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Introduction: Nowadays, the identity is one of the most important concerns of humans. The city and then urban quarters as permanent living places find their identity evolving constantly by human culture. The identity is a set of characteristics that distinguish an individual or a society from other individuals or societies. The city is also identified and becomes independent based on these criteria. The identity in the city and in its quarters provides the citizens with the sense of belonging and dependence. This induces public memorizations and makes the citizens more active rather than solely being residents. Therefore, although the urban identity is resulted from the citizens’ culture, it influences the urbanization process and can result in determination of a set of criteria related to participation and judgment of the residents. According to some experts, in Iranian-Islamic cities, the personal identity in local societies is not defined because of historic conditions. Different aspects of individuals’ identity are defined based on relative and familial relationships (causal or relative) and religious viewpoint. Basically, there is no individual as a citizen with its own rights and belonging to a society, and this is why in decision-making and practical situations, the judgments and priorities find their bases on relative, ethnical or religious profits. Within a quarter, the social aspect forms the basis of the spatial sense. In Evin quarter, as a residential area more than 1000 years and with an authentic culture in an urban environment, the social identity of the residents has been transformed over time.Methodology: This study has been performed as a field and analytical-descriptive study and has also been analyzed by questionnaire data. Regarding the population of 6622 people in the Evin quarter in 2006, we studied 95 people as the sample population with confidence level of 95% and error coefficient of 10%, using Edward’s method. In order to evaluate the social identity in this test, we used five indices including sense of social belonging, desire to social life, accepting the individuals as neighbors, different conditions to accept the individuals’ neighborhood, and the participation rate of individuals in groups, and cultural-sport centers in the quarter. Each of these indices is composed of separate elements. The average of the summations clarifies the status of social identity in the quarter. This is after entering the data in SPSS 11.5 software and employed Fisher’s and t-test analyses.Results and Discussion: The results of Fisher test and t-test analyses indicated that the social identity is below the acceptable level, i.e.3 in the Likret’s spectrum. Results of t-test indicate that the mean of social identity is 2.3064 with 99% confidence level. This shows the weakness in this dimension of quarter’s identity. The t-test results helped identify social identity in the sample population and generalize it to the total society. The social identity have 5 components including sense of social belonging, tendency to living in the community, acceptance of people in local community, conditions for acceptance of individuals in groups, and participation of people in groups and local centers. The results indicated that the social identity is less than 60 % in the community. Then, the relations among age, job, ethnicity, ownership, education and residence duration was examined with the social identity. The results show differences in social identity among different age and also education groups. The difference can also be seen to some extent in other variables. The decrease in the social identity in Evin is resulted from decrease in sense of belonging to quarter groups, decrease in desire to social living, and decrease in people’s participation in groups and socio-cultural and sport associations in the quarter.Conclusion: This investigation on the identity problem in Evin quarter revealed a significant relationship between the social identity of individuals with age groups, education and occupation. The social identity is poor in Evin quarter. It has also significant relationship with age variable. There are also no significant relationship between the sex and the social identity. The identity enhances with increase in the education level and also with raising the age. Therefore, it can be concluded that the social identity is changing with changes in some social factors including age, ownership and education and not changing with some other social variables including residence, ethnicity, and job. It seems essential to revive the social identity in the region.

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Introduction: In the recent years, the active institutions and agencies of accident reduction have focused more on the activities to achieve a community resilient against accidents. Earthquakes have a higher priority due to the fact that they inflict wider range of losses and widespread social abnormalities. In the past years, the world has seen some of the unpredicted natural accidents like Tsunami in Asia, Hurricane Katrina and Sichuan earthquake. Although some of the predicting devices are effective in reduction of the influences of the crises, the fact is that future accidents cannot be predicted based on the evidence. As a result, in order to prevent increase in vulnerabilities, it is necessary to know the level of the resilience of local communities as well as the capacity of the community for withstanding and recovering against the accidents in times of crisis.Iran, due to its climactic and geological characteristics especially its location over Alps-Himalaya earthquake belt, is one of the most vulnerable countries of the world. The risk indicator of crisis by United Nations Development Program indicates that after Armenia, Iran is the most vulnerable against earthquakes, and 31 cases of all the 40 possible natural disasters have occurred in Iran.Tehran megacity is in serious situation as a result of some factors. These factors are its location in a zone of high and very high seismic risk, failure to comply with safety rules like building in the privacy faults and the areas prone to geological instabilities, design and construction of inappropriate buildings and critical facilities with possible seismic intensity, no planning and required operational capabilities for disaster management for dealing with the consequences of an accident as well as the existence of multiple aging and vulnerable textures. For the same reason, it seems necessary to analyze the situation of Tehran from the point of physical and geographical features influential in time of accidents. Thus, this study aims to analyze the level of physical resilience in selected neighborhoods of Tehran by recognizing the indicators and factors influential on the physical resilience of urban communities. This study also wants to provide a framework to measure the level of the physical resilience in cities.Methodology: The current article is applied research in the aim with a descriptive-analytic methodology. In this research, according to the question and the objective, the family was chosen as the unit of analysis. The sample size was calculated by Cochran formula to be 369 families, from the entire 2266984 families living in Tehran neighborhoods. In the next step, the neighborhoods of Tehran based on the social-economic status were divided into four classes (high, above average, below average, low).One neighborhood was selected from each class for the random sampling method. Then, based on the share of each class, sample families were systematically chosen from the sample neighborhoods. In this research, due to the lack of data about the issue a large amount of information was gathered about resilience based on library