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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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introduction: Urban vulnerability to environmental disasters in countries with high environmental risks has converted into a severe issue. Even though the relevant literature indicates that corresponding studies urban historical deteriorated physical structures started seven decades ago, literatures pertaining vulnerability to earth quake go back to mid 1970s. Vulnerability to environmental risks, particularly to earthquake, has become an important issue for urban scientists, engineers and urban managers in countries and regions with perilous natural environment, as is the case for Tehran’s earthquake prone location. Metropolitan of Tehran, the capital city of Iran is an economic, communicative, and cultural hub not only in regional level, but also in national and international level. Geographically, Tehran is a city with an unsafe natural location between two great faults in the north and in the south. These faults particularly threaten the deteriorated and central textures.Metodology: To help diminishing the vulnerability of this part of the city, in this work vulnerability of deteriorated area of central Tehran to earthquake, from the view of urban geography and considering the first level of urban crisis management, is analyzed. The study deals with vulnerability of urban deteriorated physical structures located in zone 12 to earthquake which is highly vulnerable. Separate analysis of seven factors, including population, age of the buildings, structure, surface area of the buildings, compatibility, access to open public areas, and accessibility, along with the dynamism of zone12, are used with the suggested model to discuss the results of different variable combinations. The distributions of these variables in the regional blocks and the vulnerabilities of these blocks have been used in the desired functions to perform the analyses based on the total weight of the variables in the urban zones and blocks of the region.Discussion: This study suggests that with regard to both "vulnerable created" and "vulnerable subjected" urban physical buildings located in central parts of Tehran, distance from open spaces, accessibility to vulnerable sites, age of the buildings and type of the construction materials are among the most important variables. The overall results prove the importance of all of the chosen variables in vulnerability of this specific zone. Taking into account the "Harmful Systems" and "Affected Systems" in the urban system and the deteriorated texture of central Tehran, accessibility to open public areas, access to roads, age of the buildings, and materials used in the structure, have respectively the highest impact on vulnerability to earthquake. Also, regional and ultra regional dynamism, considerably affect the deterioration rate and vulnerability to earthquake. Those mentioned variables along with a real economic distribution, dependent upon intra-regional economic activities concentrated in zones 12 and 13, leading to a daily flow of population of nearly 800. 000 people in zone 12, have increased the Vulnerabilities of this part against earthquake. Resident population distribution in zone12 follows a nonintensive pattern, which leads to a reduction in the role of this specific variable in the regional vulnerability to earthquake. Deterioration of the urban texture in zone12, works as a “Harmful System"; and based on the theoretical framework used in this work, the dynamism of the activities is a "Harmful System" as well. This is resulted from the fact that the dynamism of activities is one of the major factors of deterioration of the textures in zone12.Conclusion: Analysis of the skeletal characteristics of zone12 showed that almost all of the skeletal characteristics all over this zone, are considered "Harmful Factors" when it comes to vulnerability to earthquake. But three variables of buildings’ age, texture pattern, and accessibility have higher significances. With the outcomes and results of this research, and its original idea, and considering the theoretical, and analytical framework used, it can be said that the deteriorated textures of central Tehran are in themselves, and also in connection to a set of small and large interconnected systems. At the same time, understanding these textures as "Vulnerable Systems" is not possible, due to the reason that "Vulnerabl Systems" always need "Harmful Systems" to complement them. Theoretically, understanding the vulnerabilities of the deteriorated texture of central Tehran is possible through a systematic view of "harmful and affected systems" in connection to other close and far textures of Tehran, as a "single urban body". With this viewpoint, the resulting principles of this research can be used in analyzing the other parts of central Tehran. Therefore, using any of the existing theories without considering this point in the analysis is not useful in understanding the reality of vulnerability of city earthquake.

