Today success in the market has direct relation with the knowledge created in an organization and its speed. In addition, organizations which develop powerful learning culture in their creation, acquisition, transferring, and presenting new knowledge are efficient. On the other hand, ethic is a serious and important issue, which if it is not be solved, scientific fulfillment, industrial development and social welfare won’t happen and society does not entail relaxation and extreme happiness. If domain of the subject draws to the other fields, we can talk about the relationship between philosophy of ethic and other phenomenon. Knowledge management is one of these phenomenons. Hence, the topic of this paper is the investigation of the relationship between ethics and knowledge management. Since, the literature suffers from lack of systematic approach in this field; this paper explores the ethical principal of the entire general various functions and processes of knowledge management. For investigating in this area, conceptual model base on the literature of the subject and questionnaire tools made by researcher has been designed. Studying of the mentioned relationship between variants and components of the model has been accomplished by regression which is analyzed with SEM and definitely base on path method. To confirm or reject the hypothesis, we used standard coefficient with 95 percent confidence coefficient and 5 percent error level.Result of the relationship between ethical parameters (components and indicators) and functional dimensions and process of knowledge management are significant.There are significant relationships between individual trust, group trust, honesty, intellectual property, accompany, commitment, responsibility, confidentiality, conscious, accuracy in correctness; with each of the knowledge functions like; creation, organizing, transferring, sharing and using of the knowledge.The sake of selecting the general model of nawman among other different models is it’s simplicity and completeness of it’s angles.