research (articles, books and reports). The dimensions and frameworks of resilience specified the indicators of physical resilience to be operationally defined. In the next step, using field study and questionnaire, the reliability was validated by pre-test; the needed data were gathered from the families of the sample neighborhoods. Then, the data of the questionnaire were entered into SPSS; the validity of the questionnaire was calculated by Cronbach, 0.835. This value shows its high coordination and sustainability. In the next step using SAW, the primary matrix of data was made. Then, using Electre method the level of physical resilience of studied neighborhood was measured.Results and Discussion: Based on the results of the research, the weights of the factors are determined. The weight for building density index was 0.12, structural strength index 0.31, the indices of incompatible land uses and open spaces 0.11, availability index 0.1 and the index of ground features 0.25. Structural Strength Index and availability index have, respectively, the highest and the lowest priority, in comparison to indexes of physical resilience. Also, the results of the Electre model displayed that the level of physical resilience in target neighborhoods is different in their spatial distribution. According to total matrix and Electre model, it can be said that Gheytarie neighborhoods (A1), Satar Khan (A2), Narmak (A3) and Ghale Morghi (A4) were, in the best and worst situation from the view point of physical indexes.Conclusion: Physical resilience is one of the effective dimensions on the level of resilience of communities through which the physical and geographical features of the community influential in time of accident can be assessed. In this research to measure and analyze the level of the physical resilience in chosen neighborhoods of Tehran, the indicator and factors influential on the level of resilience of communities were initially identified. To gather the required data from the studied neighborhoods, the indicators of physical resilience were categorized based on their priority by the experts using the process of hierarchical analysis. In the next step, using SAW the decision-making matrix was prepared. Finally, using the Electre method, the studied neighborhoods were prioritized based on their levels of physical resilience indicators. The results showed that these neighborhoods, from the view point of physical resilience, are in different levels. Gheitariye, Satar Khanm Narmak and Ghale Morghi neighborhoods were in a spectrum of the best to the worst situation. Also, the framework provided in this research can be applied to other neighborhoods for a measurement and analysis of the physical resilience level. Some suggestions for the improvements of the resilience in studied neighborhoods are presented: Management and organization to prepare effective action in order to reduce the dangers of natural accidents and create a unified crisis command; Study on the vulnerability level of neighborhoods in time of crisis, especially earthquake to prepare the vulnerability maps of neighborhoods; Increase in the cooperation of people and their preparation for confronting the critical times.

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Introduction: One of the critical criteria in sustainable tourism development approach is to support the attitudes of inhabitants. Local resident support for tourism development is critical because successful operation and sustainability depend heavily on their good will. Therefore, planning in respect to sustainable tourism development should be on the basis of the goals and priorities of local residents. The objective of this research is to determine factors affecting attitudes of second home tourism development and environmental impacts in rural areas of Dohezar County. The case study target is located in Tonekaboon Township in Mazandaran province.Methodology: Second home tourism development has been considered as the independent variable and environmental impacts have been considered as dependent variables. From 16 villages of Do Hezar Rural District (50%) 8 villages have been studied due to the extensive research problems. The study population includes households of Do Hezar Rural District equal to 486 households among which 150 householders namely 30% of the total population were selected as sample using Cochran formula. The other population are the owners of second homes that were selected as 100 subjects as the statistical population from 640 people. The collected data are as objective and subjective indicators. In this study, the number of second homes, the amount of waste generated in the tourism and non-tourism seasons are as objective indicator and guest and host community attitudes in relation to environmental factors are as subjective indicators in this study. Hence, based on the initial field study and study goal and review of the intellectual foundations, the variables were assessed in terms of questionnaires of rural residents and second home owners. Reliability was calculated as 0.743 using Cronbach's alpha. The t-test was used to analyze the variables and infer, depending on the type of data, scale of variables and intended objectives by the descriptive-statistical methods such as mean. The statistical analysis methods such as regression and generalized views of the entire population of the one-sample t-test have also been employed to understand the gap between two communities in relation to environmental variables.Results and Discussion: Studies show that a total of 640 second homes are used currently in the area. With allocation of 121 square meters to each house and the allocation of 640 square meters recreational space for each residential unit, approximately 50 acres of the total land have changed the use due to this type of tourism development. Results indicate that this type of tourism has developed in Do Hezar Region and the study population has acknowledged the negative environmental effects of second homes tourism. But in relation to the environmental effects of this type of tourism there are significant differences between local residents and second home owners. Other findings indicate that from the perspective of both groups, the most important environmental outcome of tourism development in the villages of Do Hezar rural district is related to the changes of land use although there are significant differences between the two approaches. The least difference in the viewpoints of two groups is related to the environmental pollution and apparent landscape and the mean difference is 0.3 in the two groups.Conclusion: The results show that tourism development is highly important in the region so that in total, more than 53% of rural homes of the study area are second homes. The mean of distance in time and space for second homes and main homes in the study area is equal to 210 kilometers and the wasted time to reach second homes is equal to 230 minutes. In most cases, from the viewpoint of the guest community, however, this type of tourism development has resulted in negative consequences. But, this is a natural consequence and on the contrary from the viewpoint of host community tourism development in second homes of Do Hezar rural district, it has left strong negative effects. The total means confirm this status in relation to most indicators. The key point in this study is that both communities analyze the conditions for their benefits but in general the field study of the researcher in the study area indicates that although second home tourism development in recent years has created jobs and increased local incomes in the study area but considerable changes in lands resulted in water shortage especially in hot seasons and holidays and reduced agricultural productivity and soil erosion.