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Introduction: Metropolitan’s high development in the world beside population grows in the megacities causes many troubles, such as traffic and urban transportation problems. These problems have been one of significant urban challenges in the end of twenty century. Usually, urban transportation is one of the principal and significant elements of urban system that supplies the accessibility and mobility needs of citizens in different areas. Rapid increases of vehicles especially personal cars and enormous use of them in Iranian cities especially in Tehran metropolis with high grows of population and without a scientific and comprehensive planning have made many troubles. These problem increase with the raise intensive environmental pollutions, congestion of traffic, time consuming of citizens, much consumption of fuel, no security of roads and so on. These problems also decrease public welfare and public health in Tehran. Therefore, urban transportation and traffic issue and its problems are one of the most important challenges for citizens, urban authorities, and municipality of Tehran.Today, one of the solution upon to these problems is development and promotion of public transportation that implements in many cities in all of the world. Rapid public transportation systems from rail to rubber-tired systems are one of the most common solutions Municipality of Tehran term solution) to address these problems and improve public transportation.Different communities have adopted many public transportation initiatives ranging from light rail regular bus transit across their countries to address a variety of issues ranging from environmental awarness to the desire for alternatives to improve highways and urban sprawl. These concerns have led to a re-examination of existing transit technologies and the embrace of new creative ways of providing transit services. Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) can be an extremely cost-effective way of providing high-quality, and high-performance transit.Bus Rapid Transit makes bus to move people almost as quickly and efficiently as a subway system, with a much lower cost. BRT uses dedicated lanes on existing streets, and doesn’t require the construction of rails or tunnels. A new BRT line can therefore be put in place much more quickly and cheaply than a new subway line.Recently Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) is successfully adopted by many major cities across the world including United States of America, and grabbing the attention of numerous communities towards this system of public transit which combines flexible service with advanced technologies. BRT is a rapid mode of transportation that can combine the quality of rail transit and the flexibility of buses. These systems use new electronic technologies, vehicle design, transit operation principles, and marketing techniques.Methodology: This paper is based on fieldwork studies and descriptive-analytic a method that investigates infrastructural factors of BRT and it is evaluated its function in Tehran metropolis. The overall qualitative and quantitative benefits of the BRT are evaluated in this study. Through literature reviews, the elements and indicators that affect the performance of BRT are identified. Our statistical data in this research was BRT passengers and consumers in Tehran metropolis. Around 300 passengers are chosen randomly for a sample survey to contact analysis for this paper, and SPSS software tests also used to complete this study.Results and discussion: The BRT system is tested and implements in Tehran to processes the analytical performances. In this article first line (Azadi-TEhranpars) of BRT system in Tehran metropolis is chosen as the study area, and various sets of data are analyzed to compete this study.Our research indicates that BRT in Tehran has many benefits and advantages. Decrease of travel time (33 minute in first line route), movement of population increases (250 percent), reduction of stay time in station, high speed specially in compare with traditional bus system, increase of passengers security, comparing to other passenger systems specially with private automobiles and taxes are some of the advantages which can consider.Conclusion: This paper shows that BRT system has positive effects on public transportation in Tehran metropolis. This system has positive environmental, economical and social impact in Tehran city. Considering public satisfaction of the BRT is very high. Therefore, with regard to chosen indicators, BRT is a efficient, suitable, and desirable system in Tehran that its public satisfaction is very high and most passengers are using this services every day.

