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Journal of Rangeland

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Rangelands are the source of the main income for their stakeholders. Vulnerable socio-economic conditions of pastoralists in Iran during the recent century had great impacts on rangeland condition and management. This study aimed to provide a clear status of rangeland utilization in Aq Qala via assessing internal and external environmental factors. SWOT approach was used to identify and assess the positive and negative internal and external environments factors affecting rangeland utilization. The data were collected through free and brainstorming interviews with an emphasis on the knowledge and experience of rangelands’ exploiters. After content analyzing the collected data, analytic hierarchy process (AHP) and spectral questionnaires were used for range management technicians and exploiters to quantify the collected qualitative information. Thirty-two factors including 24 internal and 8 external factors were identified as the factors affecting rangeland utilization condition using content analysis. In addition to identifying the most important factors in any of the criteria’ s (strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats), the competitive position was identified as a main strategic factor affecting Agh Ghala’ s rangeland utilization. The results of this study can be used to identify the best management practices to enhance rangeland condition and utilization status.

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Journal of Rangeland

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Determining preference value of forage species can help pastoralists to determine their herd composition appropriately. This study aimed to determine rangeland species preference value for Moghani sheep in mountainous rangeland of Sabalan, Ardebil Province. The species selection index was used to determine the preference value of species during three months grazing periods over four years (2007-2010). The combined analysis of variance of preference values showed that the effects of the year and the interactions between the year, month and species were significant at the 99% level. The effects of species on the preference value and livestock selection was not significant, but in regard to the mean preference value of species, Alopecurus textilis and Poa trivialis with 1. 05 and 0. 79 had the highest preference values among the studied species respectively. Comparison of the mean preference values of species with Duncan test revealed a significant difference between 2007 and three other years. This study revealed that preference values of the species are directly influenced by plant characteristics. Grazing time and duration also indirectly affect preference value of the species due to their impacts on plant characteristics and livestock grazing behavior.

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Journal of Rangeland

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Nutrition value of range plant species varies at different time and places. Knowledge on the variation of range plants forage quality assists range managers to adjust grazing time. This study aimed to investigate forage quality of Agropyron elongatum, Hordeum glaucum and Avena fatua at vegetative, flowering and seed setting growth stages in summer rangelands of Dargaz, northeastern Iran. Five individuals of each plant species were collected to provide a composite sample. Thirty composite samples of the species were collected in each phenological stage. The dry matter (DM), crude protein (CP), ash, organic matter, acid detergent fiber (ADF), dry matter digestibility (DMD), digestible energy (DE) and metabolizable energy (ME) of the samples were measured using standard methods. One-way ANOVA and GLM procedure (Repeated Measures) were used to analyze the data. Forage quality of all species was affected significantly by phenological stage (P < 0. 05). All three species had high and low quality in vegetative growth and seed setting stages respectively. H. glaucum had more CP (19. 1%), DMD (69. 30%), DE (68. 82%) and ME (9. 78%) compared to A. elongatum and A. fatua. Considering the quality variation of the species, the end of vegetative growth and the start of flowering stages (early May) were recognized as the best time for animal grazing in summer rangeland of Aslomeh Kalat Chenar, Dargaz City.

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Journal of Rangeland

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This study was performed with the aim of providing potential habitat prediction model for Stipa barbata using GIS and the maximum entropy method (Maxent), to identify its environmental requirements for the species. The locations of the species presence were used as suitable locations for the species growth. Soil variables maps including gravel, pH, electrical conductivity, lime, organic matter, N, P, K, sand, clay, silt and topography variables maps (aspect, slope, and elevation) were used as predictor variables for the species occurrence. Digital elevation model was used to prepare the topography variables maps. Geostatistical techniques were used to provide the soil maps in the GS+ and GIS software. Maxent was used for modeling of the S. barbata habitat prediction. The calculated Kappa coefficient between the prediction and real occurrence of the species maps was 0. 8 and indicated a good fit. According to the results elevation, P, silt, K, organic matter, and slope were the most important variables for predicting the species occurrence. Modeling the potential distribution of S. barbata can assist managers to identify suitable places in recovering programs.

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Journal of Rangeland

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This research was conducted to investigate the characteristics of Vicia variabilis Grossh seed germination in response to different levels of dryness and temperature in two phases of laboratory and greenhouse. The research was done as a factorial based on a completely randomized design with four replications. The treatments consisted of 7 temperature levels, five levels of drought treatment and non-stress treatment (control). In a greenhouse trial, a completely randomized design was applied to four treatments including control (without irrigation), irrigation from planting until May 5, and irrigation from planting until May 20, irrigation from planting until the end of growth period. The results showed in all temperature treatments, the highest percentage of germination was observed in control. By decreasing the water potential from the control to-1Mpa, the percentage of germination decreased. Seed germination at 15 and 20 ° C were observed at all the water potential levels. Germination did not occure at 35 ° C. The highest rate of germination (12. 71 seed/day) was observed at 20 ° C, and with decreasing water potential, the rate of germination decreased (0. 19 seed/day). Among all the treatments of the water potential and temperature levels, the highest germination rate was in 20 ° C for the control treatment (3. 81 day) which did not show significant difference with its amount in the first and second levels of the temperature (20° C), as well as at 15 ° C (4. 71 day). The highest radicle length (30. 37 mm), shoot length (31. 37 mm) and seed vigor index (0. 3288) were observed at 15 ° C. Based on the results of pot culture at the beginning of the cultivation, irrigation significantly increased the percentage of germination. This irrigation was sufficient for 50 days for the survival of germinated seeds and plant growth until the end of the vegetative period. The results of this research can be considered in rangeland rehabilitation projects.

