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Introduction The city, the most important of human life and human settlements is one of the last half century, due to the increasing degree of urbanization and urban population of the most important aspects of global change, the introduction to the growth and development of cities and provide a broad body changes range from local to global scale land created content. This trend is more pronounced, especially in developing countries, has led many urban areas in terms of population, physical or both, developing and developed, yet "there is a huge demand for the development of basic infrastructure. Cities Iran is not exempt from this, so that along with the rise and development of capitalism, capital accumulation, spatial concentration of production tools and manpower requirements will lead to the development of Urbanization. CDS or urban development strategy, the process of preparation based on long-term vision of the future that is based on the implementation plan is prepared. The main objective of this process, the combination of all the components of effective participation in society, to achieve long-term outlook and priorities in the field of integrated urban settlement and administrative issues and implementing projects identified short-term. The Urban Development Strategy, the circumstances in which the partnership to solve problems of poverty and economic development should be considered. Overall, the strategic document for the development of conforming to social justice through community-wide collaboration to improve the quality of life for all citizens, especially the poor are made and Its main purpose the provision of sustainable urban development through public participation is to build community capacity building. Urban patterns analyzed and designed based on cognitive positivism model which were supplied in unreal environment and far from urban population capacity. Considering growing problems in urban, the Civil Development Strategy (CDS) is an appropriate approach to comprehensive study and strategic management. The approach has provided seriously studying field for managers and urban planners as well as politicians now. In the end, the point is that the process is relatively centralized planning and urban management in cities and the impact of this project on cities and citizens, the necessity of the general framework for the design and use of a dynamic system approach, citizen participation and public review in the preparation, implementation and future landscape urban development, the processes of social, economic and cultural development of the city and urban communities, and good lord components such as transparency, accountability, consensus-building, cooperation, politics, voice, etc. is inevitable. Thus the paper is the results of field studies and library in a part of the implementation strategy for urban development in Mahabad which investigate structural - physical condition of the city.Methodology It is a practical research and its method is descriptive – analytic. Reviewing the concepts and principles of related issue, field study methods (direct observation, interviews with experts and elites of the city) has been used to data collection. In this stage of study, along with field observations from different parts of the city, the state and problems of objective interviews and identification of the groups was explained and advice. The oldest participants were from 31 to 46 and nearly 60 percent of the total population in the study of various classes and groups in Mahabad. Interviewing citizens and officials and various stages of field studies, finally the physical and structural problems in this city were mentioned; then Solutions and executable programs was presented to manage Mahabad city in terms of civil development strategies (CDS).Results and discussion Research findings show that more than 91 percent of surveyed populations are not aware of running programs and future programs of urban management (municipalities). The most important current problems of Mahabad are lack of facilities and urban infrastructure, lack of appropriate recreational and sports spaces, Lack of efficient management in city, residents inadequate financial afford, authorities failure in implementing modern methods of scientific agriculture, poor utilization of natural resources and facilities related to them and no citizen participation in urban management and worn tissue, especially in the central parts.Conclusion The results show that Mahabad city’s abnormality outlook, particularly in the context of the central city, terminal, Tanakora market, urban and rural interconnection contexts, especially in urban areas around the foothills, expanding without proper infrastructure in urban areas (pristine foothills), compacted context, disorganized and unintelligible due to the development of the automobile and urban development, particularly in areas such as Ashabh Sefid, Shaiegan Gardens, Posht tapeh, Sanjan Abad, Rashid Sufi minerals, Taha Sufi mineral and worn context of Mahabad and marginalized groups in the city made a very terrible landscape in city especially in center and foothills; in other word they brings visual pollution and disturbance. The most important issues concerning spatial- structural studies from urban development strategy view are including: inefficient surface water disposal system especially in central and foothills of city due to its high slope, inappropriate and less durable materials, narrow streets its winding, lack of space on the roadway, chaotic streets of the marginal area, lack of adequate coverage and even coating asphalt streets. Also having good communication situation, pushing Apartments in tissues outside the central city park suitable for tourism due to the possibility of creating a suitable climate, access for pedestrians, and different user composition and to create routes bikes Due to the very good potential as Mahabad Dam, Sahoolan Cave and lagoon Connie Brothers, a relatively wide area of fertile soil the city, coefficient of low probability of earthquakes in the city, started a massive construction zone Zagros health, business exposure to strong edges in the city, according to the sustainability of the physical environment improving the quality of construction and... are Issues that due to the positive points and areas to maintain proper body structure in future for this city, can take advantage of it be the best.