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Introduction: In many cities, lack of the needed special and efficient localities for health centers and other physical factors that play significant roles in providing beneficial services, has always been the major concern for city authorities and the inhabitants. There is an urgent need for a systematic, well-defined and effective method for locating an ideal point for such purposes. The chief objective of the research in hand is to investigate the overall distribution of hospitals and the deprived areas i. e. the parts which don’t benefit from standardized facilities in Zanjan city; It is also the subject of our study to utilize the GIS and network analysis method for an optimal distribution. In this study, the identified points obtained from digital and linear maps as well as the descriptive data derived from field studies have been gathered and linked to information center. Then, for each influential factor in finding optimal locations for construction of hospitals, the concerned layers such as land compatibility, closeness to the central areas of the districts, closeness to the fire stations, access to the major transportation networks, distance from industrial workshops, closeness to park zones of cities, slope of the region and the distance from the center of quarter have been provided and the functions have also been specified for each layer.Methodology: This research is applied developing in scope and the Methodology:  is descriptive-analytic. For collecting information and data required, documentation and field studies such as interviews were conducted and using these data, the facilities and Health services in the region have been investigated. Afterward, the GIS and network analysis method for an optimal distribution and construction of hospitals in the concerned city was used so that it could be a scientific framework for the policy makers and other planners who deal with health sections.Results and discussion: In this study the researcher tried to carry out a systematic planning for urban environment. First of all, the figures, maps and descriptive data were used and then the needed analysis was conducted based on GIS. At the same time, using the network analytical model in the software Arc Map environment the domain access of the users for such services have been specified. After that, for each effective factor in finding places for health centers, the special layers along with the overall layers based on a systematic and academic framework have been proposed for further analytical investigations. In the next stage we investigated the values of the layers and based on the value of each layer, the combination of all layers was shaped. Then the exited hospitals were evaluated in accordance with the values of their locations. It was through the network analytical model that the rate of distance and time of the access of the inhabitants to the nearest hospital was specified. Eventually, analyzing the findings, the most suitable places were proposed for the establishment of hospitals. In this stage, having combined the layers, a separate map was drawn and finally the independent map was created for the construction of hospital, classified in three different characteristic. In the last stage, the sections of the city which had been characterized as the third value (the highest value) were determined as the most appropriate places for a hospital (in eight layers the highest value has been specified to the most appropriate place). Given that the least needed space for the construction of a hospital is 25000 m2, the pieces which are closer to such areas are separated from the final map and using the Xtools, the centre of surface has been changed to points and later these points along with points related to existing hospitals were compared with the transportation network of Zanjan City and was determined as a comparative map of the existing condition of hospital and their optimal points and the related map was drawn.Conclusion: The final results of the research show that at least seven hospitals are needed in Zanjan city, whereas the researcher has identified eleven optimal points using GIS method for the construction of hospitals and thus the policy makers and planners dealing with hospital services can utilize such finding in the best possible ways. The result of the study shows that the existing hospitals and their locations are not compatible with the academic criteria. Also the analysis of the research proved that use of GIS is the most suitable way for analysis of present situation of health centers and other services in cities and subsequently optimal locations for such services that have very significant roles in planning for cities can fulfill a practical role.

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Introduction: There is no doubt, as many studies show, that low income housing policies have changed into one of the most imperative challenges in the cities of Iran. The present paper intends to explore that one of the main reasons for such a challenge is the dominance of traditional urban planning paradigm based on the Master Plan concept known as the Blueprint in Iran's urban planning. Therefore, the present research has been carried out mainly raising this hypothesis that the low income housing policies in Iran, emphasizing on the city of Rasht as dominant metropolis in the northern region, has failed researching its goals due to the nature of approaches influenced by traditional urban planning. Study of the current urban planning in Iran indicates that such a trend follows mainly the rational planning in the wake of Master Plan. Accordingly not only the physical dimensions of the cities are preferred to social dimensions, but