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Journal of Rangeland

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Iranian ecosystems are highly prone to prolonged drought condition. A drought has various economic, environmental, and social impacts. Assessing the resilience of involved human groups and population can assist managers to prevent permanent hazards. This study aimed to evaluate the resilience of local beneficiaries encountered with drought using various criteria and indices for social-cultural, human, economic, institutional, physical, and natural aspects in Nardin village, Semnan province. A questionnaire was used for data collection and the collected data was analyzed using SPSS software. A descriptive-analytic research type was used to collect data from 28 local beneficiaries based on Morgan table. This study revealed that average resilience of local beneficiaries of Nardin village was 2. 95 that reflects their lower than optimum resilience. One-sample T-test showed that, although the locals have acceptable resilience in terms of social, cultural, economic, and natural aspects, regarding institutional aspects their resilience is rather low. We suggest focusing more on criteria and indices that enhance the resilience of rural beneficiaries to deal with prolonged drought conditions.

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Journal of Rangeland

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The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationships between rangeland net primary production (NPP) of various plant life forms, and total NPP with altitude, slope, aspect and topographic index in Hir and Neur rangelands in Ardabil province. The sampling of NPP was conducted in three range sites in different altitude using the harvesting method at one square meter plots (totally 330 plots). The relationships between topographic factors and the rangeland NPP were analyzed using multiple regression technique. Using derived regression equations, the maps of NPP were produced in GIS. The results showed a significant relationship (p< 0. 01) between the NPP with topographic factors. The NPP of grasses and forbs had direct relationships with elevation; however, the shrubs and total NPP decreased in middle elevation ranges (1850-2100 m) and increased in the higher elevation ranges (2100-2600 m). The NPP of grasses and forbs had a direct relationship with slope; however, the NPP of shrubs decreased with the increases of slope and had no effect on total NPP. Grasses, forbs and total NPP were higher in the west aspects and shrubs production was higher in the northwest aspect. According to the various classes of the topographic index (CTI), the maximum NPP of shrubs was observed in the middle elevation ranges and the highest NPP of forbs on the lowest amount of CTI. The modeled NPP maps had acceptable limits accuracy. Results of this study can be used as a baseline informations for future and carbon sequestration studies.

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Journal of Rangeland

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Using new approaches to identify nomad problems and factors influencing their economy and livelihood have great importance. Trading livestock products in local markets may influence nomad’ s economic condition, and assessing the impacts of these markets on sustainable livelihoods of nomads is highly required. Numerical taxonomy method was used to compare and prioritize sustainable livelihoods indicators that can be influenced by the formation and development of local marketing. We collected the experiential knowledge of experienced nomads and experts from the department of natural resources and the nomadic office in Kerman province. Nomads and experts believed that the financial condition and human capital have the higher impacts on the development of local markets than other studied factors. The ranking indicators of sustainable livelihoods of nomads by numerical taxonomy method showed that the employment ratio, accessibility, income from livestock production, diversity of plant species, family labor and labor from outside the family with DL of 0. 043, 0. 066, 0. 079, 0. 105, 0. 118 and 0. 122 had high impacts respectively on the development of local markets. However, the experts believed that family labor, accommodating tourists in nomad’ s tents, accessibility, forage quantity, employment ratio, clean water accessibility with DL of 0. 058, 0. 171, 0. 176, 0185, 0. 209 and 0. 219 had the high impacts on the development of local markets. This study highlights the importance of local markets on the sustainable livelihood of nomads and enhances their economic condition.

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Journal of Rangeland

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A completely randomized design with four replications was used to evaluate the effects of potassium nano-silicate (0, 500 and 1000 mg/li), nano-titania (0, 500 and 1000 mg/li), effective micronutrients (EM) (0, 1 and 2%) on germination and growth characteristics of Onobrychis sativa in laboratory condition. Allometric coefficients (AC), germination velocity (GV), germination percentage (GP), vigor index (VI) and tissue water content (TWC) were measured at the end of germination of the species. Results showed that the effects of treatments on the germination velocity, germination percentage, vigor index, allometric coefficients, seedling fresh weight, shoot length and tissue water content were significant. However, the effect of these treatments on the seedling dry weight and root length were not significant. Moreover, results showed that the highest stem length (6. 76 cm) and AC (1. 5) were observed in the nanosilicate 1000 ppm. The highest GP (8. 5 number/day) and GV (46%) in the nano-titanium 1000 ppm, and the highest fresh weight of seedling (3. 37 g/petridis), VI (0. 45) and TWC (91. 6) were observed in the EM 2%. The results of this study can be used to enhance the success of germination and establishment of O. sativa in range rehabilitation programs.

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Journal of Rangeland

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Range management cooperatives have a great role in the sustainable development of ranchers and the success of restoration programs. The present study aimed to investigate the social cohesion among rangelands beneficiaries, within two groups of members and non-members of rangelands management cooperatives in Gounbad city of Golestan province. The study population consisted of 461persons in which 210 persons were selected through Morgan sample table. Social cohesion was measured with 35 questions in three dimensions of orientation, interaction, and conflict. Results showed that social cohesion among members of range management cooperatives was greater than non-members. Also, among investigated dimensions, conflict among non-members of range management cooperatives was in the first rank while interaction was more important among members of range management cooperatives. Development and extension of range management cooperatives in order to increase the social cohesion of rangelands exploiters can promote collaborative management plans in rangeland ecosystems.

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