Introduction: "The sustainable development model is a challenge to the conventional form of development. Conventional approaches see development as simply modernization of the globe along Western lines. "Pressing constraints on development and entrenched negative trends were the result of modernization in the world. These include: economic disparity and poverty, the impact of diseases, over-consumption of resources in industrialized countries contributing to climate change, and environmental deterioration and pollution of many kinds: including the impacts of intensive farming, depletion of natural resources and loss of forests, other habitats and biodiversity. "The 1960s and the 1970s were marked by an intensification of concern about pollution and awareness that environmental problems arise within the context of a complex interrelationship between humankind, the global resource base and the social and physical environments. As a consequence, questions about the acceptability of conventional growth objectives, strategies and policies were brought to the forefront of public debate. "Sustainable development has been the central concept in the United Nations World Conservation Strategy and in the report of the World Commission on Environment and Development, also known as the Brundtland Report. The Brundtland Report defines sustainable development as "development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs. Urban development is especially important within the broader context of sustainability The reality of "accelerated urbanization growth in the south countries (like Iran) overrides its damaging influence in local and global scales," e.g. environmental, social, economical and political problems such as an increase in resource demands, waste production, air pollution, poverty, inequity, housing shortages, crimes, narcotic use… caused concerns about urban sustainable development. Tehran is one of 10 under developed metropolises among the 124 metropolises in the world, and as such is obliged to contend with a variety of problems, e.g. air, noise and water pollution, traffic jams, housing shortages, biodiversity reduction, vulnerability to probable earthquakes, lack of urban services, facilities, infrastructure, overcrowding, poverty and social vulgarities. This research takes the 17th municipal region, as a study area, for measuring the sustainability we collected data in the neighborhood scale...