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Introduction In the international literature, the interest for development and progress of rural societies has been highly increased as a strategy to improve the life condition, and is considered as the most important solution to solve the villagers’ problems. However, in the beginning of the 19th century, along with the beginning of the monotonous growth of population and urbanization procedure in the late 19th century and the beginning of the 20th century, many of rural regions lost a majority of their population in advantage of small and big cities. One of the most important reason of this phenomena is decreasing the sense of belonging to the places in the rural regions. Place belonging shows the emotional relation of individuals toward geographic places. This relationship creates an emotional sense between the individual and his living place, while a type of belonging to the place is created in the individual due to these emotions. Therefore, one of the main basis for considering habitation stability and decreasing of immigration in rural planning and development is keeping the sense of belonging for the inhabitants of their living places. The belonging sense of everybody toward his living place and birth place may lead to significant growth effects on the rural society, which causes high quality environments in the rural regions. On the other hand, regarding the old history of most villages, the physical texture of most villages is old, which is in proportion to the economical, social, cultural, and technical conditions of those days. Obviously, regarding the evolutions of life conditions villages during time, the old texture does not coordinate with the necessities of the new life, which leads to decreasing life quality in these areas. Methodology The presents paper is considered as a practical study regarding the method, and analytical-descriptive regarding the method, while the data are gathered through two methods of field and documentary. The measurement tool of this study is questionnaire (structured and non-structured). The target society includes family heads of village of Neh Rural District in the central part of Nehbandan Township (N=12291). 344 families were randomly selected using Coceran Method (24 villages). In the first stage, the sense of belonging to place among the statistical samples are evaluated using T-test to analyze data. Then, Variance Analysis (ANOVA) is analyzed to evaluate the liner relationship between sense of belonging to place as the independent variable, as well as space and physical reconstruction as the dependent variable. Finally, the multi-purpose regression and way analysis are used to evaluate the effect of sense of belonging to the place based on the indicators of emotional belonging, place identity, social linkage, as well as perception and behavior on the space and physical reconstruction. The pretest was taken from a sample including 95 questionnaires to assess the stability. Results and discussion Evaluating the amount of sense of belonging to place among the families of the target region in respect of four aspects show the high amount of place belonging in all target aspects. In such way that the effects of four aspects of sense of belonging to the place among families lead to the amount of villagers’ staying in their villages, preferring to live in villages rather than cities, having properties in their living place, prejudice toward the village and try to removing of village’ s need thereby. One of the most important reasons for this is having close relations in their living place, having memory of there, passing childhood in the village, existing social values such as relations’ graves, racial and relational interactions among inhabitants, which lead to increasing the sense of belonging to the place in their living place. Evaluating the linear relationship between place belonging and space and physical reconstruction show there is a completely significant coherence between independent variable and dependent variable. In such way that sense of belonging to the place has led to increasing construction. Evaluating the effect of sense of belonging to the place in space and physical reconstruction show the amount of significance is less than 0. 01 for all variables. In addition, the values of BETA show one change unit on standard deviation in aspects of emotional belonging, place identity, social linkage, perception and behavior leads to change in the variable of space and physical reconstruction 0. 179, 0. 157, 0. 189 and 0. 135 respectively in the sample villages among the target area. It leads to increasing rural housing quality, improvement of rural foundation, reforming of rural texture, and passage network in the religion. Conclusion Regarding the old history of most villages is in proportion to the economic, social, cultural and technical conditions of those days, which has a high damageability, and transformed to one of the main subjects, problems and disorders as well low quality of houses in the region. However, in case of those families, which have more sense of belonging to their living places, they established new constructions, which lead to change of physical and environmental. Therefore, in this study, the sense of belonging to the place in respect of space and physical reconstruction in the habitants of Neh Rural Districts are evaluated. The results of research in respect of assessing and evaluating the amount of sense of belong to space and space and physical reconstruction in villages of Neh Rural districts of Nehbandan Township show the high amount of sense of place belonging in all of target indicators. Results show that the sense of place belonging among rural families in the target region leads to staying of the population in the rural areas, which motivates people to comprehensively recover and reconstruct their home and local environments.

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In this paper the previous studies (Especially the last two decades) has been surveyed by using coding method of information of qualitative research (by Using Software of Atlas. Ti). Indexes were determined, and then the indexes using the Delphi technique was adapted to conditions in developing countries. To assess current policies, Responsible institutions for urban land management and people attending these institutions questionnaire was prepared and distributed. Findings in SPSS using path analysis, multiple regression analysis and SWOT methods were analyzed. The results indicate that Governments in developing countries in the area of urban land management face challenges such as: lack of clear vision, highly centralized and non-participatory decision making, Uncoordinated and sometimes contradictory and conflicting policies, uncoordinated institutions and absence of needed institutional capacity to perform the assigned duties. So, the approach for escaping from this situation is providing beyond institutional vision through participating of all stakeholders, and consequently coordinated (integrated) policies in various sectors to achieve vision mentioned above in the time frame, through the institutions that are coordinated vertically and horizontally. Also devolution urban land management authorities and responsibilities for local institutions with institutional capacity building according to defined vision. The governments, across the world, follow up on the goals of urban land development policies, such as maintenance of cities and nature; preparation of investment on the infrastructure; development, maintenance and promotion of the value of properties; assistance to the poor for purchase of land and control of land hoard and price hikes (David E. Dowall et. al, 1996). The developing countries are grappling with several problems in their efforts to achieve these goals; including: application of comprehensive approaches (Non-participative and assertive) in their urban plans; non-registration of the efficient seizure system; the continuous delay of the provision of infrastructure from the demand market is swiftly growing cities; … swift population growth and urban development; restricted sources for housing and service sector; defective performance of markets; low incomes and low state of planning techniques for future urban development (Morsi El Araby, 2003 430)… inefficient and often outdated means for appropriate, sufficient supply of land for urban development (David E. Dowell et. al, 1995, 105); a land price hike swifter than the benchmark consumption price; limited access of the low-income groups to land (Unescap, 52); non-intelligent control of land's added value in line with urban development due to absence of tax on capital return and windfalls (www. unescap. org); the contradiction arisen between the unlimited possession of land with the best method for land utilization and thereafter the destruction of the environment; the policies and control systems of a centralized government and consequently the irregularity in the behavior of a balanced land market; the non-optimized distribution of land; insufficiency of land in appropriate positions and with appropriate price; low purchasing power for acquirement of land and accommodation; inefficient development plan for governmental urban land; weak inner-government coordination and fragile coordination between the government and the private sector; the resistance of the private sector in the face of governmental land rules and regulation(David E. Dowall, 1995); centralized decision-making; inefficient usage of urban space; rigid and costly legal frameworks; … inefficient centralized data systems (unescap, p3); lack of security in the possession system; high cost of transference (Unofficial payments; unofficial land transactions and consequently a fall in local incomes; decrease of investments of the private sector; land fraud/ illegal transference of governmental land; land conflicts (among individuals and with the government); and irregular urban development. Sustainable land management, one of the most important challenges of 3rd Millennium In the following cases, in the majority of developing countries this challenge is of paramount importance: the assuring and relatively high profit on investment in land, in the face of shortage of options for investment on shares, bonds, and deposit accounts; the enthusiasm of bank for payment of appropriate mortgages for land purchase and the indirect encouragement of land price hikes (unescap, 52). Hence, the main question of this research is what are the reasons behind inefficiency of governmental policies in management of urban land? To end this situation and to move toward an appropriate status, at first there is need for preparation of a trans-organizational perspective regarding the sustainable management of urban land in which the realms of interference of government in urban land management has been clearly defined. The level and range of this interference is clear; and the division of duties between the central government, local bodies, and the private sector for compensation of the shortcomings in performance of the urban land market has been precisely defined. Hence, the presence of such a perspective can set the stage for adoption of uniformed policies and the strategic move of the related organizations. To this end, the capacity of local organizations should be enhanced via delegation of authority, responsibilities, and sources, in addition to provision of the necessary legal arrangements. As a result, the local organizations with the decentralized authorities will maintain the bargaining ability of the regional and national organization for fulfillment of an optimal performance. Given the above-mentioned, the appropriate model of interference of government in urban land management is as Figure 5, which manifests the main parameters that shape the specific perspective. On this basis, the policy adopted in each realm of urban land management should be coordinated with each other and should also complement each other. Hence, the responsible organizations will act in coordination with each other. The terms of performance of organizations should be horizontally coordinated with organizations of other sectors. Also, vertically, there should be coordination between the hierarchy of national and local organizations. On the other hand, the collection of uniformed policies and uniformed organizations should be coordinated. In other words, implementation of each policy is tied to a particular organization and a particular organizational capacity, in the absence of which the adopted policy is doomed to fail.