due to their nature, most of the benefits of city plans and projects go to the higher income groups. In the meanwhile, based on Pareto Optimum and Game theories and the nature of traditional urban planning in Iran, the magnitude of benefiting from city plans is related directly to the income levels of the citizens. As a result, a great range of the benefits from governmental supportive policies as subsidies go to the higher income groups while being aimed at covering low income groups of the citizens. On the other hand, the Blueprint paradigm planning has intensified this trend and the maximum benefits have oriented toward non-aimed groups of housing policies and the low income groups have not only been driven to the periphery of the policies, but also practically, they have ended up informal settlements.Methodology: In this study, we have applied Cochran formula choosing a statistical sample size of 330 households out of 900 residential units, 5 of which including acquisition condition (some form of rent) of residential complexes, and finally using questionnaires covering 23 characteristics of their residents.Results and discussion: Statistical reviews of the present trend of housing policies of Iran verify big challenges and controversies. On the basis of the global standards, the mean proportion of housing price indexes to the annual total income of households should be 3-5 times and the housing rents might be 15-20 % of the monthly income. However, in the metropolis of Rasht this index has reached to 8 and the rate of house rents has increased by 30%. It is nearly a decade that City Development Strategy (CDS) approach, aiming to reduce urban poverty and improve the residential conditions of low income groups of the city has commenced by the Cities Alliance, World Bank and UN Habitat. According to the successful experiments of CDS in about 300 cities around the world, especially in the Third World countries, one can claim that CDS approach directly faces the daily routines and challenges of the citizens such as residential improving, with their contribution, regardless of inflexible Master and Detailed Plans. Such a policy emphasizes on the implementation and action of the plans and believes that for the citizens of the Third World, the future is now. Plans pertaining to CDS can be compiled and executed in less than a year due to their executive natures, and their results show themselves on city levels, especially in the realm of urban squatter settlements. This is because CDS both utilizes public participation and supplies much of the required facilities such as labor force, management and building materials from local resources. Today many urban theoreticians, using these experiences, try to extend the subject that how and with what equipments such an approach and policy can make positive changes in the lives of normal citizens including the provision of housing for low income groups of the society and the improvement of their settlements. This paper studies the role of CDS approach in low income housing policies with emphasize on metropolis of Rasht. The review of the results of some of the most important characteristics, such as the position and prices of the houses, loan repay, family size, occupation, settling duration, educational level, home selection criteria and transportation costs, all indicate the fact that most of the residents of such case study houses belong to middle or middle-up income groups.Conclusion: Therefore, based on the findings of this research, we can claim that although the main aim of housing in these areas is provision of residential units for low income groups of the people in the city of Rasht, most residents of these houses are middle or middle-up income groups. The present article attempts to analyze the challenges in housing policies for the urban poor in Iran with emphasis on the city of Rasht. As a Conclusion:, the hypothesis of this research has been proved, because according to the paper’s findings low income housing policies in Iran have failed. The present paper pays attention to CDS important approach in housing policies and offers how to lead to the present Conclusion: and some recommendations.

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Introduction: Since the emergence of planning in Iran, about fifty years ago, Regional planning has had its ups and downs, without evolving. Regional planning approaches have been influenced by political, economical and social conditions. Sometimes, it has been used as a tool for (1) investing in the undeveloped areas, (2) concentrating of the investments in areas with good potentials, (3) regionalization of sector plans and (4) comprehensive regional planning. Changes in the concepts and the functions of regional planning in Iran have their roots in existing structural barriers before and after the revolution. Attempts for decentralization, and dominance of top-down planning, disintegrated sector plans, ambiguity of the rules, lack of guarantee for the implementation of plans, not believing in the effectiveness of the planning, disintegration at different management levels, lack of appropriate public and private participation approaches are some of the barriers for effective regional planning in Iran.Methodology: This paper is an attempt to present the barriers and challenges of effective regional planning in Iran. The Methodology: of the research is descriptive and analytic. Three major questions were tried to be answered in this research:1-What has been the trend in regional planning in Iran?2-What are the different approaches of regional planning in relation with the regional development plans in Iran?3-What are the major barriers and problems of the regional planning in Iran?Some of the problems of regional planning