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Introduction: Manpower is one of the most important factors of production through participation in the production process. This thread is argued in the economic doctrines so that from the perspective of economic doctrines and growth models, increase in the proportion of labor with other factors of production can ensure the economic growth. The importance of labor has caused labor market directly associated with labor. It can always play an important role in the developing countries among the four economic markets. A point that should be considered in the investigation of the labor market is employment and unemployment located as a assessed benchmark of labor market performance. Based on new literature presented by the International Labour Organization to assess the labor market, not only the employment and unemployment should be considered, but it is required to consider also the quantity and the quality of the market. This approach to labor market leads to formation of the concept of decent work in this market. The terms of decent work have different meanings and each country makes sense special perception of that depending on its development. But the terms should emphasize on employment and suitable individuals with good income and job safety and security. In addition, in order to realize decent work, ILO follow four strategic objective to protect labor rights, protection of employment, strengthening of social protection and social security, and strengthening of social dialogue. The Mentioned Quad objectives are reinforcing each other. Accordingly, with respect to this topic, present study tries to examine the combination of decent work indicators by using TOPSIS Method and calculation Index of decent work segregation in urban areas of Iran. This will make as assessment and comparison of labor market in these areas.Methodology: This study regarding the type of research is as applied study and from method of data gathering was considered as a field research. This study attempts to examine situation of labor market of urban areas of Iran provinces regarding decent work indicator and with integrated indicators. Although there are different ways to integrate the indicators for decent work, calculation the decent index and finally assess the level of market development in urban areas. However, in this study the development level of urban labor market is determined by TOPSIS method. This method combined 8 indicators of decent work. The decent work indicators were calculated for each urban area of the provinces and during the studied period.Results and Discussion: The results indicate that average of decent work increased from about 0.25 in the first year of fourth plan to nearly 0.31 in the final year in the urban areas labor market. It is dropped in standard deviations of the provinces. These two changes have made the decent work coefficient of variation to reduce dramatically between these two periods. This finding represents the convergence regions of the Iran from the perspective of decent work. Nevertheless, the changes made in decent work of urban areas of Iran provinces in the two periods 2005 and 2009 indicate that country's decent working conditions improved in the 22 provinces during this period. This is while eight provinces have also experienced in this respect the worse situation. In addition, most of the changes were made in the three provinces of Tehran, Hormozgan and Markazi in this period and these provinces were improved more than 0.2 in decent work indicator. This is while in the other group the worst situation happened in West Azerbaijan Province and Three provinces of South Khorasan, Yazd and Qom.Conclusion: According to the results of this study despite improvement of index decent work in 2009 than 2005 in most provinces of Iran, it is still required to consider major regional differences in the changes occurred in urban areas decent work indicator. This finding suggests that despite the improvement in the national level, in order to balance regional, planning for regional labor market is necessary and unavoidable.

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Introduction: Welfare is to provide a minimal level of well-being and social support for all citizens, sometimes referred to as public aid. In most developed countries welfare is largely provided by the government, and to a lesser extent, charities, informal social groups, religious groups, and inter-governmental organizations.Although, in Iran, the background of related actions for social security, support to poor people and the vulnerability of rural people have more than fifty years of background. But it didn’t have considerable achievement in poverty reduction and vulnerability in the rural areas of country. Quality of life and social welfare of people and the rural locations are related to more factors such as employment, appropriate income, and access to services, education and health, natural environment, security and strong public relations. The social welfare of rural people including a series of tactics and social support by relying on participation of the rural people and governmental and non-governmental institutions in the rural areas to promote the plans of rural development to formulate eradication of severe needs of rural people in the rural areas and preservation self-esteem and human dignity. A research on reinforcement of social welfare in the rural areas has showed that different factors such as economic, environmental, psychological, and social, institutional factors has considerable effects on promotion of social welfare in the rural areas. The aim of this paper is to do a survey about influencing factors on promotion of social welfare in the rural areas.Methodology: The purpose of the present study was to explain the factors influencing promotion of social welfare in the rural areas of Meshkinshar County. The research method was analytical –descriptive survey. Target population in the study was the rural people in Meshkinshar County. The needed information was collected by means of questionnaire from rural people in Meshkinshar County. All the rural population is 90359 people. In addition, to determine sample size the rural peoples in the study area, we used Cochran formula. Finally, the sample size of 196 people of the rural public was determined. To enhance the amount of accuracy and validity of results, the sample size was increased up to 200. Researcher questionnaire was used as a tool of measurement. The content and face validity of the instrument was specified after several times of review and correction by the faculty members in university and several expertise of administrative offices. The reliability analysis was conducted and Cronbach’s alpha values for the various sections of instrument were estimated to be between 0.83 and 0.90. To analyze the research data, we used a factor analysis model.At the end, the results showed that the most important affecting factors to social welfare of rural people in the study area are components such as economic empowerment and income redistribution, social empowerment and reinforcement of social capital, environmental empowerment, promotion of social admission, psychological empowerment, social participation reinforcement and delivering of extensional services. The accumulated variance value is (68.5) via these six factors. Finally, based on the results analysis, some applied recommendations have been provided.Results and Discussion: The results indicated that the raising of individual and public incomes, reinforcement of entrepreneurship, improvement of physical infrastructures, presentation of local economy services, raising of agricultural productivity, diversification of economic activities, economic empowerment, redistribution of income and employment, reinforcement of economic infrastructure, consolidation of scatterd rural residents, social empowerment, self-helping, promotion of social security, reinforcement of social interactions, social cooperatives, social integration, social alliance, social communication, access to social services, social fulfillment, psychological empowerment, social dignity, creativity, improvement of motivation, responsibility, quality of agricultural water resources, life facilities of rural people, quality of water and soil resources, social belonging, social participation, reinforcement of instituational-social confidence, presentation of extensional services, rate of net income and access to credits, mental health, exchange of information and knowledge, reinforcement of people complexes, food security, education and social reception paly important role in promotion of social welfare in the rural areas.Conclusion: The descriptive results of research showed that the number of sample has been in the range of 31 to 40 years old people. Marriage condition has been 77% of married people and 22% of single people. In this research, 44 indices have been employed to understand the factors influencing the promotion of rural people in social welfare in the study area. The data are analyzed by using factor analysis. With attention to KMO, 6 factors were exploited with eigenvalue higher than 1 to effective factors on promotion of social welfare in the rural areas. After rotation of factors the variables related to social welfare were classified on the 6 factors. The research results suggested development of attractive rural areas via income and rural people employment, helpful development of educational and cultural spaces, creation of recreational and residential centers in the rural areas, emphasis on native regional specialties and formulation of community-based plans, use of native people to design, planning, performance and supervision to local development programs, attention to empowerment in different levels, capacity-building, plans of rural people empowerment by exciting participation in the rural areas, and definition of exciting mechanisms for promotion of local social capital in term of native specialties of the regions can help to promote rural people social welfare and rural sustainability.

