The primary goal of this research is determination of the diffusion situation of ICT in Iranian industries in general, and specifically in selected sectors based on RAI model and also identification and explanation of obstacles to adoption of the technology in the industries. The research method was a combination of an expert group study and a survey of companies by phone interview. The results of two methods were cross checked and combined.  The outcome shows that ICT diffusion in Iranian industries did not reached Activity or Impact levels to a serious extent and is still in mediate levels of Readiness. Identified obstacles are often related to macro or national level and challenges of this level were more serious than challenges related to micro or organizational level.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Increasing penetration of mobile technologies,is caused the emergence and implementation of mobile government, in some countries. Measureing the progress of implementing mobile government maturity model is possible by maturity model. In this article, key elements and concepts of e-Government maturity models and mobile government will be studied. Then, elements and components extracted from each model and analyzed by metha-synthesis method. For proposing a customized m-government model, the requirements for implementing the mobile government based on experiences in other countries is extracted. Meanwhile, existing limitations of mobile technologies in terms of the maturity model is considerd. For customization the model, the requirements in Iranian organizations, is extracted by the study of upstream documents. Finally, maturity model for mobile government introduced and its components with regard to the above requirements are explaind. Validity of this model is confirmed by a questionnaire and survey analysis with experts opinions and using appropriate statistical tests.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Today success in the market has direct relation with the knowledge created in an organization and its speed. In addition, organizations which develop powerful learning culture in their creation, acquisition, transferring, and presenting new knowledge are efficient. On the other hand, ethic is a serious and important issue, which if it is not be solved, scientific fulfillment, industrial development and social welfare won’t happen and society does not entail relaxation and extreme happiness. If domain of the subject draws to the other fields, we can talk about the relationship between philosophy of ethic and other phenomenon. Knowledge management is one of these phenomenons. Hence, the topic of this paper is the investigation of the relationship between ethics and knowledge management. Since, the literature suffers from lack of systematic approach in this field; this paper explores the ethical principal of the entire general various functions and processes of knowledge management. For investigating in this area, conceptual model base on the literature of the subject and questionnaire tools made by researcher has been designed. Studying of the mentioned relationship between variants and components of the model has been accomplished by regression which is analyzed with SEM and definitely base on path method. To confirm or reject the hypothesis, we used standard coefficient with 95 percent confidence coefficient and 5 percent error level.Result of the relationship between ethical parameters (components and indicators) and functional dimensions and process of knowledge management are significant.There are significant relationships between individual trust, group trust,  honesty, intellectual property, accompany, commitment, responsibility, confidentiality, conscious, accuracy in correctness; with each of the  knowledge functions like; creation, organizing, transferring, sharing and using of the knowledge.The sake of selecting the general model of nawman among other different models is it’s simplicity and completeness of it’s angles.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Knowledge management is recognized as one of the necessary business processes of knowledge based organizations. Today, without the use of capabilities of knowledge management systems, effective management of knowledge is hardly possible; inevitably, for the effective use of these systems, recognizing the needs of the organization is of considerable importance. On the other hand, since organizations typically have limited budgets, and purchasing and implementing these systems require large investment, prioritizing organizational needs become a prominent issue. This article shows how to use social network analysis approach for extracting knowledge management system needs in knowledge based organizations. For this purpose, we used Pereira and Saoirse proposed method [1], which were used before to select the document management systems or wiki system in an R&D organization. For knowledge management systems needs elicitation, we proposed four main stages: defined criteria for evaluating collaboration, selecting appropriate methods and measures to evaluate defined collaboration criteria, data collection for evaluating collaboration criteria, and knowledge management systems requirement elicitation. For data collection, the amount of interactions of individuals together in an institute is measured through a questionnaire. The results indicate application of social network analysis to identify organizational needs. Among features that a knowledge management system should have in order to be effective are: the importance of socialization, externalization, search and retrieval, transactive memory, and meta-knowledge capabilities, which can be determined by using this method. Applying the proposed method in our case study showed systems that can produce information sites to explain information among people has much higher importance than any other systems. At the end, it is proposed to achieve more complete understanding of organizational needs and priorities of other knowledge management system capabilities, and to use other methods such as knowledge audits along with social network analysis.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Development and application of IT in rural areas in order to facilitate the service process and promote the welfare indexes, is the starter of a new phase in the life of rural development management. It has been considered by the theorists and directors of rural development in many countries since the last years of second millennium and it has been more accelerated by the entrance of human being to the third millennium, which is called “the information age” and “virtual and network world”. According to the serious attention of the governments to IT-based rural development and the introduction of the vision and obvious strategies in developmental programs and the increasing importance of the subject from the theoretical aspect, this research tries to design a model with three levels to explain the transition process of the traditional model of rural development to the modern model. It is expected that this model would be able to introduce the subject much more to the readers and provides the context of new fundamental and applied researches in the field of rural studies.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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