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Introduction Expansion and growth of urban-rural settlements have Different effects on each other in physical, social and economic aspects, as social and economic progress in urban areas, could have positive or negative effect on jobs, markets, rural livelihoods and environment, particularly surrounding villages, also opposite of subject is true. Accordingly, Urban Sprawl and Integration of rural within cities brought different outcomes in physical, social, economic and cultural aspects for rural settlements. Therefore purpose of this study is Socio-economic effects of Urban Sprawl process in integrated rural and Effective factors on rural integration. The process of urbanization historically has been associated with other important economic and social transformations, which have brought greater geographic mobility, lower fertility, longer life expectancy and population ageing. As countries develop, they restructure away from agriculture Change to the manufacturing and services sector. Along with the structural transformation of countries, usually emerging urbanization, this means that spatial evolution occurs with people movement from rural to urban areas. In the late eighteenth and nineteenth centuries before the Industrial Revolution, People mainly lived in rural areas or small villages. Even though cities have existed thousands of years ago and were partly planned action, but until Industrial Revolution only a small part of the world population lived in urban areas. However Technological change in late 1700 encouraged more people to living in urban areas, so farm work was replaced with factory work. Expansion and growth of urban-rural settlements have mutual influence on each other in physical, social and economic aspects, as social and economic progress in urban areas, could have positive or negative effect on jobs, markets, rural livelihoods and environment, particularly surrounding villages, also opposite of subject is true. Accordingly, Urban Sprawl and Integration of rural within cities brought different outcomes in physical, social, economic and cultural aspects for rural settlements. Therefore purpose of this study is Socio-economic effects of Urban Sprawl process in integrated rural and Effective factors on rural integration. Methodology This research is an applied study conducted with an analytical – description strategy and for information and data Collection Used of desk and Field method (Semi-structured interviews (Collaborative meetings), Observation and questionnaire). Research domain is integrated Qejelu village in Miyandoab city. Statistical Society of present study consisted of 30 university professors and employees of various government agencies as well as 187 heads of households of the village Qejelu based on the revised Cochran formula as the sample for research to answer the research questions, designed questionnaire on Effective factors in integration of Qejelu village and integration Effects and questionnaire was distributed within sample and collected. Also for data analysis used quantitative method (Exploratory factor analysis and stepwise regression analysis) and qualitative method (participatory and effect diagram). Results Results of factor analysis shows, most important factor from perspective of Qejelu village people that Cause integration of Qejelu within Miyandoab city, is social and economic Factors with 3/48 special value and Factors such as population growth and need more space, thirst private ownership of land, get more credibility, creating a diverse and sustainable revenues on the edge of town has most important role in sprawl of Miyandoab city. Economic-political factors with 1/79 Score has been Least impact in this issue. Therefore, with expansion of Miyandoab city and Qejelu village annexation in it and Municipal supervision in the affairs of the village, Gradually more funds dedicated to the people of this village and Diversified and sustainable earnings generated by this integration. Also There''s growth and development capacity of Qejelu village One of the factors that led to integration Qejelu village in physical structure of Miandoab City. study social and economic effects of Qejelu village integration in Miandoab city Using multiple regression analyzes stepwise Show that between 8 Index of employment, income, land prices, benefit from resource production, consumption and production patterns, lifestyle changes, changes in migration and retention incentives and social cohesion, beta Standardized coefficient relating to employment index is calculated 0/482 that Compared to other indices is highest value. So we can say that Qejelu Integration in Miandoab city in the first phase increased employment in the service and industrial jobs and the next step cause is lifestyle change. Conclusion Study results showed that most important factor Qejelu integration in the Miyandoab city is social-economic factor. sprawl of Miyandoab city in recent decades, especially from 1991s and integration of Qejelu village in it, has brought Effects such as; municipal supervision in rural affairs, funds attract, creation diversified and sustainable revenue, enhance quality of construction and monitor them and Strengthening urban culture and urbanism in rural areas. study Economic and social effects of integration shows that with integration of Qejelu village Service jobs such as (Cafe, supermarket, bakery, Tailors, agricultural and non-agricultural machinery repair shop, Sales tools, business machines, passenger terminal of Miyandoab to Tabriz, Islamic Azad university, Phone Agency and etc) created in this village and and subsequently increased revenue, and life pattern has shifted from rural to urban life. These changes and employment and income increase, Has an important role in reducing rural migration and increase of population durability motivation and As a result, Cause is Increase Public participation in affairs Related to Urban and rural and cooperation with Municipality. In general, the results showed, Social and economic factors, physical and investment were the main factors in the Miyandoab city sprawl to suburbs and the political factor in this area has been minimal role. Also in the process of urban sprawl, Qejelu village integrated in Physical Structure of Miyandoab city and most importanteffects of this integration isIncrease of employment in the industrial and service fields and as well as people lifestyle changes from Pastoralism to Urbanization. Keyword: Urban Sprawl, Village City, Integration, Miyandoab, Qejelu village.

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Most cities in the world grapple with natural disasters and Natural hazards are as a major challenge for achieving sustainable development of human societies. The evidence also shows that the threat of natural disasters has been expanding in global scale. Iran due to its Geographical position in the Alpine-the Himalayas orogenic belt has a changeable and unstable climate and is faced with natural disasters; especially earthquakes has been experienced in more cities of Iran. Since natural disasters compared to man-made crises, produces larger damage and more losses and they are less predictable. So, it is very important that citizens have enough Preparation for confronting with this hazard. in this approach, the most essential measures are applying the principles cycle of crisis management, including risk analysis, disaster prevention, preparation for emergency aid and reconstruction after hazard. In this cycle, the preparation is done before the disaster and is consists of a set of crisis management abilities. On the other hand, as regard between the natural disasters, the earthquake has greater surprise and if there wouldn’ t had the preparation against it this issues can be terminated to human tragedy. Preparation against natural disasters could be studied in many aspects, which one of the most important aspects is mental preparation. Mental preparation is one of the most important steps in the cycle of crisis management Which contains measures that will be done before the disaster and crisis situations. In this regard, the risk of earthquake in Kerman city in Iran, is assessed very high. because of geographic position of this city, there are several active faults around it and previously several historical destructive earthquakes have been taken place in this region and tectonic and geological evidences confirm this natural risk. So, in this regard, the main question is how are mental preparation of Kerman households against earthquake risk in each of the four neighborhood of this city? in this study have been examined the level of mental preparation in the four distinct regions of Kerman city and its relationship with economic-Social statue of household Methodology According to the research data and assumptions, in this article has been used from analytical – explanation approaches. For collecting requirement date has been used from library documentation and Fieldwork questioner. In the librarian studies have been collected descriptive data from valid books, papers and statistical yearbooks and in the fieldwork, data collection and sampling have been carried out by using a questionnaire. The studied population is consisting of 141, 867 households headed of Kerman city. According to Cochran's formula, 350 households headed among them, would be elected as sample size by Cluster sampling. In this regard, proportional to the population size of each region, questionnaires were distributed among them. In the questionnaire, mentally preparation components became operational in the five-point Likert Spectrum items. Data analysis in SPSS software was performed by using one-way ANOVA, and Pearson correlation Test. Discussion The dependent variable in this study is mental preparation headed households in four distinct neighborhoods in Kerman and with rely on questionnaire. The concept preparation were measured by three component and indicators are inclusive awareness, knowledge, attitudes. Based on the findings of the questionnaire, average of mental preparation in the Kerman city is 55/54. Peak mental preparation area with 88/60 percent is related to 1 neighborhood(quarter) of Kerman city and the lowest level of mental preparation with 78/43 percent is related to 4 neighborhood(quarter). This value is higher than the average for households in 1 neighborhood and 2 respectively are 88/60 and 10/58; And for families with four and three wide areas, lower than the overall mean and respectively are 96/54 and 78/43. It can be said that the downward trend in the mental preparation respectively can be seen from 1, 2 neighborhoods to 3, 4. The results of variance analysis show that there is a meaningful difference in the four-city neighborhood about mental preparation. In The second hypothesis results of Pearson correlation test shows as regards The meaningful of the Sig achieved in all indicators of mental preparation is less than 05/0 And as regard Pearson's coefficient obtained ̽ ̽ 483/0 therefore, it can be said there is a significant correlation between the economic-social class(employment status, income, education, property status) of citizens in four distinct neighborhoods in Kerman city and mental preparation as well as whatever The Socio-economic was promoted in the same way the level of preparation of household will be increases against earthquake. Conclusion As were said, finding research reveals that mental preparation is significantly different in the four regions(neighborhood) in Kerman city. So that, there is a significant correlation Between Socio – economic class of citizens (consisting of: employment status, income, education, property status) and mental preparation against earthquake. So whatever Socio-economic status will improve, the same amount, the level of their mental preparation increase against earthquakes. Discussion The dependent variable in this study is mental preparation headed households in four distinct neighborhoods in Kerman and with rely on questionnaire. The concept preparation were measured by three component and indicators are inclusive awareness, knowledge, attitudes. Based on the findings of the questionnaire, average of mental preparation in the Kerman city is 55/54. Peak mental preparation area with 88/60 percent is related to 1 neighborhood(quarter) of Kerman city and the lowest level of mental preparation with 78/43 percent is related to 4 neighborhood(quarter). This value is higher than the average for households in 1 neighborhood and 2 respectively are 88/60 and 10/58; And for families with four and three wide areas, lower than the overall mean and respectively are 96/54 and 78/43. It can be said that the downward trend in the mental preparation respectively can be seen from 1, 2 neighborhoods to 3, 4. The results of variance analysis show that there is a meaningful difference in the four-city neighborhood about mental preparation. In The second hypothesis results of Pearson correlation test shows as regards The meaningful of the Sig achieved in all indicators of mental preparation is less than 05/0 And as regard Pearson's coefficient obtained ̽ ̽ 483/0