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Introduction: Senility or aging as the last period of human life always was a focal point of scholars of humanities and biological researches. The world is rapidly aging in the recent years. With the growth of the cities, the older population of 65 years or older are increasing. Aging is not a disease but a critical phenomenon that involves everyone in the world. In fact, it is a natural course of physiological and psychological changes that occur in the body. Perhaps someone is looking old in the biological and physical condition while from the psychological aspects is young and fresh. Aging period normally starts when people reach age of 65 and above. Sometimes differences can be observed in the age criteria measures but it seems that the age of 65 is more suitable to consider it as the start of the aging period. Aging and its related issues are one of the most important components of welfare state in the recent years. The number of the elderly population has tripled in the last 50 years and in the next 50 years it will be tripled as well. Attention to older people and age friendly city in Iran as a developing country and also one of the members of the World Health Organization that in the near future will face an aging population is very important. Current status of Iran population in terms of structure is not aging. However, due to the decrease in birthrate, increasing advances in medical science and life expectancy, it seems that in the future it will experience this population structure. There is no exception for Mashhad as the second largest city in Iran. Mashhad as the second religious metropolis of Iran welcomes millions of pilgrims each year and from the perspective of spatial municipal divisions, it is divided into 13 districts. According to the general census in November 2006, the number of people of 65 years old and over in Mashhad has been 4.49%. This percentage is roughly equivalent to the 108 thousand people of the total population. In the next general census in November 2011, this reached 140 thousand. It is equivalent to 5.06% of total population. Ideal urban space is the place where civil justice is respected and people are provided with practical and administrative programs. Accordingly, in terms of understanding the physical and psychological needs of older people and how to resolve their needs should be considered especially in the field of urban planning and management.Methodology: This paper aims to evaluate the status of Mashhad by age-friendly City indicators with an emphasis on social, communicational, cultural- recreational and health-therapeutic indicators. The research method is applied descriptive–survey one. First through documentary studies and by use of internal and external articles the concepts of sustainable development, healthy city, age friendly city and its related indicators are discussed according to the World Health Organization (WHO). The questionnaire used in this study is a standard one, based on WHO, the questionnaire is designed based on a Likert scale and included four major dimensions (social factors: 10 questions, communication indicators: 8 questions, cultural- entertainment indicators: 12 questions and health indicators: 7 questions) which were used to analyze the current situation of Mashhad to become age friendly city. To assess the hypothesis, firstly Kolmogorov-Smirnov Test was used in order to test the normality of the data and then T. test was employed to compare the mean scores. Given the scope of the research, in a field survey in Mashhad, the questionnaire was used to collect the data. The questionnaire was designed using the criteria proposed by the World Health Organization. Thus, its validity is confirmed. Chronbach’s Alpha coefficient was used to assess the reliability. This coefficient was 78% approval which is in an acceptable range. Population of the study included all residents aged 65 and older in Mashhad. The population of the study, elderly people in 65 years old and older in Mashhad, is categorized based on proportion of the zone population. In order to reduce the error and to generalize the results, it is tried to select at least half men and half women in each zone. This goal has been achieved up to 90%. To analysis the data, SPSS software was utilized.Results and Discussion: The results of this study show that all the social, communicational and cultural- recreational indicators are in relatively good condition (although it is not ideal and the gap was observed with the ideal status). The results also indicate that Health-Therapeutic index is not in compliance with the standards. It indicates a gap with the ideal situation. The most important part is that according to elderly comments, Mashhad in some indicators has major weaknesses and shortcomings. In other words, none of the four indicators are in ideal condition and high mean score have not been observed in any of the indicators.Conclusion: It can be concluded that Mashhad is not still ready to become an age-friendly city and still have a long way to achieve a standard situation based on WHO indicators. The efforts conducted in the city in order to build a green city should not be ignored. It can be said that due to endeavors and actions performed to beutify the city but in social-cultural indicators many changes require a long term planning and, therefore, needs more effort and investment which shows a necessity for long term action of all stakeholders. Some recommendations also suggested for improving the current situation. In fact, elderly people are part of the vulnerable citizens and if urban spaces are designed for older people, the positive results will be observed in the society as a whole.

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Introduction: Urban planners require a deep understanding of city and urban planning for detection and resolving of urban problems. Because cities are composed of a wide variety of societies and infinite number of dimensions, urban planners couldn’t devise and apply a similar plan for whole city. Thus, the city must be divided into spatial units based on social, economic and physical aspects. This segmentation is used for some constraints like specific land use or construction density to control urban development. This kind of segmentation can be defined through lots of urban plans such as detailed plans and comprehensive plan. On the other hand, in city there are lots of organizations like municipalities, roads and urban development organizations, Tavanir companies, Abfa companies and etc. with their own segmentations for servicing their clients. All of these configurations have been made to respond specific requirements and achieve some goals. However, most of the times these segmentations have functional overlap and in many cases conflict with each other. They aren’t, sometimes, efficient enough to do their functions properly. They usually make people unsatisfied because they oblige to explore lots of organizations to do their work. On the other hand, the number of units and divisions of all municipals, organizations and agencies are not fixed. It has been increased through the time due to the increasing population and urban expansion. Such a situation with inconsistent spatial structure and lack of public participation, are some reasons which make it difficult for urban sustainable management. Therefore, the aim of this article is to apply new approaches and methodologies to solve these problems. The AZP is one of the many different methods to do that. AZP is an algorithm used extensively for delimitation of multidimensional units or detection of spatial scale to study specific relationships in space of a city. In this article, we want to apply this model in urban areas of Iran. Zanjan city is case study of this research.Methodology: Spatial clustering methods (such as AZP) have been developed over time. They could be used for making zonation by aggregation and interchange of basic spatial units in each other with optimization of objective functions. These regionalization algorithms have some basic features. All of them integrate basic spatial units into predefined number of regions with optimization of an aggregation function. The basic spatial units assigned to a region must be spatially connected and the maximum number of regions should be one less than basic spatial units. A basic spatial unit could be aggregated to only one region and