before revolution were: Lack of conformity between political and administrative boundaries with planning regions; Dispersed studies which made the comparison very difficult; Disintegrated planning and determining the priorities, without considering the priorities of other regions.After the revolution, the first development plan had a positive point that one of the goals was to do the spatial organization of population and activities according to the principle of relative advantage.The second development plan (1995-1999) was aimed at achieving social equity, optimum resource allocation, and construction of public facilities and reducing regional imbalances. Third development plan focused on the decentralization in political and administrative levels and planning.Results and discussion: Review of the plans after the revolution shows that there has been a positive trend, but not at acceptable levels. Problems and barriers of balanced regional development still exist.Barriers and problems of regional development in Iran are:•Defining regions and their borders: If it has not been conformed to the administrative boundaries, it has created problems. Regions have been defined sometimes according to political and administrative borders, sometimes larger and sometimes smaller. This has caused problems.•Political and Administrative Decentralization: There has been a decentralization trend. But this type of planning has not been linked with policies at macro level.•Disintegrated Sector Planning: Lack of coordination causing waste of resources and doing one project two or more times.•Lack of Regional Development Discipline: Lack of defining institutions and organizations for management and control of regional plans is another problem. There is a need for inter-organization coordination. Regional plans cannot be successful without defining the appropriate level of management. Lack of coordination between sector plans and regional plans has led to regional development imbalances.•Ambiguity in the Legal Status of Regional Planning: Regional plans do not have a legal and effective status in relation with national and local plans. Ambiguity in defining the legal status of regional plans, lack of clear definition of division of labor between related organizations, competition between related organizations has led to waste of resources.As a whole, city planning regulations requires preparation of housing plans into three groups:1-Comprehensive national plans, 2-Comprehensive plans for large cities, prepared by Ministry of Housing,3-Guide plans for small cities, prepared by Ministry of Interior.Comprehensive national plan has not been prepared yet. There are arguments about the selection of the organization responsible for doing that. Comprehensive and Guide plans are prepared for the area within the city’s boundaries. So, preparation of the regional plans, between the Comprehensive National Plans and the local Comprehensive Plans for the cities has not been considered.•Dependence of Iran on Oil Revenues: This makes the whole system vulnerable to ups and downs in the price of oil.•Lack of Culture of Planning at Management Level: This is another barrier. Budgets are devoted to powerful entities without planning a justification for that.•Lack of Specialized Personnel and Weak Plans: There is severe shortage of educated people in the field of regional planning. Weak plans are another problem. Plans are not prepared in conformance with political, social, economic and implementation condition of organizations.Conclusion: A review of regional planning in Iran during the past 50 years shows that the characteristics of the related organizations and their structure have led to lack of success of regional plans. Degree of decentralization in a country depends on the level of development. At the same time, there is a need for inter-organizational and sector coordination.

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Introduction: The concept of local governance has been developed in scientific literature inspired by the principles of good governance in the recent decade. But its valuable functions in local government such as minimum utilization of resources with effectiveness, transparency, and responsive approaches, equality in supply of service and use of participation and all factors in local management have led to use as a basis for evaluation of the local government.The Number and diversity of factors have affected local community in the local, regional and national scales and the need for their coordination in a framework based on local democracy and spatial justice is the most important reason to format local governance and replace it with local government. This model can be affective in sustainable development and efficient physical-spatial organization in rural areas by participation and cooperation of all factors and in all geographical levels. To constitute governance principals we should assess and evaluate the functions and activities of Rural Municipalities (RMs) and rural Islamic councils according to governance principals.Methodology: The aim of this study is developing the local governance indicators and then its measurement and analysis in local government of Qazvin Township. The studied population in this research is all of RM and rural Islamic councils that were active for three years. According to this criteria and documents there are 89 local governments. The research approach is survey and Delphi methods and required data is gathered using the stratified sampling and completing questionnaire from 60 RMs and Rural Islamic Councils, 357 persons of head of rural households, 28 related experts and all of District Administrations (DAs) in the township. The results of Delphi questionnaires were used to achieve suitable