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Introduction: Management and regional planning need accurate and timely spatial information on Land cover and its pattern changes. Observation and discovery of these patterns provide the required Information about the current state of development and the nature of the changes in order to accurate planning for planners and decision- makers. Land cover, dynamics and its changes are important variables that have serious effects on the environment and environmental processes. Population growth and the development of human activities in the last few decades have influenced the Earth's surface significantly. Timely and accurate information regarding the land use and land cover are needed for decision-makers and researchers at all levels. Satellite data have the current high ability for mapping land use and land cover in particular geographic areas. Addition information on the importance of land cover, Knowledge of its changes Over a period of time is very important for planners and managers. With knowledge of the proportion of land use changes in time, we can predict future changes and perform the appropriate actions. For this reason, it seems that the change detection methods are necessary to determine the trends of the time. Accurate and timely detection of the changes, postal and altitude, provides a basis for a better understanding of the relationships and interactions between human and natural phenomena in order to management and better use of resources. And generally it is one of the basic needs in the management and assessment of natural resources. The extensive research for mapping land cover classification using remote sensing and GIS methods is performed. Because of this, in the present research, we seek to explore the spatial patterns of the spatial - temporal land cover over a period of 10 years in the rural districts of Isfahan.Methodology To achieve this purpose, land cover map of Esfahan that was classified by the supervised classification method by using the algorithm of maximum likelihood was prepared. This map was obtained from Landsat satellite images of Landsat and 8 Landsat were prepared for 2002 to 2015 and the classes in it are vegetation, water, barren lands and settlements. Then in order to test the spatial-temporal variations at the local level is used of GWT-test.The basic advantage of this approach is that every Spatial unit are measured with itself around units. Spatial and temporal variations in the period 2002 to 2015 can be measured using hypothesis testing and the GWt-test also a good way to check the statistical significance of the issue. 3-The research process: 1- Determine the area of the land use map2- Classification of satellite images. To perform this step, four operations were performed on satellite images which they are: a) Training Datab) Implementation of training samples in Area imagec) Image classificationd) The process after classification)3-To make the geographical weight matrixGWt-test - 4Expansion GWt-test model: The proposed model is an innovative model Based upon Geographically weighted matrix.In this model For expansion GWt-test model, Spatial weight matrix is added to T standard equation. For this purpose, Computational steps are as follows: 1- Calculate the weighted average of the geographical2- Calculate the weighted variance of geographical3- Calculate the weighted t of geographical4- Geographically weighted average equality hypothesis test at 2 periods Results and discussion In Iran, In recent decades the process of land degradation is almost 6 thousand hectares per year that this is except for land use in the cities, service and industries. In general, Statistics show after 1978 Land and natural resources of the country have Land use change. This Statistic are generally and they can not show changes in space – time. On the other hand, the information provided space for the units must be placed evaluated using scientific methods.In this study, to create a map land cover in Esfahan province have been used changes processing and classification of satellite images of 2002 and 2015. Analysis and hypothesis testing is used to test GWt-test. With the help of hypothesis testing spatial and temporal changes during the period 1381 to 1393 were identified and then these changes were modeled.The results showed that the lands of the Isfahan in the years 2002 to 2015, in four categories: vegetation, water settlements (urban and rural) and barren lands, have spatial variant. For irrigated farms, all rural districts, except Jarghoye Middle has changed at a %99 confidence interval level. The assumption changes have been confirmed in the case the bare land for 124 rural districts, about the land settlements for 118 rural districts, and about the land vegetation for more than half of the district. The present study seeks to explore the spatial variation of land in the Isfahan’s rural district. Research in this area and examine the causes of the emergence of these changes is needed for deeper investigation with approach to land use planning.Conclusion The extensive research in the field of mapping and classification of different land cover using remote sensing and GIS done. In this paper, in addition to preparation of the land cover map of the district of province, we tried to use the GWT-test in modeling and spatial temporal of land use. Since in this method each spatial unit is measured with its surrounding and also due to specific local circumstances modeling change spatial - temporal will have results. For this reason, We can say that GWt-tes is a good method to check the significance test.The results show great spatial variations with the spatial differences in land use in the Isfahan's rural. These results also indicated classes that have the most of land use variation are, respectively, with classes of water, settlements, bare land and vegetation

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One of the most important discussions in urban and urbanization in current Iran is to determine and analyze the growth and physical- spatial improvement of urban and urbanization. In this relation the main objective of urban planning is to prepare residences welfare via establishment of better, healthier, easier, more efficient, and pleasant environment. To this end, suitable analysis of earth to improve urban and determining suitable fields and among the priorities for spatial development is essential. To this end, the aim of presented research is to study the procedure of physical improvement of Khoramabad, identifying influent factors in urban spatial improvement, studying the sequences of city improvement and its physical paradigms, identifying the capacities and development limits of the city, providing solutions principles and action plan for the physical development of the city. A research method in this study has been of type analytical - descriptive. After historical development of the city, factors and constraints affecting the physical development of the city has been studied. Based on assumptions set forth in the study, the role of natural and human factors, the physical expansion of Khoramabad has been studied. The results show that the natural and human factors and barriers have a major role in direction of the city's physical development.At final part, preparing informational layers such as land capability, surface elevation, slope, land stability, communication networks, airports, cemeteries, rivers, industrial and rural areas and entrance of these layers to ArcGIS and their analyzing in geographical information system database, using AHP model and Expert Choice Software, suitable lands for future development of city were determined. These lands are mostly located at the south parts of city. One of the most important discussions in urban and urbanization in current Iran is to determine and analyze the growth and physical- spatial improvement of urban and urbanization. In this relation the main objective of urban planning is to prepare residences welfare via establishment of better, healthier, easier, more efficient, and pleasant environment. To this end, suitable analysis of earth to improve urban and determining suitable fields and among the priorities for spatial development is essential. To this end, the aim of presented research is to study the procedure of physical improvement of Khoramabad, identifying influent factors in urban spatial improvement, studying the sequences of city improvement and its physical paradigms, identifying the capacities and development limits of the city, providing solutions principles and action plan for the physical development of the city. A research method in this study has been of type analytical - descriptive. After historical development of the city, factors and constraints affecting the physical development of the city has been studied. Based on assumptions set forth in the study, the role of natural and human factors, the physical expansion of Khoramabad has been studied. The results show that the natural and human factors and barriers have a major role in direction of the city's physical development.At final part, preparing informational layers such as land capability, surface elevation, slope, land stability, communication networks, airports, cemeteries, rivers, industrial