Community genetics is an applied research area that explores the role of genetic variables on the interactions and community structure determinism affecting species. Community genetics covers a spectrum from services, genetic and congenital disorders, genetic counseling, prevention and screening to macro policies. The focal point of community genetics is the society, and community-oriented physicians make priorities on medical genetics based on the specific characteristics of each society. The present study aimed to investigate the prioritization process of community genetics in the Iranian society.According to previous studies, priorities of community genetics services in Iran can be evaluated from several aspects, including severity and type of illness, diagnosis, prevention and treatment, epidemiology, attitudes toward illness, and domestic, social, cultural, ethical and economical challenges. In order to promote community genetics activities, the above-mentioned priorities must be taken into consideration, while special attention should be paid to the four ethical principles of medical genetics, that is, autonomy, beneficence, non-maleficence, and justice.