The well-known prophetic tradition: do not curse the era, since rightly God Himself is the era, with differences in text and document, has been studied in the fields of mysticism, philosophy and theology. As is understood by theologians, by the tradition is meant Gods part in creating the era and running it; the tradition, therefore, includes some kind of metaphor and some ellipses. Muslim mystic, however, takes the era as one of Divine Names and explains its relation to the pre-eternity, the post-eternity, the perpetuity, and the prohibitive, and describes its parts in modifying creatures and events. Molla Sadra, however, has tried to give a more comprehensive view with regard to the gradations of our knowledge to religious texts. He, therefore, gathered mystical and theological views. Also there can be found some believing in it as a refutation against ancient atheists and some in confirming them partially. This paper, pointing to the text and document of the tradition, has studied different views critically.