and rural areas and entrance of these layers to ArcGIS and their analyzing in geographical information system database, using AHP model and Expert Choice Software, suitable lands for future development of city were determined. These lands are mostly located at the south parts of city.One of the most important discussions in urban and urbanization in current Iran is to determine and analyze the growth and physical- spatial improvement of urban and urbanization. In this relation the main objective of urban planning is to prepare residences welfare via establishment of better, healthier, easier, more efficient, and pleasant environment. To this end, suitable analysis of earth to improve urban and determining suitable fields and among the prioritiesfor spatial development is essential. To this end, the aim of presented research is to study the procedure of physical improvement of Khoramabad, identifying influent factors in urban spatial improvement, studying the sequences of city improvement and its physical paradigms, identifying the capacities and development limits of the city, providing solutions principles and action plan for the physical development of the city. A research method in this study has been of type analytical - descriptive. After historical development of the city, factors and constraints affecting the physical development of the city has been studied. Based on assumptions set forth in the study, the role of natural and human factors, the physical expansion of Khoramabad has been studied. The results show that the natural and human factors and barriers have a major role in direction of the city's physical development.At final part, preparing informational layers such as land capability, surface elevation, slope, land stability, communication networks, airports, cemeteries, rivers, industrial and rural areas and entrance of these layers to ArcGIS and their analyzing in geographical information system database, using AHP model and Expert Choice Software, suitable lands for future development of city were determined. These lands are mostly located at the south parts of city.One of the most important discussions in urban and urbanization in current Iran is to determine and analyze the growth and physical- spatial improvement of urban and urbanization. In this relation the main objective of urban planning is to prepare residences welfare via establishment of better, healthier, easier, more efficient, and pleasant environment. To this end, suitable analysis of earth to improve urban and determining suitable fields and among the priorities for spatial development is essential. To this end, the aim of presented research is to study the procedure of physical improvement of Khoramabad, identifying influent factors in urban spatial improvement, studying the sequences of city improvement and its physical paradigms, identifying the capacities and development limits of the city, providing solutions principles and action plan for the physical development of the city.

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Introduction A hazard is a situation that poses a level of threat to life, health, property, or environment. Most hazards are dormant or potential, with only a theoretical risk of harm; however, once a hazard becomes "active", it can create an emergency. Preventing harmful results of natural disasters such as flood, earthquake, tsunami, storm and etc requires crisis management planning. One of the most important parts of fatality during this events is caused by weakness in transportation system, especially in injured transfer system to vital treatment. This paper proposes an injured transportation system which is one of the most important subjects in decreasing human fatality during crisis. In this system at first, casualties must be taken to a primary medical center by road relay vehicles (like ambulances, or personal vehicles), then be transferred to master medical centers by air relay vehicles (like helicopters) considering required treatment. On the other hand, due to the high price and limitation of air transportation, it is supposed that casualties will be transferred using integrated mode to the master medical centers. The most important reason of using air transportation is that when the natural disasters happen, roads are usually blocked as result of damages caused by crisis effects. Consequently, we have heavy traffic or blocking on the streets, highways and roads. Additionally, in proposed system every primary medical center can use common vehicles instead of independent transportation to move injures.Importance of this subject is that it is possible to transfer wounded who are located in the same geographic area by using integrated transportation due to high damaging probability in foundations and usual paths when natural evens occur. Fast integrated transportation is considered in second stage. Finally, we compare our proposed transportation system with two other systems in which the first system uses direct transportation of injuries to the master medical centers and the second one uses two-stage transportation system by road vehicles. The aim is determining the assignment of injures to the air relay vehicles and determining the priority of injures for transferring to the master medical centers. The objective is minimizing the total waiting time of injures to receive to the master medical centers.- Methodology This research is applicable and is done with analytical approach. To find the best parameters for alternatives of problems that are solved in this paper, we considered to 8 crisis engagement specialists and emergency section of master hospitals. Then to maximum coverage of problem ranges, 216 random problems are produced to consider several condition of problems in crisis. A genetic algorithm with variable chromosomes structure is proposed to solve and optimize these problems. In the field of artificial intelligence, a genetic algorithm (GA) is a search heuristic that mimics the process of natural selection. This heuristic (also sometimes called a met heuristic) is routinely used to generate useful solutions to optimization and search problems. Genetic algorithms belong to the larger class of evolutionary algorithms (EA), which generate solutions to optimization problems using techniques inspired by natural evolution, such as inheritance, mutation, selection, and crossover.After codding the proposed algorithm, this problem is ran on several random problems. Structure of this random problems includes the various range of problems. All of the computational programs are written on Matlab R2013a and ran by a computer with Intel, corei5, 2.6GHz Processor.After several runs and by experimenting, we understand that amounts 100 for populations, 0.05 for mutation rate, 0.5 for best parameter, and 50 for termination parameter, result to the best answers in a reasonable solving-time.- Result and discussion Three scenarios have been proposed to survey in this problem, including: direct transfer of injuries to the master medical centers, integrated two-stage transfer by road vehicles and integrated two-stage transfer by a combination of road vehicles (in the first stage) and air vehicles (in the second stage), . All three scenarios are compared with each other. For this, 216 random test problems with different structures to have maximum coverage of crisis conditions is created and they have been solved by proposed genetic algorithm. Considering destruction of urban infrastructures when a disaster occurs, we considered a fast-air-transportation in part 2 of transportation system to deliver injures to master hospitals. Results is shown that the third scenario is the best injured transportation system scenario to minimize waiting injured time arriving to the master hospital (considering her sore). The numerical results represents this matter that using the system that is proposed in this paper have the less amount of waiting times comparison to 2 other scenarios that studied.- Conclusion One of the most effective issues on number of fatality resulted by natural disasters, is transportation systems to convey wounded to medical centers. In this essay we tried to survey ways of reducing waiting time of casualties to master medical centers using integrated transportation system and two-stage transfer. After problem representation a genetic algorithm to solve this problem is proposed. To survey results, we created several random problems in special structure that they show various range of problems. Then these random problems were solved by proposed algorithm. According to obtained numerical results, the proposed system have considerable effects on reduction of injures waiting time to master medical centers. Hence, it propose that stables a central data receiver-distributer organization to receive injures data from primary medical centers and transportation system condition, combine and solve them in proposed model and give transportation missions to system to minimize injures waiting time and saving more lives.At the end, usage of integrated air transportation system may impose more expenses to system, but it has advantages like less injures waiting time to arrive to master medical centers, more reliability, less number of round trip, less number of vehicle and…, that can justify this expensiveness.