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As a product of population growth and increased urbanization as well as insufficient land for construction, high-rise construction and vertical spatial development have increased unprecedentedly during the recent decades. This type of construction, considering its characteristics, despite its positive effects, faces restrictions and threats which result in several difficulties including heavy traffic, remote workplace, environmental pollution, excessive urban development on farmlands, and wasting time. In most cases, physical development is surpluses to population growth. Today, locating high-rise buildings is a necessity which is assigned much importance in urbanism due to environmental issues and climatic conditions of an area. The case studied in this paper is the city of Qazvin. The purpose of this paper is to analyze the effective factors in location of high-rise buildings with emphasis on environmental sustainability in the city of Qazvin. The research method is descriptive-analytical and based on application and development. Results from TOPSIS model used in this study show that there is no pattern for location of high-rise buildings in Iran and disorganized criteria provided regardless of urbanism or effective factors lead to environmental degradation. Results also show that economic, environmental and physical factors and land use (0. 695, 0. 457 and 0. 405) are in first to third place indicating their relatively high importance compared with other factors. Introduction Construction of high buildings has always provoked controversy among architecture and urbanism scholars. High-rise buildings were constructed in order for optimum utilization of land in metropolitan centers but gradually, as cities expanded, more necessity for buildings in other urban areas arose. Considering its approach, this study is applied-developmental with a descriptive-analytical method. The data was collected using library method and various statistical sources including nine main components; economic, managerial, socio-cultural, aesthetical, environmental, etc. Methodology According to the method, problems are handled systematically and their different components are analyzed. Effective variables, acquired through descriptive and library methods, are identified, indicators appropriate for component analysis are set and variables are studied using TOPSIS. Results from TOPSIS indicate that from nine studied components, economy is in the first place. Large size and less density ofIranian cities resulted in the use of suburban agricultural lands, porous urban land and harmful economic and environmental effects which impose heavy loads on government and citizens. Therefore, optimal use of availableresources in the cities is necessary (Azizi, 2004: 137). Result and Discussion Accordingly, the relationship between density, land price and housing is the main economic aspect of urban density standards. Due to the important role land price and housing play in house price, fluctuations in land price has a great effect on the area of land and house infrastructure and as a result building density. According to experts and elites, second component is the environment, so that, during recent decades, environmental sustainability has been considered as a sustainability aspect in high-rise construction which, according to some researchers, has been neglected as a result of land conditions and environmental problems occurred especially in third world countries. Land use and fabricare in the third place. Traffic is fourth component indicating its effect on locating high-rise buildings, since proper access is an important indicator of urban space utility in this variable. Due to favorable weather condition and view, quiet space and adjacency to business areas, high-rise buildings of most cities including Qazvin are demanded a lot. Provided that there is no traffic and with normal speed of cars, the distance and time to pass major access routes for the city of Qazvin is reasonable. Management is fifth component which can play major role in locating high-rise buildings, since proper planning and map for construction of these buildings depends on management which is very important to construct this type of buildings. Society-population component is in sixth place according to which the density in high residential buildings in social aspects is discussed. High population density in space and high-rise buildings have negative effects including reduced human activities and resultant increased boredom and increased isolation which indicate reduced satisfaction levels from high-rise buildings forms and sizes. Cityscape is seventh component in which the function, identity and beauty of buildings are very important. In terms of function, Lynch believes that an open landscape of public buildings, whichlead to more relationship between people, can be welcomed by public, otherwise they will be ignored. Hence, the function of such buildings in cityscape is important. By aesthetical aspect, physical aspect of buildings in cityscape and by physical aspect of high-rise buildings, their form and effect on cityscape are intended. Climate is in ninth place and the type of climate is discussed in it since position and direction of buildings are very important. High-rise construction has been used for over half a century in metropolises. Building high residential buildings and towers in high and semi-high and also attached and detached forms in various cities prove the claim. Qazvin was no exception and towers have been built in various parts of the city with different purposes. Rapid and uncontrolled growth of population followed by excessive demand for house as well as preventing horizontal development of cities made high-rise building a solution to land problems. Conclusion Results show that there are effective factors in locating high-rise buildings including; socio-cultural, fabric and land use, transport, climate, economy, cityscape, population and environment. Findings show that economy (0. 695) was the first and most important component considering its corresponding costs. Environment (0. 457) was second. A sustainability aspect in high-rise construction is considered in this component which has been ignored, according to some researchers, due to land conditions and environmental problems caused by human activities especially in metropolitan areas and more attention is required when implementing urbanism plans, since some scholars believe in environmental sustainability as the main goal of sustainable development. Fabric and land use was in third place (0. 405). Therefore, these three components had the highest impact and importance compared to other components that represents their priority in locating high-rise buildings to minimize scale-based economy, land saving and other problems.

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It is increasingly recognized that the information revolution has far-reaching economic and societal impacts. At all levels, governments are relentlessly searching for strategies to respond to the new realities. In the last few years an increasingly popular strategy has been to speed up the adoption of ICTs (information and communication technologies) by citizens and companies the view being that higher levels of ICT adoption can contribute substantially to sustainable social and economic development. However, the diffusion of ICTs drives access to information and knowledge: the inequality of distribution of ICTs within or between societies may have a very unequal impact on economic development which is so-called digital divide. The digital divide has become an extremely important issue for many international organizations and a major challenge for policymakers and academic researchers. Narrowing the digital divide is a key for increasing the level of literacy, employment and development in any country and community. Information and communication technology (ICT) has a major contribution to the individual growth in the modern society. This paper is concentrated as follows: in section 2 the relevant research literature is discussed, while in section 3, the relevant methodology based on fuzzy linguistic Micmac is discussed and subsequently, the impact of digital divide indicators on urban sustainable development is presented as a global system in Iran. To accomplish that, a case study is selected. City of Tabriz with the population near to 2 million people is one of large cities of Iran which is located in north-west of Iran. This town duo to the being selected as the tourism capital of Islamic world in 2018 is selected as the case study. -Methodology According to objective of the research and identifying the impact of some variables on the whole system, Fuzzy Linguistic Micmac method is selected due to exploring direct or indirect effects. In the current study, we uses new methodology derived from MODO named FL Micmac. It is intended to uncover the most related variables in a system by employing a linguistic version model of the Cross Impact Analysis method by creating a scenario. According to Porter in 1985, a scenario is an internally stable perspective of what future is similar to be-not a foretaste, but a feasible future consequence. A definition is given by, that emphasizes on this fact that views reflected by scenarios can be served as a foundation in decision making at the present time. To get such consistent definitions, other methods are required to supply an apparent understanding of the systems we tend to evaluate, which are typically complicated and formed by many interdependent factors or components. This technique is Fuzzy linguistic Micmac which is presented first time in urban studies to indicate the outcome of the impact analysis of the integrated system including both digital divide and urban sustainable development variables. The first step for this new model is to determine the set of linguistic labels (defined by fuzzy triangular numbers for example) that will be used to establish the degree of influence of one variable on another. Secondly, the experts use these linguistic labels to set the influence degrees for each pair of variables. Then, from the superior and inferior ideals (the ideal cases in which all the non-null influences degrees defined by the experts are set to the higher and lower label, respectively) a new set of linguistic label is defined for the global influences and dependences. We should note that these labels provide information in absolute terms. To establish the linguistic label that corresponds to each variable, an aggregation operator is applied. The information obtained from this operator allows ordering and plotting the variables in an analogous way to MICMAC. This information together with the linguistic labels associated to each variable permits to analyze the results from a relative and absolute point of view.-Results and Discussion However, as we explain next, FLMICMAC provides more accurate rankings since it takes into account the underlying vagueness of the aggregated experts’ judgments. Let us focus on the five top ranked variables in terms of direct or indirect influence/dependence: 1. Direct Inf: Literacy, disability and physical capabilities, restrictions imposed by the government, age, local facilities. 2. Direct Dep: English language skill, literacy, geographical location, economic opportunities, and educational opportunities. 3. Indirect Inf: Literacy, restrictions imposed by government, disability and physical capabilities, age, local facilities. 4. Indirect Dep: English language skill, literacy, economic opportunities, geographical location, educational opportunities. As it is apparent, some variables of digital divide have much direct/indirect influence/dependence on the global system. -Conclusion The digital divide can never be contained in isolation but the efforts has to be multi-dimensional and multi-pronged. ICTs are of the enabling tools to bridge digital divide. Creation of ICT infrastructure and content are core methodologies and a thrust to technology growth in a planned manner will certainly lessen the gap. While digital divide is an issue of recent concern, technology divide has been an issue for much longer. There are two approaches to enable a wider population to benefit from technology and information revolutions; one is to enhance level of literacy (basic, functional technology and computer education amongst masses) which this issue became the most effective factor in the current research and another is to design appropriate IT tools around the capabilities of users that employs audio/visual input/output, without need to be literate; low cost telephony and data communication. By exact consideration on the obtained results and evaluation of them, it could be concluded the investing on both education and e-infrastructure particularly in low income settlements besides empowering the economic condition of people can change the digital divide to digital opportunity and move the urban community of Tabriz toward high quality of life and ultimately sustainable development. This paper is only a first step, in that we have analyzed the impact and effectiveness of the digital divide. Further research is needed to develop successful strategies to lead Iran cities into the digital opportunities which may result knowledge-based urban development.

