The one of the important goals of the state is to achieve sustainable security in the present age. The most important and effective sphere of social life is economy which has had special and progressive role in creating and sustain the security in the countries’ domestic and national level. Therefore, an explanation of its stance and role has an essential important in realization of sustainable security for Islamic Republic of Iran. The article's central question is about the economic strategies for sustainable security. To answer this question, addressing its historical background, I define the economic-human approach to sustainable security as well as presentation of levels, actors and indicators of sustainable security in economic terms. Then, individual and national sustainable security is explained with the economic approach. A methodology on sustainable security in Islamic Republic of Iran is presented in the economic term. According to this methodology, challenges and pathologies of sustainable security are identified as caused by three essential gap including ideal gap, structural gap and efficiency gap. The ideal gap is distance between ideals of the Islamic Revolution and the Islamic Republic system's institutional reality (reflected in the constitution). The structural gap is distance between the expectations and the existing capacities to meet the expectations. Ultimately, the efficiency gap is distance between demands and existing capabilities to meet the demands. In the end, it has introduced Sustainable security and its levels in the Islamic Republic of Iran in economic term and since sustainable security in I.R.I depends on the realization of the Islamic Revolution's ideals and goals and also realization of the people's economic expectations and demands through the Islamic Republic Iran, aspirations, expectations and demands have been described. The results suggest that Islamic Republic of Iran's constitution has great potential for achieving economic sustainable security. However, many of these cases haven't found the opportunity to implement, and with regard to developments ahead in global and domestic scenes, these areas are reviewed and considered and should be done the necessary planning for their implementation.