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Introduction: Iran has taken lots of changes during the last century. Occurrence of two revolutions -constitutional revolution and Islamic revolution - and then a war for eight years has been the source of changes in the urban space and social life in this country. One of these changes is about the third places.Third places as one of the most important institutions of public sphere are attractive public places which shaping the informal life of the citizens and repair their social relationships out of formal working and family life. So, the third places stand in contrast to the formal life at homes and workplaces and have witnessed various transitions during the past decades. These places are a vital element in public realm of the cities which at different levels, from city level to neighborhood unit’s level are able to redefine the social structures and promote the concept of social interactions from shallow and ephemeral interactions and relationships to stronger social bonds. These places are acceptor of different types of connections, interactions and activities and gather people together regardless of the social degrees, classes, ethnic, racial, and etc. (Oldenburg, 1999, 1) Therefore, have a significant impact on the social life. A Third Place is a place where people can visit regularly and get in touch with friends, neighbors, colleagues and even strangers (Mehta & K. Bosson, 2010, 780).These days, urban life has been dominated by two domains: family & government. Zanjan which has been an important city due to its location between Tehran and Tabriz on one hand and the big influence of religious leaders on public opinion in this city on the other hand, has always been affected by evolutions and tensions created at national level and have affected them (Soltani, 1379). Therefore, in mentioned section of time, by identifying third places at different periods in the past hundred years, in Sabze-Meydan space, we attempt to consider their impact on public and social life of Zanjan citizens and examine the historical developments of these places.It should be noted that Research on new concepts such as "third places" in Iran, faces many challenges since Professor Ray Oldenburg, as the one who has introduced this concept for the first time, has almost focused all his studies on American cities and in a few cases, has pointed to European cities. Hence, reviewing of such a concept in the Iranian cities which have significant differences with Western countries in regard to the social - political context and flow of life in cities requires understanding of the context and then redefining the concept of third places and their characteristics according to local conditions.Methodology: By applying the qualitative methods, the paper based on its goals first studies the changes in third places and somehow their formation and trasformation in Zanjan and mainly introduces them through a Descriptive Approach by extracting codes of third places and using Content Analysis Method. Afterwards, the roles of third places in promoting social life are considered and compared through the use of codes on these places and also application of Analytical Matrix.Results and discussion: Over the past hundred years, various third places have always shaped in Sabze-Meydan district. The form and function of some of them have basically changed, some others are eliminated and some have maintained their form and function. To conduct this research, at first the available historical documents have been examined, and then, through surveys and field studies, the process of transition of form and function of these places and the changes pertaining to the social interactions resulted from that places have been studied.The Great Mosque, from the beginning of its establishment has maintained its function during the last hundred years and has always been a place for informal and voluntary gatherings of the people and has been visited by different social groups with different intentions. Sometimes its minarets have become a watchtower for the Tudeh Party members in the event of conflict between supporters and opponents of the Tudeh Party in 1325, and another time, its yard has converted into Basij resistance base. Although, Its pulpit has always been a place for religious leaders’ speeches and its space has been a place for meeting, discussing and exchanging of people’s opinion. Therefore, it can be noted with confidence that until recent years, this place has been the most fundamental and important part of the city’s public sphere and the most influential place for dissemination of common sense.Following the Great Mosque, Sabze-Meydan space itself ranks second among the important third-places which similar to the Mosque has roughly retained its form and function and has had remarkable impact on the social lives and defiantly public opinion.Except for the Mosque and Sabze-Meydan, almost all third-places which existed in this district are not exist anymore. Teahouses, delis and peddlers who were selling ice creams are no more there. Nowadays, retail shops have surrounded this district and other public gathering places cannot be found except for the two pre-mentioned cases.Conclusion: Although the district's third places were not devoid of social damages (like gender segregations), but its positive social impacts were undeniable. It seems that the attention authorities to such places and their attempt to recreate these places and yet control the social damages can be a guarantee of the increase in positive social interactions of the citizens, expansion of spaces for talks and exchange of ideas and consequently, development of public sphere. This research's results show that third places always have had a remarkable role in people's social life and an enormous influence on the mobility of their informal life in Zanjan. But this role, recently has been weakened because of different reasons and now these places require urban planners and designers' special attention to recover and regain those positions.