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Numerous meetings of international and regional levels in the environment at the global level as well as the World Cup's concerns in this regard reveal. The overall objective research Identifying indicators of environmental conditions in the areas of Tehran will be. The method, manner Analytical Descriptive Is. With the participation of experts indices of me without scoring and with Analytical Hierarchy Process And Software Export Choice Will be weighted and then using statistical methods to calculate, and then software Arc Gis Will be drawn. The method of collecting data through inquiries from relevant agencies and has been interviewed. According to studies conducted in 22 districts of Tehran rating obtained by evaluating environmental performance index between 49. 2 to 72 is obtained and thus 11 of Tehran province in appropriate zones, and 11 are appropriate area in the zone. Introduction Assessment Stability Life Environmental The situation Available, To the subject The most important Tool At Process Development planning Stable Able Plan And Check Is. This Assessment, An evaluation Habitat Cognitive Is That At Levels Different To Successively carried out and To Follow Presentation Framework Is That In its impact assessment of programs, strategies and policies on the environment comprehensively assessed, measured and analyzed. Finally, strategies for reducing pressure on the environment. Prepare the environment Appropriate Direction Assessment And Measurement Stability environmental At Process Planning And Development To Special Urban development Necessary And necessary Is. Assessment Amount Stability Reflect and increasingly as the most important measure Tool Direction Change Conditions At To Development Is stable. At country We process Development Hastily And No planning And Remarks Bio Environmental Urban centers, especially Tehran With Vector shares From References, Destruction Marginal lands, gardens, Forests, create Incompatible land uses And At Finally, pollution Water, Air and soil In Level Widespread On Face Spaces City Can be seen That Cause Eat the balance Natural ecosystems By Is. Growth Irregular Tehran At Decades Recently, Disorders Structure Important At Perspective natural And City To Follow Have Is. Materials and Methods The research method, Adherence From nature Question, Way Analytical Descriptive That by using statistical and mathematical data will be analyzed. Data and information required by official statistics agencies and subsidiaries of Tehran Municipality is collected. Scoring each indicator on the environment and affecting performance scores range from 1 to 9 that what is done and the experts preference among the indicators of the interviews and sat on the index of scores, and the total have expressed by applying coefficients of each of the four sectors indices are obtained. In order to incorporate the information model that used in the original model based on the weight of the model (AHP) is. Index through Expert choice software for a couple of levels compared to the relative weight of each round and at the end all criteria specified in the environment, and the model Arc GIS software, base of needed the analysis will be presented. Results and findings Zone 4 has a disadvantage in terms of waste management indicators so that this area has received the highest rating (1. 6) and in the regions 9, 21 and 22 with a score of 5. 2 has been more favorable terms than other areas because this area very high and consequently the population over the region compared to other regions is 4. The minimum and maximum scores of plants and biodiversity in urban areas fluctuated between 1. 3 to 8. 5 and in these connection areas 8, 10, 11 and 17 had the least amount of vegetation and biological Tnva and the only district 22 with a score of 8. 5 with the most vegetation and biodiversity is appropriate. In connection with the construction and use of the fifth with a score of 1. 1 is not appropriate circumstances, i. e. the amount of construction in this area is high and the User's had only a small according to these indicators region with a score of 3. 5 in 8 is suitable. Climate change and energy index from 13. 1 to 22. 8 has been the 10, 13, 15 and 20 with a score of 13. 1 in uncomfortable positions and Region 2 with a score of 22. 8 was the only region that has achieved the highest rating. One of the most important indicators in assessing the environmental performance index of soil and water resources is the index value mentioned in the case study ranged from 17. 3 to 41. 9 and the region 20 has the worst the regions 1 and favorable conditions twenty-two are. In connection with the air quality index in the index of 31 to 42. 4 is the worst air quality in areas 3, 7, 10, 18 and the best quality in zones 2, 5, 8, 13, 14, 15, 21 and 22 are confined to the relatively better performance areas that have been studied on the fringes of the city center have been established. The sound quality index of 2. 2 to 8. 2 were 6, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 15, 16, 18 and 19 of the worst performing regions 7, 8, 20 and 21 have outperformed other areas Tehran are generally urban areas in terms of sound quality indicators and standards do not have the right conditions. Conclusion It can be environmental issues in Tehran to radically divided into several categories in the First Division with the problems we face as a result of the geographical location of Tehran and the position of the weaknesses of the situation specific Geomorphic, and the difference high altitude between North, south and reducing the air flow direction and lack of capacity in its geographical location it has been exacerbated by the effects of weakness. The second class of environmental problems and urbanization process accelerated in Tehran and physical changes of the body. The third category of Tehran to the role of socio-economic issues that are concentrated in the city and at the end of the fourth Category From problems And Difficulties Environment City life Tehran Related To Structure Organizational And organizational Unsuitable for Management Metropolitan Tehran Is. Key words: Tehran, environmental performance indicators, sustainable development, environment.

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The main question of this investigation is how to design self-supporting neighborhood for our cities that has the ability of fulfilling today’ s people demand, based on new urbanism principles, and how much these modern principles are compatible with the norms of Iranian-Islamic urbanization. Therefore, using probability of new urbanism principles according to Iranian-Islamic urbanization principles to design and restore today’ s neighborhood is the aim. Importance of this article shows that Iranian-Islamic urbanization principles along with new urbanism can help recovering our land’ s Residential neighborhoods, like case study of historical neighborhoods of Rabatkarim. For this purpose in this investigation document and library studying in the case of Iranian-Islamic urbanization and Contemporary urbanism discussions and field studies have been done. In next stage traditional codes of Iranian-Islamic cities was compared with principles of new urbanism in terms of content and finally was matched. Fundamental results of this investigation shows Iranian-Islamic urbanization perspectives are beyond the time and location and include modern urbanization principles of now days. Neighborhoods in historical cities of Iran was based on principles that now days could be seen in mottos of one of the most famous city drawing’ s movement in the world, means new urbanism. Therefor this principles to draw new neighborhood and to restore old neighborhoods of Iran can be used. For planning for old neighborhood of Rabatkarim, diverse functions implementing to historical tissue, providing and implementing restored projects, along with supplying financial sources have more Priority. Introduction This investigation searches scientific approaches to redesign on Iranian Residential neighborhood, by helps of update standards of world like new urbanism in line with traditional principles of Iranian-Islamic urbanization. In recent investigations about new urbanism, general principles have considered that gradually was completed and was criticized so that emphasis isn’ t only on new developments. Also for Iranian-Islamic urbanization diverse principles are categorized by pundits. This principles sometimes are focused on past and positing of mosque, Bazar, tower are mentioned. But some of the Pundits emphasize on Non-physical and out of time aspects and they make role of this principle more considerable in society. Methodology This investigation is trying to compare Contemporary new urbanism’ s principles with short brief of Iranian-Islamic cities code and principles and utilizing of all results so as to restore and new making of Robatkarims old neighborhood(old Robat) in this town. Results and discussion New urbanism New urbanism movement has been designed as a universal movement and urban planning with an emphasis on the development of inner city and old center of towns and tries to return the traditional values to the city. New Urbanism is a movement that has been proposed since the 1980s and in opposition to modernism. Today, New Urbanism is a reaction to urban sprawl. Neighborhood, district and urban areas, the study area is New Urbanism. The most important document that outlines the theoretical content deals New Urbanism movement, the Charter of the New Urbanism is. The Charter in 1996, after holding the fourth annual meeting of the Association of New Urbanism Charter of the New Urbanism was presented comments. The most active individuals in the early formation of the New Urbanism movement are, 1. André s Duany, 2. Elizabeth Plater-Zyberk, 3. Peter Calthorpe, 4. Daniel Solomon, 5. Stefanos Polyzoides, 6. Elizabeth Moule. The principles of New Urbanism are classified in ten categories which include: 1. Walkability 2. Connectivity 3. Mixed Use & Diversity 4. Mixed Housing 5. Quality Architecture & Urban Design 6. Traditional Neighborhood Structure 7. Increased Density 8. Smart Transportation 9. Sustainability 10. Quality of Life Urban planners in Iran-Islamic Pirnia to the principles of the people of Varian, avoiding idleness, self-sufficiency, introspection and Pymvn in Persian Islamic architecture and urbanism has pointed out. Latifi and Safari also compare concepts of neighborhood schools and new urbanism movement focused and Indicators and standards in the design of Iranian neighborhoods-based on the principles of New Urbanism suggesting that include: Spatial continuity, Unity and diversity of Space, Hierarchy, The emphasis is on community relations and The importance of the concept of neighborhood. Ghyrkalbdy principles such as unity, worship, piety, guidance, remembrance and contemplation, justice, reform, sugar, warning, security, kindness and moderation are analyzed in this type of urban development. Rezai based on physical and non-physical aspects of the urban studies classify the and Finally, four general principle component extracted with strategies that cover a variety of factors that include: Stability with justice, Unity in diversity, At the same conflict evolution and Reasonable flexibility. Conclusion The result of this research is that: Iranian-Islamic urbanism has a lot of dynamism and richness of modern urban planning principles and contemporary covers, if viewed from a dynamic aspects Frakalbdy. Unlike modern urban planning principles that additional revisions done on it, Be sure to, Pundits urban rich Iranian-Islamic aspects for the development of our cities and to pay more attention in practice show. Robatkarim city is located in 30 kilometers southwest of Tehran province, since many years ago it has been noticed and been important due to the fact that it was in Silk road and in pilgrimage road from Khorasan to Baghdad, and that is why the oldest and the most unique karvansris like Stone Karvansrie was built in this area, and gradually when it was abandoned, another karvansrie was built with the name of Hajkamal Karvansrie (former Fathali Shah), which this karvanserie is located in the center of old Robatkarim neighborhood. This neighborhood has historical value and truely is both old and ancient, and the main city mosque and one of old holyshrine (named Emamzadeh Mohammad Taghi) are located in this neighborhood. According to Studies, in order to restore life in this valuable and old neighborhood, all of nine principals of New Urbanism including the ability to walk, communicability, mixed use, variety housing, etc should be utilized.

