In this paper at first, the theoretical bases and the basic concepts are briefly reviewed. Then various structural and urban planning indices, which can be used for analytical modeling of the seismic vulnerability of urban environments, are introduced and discussed. To apply the analytical model to district number Ten of Tehran metropolis, as the case study, regarding the large number of involved indices, a SDSS model has been used as a problem solving technique is used, which is a combination of Delphi and AHP in a GIS environment. For vulnerability evaluation, at first the structural vulnerability of each building is estimated based on the corresponding indices, and then the effect of urban conditions is taken into account as an amplifying factor using the corresponding urban indices. By using the results of analyses in a scenario based vulnerability evaluation procedure, the priority level of various parts of the district for implementation of preventing measures are obtained. Flexibility of the proposed analytical model makes it usable for urban settings, without any limitation.