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Introduction Today world is full of changes and alterations, of most important changes made in extent of Business, change in offer able values to buyers that is known as main factor in organizations (Destinations) and chief organizations in any industry, its success to ability to supply quality products (valuable) to buyers in comparison with their competitors is know. In this regard, one of the marketing efforts is that customers not just today, but for future also buyer and others encourage to do (Koskela, 2002: 28). Research has shown that the quality and value of services received, plays an important role in satisfaction and consistent decisions (Lenoe et al, 2006: 208). With this description must be said that tourism is a mix of different activities That the chain of services to tourists encompass all phenomena and relationships arising from the interaction between tourists and host communities, governments and recruitment process and reception (Mcintosh and Charles, 1995: 9). Hence is that now one of the methods for measuring the efficiency of services and facilities in a tourist area is assessment of beneficiaries and consumers opinion (tourists) of these services. Indeed by attendance to right relation of tourists with created services and being needs in cities and region can be have effective role in measuring efficiency or shortages of being services (Rodriguez et al, 2006: 667). The significance of tourism and recreation is often most evident in the coast. Coastal tourism is the sum of activities relating to the travel and stay over by people visiting the coastal zone. Coastal tourism developments comprise developments and activities conducted upon land immediately adjacent to the shoreline, coastal wetlands, estuaries and tidal waters and associated marine waters. Tourist activities are considered coastal tourism activities when they are based on or utilize coastal or marine resources, either natural or manmade, or located within the coastal strip (TCMP, 2001, p.5). Therefore one of the important and basic factors in increasing the number of tourists in the areas is being of facilities and service quality requirements tourists. According to traditional attitudes to assess the quality characteristics of the goods or services was defined as a measure of quality, but the new management approach, the quality was defined as customer want. Clients or recipients of service, service quality are evaluated by comparing their expectations and perceptions of service received. Tourists as well as other customers, usually before visiting their tourist destination has the level of the expectations to services will receive in tourist centers. These expectations largely will engender by advertising, media and also informal information from acquaintances. Extent of these expectations, will be the basis for the satisfaction of tourists. While can meet the expectations of tourists, surely these people, will recommend visit of it area to others which that is the most effective way of marketing and advertising (Crosby, 1993; Soderlund, 1998). Based on the foregoing, this paper aims to measure of tourists’ satisfaction of coastal tourist destinations in rural areas of Guilan Province and as well as comparison mean tourists satisfaction of each destinations.Research Methodology paper method is descriptive- analytical. To assess the satisfaction of tourists from coastal rural areas tourist destinations of Guilan province in descriptive part has been used of library and quantitative methods (statistical) to analysis of field data. The data collection was done using a questionnaire. The statistical population this research is coastal tourists of Guilan Province, which according to the statistics organization's tourism of Gilan Province has been announced 15000000 people, with Cochran method 390 of them as the sample size was determined. In this paper tourism destinations is 10 safe building project which are located in 7 county. In each of project 39 tourists were questioned.Results and discussion Based on the results of the independent samples t-test, highest measured dimensions related to the satisfaction of the security services with mean of 2.409 and the lowest satisfaction is relevant to informing in coastal tourism destination with mean of 0.434. And other means to arrange from highest to lowest are as follows: Interaction with 2.123, coastal area with 2.074, transportation and access with 1.354, recreational facilities with 1.249, Welfare-catering facilities with 1.431 and management with mean of 0.945. It can be said that the rate of satisfaction is very little level.conclusions Tourist literature shows that the overall satisfaction of tourists and the tourist intents to return to the point of destination is characterized by its assessment. In this regard, many studies have shown that the performance of a destination is determined with the analysis of expressed satisfaction by tourist of various aspects destination (Aleger & Clader, 2006; Baker & Crompton, 2000). The coastal is still a major destination for tourists, and tourism planners are trying to design and implement the requirements of tourists to the coast. And this planning and management of coastal tourism can be done more precisely by taking into account social and environmental systems and their relationship (Cachadi et al, 2002: 12). Therefore one of the important and basic factors in increasing the number of tourists in the areas is being of facilities and service quality requirements tourists. To compare the mean of satisfaction between 10 tourism destinations has been used of ANOVA. The amount of variance between groups according to (F) and the level of significance (sig) 0.000 shows that in forms of the variance there is significance difference between the mean of tourists satisfaction from coastal tourist destinations. The results of test of (Tukey), tourism destinations based on mean of satisfaction have been divided into 4 categories. According to the results of test, three project (Jefrod, Alalan and Darugar Mahalleh) are on the first category, where tourists have the lowest satisfaction from them, on the second category are three projects (Tazeh Abad, Anbarsar, Nilofare Saharkhiz). The third category has two projects (Abad and Haji Talib Bkndh) and on the fourth category are (Amin Abad and Gisum) with mean of 1.163 and 1.658.