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In recent decades, tourism has a growing trend and increasingly affected on national economies. Due to globalization, tourism importance is increasing and gets particular attention in economic and social development plans of countries, to have a suitable position in attracting tourist by using existing potential and capacities. In our country planners and decision makers are trying to develop tourism and also in Isfahan seek to use the geographical, historical, natural and cultural capabilities to develop urban tourism. In this research by using GIS and using Moran index and G index determined that Site selection for new tourism spaces are spatially correlated, Moran index was 0, 73 and close to 1 that means that site selections are spatially correlated, not sporadically, have an integrated relationship and also the distribution of new tourism spaces is fair. New tourism spaces of Isfahan except 3 tourism spaces (City Center, Forough Garden and Ghaemieh Park) are clustered and surrounded by similar spaces that are in same level of accessing to services. Finally, the hotspot of new tourism spaces was identified: JahanNama indoor amusement park, Telesizh lift, Ghadir garden, aquatic complex, bowling and amusement of Soffe and reptile complex. The most positive rate in the analysis of hotspots was for JahanNama indoor amusement park, because of having all of the criteria investigated in this study. In recent decades, tourism has a growing trend and increasingly affected on national economies. Due to globalization, tourism importance is increasing and gets particular attention in economic and social development plans of countries, to have a suitable position in attracting tourist by using existing potential and capacities. In our country planners and decision makers are trying to develop tourism and also in Isfahan seek to use the geographical, historical, natural and cultural capabilities to develop urban tourism. In this research by using GIS and using Moran index and G index determined that Site selection for new tourism spaces are spatially correlated, Moran index was 0, 73 and close to 1 that means that site selections are spatially correlated, not sporadically, have an integrated relationship and also the distribution of new tourism spaces is fair. New tourism spaces of Isfahan except 3 tourism spaces (City Center, Forough Garden and Ghaemieh Park) are clustered and surrounded by similar spaces that are in same level of accessing to services. Finally, the hotspot of new tourism spaces was identified: JahanNama indoor amusement park, Telesizh lift, Ghadir garden, aquatic complex, bowling and amusement of Soffe and reptile complex. The most positive rate in the analysis of hotspots was for JahanNama indoor amusement park, because of having all of the criteria investigated in this study. In recent decades, tourism has a growing trend and increasingly affected on national economies. Due to globalization, tourism importance is increasing and gets particular attention in economic and social development plans of countries, to have a suitable position in attracting tourist by using existing potential and capacities. In our country planners and decision makers are trying to develop tourism and also in Isfahan seek to use the geographical, historical, natural and cultural capabilities to develop urban tourism. In this research by using GIS and using Moran index and G index determined that Site selection for new tourism spaces are spatially correlated, Moran index was 0, 73 and close to 1 that means that site selections are spatially correlated, not sporadically, have an integrated relationship and also the distribution of new tourism spaces is fair. New tourism spaces of Isfahan except 3 tourism spaces (City Center, Forough Garden and Ghaemieh Park) are clustered and surrounded by similar spaces that are in same level of accessing to services. Finally, the hotspot of new tourism spaces was identified: JahanNama indoor amusement park, Telesizh lift, Ghadir garden, aquatic complex, bowling and amusement of Soffe and reptile complex. The most positive rate in the analysis of hotspots was for JahanNama indoor amusement park, because of having all of the criteria investigated in this study. In recent decades, tourism has a growing trend and increasingly affected on national economies. Due to globalization, tourism importance is increasing and gets particular attention in economic and social development plans of countries, to have a suitable position in attracting tourist by using existing potential and capacities. In our country planners and decision makers are trying to develop tourism and also in Isfahan seek to use the geographical, historical, natural and cultural capabilities to develop urban tourism. In this research by using GIS and using Moran index and G index determined that Site selection for new tourism spaces are spatially correlated, Moran index was 0, 73 and close to 1 that means that site selections are spatially correlated, not sporadically, have an integrated relationship and also the distribution of new tourism spaces is fair. New tourism spaces of Isfahan except 3 tourism spaces (City Center, Forough Garden and Ghaemieh Park) are clustered and surrounded by similar spaces that are in same level of accessing to services. Finally, the hotspot of new tourism spaces was identified: JahanNama indoor amusement park, Telesizh lift, Ghadir garden, aquatic complex, bowling and amusement of Soffe and reptile complex. The most positive rate in the analysis of hotspots was for JahanNama indoor amusement park, because of having all of the criteria investigated in this study. In recent decades, tourism has a growing trend and increasingly affected on national economies. Due to globalization, tourism importance is increasing and gets particular attention in economic and social development plans of countries, to have a suitable position in attracting tourist by using existing potential and capacities. In our country planners and decision makers are trying to develop tourism and also in Isfahan seek to use the geographical, historical, natural and cultural capabilities to develop urban tourism. In this research by using GIS and using Moran index and G index determined that Site selection for new tourism spaces are spatially correlated, Moran index was 0, 73 and close to 1 that means that site selections are spatially correlated, not sporadically, have an integrated relationship and also the distribution of new tourism spaces is fair.