minimum number of basic spatial units should be assigned to a region. They have a supervise capability. Thus, relevant variables can define number of regions and types of objective function. The AZP algorithm can work with any type of objective function that is sensitive to the aggregation of data for N basic spatial units into M regions; for example functions extracted directly from the data (for instance sum of squared deviations from average zone size) or functions that can represent the goodness of a fit of a model applied to the data (fit of a linear regression model or the performance of a spatial interaction model). Output regions will not change over time and can make urban management more sustainable and more coordinated. These configurations could be used as basic directorial units of different organizations. Type of this research is applied and the purpose is development of unified multidimensional regionalization. This can assist sustainable management of city. We used census block and land use types of Zanjan city as basic data. Then, we extract 26 indicators from those data and aggregate them into fishnet with cell size of 300 meter. In the next step, to decrease the heterogeneity and discovering general trends, we applied Principal Component Analysis (PCA) on the indicators. Therefore, five PCs are extracted which control 76 percent of variance. Regionalization has been conducted based on these PSs. Objective functions are an intra-area correlation and a shape function to optimize output regions. The homogeneity of the regions can be evaluated based on a direct measure of within-area homogeneity, the intra-area correlation (IAC). We measured shape compactness by comprising the squared perimeter. Finally, after running the algorithm and exporting results, we need to test our output. Moran's I statistic is a measure of spatial autocorrelation in which Negative (positive) values indicate negative (positive) spatial autocorrelation. The values range from −1 (indicating perfect dispersion) to+1 (perfect correlation) and a zero value indicates a random spatial pattern.Results and Discussion: We used 13 factors for validation of our work. Resulted regionalization has been compared with regionalization of detailed plan of Zanjan city for validation of AZP algorithm based on Moran's I statistics. The Moran's I showed detailed plan regionalization which have clustered spatial pattern. AZP algorithm could create regions with random spatial pattern which indicate homogenous regionalization.Conclusion: This research showed that unknown pattern should be recognized by new methodologies so urban planners could do planning more efficiently. We should not limit our research to earlier constructed regions because every regionalization have been made for specific purpose and certainly would affect the results of the analysis. Therefore, at first step there is a need to make 16 Human Geography Research Quarterly, Vol.47, No.4, Winter 2016 our objective-related regions. These regions, then, could be statistically used in the meaning of spatial units which are free from MAUP and very reliable.Conclusion This research showed that unknown pattern should be recognized by new methodologies for more efficiently planning by urban planners. We should not limit our research to earlier constructed regions because every regionalization have been made for specific purpose and certainly would affect the result of analysis. Thus, at first step, there is a need to make our objective-related regions.

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Introduction: The urban green space is very important as a critical component in urban planning. Thus, in most issues about parks and urban green spaces it can improve people's quality of life as an important strategy. Parks and urban green spaces can provide valuable recreational opportunities for those who live in cities. They also create a natural environment and biodiversity for many people to provide physical and mental well-being. Dedication of an area to create a park and the preservation of it can increase economic costs to the relevant bodies. Unfortunately, despite the importance of these ecosystems, such as environmental services, they are inalienable and cannot be completely absorbed. It has different commercial markets, in comparison with other financial services. Environmental economists do believe that the economic value services and benefits for non-market recreational parks and green spaces, is essential for any urban area. Long-term neglect of these areas may cause irreversible damage to the natural resources and sustainable development process. They also believe that estimation of the value of parks and recreational activities to improve environmental policies can be effective to achieve sustainable development indicators. Therefore, to quantify and determine the monetary value of parks and green spaces can play a double role in the integrated management of human and natural systems.The necessity of attention to the parks in Mashhad because of some population and tourism condition of this city caused a great importance. It caused different environmental and economical services provided by a picturesque view of the city. This calls attention of planners to cities management.According to casting Valve project, the economic entertainment activity in big parks in Mashhad could be effective in microclimate condition of the city and other condition rather than smaller parks. This is very beneficial. In this research, we tried to discuss about the value of entertainment of parks from viewer point of view by using a twofold - double questionnaire and their Willingness To Pay (WTP) and (CV). In other words, the willingness to pay to use the facilities and services available at the parks and recreational value, they say. The research that has been done in the field estimate the recreational value of forest parks promenades, especially 18 outside of the cities studied and large parks within the city has to estimate the recreational value has not been given. Due to the great recreational value of urban parks need to understand when considering that the large parks in Mashhad about 17 percent of the total area of parks and green spaces are the city of Mashhad.Methodology: According to the goals of this research, we have used two ways of application. First, in background of this project, we figure out how to achieve our goals. Then, we marked the biggest parts of Mashhad. Second, we marked the quantity of this project by double questionnaire and sample method. Then, we start study about parks by SPSS software. We discuss about the viewer character. Valuation and variable models of people willingness to pay was calculated. Finally, the values of parks were specified in the city.Results and Discussion: According to the results of this research, the mean payment of Koohsangi Park is 7815.5 Rials and for each annual visit of Koohsangi Park it is 110160123.791 Rials.WTP value for Mellat Park is 10000 Rials according to each visit. The value of entertainment of Mellat Park is 243085755.813 Rials and also the mean value of entertainment of each hectare in Mellat Park for each family is 579600 Rials. Among 136 of 170 respondents how were asked in Koohsangi Park, 80 Percent of them were ready to pay cash to use this parks facilities and in contrast 34 respondents (20 Percent) of people were not eager to pay. Among 155 respondents out of the 169 respondents who are asked in Mellat Park, 91.7 percent of them were ready to pay cash and 3.8 percent were ready to pay for parks facilities.Conclusion: To increase the recreational value of parks, some suggestions can be recommended. The efforts of improving the quality of urban parks in Mashhad can be caused by increase in viewer and their willingness to pay for facilities. In this case, the policies for keeping standard of environment and creation of some jobs would be a remarkable achievement. The results of this research show that the values of people WTP for Mellat and Koohsangi parks can be caused to decide for investment. For improving culture to save their environment, it’s better to have advertisement from the organizations related to this case. Therefore, it is recommended that, the management of parks should be studied in same special monthes of year with fewer visitors of the parks. Hooding festivals culture activities and more facilities can be suitable for their relaxation and entertainment.