model for assessment of rural governance, and its four dimensions include function, equity, participation and accountability with 9 criteria, 25 indicators and 55 variables with related weights.Results and discussion: The calculated results of index for rural governance by the Technique for Order Preferences by Similarity to Ideal (TOPSIS) indicate that average performance of governance index in the studied local governances is 51.06 percent and in functional dimensions 49.2, equity 54.7, responsive 50.1 and participation 52.4 percent. Also the rural governance index in 50 percent of local governances is undesirable, 40 percent average and in only 10 percent is desirable.Furthermore, according to other results of the indicators of "extent authority of RMs and Rural Islamic Councils", Control by higher governmental levels, and "formation of civil organizations" are 22/66, 22/51 and 26/79 percent in lowest situation and indicators "register and protect of documents", "equity opportunity to access to services of RMs" and "formation of local elected councils "with 76/02, 74/37 and 71/82 percent are in highest situation in all of indicators of rural governance. However the indicator of "credit and financial performance "with the score of 41/26, as one of the key indicators of performance of Village Administrations decreases the performance of other indicators. Because shortage of financial and credit sources of local government is decreased to provide services to rural people. Also the results of regression analysis indicated that variables of rural space, rural population, job satisfaction, education, VA’s management style, rural social cohesion coefficient, RM interaction with neighbor RMs, VAs experience, and variable RMs establishment and equipment were the most important effective factors on rural governance.Conclusion: The studies indicated to be software infrastructures and to be legal potentials especially the possibility creation of the elected local council, delectability of village local manager, regulation to register and to protect documents and exploitation of equipments have led to relative improvement of rural governance. These conditions are compensations for the indicators that are undesirable, such as exploitation of equipments, authority limits of VAs and rural Islamic councils, control by higher governmental levels, and formation of civil society organizations. Of course, the VAs limited functions and authorities and their control by governmental institutions have affected the nature of rural Islamic councils and delectability of village managers. Furthermore, the limited authority and executive and judicial weakness, undesirable fiscal and credit performance, reliance to taxes and national budgets and low portion of local incomes in the selected local governments are of the most important of obstacles to promotion of rural governances.

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Introduction: In recent decades, growth and development of tourism and adoption of that as one of the main economic activities in developed and developing countries and competition of main destinations in order to attract tourists have caused the planners to increase the income of tourism activities.Tourism has become an important economic source for planners and authorities in the field of tourism planning. It is one of the sources of competition in terms of investments, priority of goals, spatial organization of tourist spaces and establishing suitable commercial structure for tourist activities.At the outset of the 21st century, tourism will be an indispensable reality in the behavior and conduct of man to gratify his curious soul, given the established technological, cultural, political, social and economic structures. Visiting other places either in reality or through virtual technology for different purposes will be among the requirements of the 21st century, giving shape to a movement which has made national and international borders irrelevant and gone beyond the state and the nation. As a major component of post-structuralism economic theory, tourism is virtually bringing about deconstructive ideas in all areas Therefore; many countries see tourism as a necessity and seek to utilize all their potentials and resources to achieve their interests and benefits. Recently, visitors are increasingly paying attention to Tourist spaces. The important activity in planning and development of tourist activities is their gathering and assembly of Laws and regulations in shield of Tourists and making security for them is essential.The law has much rich potential for tourism and tourists which play key roles in their development. Tourism nowadays is used as an important business enterprise, which calls for an assessment of the competing market, defining and setting objectives and judging among various options for investment, establishment and use of proper structure for commercializing urban tourist products. Proper decision making and collecting suitable Laws and regulations for international tourists should include all factors that affect decision making so that the best option is chosen. Primary actions in the field of tourism began after the industrial revolution, whereas Iran with its strong background in tourism initiated tourism regularly and legally since 1937.Nowadays the discussion of legality dimension of tourism has the most important role in the world countries political geography.Methodology: This study makes use of the qualitative method hermeneutic method as usual. This choice has been made considering its advantages over other methods. Moreover we focus on historical and strong documents in tourism laws in Iran and afterward we have cooperated with and interviewed some organizations that are law