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Trip generation is the first stage of the conventional four-step travel forecasting framework. One of the most important characteristics of travel demand models is transferability. The cost of collecting data for travel demand modeling is high and increasing each year. Spatial transferability of travel forecasting models can potentially help in significant cost and time savings for areas that cannot invest in extensive data-collection and model development procedures. The purpose of this paper is comparision of performance of the poisson and multinomial logit models in the spatial transferability for houshold work trips. The models are estimated for the Qazvin and Eslamshahr cities based on data from the 1387 Qazvin Travel Habits Surveys and 1392 Eslamshahr Travel Habits Surveys. Sample is included econometric-social attributes 4479 houshols in Qazvin and 3183 housholds in Eslamshahr. The measures for assessing transferability are Transferability Test Statistic (TTS), Transfer Index (TI), Transfer Rho-Square, like Root-Mean-Square-Error (RMSE), Relative aggregate Transfer error (RATE) and comparision plot of observed and predicted aggregate trip shares. The result show that, Qazvin and Eslamshahr final models include three explanatory variables: number of workers, number of cars and interaction these two variables furthermore Transferability Test Statistic reject the null hypothesis of the two cities parameters equality for two models. Result show that from Transfer Rho-Square and Root-Mean-Square-Error multinomial Logit model has better performance in transferability and from Transfer Index and Relative aggregate Transfer error poisson model has better performance in transferability between Qazvin and Eslamshahr. compare plot of observed and predicted aggregate trip shares shows that Multinomial Logit model models have better performance in terms of comparision of predicted share of every trip rate level with observed share. Introduction Trip generation is the first stage of the conventional four-step travel forecasting framework that estimates the number of trips to and from a traffic analysis zone. Using linear regression model is common in this step and generates an acceptable level of performance from the perspective of transport planning, however this model does not incorporate traveler behavior, integer and non-negative nature of trips. To overcome these limitation, several models have been suggested: count data models such as negative binomial and Poisson for deleting continuous and negative values; and discrete choice models such as logit and probit for incorporating traveler behavior and preventing continuous and negative values. Furthermore one of the most important characteristics of travel demand modelsis transferability. Spatial transferability of travel forecasting models refers to the appropriateness of using models developed with data and information from one geographical region for travel forecasting purposes in another region. This topic is of considerable interest from both theoretical and practical standpoints. Theoretically, assessment of a model’ s performance in different contexts provides insights into its ability to provide credible forecasts under different scenarios. From a practical standpoint, ability to transfer models from one region to another can help in significant cost and time savings for regions that cannot afford to invest in extensive data-collection procedures. Without transferability in time and space, the use of the model will be compromised due to either over or under-estimating demand, which will lead to inaccurate assessment of the associated transportation needs and poor allocation for infrastructure investment. Methodology Although a model is not statistically transferable, it could closely approximate behavior in the application context for all practical purposes. Measures of predictiveability have been used to make such practical assessments. These metrics measure the predictive accuracy of transferred models in the application context and can be classified into two categories: (1) aggregate prediction based transferability metrics (such as relative error measure and root-mean-square error), and (2) log-likelihood based transferability metrics (such as transfer rho-square and transfer index). Aggregate-level prediction based transferability metrics such as the Root Mean Square Error (RMSE) provide a measure of error in the aggregate predictions (e. g., predicted mode shares) of the transferred model. . A These metrics measure how well a transferred model reproduces aggregate-level behavior (e. g., mode shares) in the application context, but not necessarily the ability to adequately forecast changes in travel demand under different demographic, land-use and transportation system change scenarios. Among the log-likelihood based transferability metrics, transfer rho-squaredescribes how well a transferred model fits the data observed in the application context, relative to a reference model (e. g., a constants only model). square. Thus, TI measures the goodness of fit of a transferred model relative to a locally estimated model Discussion and Results Model estimation relied on the statistical software package Stata. The selection of the final models considered coefficient reasonableness, check of logical relationships, chi-squared statistics, pseudo R2, and t-statistics. The result show that, Qazvin and Eslamshahr final models include three explanatory variables: number of workers, number of cars and interaction these two variables. models coefficients have the correct sign and are significant at the 95% level and model statistics are with acceptable ranges. Conclusions Transferred Poisson model to Qazvin and Eslamshahr have Transfer Rho-Square, respectively, 0. 08 and 0. 06, Transfer Index, respectively, 0. 83 and 0. 77, Root-Mean-Square-Error, respectively, 0. 69 and 0. 37 and Relative Aggregate Transfer Error, respectively, 1. 53 and 0. 88 and Transferred multinomial logit model to Qazvin and Eslamshahr have Transfer Rho-Square, respectively, 0. 21 and 0. 08, Transfer Index, respectively, 0. 72 and 0. 48, Root-Mean-Square-Error, respectively, 0. 24 and 0. 35 and big values for Relative Aggregate Transfer Error, respectively. This research shows that Transferability Test Statistic reject the null hypothesis of the two cities parameters equality for two models. Result show that from Transfer Rho-Square and Root-Mean-Square-Error multinomial Logit model has better performance in transferability and from Transfer Index and Relative aggregate Transfer error poisson model has better performance in transferability between Qazvin and Eslamshahr. compare plot of observed and predicted aggregate trip shares shows that Multinomial Logit model models have better performance in terms of comparision of predicted share of every trip rate level with observed share.

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In recent years several disastrous earthquakes have occurred around the world which highlights the risks of infrastructure damage in urban areas. Because of improper planning urban communities are vulnerable to extreme events such as earthquakes which could reduce their ability to withstand and recover their function from emergencies and natural disasters. Recent damages caused by natural disasters have attracted researchers’ attention to urban resilience concept especially on the objective of achieving disaster-resilient infrastructures (Chang, McDaniels, Fox, Dhariwal, & Longstaff, 2014). The purpose of this article is to promote a practical approach to evaluate the water infrastructure system vulnerability toward the seismic resilient city. The methodological approach of this article is practical and focuses on water infrastructure system in district two of Tehran city, Iran, in the context of the probable earthquake. In this study, most probable earthquake scenarios were chosen to evaluate the social and built environment impacts of the potential earthquake on water pipes. Furthermore, geographic information system (GIS) technology was used to analyze the existing water distribution system and visualizing its vulnerability in high-risk areas of Tehran. In this research, seismic features like PGA, PGV, and Mw were estimated by the probabilistic analysis method. In this study, the probability of the most potential earthquake and the probability of water system pipeline failure for each 200 to 200-meter parcel of the study area were calculated. Furthermore, the system failure rate was calculated and analyzed to understand the community vulnerability. Classification of the study area was completed based on system vulnerability. The results of this article indicate that water infrastructure has significantly influenced the community resilience. Based on system repair rate and pipe damages, resilience classification was completed. Finally, we offer suggestions to increase urban resilience based on urban vulnerability. Methodology This article’ s methodological approach is practical and concentrates on potential disruptions to water infrastructure services in the case study area. In this research, quantitative methods and analytical techniques were used to analyze and examine the impact of proposed earthquake scenario on water infrastructure by utilizing a probabilistic risk analysis and HAZUS-MH and SR methods. For this research, a solid case study selection was necessary. The process of selecting case study involved a number of steps, which seismic risk, fault features, and main city water pipe locations played a key role in these steps. We focused on district two of Tehran municipality where active faults and main water pipes cross the area. First, we acquired infrastructures, seismic and urban geographic data for the entire region and prepared a GIS database for our study area. Once maps of seismic classification, water infrastructure, and fault locations were generated, these layers were overlaid in GIS software. Second, we used probabilistic analysis method to specify the seismic features of the study area. Moreover, water pipes were divided into separate segments to evaluate each parts vulnerability. In this study, the model simulates repair rate per length as the key indicator of system resilience. Results and Discussion In this article, we developed a map of peak ground velocity for the potential earthquake scenario in the region which shown in map 4. Probability analysis indicates that peak ground velocity is much higher in northern parts of the study area. We calculated pipeline damage based on repair rate per length and PGV which is shown in map 4. To estimate repair rate and damage, equations number 1 to number 3 were used. Results indicate that total damage points in water pipelines will be 219 in the case of a possible earthquake. We assumed 80% of damages would be leak points while 20% of damages will be broken points in water distribution system for wave-passage. Our assumptions were based on Fema(1999), Hazus methodology. Results indicate 175 leak points and 43 full damage points in the system which means severe potable water service disruptions can be expected in most urban water infrastructure parts in the immediate aftermath. Map 5 shows the damage rate in the case study area. Based on damage probability analysis and equation number 3 we classified the case study to illustrate the urban and system resilience in case of the probable earthquake which is shown in map 6. Probability and damage results for the case study area show the likely severity of water disruptions system in the case study especially northern parts of the region. Repair rate in the southern area was less than the northern and western parts of the region. Conclusion This study has provided a practical method based on international standards for evaluating water infrastructure resilience, emphasizing the functional features of the system which could be impacted by the earthquake. For the potential proposed earthquake scenario, due to the break and leak rates, severe water service disruptions could be expected in some parts of water infrastructure sectors in the immediate aftermath. Emergency restoration efforts are essential to increase urban resilience which should be done based on schedule 2. This research gives recommendations for consideration of construction of the emergency water supply bases, use of underground water and water pipe retrofitting plans. Seismic-resilient suggestions based on this study includes not only changing the water supply system from brittle to ductile type but also providing emergency water to the citizens. Based on the median rates of repairs per km of pipeline, system vulnerability, and population density in urban areas, emergency water supply locations were suggested to increase urban disaster resilience, so that anybody in the case study area can access water within a standard distance of one to two kilometer after the earthquake. Map7 shows the proposed locations of emergency water supply bases in case study area. Based on this article''s results, we suggest prioritizing northern part of the study area for urban resilience improvement plans. Map of existing reservoir, emergency water bases, and wells should be available for all community members to enhance urban and community resilience. Overall, this study has demonstrated a practical approach that could be applied by urban planners and disaster managers to reduce risks and vulnerability of water infrastructures toward increasing urban and community resilience.

