Causality and its aspects is one of the fundamental issues in Islamic and western philosophy. In the modern west, some empirical philosophers like, Locke, Berkeley and Hume by empirical attitude challenged causality, that this subject is related to their epistemological principles in approach to objective and subjective facts, means empirical base of knowledge. Hence these philosophers denied causality principles, specially casual necessity which its consequence extended in the continual of western thought, specially positivism, analytic philosophy and modern physics that have had difficulty results.In Islamic philosophy, specially transcendent philosophy, causality is a philosophical and rational principle which deep understanding of it is possible only for philosophical reason, hence its appearance is deeper than experience and is in the rational world. Therefore, the interpretation of causality in this approach contrary to western empiricism is deeper than experience and induction in which cause gives the effect’s existence, which effect does not any existence and identity in itself without cause. So in this viewpoint, causality relation is in the existence of cause and effect not in their quiddity or their external appearances. Then we can say the relation of effect to cause is a kind of poverty and needing.Therefore, contrary to western empirical philosophers, we can show that causality is not merely contiguity, temporal priority and other external relation between cause and effect, but it is very deeper than it, so we can not explain it by empirical approach as they did.