makers and provide facilities and have participated in tourism development.Results and discussion: Based on the above explanation, the purpose of this article is the Status of International tourists laws in view and thought of the Religion of Islam and Islamic republic of Iran laws and regulations The important thing for law maker-based development and tourism planning is to pay attention to the needs and demands of international tourist with the approach to host communities’ necessities and needs. This is more important to be considered that law makers in Iran, in the field of tourism are faced with both Islamic identity and ancient identity for making laws in the country of Iran. In this study we try to examine the two dimension of Iran laws and regulations and view and thought of the religion of Islam to International tourist and tourism.Conclusion: In our Conclusion: in Iran we have not defined specific definition from tourists laws and summing up in Islamic thought , although it is verdant, it is not adapted with today’s global situation change. So at this time of the millennium, we should establish a framework for tourists’ law with approach to the cultural habitat. Tourism development and making benefit for our society need strong and flexible criteria such as institutional, legal and geographical ones, which have to be taken into account so that decisions can be made with regard to sustainability. In this connection, to codify necessary laws for tourists and maintaining the content of tourists and increasing efficiency of the industry, paying attention to international rules and regulations, human rights and conventions between governments is vital. Therefore, ignoring these variables, depose Iran’s tourism industry rules and regulations in an appropriate position and this has caused our country, which is among the highly potential tourism countries for competition in the international arena, to gain little income from this economic activity.

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Introduction: The interior textures of cities are the spaces formed in course of rapid town formation from 1966 to 1978 . Nowadays, these textures in large cities, including Tehran, are deteriorating. The core population and social centers of these textures has enabled them to be used as internal core points for any reconstruction and rehabilitation plans.Wide range of civil eroded texture on one side, and vulnerability of such areas due to the disasters (particularly earthquake) on the other side, turned the rehabilitation or renovation of the mentioned areas as one of the main problems in the urbanization field. This is while two space-based and man-based approaches may discuss different directions when renewing such textures. Current study is going to find the way which such textures contact together in the area of one of the eroded textures located in the middle of Tehran with a combined approach based on the community properties on one side and space properties on the other side, stressing on their internal system with a logical approach. Zone 19 of district 17 of Tehran metropolis has been discussed as the basis of this study due to its situation as located in the middle of old and new textures and its situation in the realm of eroded textures. This space has obtained its main name of temporary urbanization and borrowed its social system of immigrants with different sub-cultures but combined ones maintained their social integrity by tribal-lingual compositions until now. This resulted in more value for residing and living in this texture besides its erosion. On the other hand, space possesses homogeneity properties in the field of housing and residence and this has also minimized diversity and relatively eliminated its body integrity. Results of current study, made by descriptive-analytical method using field survey (observation and questionnaires) indicate that the weakness of conjunction between space and community in the emergence and exploitation stages resulted in weak and eroded forms such as social structures. Reviewing this research practically can provide us with understanding the strengths and weaknesses in both fields (society and space) as well as a background with applying results in the renovation stage.Methodology: The used method in this study is descriptive-analytical, insisting on the indices based upon theoretical subjects. It is a case study in the form of literature review and field study and analyzes the social (by sampling from the 400 households) and space (survey of all elements) specifications.Findings. The finding, based on theoretical foundations, shows that there are some aspects among the residents of these textures, including commitment and participation which is in turn the result of marriage between the relatives. In addition, there is a relative solidarity in the anatomic texture of the zones which is the result of some equal opportunities, facilities and inter-related elements of the texture. Such specifications have made these texts dynamic.Conclusion: The deterioration of these textures is the result of divergence between the community and the space. Whenever there is an appropriate solidarity between the space and the community, the needed possibilities and facilities for promotion of the deteriorated textures are prepared through reconstruction and rehabilitation. An aspect, which decreases the resulting costs and increases the benefits for the relevant groups and the potential beneficiary.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic ResourcesDownload 0 مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic ResourcesCitation 2 مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic ResourcesRefrence 0
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