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Introduction: The study on natural disaster management literature shows that nowadays a new approach has been brought up as social based management. This kind of management considers knowledge, capacities and cultures to reduce vulnerabilities to natural disasters. The community has a central role in disaster management. The focus of attention in disaster management must be on local community. Therefore, Risk reduction strategies should work to reduce vulnerability and at the same time capitalize the inherent social and cultural capacities of the communities. Community-based Disaster Management (CBDM) approach attempts to include the knowledge of the local afflicted people in disaster risk reduction strategies to help reduce the vulnerability of disaster-prone communities. Many indigenous communities understand their local environment and care for it, maintain lessons from past disasters, and are invested in the place where they live. The use of indigenous knowledge in the field of disaster risk reduction is an additional tool that can help protect the vulnerable communities. Currently, the approach of application of indigenous methods along with the modern techniques to reduce vulnerability from disasters is concerned. Due to the particular position of Iran geography, the types of natural disasters such as drought, flood, earthquake, glaciers, avalanche, and etc. are likely to occur. Iran rural communities have low safety against the natural disasters, because most of villages are in connection with the natural environment and unsuitable locations. Multiple natural hazards often occur in Khoresh Rostam district (the study area). This is due to geographical position of the region. Rural communities in Iran history have been dealing with the natural and socio-economic hazards and agricultural activities in order to reduce unexpected dangers. They have used different methods. Various innovations in societies, particularly rural societies are being carried out to reduce vulnerability. These could be considered as a compliment to modern knowledge. This present article has analyzed indigenous and modern knowledge in rural communities to test whether they have been effective in reducing the effects of natural disasters.Methodology: Research purposes:- The discovery and collection of indigenous and modern methods of reducing the effects of natural hazards in rural areas of Khoresh Rostam district of Khalkhal township, and- Assessment of the different effectiveness of indigenous and modern knowledge and technology to reduce the effects of natural disasters including earthquakes, glacial, drought and flood in rural areas of Khoresh Rostam district of Khalkhal township.In order to achieve the above objectives, the following hypotheses are tested:The effectiveness of indigenous and modern knowledge for reducing vulnerability to natural hazards of earthquake, glacial, drought and flood is different, and indigenous knowledge has scored more in comparison with modern knowledge in rural areas of Khoresh Rostam district, Khalkhal Township. The research method is descriptive, analytical and surveying techniques. The system of gathering information is librarian and free techniques including observation, interview and questionnaire.First in relying on documents and question of the sample number, the dominant natural disasters were identified. Then, the damage caused by natural disasters of the region was identified and were used as indicator. Then, indigenous and modern knowledge in rural communities of the study area was covered. Then a developed questionnaire was distributed in the studied villages. The Independent-Sample T test by SPSS software has been used to examine the hypothesis.Results and Discussion: Based on the research on natural hazards, indigenous and modern measures, several strategies have been identified in reduction of risk of natural disasters in rural communities of the study area. But, generally indigenous and modern strategies in the region can be classified in three categories of protecting people, livestock and agricultural products, and protecting agricultural lands, orchards and pastures. These can be categorized also in a few groups including construction technology, technologies of land management, cropping pattern, zoning, land use, water management and etc.In the structure category, indigenous and modern techniques are zonation, stability and pattern of architecture and design. It is notable that indigenous design and construction techniques have been developed according to resistance against storm, glaciers, earthquakes, climate features and environmental conditions. In zonation category, the included strategies are construction of homes and facilities away from hazardous region. In land use category, the strategies are protection of land and prevention of soil loss, landslide and erosion. For the cropping pattern, most indigenous techniques were considered in the region. These are including cropping and harvesting of production and the type of land for harvesting. They have been developed according to drought, glacier, and storm disaster. The planting and harvesting time has the least damage from a hazard. In the area of water management, the techniques used to water collection and management, soil conservation, and erosion reduction. The results of hypothesis analysis of "difference between indigenous and modern knowledge efficiency on reduction of natural disaster vulnerability of earthquake, glacial, drought and flood in environmental, physical and economic dimensions in rural areas of Khoresh Rostam district shows that there is a significant difference between indigenous and modern knowledge efficiency in the reduction (0.05 alpha level).Conclusion: The results show that the indigenous knowledge has been more efficient against earthquake, glacial, drought and flood in rural areas of Khoresh Rostam district. We can say that the people of the villages in the study area have good local knowledge in dealing with natural hazards and disaster management. This shows importance of the indigenous knowledge in process of natural disaster management. Generally, the local knowledge of disaster cannot be separated from other knowledge systems in communities, i.e., modern scientific knowledge. It is suggested that those responsible for rural planning and natural disaster management consider indigenous knowledge of rural community. Because this knowledge is obtained from the symbiosis of rural with environments and disaster, not only it is effective in reduction of disaster risk, but it is also in direction with sustainable development.