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Introduction Historically, the knowledge and its production, as the key driver of civilization and economic prosperity, have been crucial to the development and competiveness of any city and region. However, over the past several decades, the importance of scientific development in new theory of development discourse has been raised and global village goes into the global information order. The cities that have been always home to civilization gained unprecedented importance and placed in the core of production, exchange, and knowledge. Nowadays, many of cities around the world have been faced with massive transformations of urban areas due to dynamic processes of spatial and economic restructure where physical commodity replaces by very delicate forms of production (knowledge). Accordingly, this paper aimed to scrupulously describe these transformations and identify the role of knowledge in the development as well as the interaction of knowledge and city development. In addition, this paper sought to examine the most important characteristics of scientific papers in the knowledge production. Finally, according to these characteristics and criteria, we review and analyze scientific papers of urban geography.Methodology This paper is based on combined method. Delphi technique and content analysis were used as a qualitative method. Additionally, quantitative method and analysis including spectral questionnaires and one sample T-test and Friedman test were used. AHP method was employed to calculate the weight of each factor and indicator according to the expert's opinions. Qualitative data was collected by the snowball sampling method and quantitative data was acquired through questionnaires that examined 50 scientific articles in urban geography journals from expert perspectives. In this step, we used the random sampling method to determine the sample size.Results and discussion Based on literature review and expert’s consensus 7 criteria and 21 sub-criteria was selected. Criteria ranking via AHP showed that meaningful and creativity criteria gained highest ranking and lowest ranking was for adequately present and language. Investigation of 50 scientific research of urban geography indicates that those Criteria’s that have more important role in the production of knowledge from expert perspectives have had low ranking at scientific articles in the field of urban geography. Accordingly, it can be said that despite the importance of " Novelty, Creativity and Meaningfulness ", " Sound methodological basis” and ” following appropriate ethical guidelines " criteria in the production and development of science, unfortunately, scholars has been little attention in the field of urban geography.Table 1: Comparing the ranking of criteria from experts’ perspectives and the results of the articles investigation Expert’s ranking Results from papers investigation1Novelty, Creativity and Meaningfulness Meaningful Relevance2 Sound methodological basis Adequate presentation, style, and language3 following appropriate ethical guidelines Transparency and clarity4 Meaningful Relevance High standards of scholarship in argument and interpretation5 High standards of scholarship in argument and interpretation Sound methodological basis6 Transparency and clarity following appropriate ethical guidelines7 Adequate presentation, style, and language Novelty, Creativity and Meaningfulness Conclusion Findings revealed that knowledge capitalism has emerged in the post-industrial world, and advanced communities struggle to achieve a knowledge-based economy. In this context, cities plays a central role in this process and in order to create a sustainable competitive advantage trying to adapt with it. These trends and Transformations alerts us to the great mission of researchers and scientists in the field of urban studies in order to produce and exchange of basic knowledge in the field of urban issues. Moreover, they must create an urban environment in which development of science and technology motivated. The twenty-first century is millennium in which inattention and negligence to knowledge lead to negative consequences and will bring very unpleasant problems. In other words, South global become home to a variety of issues and challenges, and citizens will be ' remote control workers via low wages”. Investigation of criteria and papers also indicate that in the expert's view, ‘Novelty, Creativity, and Meaningfulness’, ‘ Sound methodological basis ’ and ‘following appropriate ethical guidelines’ criteria obtain higher rankings than other criteria in the production of knowledge while the scientific research articles in urban geography have been little attention to them.Conclusion Findings revealed that knowledge capitalism has emerged in the post-industrial world, and advanced communities struggle to achieve a knowledge-based economy. In this context, cities plays a central role in this process and in order to create a sustainable competitive advantage trying to adapt with it. These trends and Transformations alerts us to the great mission of researchers and scientists in the field of urban studies in order to produce and exchange of basic knowledge in the field of urban issues. Moreover, they must create an urban environment in which development of science and technology motivated. The twenty-first century is millennium in which inattention and negligence to knowledge lead to negative consequences and will bring very unpleasant problems. In other words, South global become home to a variety of issues and challenges, and citizens will be ' remote control workers via low wages”. Investigation of criteria and papers also indicate that in the expert's view, ‘Novelty, Creativity, and Meaningfulness’, ‘ Sound methodological basis ’ and ‘following appropriate ethical guidelines’ criteria obtain higher rankings than other criteria in the production of knowledge while the scientific research articles in urban geography have been little attention to them.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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"Good Urban Governance" can be defined as the way and procedure of handling city affairs with the cooperation and engagement of three sections, public, private and civilized society. Regarding the studied factors and practical nature of study, descriptive- explanative method is used. Data are collected with library and field studies. This study aims to evaluate 14 Area of Ilam based on Good Urban Governance criteria. Geographical range of the study is Ilam city whish has a population of 172213 in 1390. Statistical population of the study is 42613 families living in Ilam and case study is 397 head of families who are chosen based on Cochran formula and random sampling. Kronbach Alpha is used for assessing the reliability of the questionnaire which is.86. Seven factors, cooperation, accountability, responsibility, law abidance, justice, transparency and efficiency are analyzed using T-test. Analyzing date, SPSS software and one sample T-test are used. Likert scale is used to evaluate variables. Results show that the levels of all City Good Governance scales are lower than average of Likert scale based on T-test.Introduction The international community, urban management has concluded that the major problem of lack of financial resources and modern technology and skilled manpower is not but before and above all, the main problem is in the method of administration of these agents. It is a continuing process through which conflicting or diverse interests may be accommodated and co- operative action may be taken. It includes formal institutions and regimes empowered to enforce compliance, as well as informal arrangements that people and institutions either have agreed to or perceive to be in their interest. Good urban governance, based on the principle of urban citizenship, affirms that no man, woman or child can be denied access to the necessities of urban life, including adequate shelter, security of tenure, safe water, sanitation, a clean environment, health, education and nutrition, employment and public safety and mobility. Therefore todays a procedure which