The abandoned law is a law which is not come into force in courts and other executive bodies, regarding the capability and possibility of the enforcement. Hence, the law abandoning criteria is failure in executing the same by official authorities and law enforcement bodies. Therefore, we should separate such concept from the similar ones. Occasionally, the legislator shall temporarily cease the enforcement of a certain law for any reason. Such law is not obsolete, but also the execution thereof has remained as suspended. Also, a law may not be enforced for not having any subject and credit and its execution is suspended. If a law is disobeyed by the people, it shall not be obsolete, provided that the courts shall not forbear from applying the law in respect of the offenders. Because, the law violating behaviors which, from time to time, prevail in the society do not have the customary cause in real concept. In other words, the prevalence of public violation from a law shall not cause to remain it obsolete, although the dignity of the law is diminished. If the ordinary people makes indifferent to the law, the breach of law is achieved not its abandoning. Notwithstanding, the law abandoning, contrary to its abrogation, shall not cause to invalidate the law, because only the legislator can abrogate or annul the law, as he makes or enacts a law.