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Introduction: One of the ways to expand cooperation in today's world is convergence with the model of regionalism. At the regional and global existing order, national security of each country comes more easily through the efforts of the government and the people to obtain and increase national wealth than through the efforts to build and collect hardware facilities and create an atmosphere of insecurity, fear and threat. Scientific and instrumental elites have raised convergence in various forms to pursue any conflict occurring in Europe since the early seventeenth century. Then, international cooperation and convergence by countries and global powers has also been considered. Although the Cold War era had put regional cooperation and integration as a function of the relationship between the two dominant poles in the world, this could not prevent the formation of regional integration. Successful experiences in this regard in the eighties and regionalism and regional cooperation in international relations became a substantial and stable principle for all countries around the world.Methodology: The main research method for the importance of the subject is descriptive analytical analysis in the current situation. It has been trying to use the library data, including the important and reliable internal and external resources in the knowledge of international relations, political science, political geography, political economy and political history of Iran to prove the approach of this paper. The experts in this field try to strengthen the scientific reasoning.Results and Discussion: According to Karl Deutsch, the process of integration in a regional organization is like an assembly line which was shaped during history. This process has a central core, includes one or more of the larger political unit, more advanced, more developed and more powerful. The political and economic capabilities are decisive for the integration. The compatibility to the needs and values of smaller units is necessary to maintain integration. New regionalism, especially after promising movements of European Union was invigorated to this mutation from the nineties. At first, European countries were in the new conditions to begin the integration process. Then, this process was created in Latin America, Southeast Asia and Africa. Regionalism in non-European, third world and developing countries did not have the objectives of the integration process in Europe. Even integration in the Asia-Pacific region has not been as well as integration model in Europe. There is not capacity and necessary political will for a deeper integration and political unity in any of these areas.During this period, Iran has been able to establish eco-regional organization in cooperation with Turkey and Pakistan. But this organization has not been able to achieve economic, political and security aims. We review this issue briefly. After the collapse of the Soviet Union, Iran, Turkey and Pakistan, as members of the ECO Treaty, tried to affix former member states of this Union and current member of the CIS to this Treaty. They were able to increase the number of countries to ten members. However, despite the importance of regional cooperation more than before in the past decade, ECO Economic Cooperation Treaty with ten members can register much success in its repertoire. In fact, from a critical perspective, Iran, Turkey and Pakistan are the most powerful ECO members. Every member follows its own especial programs. Turkey sees itself as a European country and all its political and economic powers were used for membership in European Union. On the other hand, Pakistan has also a look at its economic relations with East and West. To do its economic resources for coordination with the international economy, it is more important for the country to strengthen cooperation with Echo.Conclusion: Regionalism in international politics refers to the development of economic cooperation, political and cultural ties between governments and other actors in geographic areas. Basically, region is defined as the combination of geographical areas in proximity, the high degree of interaction, institutional framework and a common cultural identity. Accordingly, the Islamic Republic of Iran as an important and influential country in the regional strategic position in the end of the war, especially with the rise of the construction government. Although there have been some ups and downs, but the country always was faced with the approach of regionalism and regional cooperation and benefiting from capacity and international organizations, it has paid attention to this important issue. Despite these efforts in their desired goals of regionalism approach, it cannot take required advantage. Iran has especial geopolitical situation, because it is located in a location among the crises of Iraq and Afghanistan and in neighborhood situation with the Persian Gulf crisis, Caucasus and Central Asia, South Asia (India and Pakistan) as well as it is a major player in Lebanon challenges and Syria crisis. Thus, the country is active in regional and international security issues. The Islamic Republic of Iran has spent all its efforts and activities in political life for the defense of political independence and to maintain axial discourse. It seems that it cannot introduce itself like the most influential countries in the world as an actor by trade and economic approach in the issue of regionalism.

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Introduction Half of the rural population is women who have multipurpose and vital role in sustainability of rural households. Rural women play vital role in many cases related to development such as providing food security, environment sustainability, poverty eradication, population control and social development. They have been clear for international society. Upbringing of children in a family environment is the responsibility of women. On the other hand, the economics and management of the home as a place of relaxation and comfort for family members are other responsibility of the rural women. Also, they have extensive capabilities for economic cooperation in agriculture. As a result, they should be entered in income generation and economic participation.Microcredit is a financial innovation that makes women economically independent by putting capital and financial resources in their hands. Economic independence results in higher bargaining power for women in their households and communities, and subsequently results in higher prestige and self-esteem. Microfinance has been seen as contributing not only to poverty reduction and financial sustainability, but also to a series of ‘virtuous spirals’ of economic empowerment, increased well-being and social and political empowerment for women themselves. World Bank believes that the micro-credit objectives are poverty reduction, empowerment of disadvantaged groups especially women, development of existing production units, encouragement for creation of new units, creation of employment opportunities through self-employment, increase in efficiency income vulnerable groups, reduction of dependency of rural poor on products heavily influenced by the geographical conditions especially drought and diversification of the products. Therefore, microfinance is a strategy for development which its goal is to access credit resources by women and low-income people so that they can improve their socio-economic status. Granting sustainable financial services for rural women and improving their situation in the family and society are necessary. The main purpose of this study is to identify influencing factors on success of microfinance funds in economic empowerment of rural women. This research wants to: - Describe the demographic characteristics of rural women micro-credit fund in Firoozkooh County- Address success level of microfinance funds in economic empowerment of rural women in Firoozkooh County- Examine socio-cultural, economic, psychological, and educational factors for success of microfinance funds- Anticipate the changes in success of microfinance funds in economic empowerment of rural women based on independent variables.Methodology: This study is quantitative research with in philosophy point of view, an applied study in terms of goal, and casual-correlation in terms of method. Statistical population of the present study is all the rural women who are member in microfinance funds in Firoozkooh County (N=101). This County includes 3 microfinance funds which are located in Shadmahan (26 member), Ahnaz (34 member) and Lazuz (41 member). In this study, census method is used to gather data and finally 101 questionnaires has been analyzed (n=101). Dependent variable is success of microfinance funds in economic empowerment of rural women and independent variables are personal characteristics of rural women (age, marital status, size of household, education level, background in fund, the amount invested in the fund, number of loans, and the fields the loans used), support, socio-cultural, economic, psychological, and educational factors. To determine the validity of questionnaire, several copies of that questionnaire were filled by a group of experts and some necessary modifications were done based on the expert suggestions. To determine the reliability coefficient, pilot test was done; in this test 30 questionnaires were distributed among rural women. After gathering the questionnaire, the data were analyzed in software. The variables of reliability gained by Alpha Cronbach were ranged 0.85 to 0.91. The statistical method in the present study was descriptive statistics (mean, standard deviation, coefficient of variation, minimum, maximum, frequency, and frequency percentage) and for the analysis of the data, spearman correlation and multiple regression analysis were used.Results and Discussion: According to the results, the mean age of the respondents is 45 years and the mean duration of their membership in funds is 6 years. Also, the majority of respondent education level is elementary. The mean household size was estimated 5 people and the majority of rural women (8.22%) received a loan to use in ranching. The spearmen correlation test shows that there is negative and significant relationship among rural women age and household size with success of microfinance funds in economic empowerment of rural women. Also, there is positive and significant relationship among education level, support, economic and education factors with success of microfinance funds in economic empowerment of rural women. The results of multiple regression analysis indicate that economic and education factors explain 39% of changes in success of microfinance funds in economic empowerment of rural women.Conclusion: Since the economic factor is the first step of success of microfinance funds in economic empowerment of rural women; it can be recommended that;- Cash together with long-term installments should be increased. Because starting a business via the negligible loans and on the other hand existence of inflation and economic crisis is not possible. Therefore, loans with small fees are not effective for economic empowerment of rural women.- Identifying donors and help them to invest for success of funds in granting loans to members with higher fees.Since the education factor is the second step of success of microfinance funds in economic empowerment of rural women, these can be recommended;- Holding briefing sessions by experts on the way to get a loan, the repayment, interest rates and increasing awareness of members.- Since in many cases the loan may be wasted due to lack of knowledge of how to use, therefore, it is recommended that economic experts provide entrepreneurship courses and workshops on how to use the loan in different fields.- Visiting rural women together with experts and authorities from successful funds in other counties and provinces. Because this kind of programs can make motivation for rural women.