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Walk the oldest and most natural form of movement in the city. Humans can thus communicate with their environment and the social interactions and social vitality of towns is a result of it. Thus, according to the strategies required to promote walkability citizens to appear. In this study, we tried to study a new strategy to promote walking in the paths by creating Parklt pay. This small-scale park in spaces that are created along the edge of the street. The research is descriptive and analytical survey method and questionnaire for citizens was used. The population of the investigation, all citizens that the study area (Vali Asr) are presented. According to various sources in the defined standard values of a sample size of 225 patients in the study were considered. SPSS 21 statistical software for data analysis were used. The results show that the goals Parklt and walkability citizens there, as well as variables of creating a public space in the city, promote coexistence in the street, a place to sit and strengthening participatory processes to promote walkability in Vali Asr (aS) is positive and significant. Introduction Tehran as the capital and one of the major metropolitan cities of the country has many problems in the field of transport vehicles and priority roadway and less attention has been paid to the spaces for Pyadgan. Considering the experience obtained in this paper, the physical characteristics of the building Parklt walking in the city in question and that the extent to which these changes will affect the walking and quality of paths in the city. Vali Asr street in Tehran in this direction has been chosen because the street in terms of geographical location in the center of Tehran is located. The streets of the capital and one of the main streets of Tehran vital street that hosts thousands of students, student, employee, businessman and is. This street has cultural centers-art, entertainment, business, and. . . many of the factors that it has become one of the busiest urban roads. Another reason for the choice of Vali Asr Avenue (between Vali Asr Square to the intersection, there is a human proportions, natural topography and landscape elements used in the streets, physical security, mental relaxation and dynamism is not rampant in the streets (Mahmoudi, 2009: 166). Human collapse phenomenon features on this street are the result of manipulation of human beings (for the construction of high-density), and cars in the privacy and litter the street. It seems, to stay alive the memory of visual beauty of the street, according to new strategies such as creating Parklt to promote the presence of these streets could be useful. According to what was said, This study examines the question is:  Are the goals Parklt and walking on the street Valieasr there?  Is the building on the street Parklt Valieasr on walkability affects citizens? Methodology The research method is descriptive-analytical. Part of this research is the descriptive literature and other activities related to the field of research, an analytical survey was conducted. The target population are citizens who take to the streets Valieasr visited. Noise is random sampling and questionnaire was used for data collection. The sample size is provided to the extent that the researcher should respect the values shown to lower the minimum sample size is. Survey quorum for descriptive research and survey sample size is 100 (Hafeznia, 2014: 165 and Delaware, 2013: 99). Defined according to standard values based on various sources to stabilize further study of a sample of 225 people is considered. To analyze the data, descriptive and inferential statistical software was used SPSS21. So that the underlying variables, frequencies and percentages were calculated for descriptive and inferential for calculating the Pearson correlation coefficient and multivariate regression is it is used. Results and discussion As the correlation matrix in table (3) can be seen, the correlation between the two variables between the two variables of public spaces and promote walkability (73. ), A place to sit and promoting walkability (51. ), Ranging promote coexistence and promote walking in the street (41. ) And variable strengthen participatory processes and promote walkability (36. ) With means (000) also suggests an error of less than 99% and there is a positive relationship between these variables 01/0. According to the results of Table (6), at a significance level of 5% and 95% variable variables in the model explained 56% of variance is walkability As specified in the table, the variables predictive variables, variables of creating a public space in the city, promote coexistence in the street, a place to sit and strengthening participatory processes to promote positive and meaningful walkability. Conclusion This study was to evaluate the effect of creating a park on the walkability of citizens in Tehran (Case Vali Asr) was performed. The results suggest that the goals Parklt and walking on the street Vali-Asr there, as well as variables of creating public space in the city, promote coexistence in the street, a place to sit and strengthening participatory processes to promote implementation orbital is positive and significa. This means that more people will be walking with Parklt. In fact, by creating Parklt, as a new idea on the sidewalks in Vali Asr (AS) will be required and the lack of a vibrant urban spaces and the creation of facilities to provide services to citizens met and urged citizens to walking more. Considering that the ground floors along Vali-Asr business user, can be as a suggestion, encouraging owners to create Parklt and partnerships between business owners in the creation of this type of furniture becomes more attractive urban population lead and as a result, business users will be more prosperous.

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Nowadays, Southwest Asia is inflamed by terrorist attacks and rioting groups mainly in Iraq and Syria, invasion of Saudi Arabia to Yemen and its interferences in Bahrain, political agitations in north Iraq, increased tensions between Iran and Saudi Arabia, and presence of Iranian military and counselors in Iraq and Syria. In such conditions, the aims of some Arabian states including the Saudi Arabia are to prevent geopolitical influence of Iran in the region and augment their military and economic power. Following the aims, the countries attempt to utilize these circumstances for their interests and against Iran through forming military-Arabian coalescence. In May, 2017, with an increase in the interest of the Arabian states around the Persian Gulf to form the new military-Arabian coalescence, as it was called Arabian NATO by some journalists, the USA seriously supported the coalescence. This was cleared by the travel of American president, Donald Trump, to Riyadh. Constitution of such coherent coalescence in the past was not successful due to geographical dispersion of the Islamic states, differences in the views of the states about the political and international approach of Iran, and difference in identity of the nations. Although these attempts in the past were failed, this time the Arabian states particularly Saudi Arabia supported by the trans-regional states like USA are serious to form the coalescence. The purpose of this research is to address the event by exploring the geopolitical reasons of the interest, neo-realism approach, and using cross-effects analysis technique and also to understand the impacts of the event on national security of Iran. Methodology This is an applied research by an integrated-analytical method. In the research, the data have been gathered by library sources and internet. We have used cross-effects analysis technique as a method in future research strategies. We have also applied Delphi method using questionnaires to obtain the components affecting the event. Results and discussion In this study, we have investigated the reasons and favorable conditions for constitution of the Arabic military coalescence in southwest Asia by a neo-realistic approach in geopolitics. The possible impacts of the coalescence on the national security of Iran have also been accessed. In other sciences such as international relations the neo-realistic approach is used to understand the interests of the countries to form such coalescences, fear from one or more rival countries, and the issues about balances of powers, balances of threats, and balances of interests. Among the issues, the theory of hegemony is outlined. This mentions the influence of the dominant power on united and convergent international structures. After we received the views of experts about potential influences of the factors affecting the formation of the coalescence in southwest Asia, the views have been analyzed. The results of the model have revealed the factors encouraging the Arabian states to form the anti-Iran coalescence. These factors are including the influence of trans-regional powers, particularly United States, geographical characteristics of the Persian Gulf region, environmental issues and limitations, huge volume of oil and gas resources of the region, higher population of Iran relative to the Arabian states. Conclusion There are some factors that can threaten the security of Iran. Trans-regional powers, particularly the USA, play important role in configuration of the coalescence. The economic rivalry and occupation of economic markets of the southwest Asia and the resources of oil and gas of Persian Gulf is very important for the Arabian countries. On the other hand, the main goal of the Arabian states in formation of the coalescence is to decrease the security and geopolitical influence of Iran in the region. Therefore, this can be concluded that the coalescence can affect the national security of Iran in military and economic areas in the present and the future. As security means lack of threat in the existing values, these factors and goals of the states are direct threats for the issues. The increased military power of Iran, increased internal security and the higher geopolitical influence of Iran after Islamic Revolution are concerns for rivals of Iran in the geopolitical region of Persian Gulf. Thus, the states decided to take common policies in order to prevent the increase in the power of Iran in the region and guarantee the survival of their government. The changes can be explained by the theory of hegemony as the Arabian states obey the dominant powers including USA. Unlike the views of the researchers and authorities of Iran, the results of this research have indicated that the variables such as religion, language, and invasion to Iran embassy in Saudi Arabia were nor effective in the interests of the Arabian states. The states are not interested in decrease in their economic relations with Iran. It can be suggested that before the military-Arabian coalescence is formed, in such critical conditions, Iran government should make great attempts to mitigate the Iranophobia in this region and to make the countries aware of the extensive security damage to entire the region and the maximum interests the coalescence can bring for the USA. Based on the findings of this research, economic and military security of Iran is threatened by formation of the coalition. Thus, it is necessary for the diplomacy of Iran to make further efforts to mitigate the Iran-phobia in the region. In other words, as the formation of the Arabian military coalition can endanger the security and economic conditions of Iran, the government of Iran has to prevent the formation of the coalition and weaken its development. So, Iranian government has to make the world aware of its peaceful purposes and reduce the Iranophobia among the countries of the region. Additionally, Iran has to make the neighboring states aware of the great damages this coalition may have for all the states of the region and the highest benefits of that for the Americans.