is considered to be the most effective, the least expensive and the most constant is "Good Urban Governance". It can be defined as a procedure of managing municipal activities with cooperation and engagement of three sectors; public, private and civilized society in order to create a sound city with high level of living capabilities and constant development. "Good Urban Governance" must have seven characteristics as follow: 1. Accountability 2.Transparence 3.Cooperation 4. Justice and involvement 5. Comprehensiveness 6. Efficiency and effectiveness Methedology This study is a descriptive- explanative one regarding studying factors and practical nature of the study. Data and information are collected with library and field studies. It is a survey study and it is done by preparing a questionnaire. Statistical population is 42613 Ilamian families and case study is 397 head of families whom are selected by Cochran formula and random sampling. Cronbach's coefficient alpha is used for reliability of questionnaire which is 0.86. Analyzing data is done by T-test method. The aim of the study is evaluating Ilam 14 areas about Good Urban Governance indexes. Geographical limit of the study is Ilam city. Its population was 172213 people and 42613 families in 1390. Participants in the study are 397 people; 297 men and 100 women. Regarding age distribution of the participants, 31 percent are under 30 years old, 36 percent 30 to 45, 22 percent 45 to 60 and 11 percent 60 or more.45 percent have diploma degrees, 20 percent associate degrees, and 35 percent bachelor and higher degrees.16 percent are unemployed, 27 percent have governmental jobs, 30 percent are self employed and 22 percent have other jobs. Criteria of this study are World Bank criteria and United Nation developing program. Seven factors, cooperation, accountability, responsibility, law abidance, justice, transparency and efficiency are analyzed using T-test.Results and discussion Results show that rate of accountability is -8.340 which is meaningful in 5 percent error level. It can be said that there is a meaningful difference between real average (2.08) and imagined average (3). As the real average is lower than imagined one it can be said that from citizens' views accountability index is in an undesirable level and they evaluate it lower than Likert scale. There is a meaningful difference between real average (2.14) and imagined average (3) for responsibility level and as it is below Likert scale therefore it is in a lower level. Average for law abidance is 3.54 which is more than imagined average. Therefore the level of law abidance is high according to citizens' view. For measuring the level of cooperation, there is a meaningful difference between real (2.06) and imagined (3). Although citizens are eager to improve living condition but because of low level of assigning services to people and not caring about people opinions, they do not cooperate in urban governance. There is a meaningful difference between gained average (2.21) and imagined one (3) for transparency level and as gained one is lower than imagined, it can be said that transparency level is not satisfactory from people viewpoint. There is a meaningful difference between real average of 2.54 and imagined of 3 for justice level. People think that justice level is not in a good condition. There is a meaningful difference for effectiveness and efficiency averages and it shows that people think that they are not in a good condition. Seven factors; cooperation, responsibility, accountability, law abidance, justice, transparence and affectivity are used. Analyzing date, SPSS software and one sample T-test are used. Likert scale is used to evaluate variables. Results show that the levels of all City Good Governance scales are lower than average of Likert scale based on T-test. Therefore it can be said that Ilam 14 areas has undesirable levels according to these scales and the hypothesis of this study is confirmed.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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1-IntroductionThe world today is facing with the crisis of resource destruction. Optimal utilization of natural resources and regulation of land use based on their ecological potential has important role in environmental management and prevent their destruction in order to sustainable development. Assessment of ecological potential as the core of environmental studies provides a good platform for environmental planning. In this field, geographic information system with high capacity in the management of new outcomes is proposed as an effective tool in environmental planning. increasing growth of urbanization has caused in recent decades that attention to tourism is considered as the largest and most diverse industry. In fact, the ecotourism is a responsible tourism to the natural environment while protects environment it also ensures the health of local communities, today this industry is the one of the most hope activities which is referred under titled development passport. Survey of natural geography and ecological capability evaluation each of ecotourism attractions in our country, it shows that ecotourism in Iran is a unique and susceptible economic resource, and also it has been left to its own devices.2- Methodology This research was done in framework of the ecological model and multicriteria decision making methods such as ANP, FAHP BUKLY by using Arc GIS 10, Super Decision 2.0.8, Surfer11 soft wares and with the aim of choosing the suitable locations for agriculture land use in Behbahan north plain. The present study is based on the ecological parameters (physical and biological) to assess the ecological capability of agriculture landuse including physiographic (percent slope), precipitation (Cp), temperature (Ct), distance from water sources (Wc), soil depth (Pd), soil erosion (Es), soil structure (Ps), soil texture (Pte), soil drainage (Pdr) and vegetation types. this Fuzzy AHP method, for criteria pairwise comparison and determining weights and preferences are used trapezoidal fuzzy numbers and geometric averaging method respectively. Fuzzy AHP method proposed by Buckley is the generalized form of the classical AHP method. ANP is based on the creation of a control network which describes dependency among decision elements. In Fuzzy Analytical Hierarchy Analysis method, For paired comparisons of criteria and for gaining weight and preference use Triangular fuzzy numbers and Geometric averaging method Respectively. In order to integrate layers Simple Additive Weighting or Weighted linear combination method (SAW) Was used. The study area is located in Behbahan north plain. This area is limited in 30°, 36' to 30°, 37' north of latitude and 50°, 19' to 50°, 29' east longitude.3– Results and discussion Analyzing the criteria objectively involved using specific GIS techniques to break the analysis down into quantifiable measurements. From the available 10 m interval contour map of the study area in ArcGIS, a contour Digital Elevation Model (DEM) was generated from which a grid DEM was derived and the slope data was obtained. The reclassify tool was then used to reclassify all the variable data sets by Iranian ecological model. in order to dimensionless of raster layers and integrate layers was used fuzzy