Geo-tourism is the best practice tourism that sustains, or even enhances, the geographical character of a place, such as its culture, environment, heritage, and the well-being of its residents. Geo-tourism incorporates sustainability principles, but in addition to the do-no-harm ethic, geo-tourism focuses on the place as a whole. Desserts are now becoming a more and more popular tourist destination. Because of Iran's situation in a high-altitude plateau that surrounded by connected ranges of mountains, desert conditions is dominated in the interior plains. Some of the ecological features of the deserts in Iran are strong sunshine, relatively little humidity, little rainfall and excessive vaporization. This area due to Having special geomorphologic conditions, natural and unique landscapes and ... that apparent elements and components of desert, are important ecotourism areas in Iran. The goals of this study are identified geomorphologic and Geo-touristic attractions for development and introduction most effective parts of the region for focus tourism facilities.