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Iraqi Kurdistan is the name of a Kurdish region located in northern Iraq that has been struggling to be separated from Iraq since the country’ s independence in 1932. After years of struggle, Kurds managed to achieve a minimum level of autonomy in 1991 in the light of no-fly zone and with the support from the foreign powers. After the fall of Saddam in 2004, Kurds succeeded to turn Kurdistan into a federal region. However, with the rise of ISIS in 2014, they were challenged by the central government of Iraq. Due to their disagreement with the central government of Iraq over the budgets and territorial conflicts, Kurds held a referendum on September 25, 2017 which was accompanied by the Kurds’ vote for independence from Iraq. A descriptive-analytical research design was used in this study and the data were collected through written sources and the internet. The main question addressed in this study is: what are the possible outcomes of holding the referendum for Iraqi Kurdistan at the regional scale? In response, it should be stated that the referendum had negative political and economic consequences for them. The findings of the study indicates that the imposed geopolitical isolation, the Turkish-Iranian trade embargo on Kurdistan and Israel's supports of the Kurdish decentralization were among the regional implications of the referendum in Iraqi Kurdistan. Therefore, given the enclosed geographical position of Iraqi Kurdistan, any action taken by the Kurds in this regard, regardless of its outcomes, is doomed to failure. Introduction: Iraqi Kurdistan is the name of a federal regional in northern Iraq, which includes four provinces of Erbil, Dohuk, Sulaimaniyah, and Halabja. Most of the inhabitants of the area are Kurdish people. Iraqi Kurdistan was able to achieve a minimum level of autonomy in the light of the no-fly zone created after the Iraqi invasion against Kuwait in 1990 and the subsequently the deport of the Iraqi forces from Kuwait by the United States and its Western allies in 1991, . But with the US invasion against Iraq in 2003 and the positive role that the Kurds played in drafting the constitution of Iraq, Iraqi Kurdistan became a federal region. However, with the passage of several years since the establishment of the federal system in Iraqi Kurdistan and despite the positive effect that the federal system had on its economic prosperity, the Kurdish leaders decided to hold a referendum because of the conflict between the federal government of Kurdistan and the Iraqi government over the budget and disputed areas, The purpose of this study is to examine the implications of this referendum; Because this referendum, beyond geopolitical isolation, had political and economic consequences for Iraqi Kurdistan; a matter that greatly impacted the morale of the Kurdish people and invoked their reaction to bad economic and political conditions. Methodology: The most important and strongest method in experimental sciences including geography is inference (deduction). The deductive reasoning or inference discovers scientific principles through the process of reasoning which is a logical method. In fact, it is logical reasoning that supports and enhances the ideas and conceptions gained through the experimental techniques and create synthesis by developing a thesis and an antithesis. In this method, the ways of establishing a rule as a basis for the validity of that rule are explored. Results and Discussion: Iraqi Kurdistan with an area of 60643 square kilometers and a population of 7. 6 million is a region rich in resources. The Kurds managed to achieve economic prosperity after they created a federal system in Kurdistan and established security, so that they were called the Dubai II. However, with the rise of ISIS (2014), they encountered many problems. What exacerbated these problems was the cut off Kurdistan’ s budget by Baghdad. In 2017, Iraqi Kurdistan went through a critical situation in a way that, as a result of falling oil prices, the Kurdish Trust Fund was almost emptied, and poverty hit Kurdistan and the region was on the brink of stagnation. The Kurds' demands for budget from Baghdad and Baghdad's refusal to repay Kurdish funds made the Kurds follow a different approach. In mid-2017, while ISIS was spending its final days in Iraq, and somewhat in Syria, Kurdish leaders who were worried about the post-ISIS era held a referendum. The referendum, which was accompanied by regional and global opposition, had some negative political and economic consequences for the Kurds. Imposed geopolitical isolation, a trade embargo on the Kurdistan region by neighboring countries, and Israel's support for the Kurdish divergence were some of negative implications of the referendum. Conclusion: Iraqi Kurds managed to achieve a federal system in 2004. In this system, the economic boom swept through the region due to prevailing security in Iraqi Kurdistan. But this situation did not last long due to the cutoff of the Kurdistan’ s budget, the emergence of ISIS, and the controversy between Erbil and Baghdad. Iraq Kurds who were exposed to some challenges due to their conflicts over Article 140 and cutoff their budget by the Iraqi government held a referendum on September 25, 2017 despite regional and global opposition. The referendum left the Kurds at a disadvantage because the neighboring countries imposed sanctions on Kurdistan. Therefore, Kurdish leaders should refrain from any hasty action by understanding the geopolitical position of Kurdistan, because Kurdistan has no access to the Free Sea. In the second place, Iraqi Kurdistan has geopolitical affiliations with neighboring countries, and the movement of this region towards independence has stimulated Kurds in other countries. Therefore, it is natural for neighboring countries to oppose the independence of Iraqi Kurdistan. Now, given the conflicts between Erbil and Baghdad, the only solution to the current crisis is the diplomatic negotiations within the framework of the constitution of the federal Iraq state.

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One of the methods of regional interactions is the expansion of exchanges between border regions. Expanding such exchanges is beneficial for countries and can help build trust and reduce border challenges. The establishment of border markets can be used to expand regional cooperation. It is also an economic solution to reduce the crisis in these areas. Urban growth and development in all countries, to a certain extent, is a function of geographical location. Central cities usually exhibit faster growth when compared to peripheral cities. A border city is a spatial residential phenomenon located within a certain distance of the border. The growth of such a city follows factors such as economic, cultural, and political exchange with the interior and exterior space of the country. These factors can guide the city towards the development of certain actions and thus play an effective role in its spatial development. Studies of the development of border cities, same as all other cities in Iran, show that their spatial growth and development can be traced back to economic changes such as cross-border exchange and higher emigration to cities. The development of a border economy in recent years, whether legal (the border arcade of Tamarchin) or illegal (smuggling), has paved the way for higher economic growth in Piranshahr. It is clear that the development of economic activities has created more employment in the city, therefore attracting a higher population (immigration friendliness) and leading to urban growth. The population in 2011 (about 70 thousand) compared to the population in 1966 (about 4848) clearly indicates this. Methodology The research methodology used in this study is descriptive-analytical. The required data was collected through library research, official organizations, statistics, and fiend studies. In order to prepare data for analysis, the raw data was imported to Excel 2013, where all required tables and figures were extracted. The Bujogarnia Diagram was used investigate the economic role of the city, which was measured by analyzing the number of active population in all three major occupational groups: services, agriculture, and industry. In addition, the rate of growth was calculated for the phenomenon of land-use change, the map of which was created in GIS. Discussion Due to the development of cross-border trade and higher population growth, the city of Piranshahr has undergone numerous changes and transformations, as is evident from the widespread land-use change, which is a major indicator of physical growth and change in cities. From the obtained information, it can be inferred that economic exchange has had a serious impact on the growth and decline of certain land uses. Commercial use of land has grown by 10. 22 percent. Urban green belts have enjoyed a significant growth rate of 14. 94 percent in uptown in order to accommodate for the passengers, decorate the city, and create a healthy space for free time activities. Also, residential and transit network use have increased by 6. 95 and 5. 51 percent, respectively. On the other hand, due to higher security, population persistence, and higher convergence of the people with the center, which have resulted from economic growth, military land use has faced a negative growth rate of-4. 95 percent. In sum, the land area of Piranshahr city has expanded from 446. 4 hectares in 1995 to 844. 45 hectares in 2011, i. e. it has nearly doubled. Therefore, the process of changing Piranshahr from a military-security region to a service-commerce region can be an important factor in the steady spatial growth of the city. The results of the Bujogarnia Diagram confirm this claim. According to this diagram, the city has tended towards a multi-role paradigm (service-commerce). Initially, according to the 1996 consensus, the city had a service-dominant role; this can be ascribed to the high population of military sector, which was considered a part of the service sector. However, in the following consensuses, the city shifted towards a service-commerce city. This manifests itself in the decline in the number of military employees and the increase in the workers of other service-related areas and subordinate jobs, which was a result of more commercial/cross-border activities. Another important conclusion that can be drawn from this study is that economic exchange has increased employment and attracted commercial tourists to the city. According to statistics obtained from the Cultural Heritage and Tourism Organization of Piranshahr, during the first 20 days of the year (i. e. Nowruz vacation), 2509667 people have visited the city from 2010 to 2014 in order to purchase inexpensive imported goods, i. e. 501933 people on average have visited the city during the first 20 days of each year. In sum, this study reveals that the city of Piranshahr has experienced significant physical-spatial and economic development, highly as a result of granting formal status to the border arcades of Tamarchin and the increased amount of cross-border exchange through informal means; this calls for the immediate attention of the authorities to provide the required infrastructure and allow for more serious growth and dynamism of the city. Conclusion The results of the analyses performed on the development of Piranshahr city confirm the fact that economic exchange with the Iraqi Kurdistan has had a positive impact on the development of the city. The results indicate that the economic growth policy of the Iranian government in recent years, followed by the expansion of cross-border trade and commerce, has had a significant positive impact on the physical development of Piranshahr. Cross-border trade has local and even regional-national effects on the economy; and the development of economic centers (border arcades) as a result of economic exchange, has led to physical development and change in the city.

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