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Introduction: Increasing growth in different forms of tourism and leisure in rural areas has drawn the attention of researchers as a new opportunity to overcome the problems of rural development, particularly in the economic dimension. In Iran, rural tourism received considerable attention in the research community from the early 2000s. Despite the widespread development of rural tourism in the recent decades, few studies have investigated on the identification and classification of rural tourism as demand factors and key players in the development of tourism in rural areas. Recently, most rural tourism studies have been destination-oriented, and researchers have mainly focused on the issues related to the development of tourism, the characteristics of tourism destinations, and perceptions of local residents. Thus, development of tourism and rural tourism as the main actors in rural areas has received little attention. A review of literature indicates that in Iran there has been a paucity of research on the segmentation of rural tourism. As a result, the present study seeks to segment rural tourism in Sarvestan Rural District (Dehestan) in Fars Province. Tourist market segmentation is important to understand the decision making processes and motivational factors involved in rural tourism. This Rural District (Dehestan), centered on Bazm County, has turned into one of the leading destinations of tourism in the region. Kotler (1988) defines segmentation as "dividing a market into homogeneous subsets of customers, so that each subset can be considered as a target market." This is one of the most popular and most widely used definitions of tourism market segmentation. Generally, market segmentation is leading to an increasingly professional attitude to tourism in rural areas. Different techniques are employed for market segmentation. Meanwhile, the use of geographic, demographic, socio-economic, psychological and behavioral variables is the most common technique known in the tourism market segmentation.Methodology: The main instrument of data gathering was self-administered questionnaire with 258 random samples. The collected data were analyzed in three stages. First, descriptive-statistics analysis was applied to the collected data to explore the overall sample profile. Principal Component Analysis (PCA) with varimax rotation, during the second stage hierarchy cluster analysis was used to identify the number of clusters by an agglomeration schedule on the cluster analysis. Then, K-means cluster analysis was used to classify the samples according to their travel experience parameters that best discriminated them. During the third stage, segment characteristics were delineated by various univariate and multivariate statistical procedures. Specifically, the differences among clusters in demographics, travel behavior, and the various personality and interest dimensions were assessed by suitable analyses including ANOVA and chi-square. ANOVA was used to identify whether there were any differences among the clusters, as measured by a comparison of mean ratings (for metric variables). Discriminant analysis was used to provide information. Travel motivational items were driving the differences to assess the accuracy level of classification of segment membership. Finally, chi-square analysis was used to explore the differences between clusters in terms of categorical variables, such as demographics and travel behavior.Results and Discussion: Rural tourism is an effective way to revitalize the rural economy in Sarvestan area. In this study, factor analysis yielded six motivational factors, as: "ecotourism, physical activity and adventure", "rural life", "relaxation and recreation and rest", "belonging and place attachment ", and "restaurants and historical monuments". The findings suggest that rural tourism market based on tourist incentives can be divided into four parts in Sarvestan Rural District (Dehestan): "ecotourism and visiting historical monuments" (14.6%), "passive group" (4.9%), "ruralism, relaxation and rest" (42.7%), "relaxation and rest" (20.7%), "belonging and place attachment" (17.1%). Discriminant analysis of segmentation of the samples based on tourism motivations show that total, 96.3% of all samples were correctly segmented. The unilateral variance analysis indicates a significant difference between tourists based on various tourist motivations. The results provide valuable information about the structure of the demand for rural tourism that can be useful for government agencies, tourism entrepreneurs and local community. The results showed that among the tourists’ explanatory variables, there was a significant relationship between only three variables, including employment status, household income, and education level of the sample.Conclusion: The segmentation of rural tourism based on travel motivations is highly important in identifying target groups in rural tourism market and opening new ways of achieving efficient developmental and marketing strategies based on proper and rational plans. Results suggest this key point that the majority of rural tourism has combinative incentives. With the exception of the passive group that constitutes a small percentage of tourists; other four groups have combinative motivations. According to the results, the combination of ruralism incentives with relaxation and rest in the third group as the largest section of tourists is the obvious example of motivation combination. Thus, it can be said that the rural area is a various and complex tourist destination that meet heterogeneous demands. The results suggest that socio-economic variables, occupational status, income level, and education level are related to the motivation of rural tourism among the descriptive features of tourists. For example, the third group "ruralism, relaxation and rest" as the biggest section has a higher level of education and income compared to other groups. Rural tourism development in Sarvestan area, like most regions of Iran, is still at its primary stage. As observed in this research, tourism segmentation indicates that rural tourism should not be treated as a homogeneous market, just because rural tourists encompass groups of people with diverse characteristics, needs, attitudes, preferences, expectations, and behaviors. The results of this research and similar case studies provide valuable information about the structure and features governing the status of rural tourism for governmental entities, rural tourism business, and the local society.

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