method weighted linear combination method respectively. After standardization of the layers, the weighting stages of each parameter by ANP in Super Decision 2.0.8 software. By FAHP decision making model and pairwise comparisons that were performed by experts, the weights of criteria and the effective subcriteria are calculated in capability evaluation of ecotourism landuse. In the end, after obtaining the final weight of each layer using ANP and FAHP, the layers were integrated by WLC model in Arc GIS 10 software. Then, it obtained the final map of land suitability evaluation to the study area for the ecotourism landuse. the ANP method to measure the slope of the highest impact and lowest impact on the study area And FAHP method among the main criteria, physiographic criteria most influence and impact are minimal compaction plant and in the soil standards, substandard construction and drainage are the most and least effective. Based on the final zoning map, from the total area of the region, the suitable and unsuitable capable is about 23 percent and about 46 percent for tourism by ANP and about 19 percent and 46 percent by FAHP respectively. According to the final maps obtained from the mentioned methods and their analysis, we can say that the results of the ANP method is more adaptation with reality. Using the software, Google Earth, and field studies can be said that the results of the ANP method is more consistent with reality.4– Conclusion The ecological model of ecotourism, three floors can be considered the beginning of the class, a third category to the quality and flexibility of land is unsuitable for this application. the study area has a diverse set of environmental resources, including adequate water, fertile soil, favorable climate, vegetation, natural and human phenomena that attract tourists and in the planning and proper use of them, can be solve many economic and social problems of the region and the development of comprehensive and sustainable path simultaneously. the results show that there is the possibility of tourism activity development in the area and the region conditions for ecotourism is well that this result is more clearly in ANP method. Finally, the conclusion showed that multi criteria analysis is caused to increase evaluation Precision for site selection and integrated models represented a effective solution to help group decision making of evaluators. the study area is the ecological potential for tourism because of their use of the dissolution of Traditional and Asmary which has a series of karstic features such as caves, canyon, hole is wet and Now, Dovlin, high capability in addition to the charm can also be educational and recreational aspects.

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Introduction Federal Republic of Iraq has numerous ethnicities and religions, along with energy resources is abundant and roots of many of the conflicts in it, to control, ownership or supervision on "land", "resources" or "People" it will be back. So that the complex relationship between politics, ethnicity and territory is created. Although the Iraqi has one of widest oil fields is in the world But the important thing, how the geographical distribution of energy resources, especially in the north of the country and compete in the federal State and the Kurdistan federal government for control over strategic resources, especially in the "Kirkuk" is. "Kirkuk"potentially in terms of geopolitical and geostrategic can Be converted the most important Iraqi crisis and even underlie for a crisis at level of regional and international. while the Kurds in Kurdistan province; "Kirkuk" knows part of its federal jurisdiction other ethnic groups such as Arabs and Turkmen have raised similar claims. Central State, also in turn, will oppose with this claims. Therefore, the question are discussed that territory, politics, and ethnicity, how the territorial conflicts in northern Iraq have formed.Methodology This article with descriptive – analytical method pays to how territorial conflicts in northern Iraq. Information gathered is through library resources and Internet.Results and discussion Study of territorial conflicts in Iraq, expressing the complex interconnectedness "territory", "ethnicity" and "politics" in is the country. This complexity will be returns on the one side, "the realities of geo- socio – cultural” and on the other side, the "political realities" such as the material contained in the Iraqi "constitution", that the formation and destiny determination "territorial conflicts" it will play key role.Some Iraqi "geographical realities” includes: The unequal geographical distribution of oil and gas resources, Uneven geographical distribution of the population in terms of ethnicity and religion, and also its heterogeneous social context. This geographical realities, has imposed their conditions on behavior manner in domestic and foreign politics this country and manufacturer of numerous gaps has been in the area of territories, politics, economy and culture. For example, the north of Iraq with its special geographical location, on the one side has enormous oil and gas reserves and resources are and on the other side, territories are enclosed that has not the way to sea. This area in terms of human geography, with the majority of Sunni Kurds, always been facing with the kind of regionalism that had a role in the formation of territorial conflicts In Iraq."Social and cultural realities of Iraq." according to the policy variables, ethnicity and territory their specific effects on territorial conflicts this country have been behind. Iraq's most important historical fact is »bogus« be it and its present borders by the England, has been done to form political and not geographical. Therefore, the social fabric of Iraq is the diverse mosaic unit of ethnicities, religions and cultures that their requirements on political behavior in indoor and foreign policy this country has imposed and numerous gaps in the areas of territory, politics and economics have created.The largest "territory conflict" and "territoriality" in Iraq, between the Kurds and the central government is current because present official areas Kurdish-controlled, not including all Kurdish territory. This study has shown that the difference between the central government and the regions subsidiaries is mostly due of "The difference in authority between the central government and regional government, " "the problem of coexistence between the ethnic and religious groups, " "disputes over surface and subsurface resources" and finally "political development". But the dispute over "Kirkuk" is more important than the other differences.The current situation with regard to the geographical characteristics and demographic combination of Iraq, Kurds have most strongest and most organized military force and Administrative institutions are in the country and the privileges and powers of the federal system benefit. Whereas Turkmen has a population is low and somewhat fragmented and lacks powerful national parties such as the Kurds are. The role of "Sunni Arab" also in the state is less than the Kurds and the roles of “Sunni Arab” also in the state is less than the Kurds and are lacks geographical and structural unity of Kurdish. "Arabs Shia, " also despite the best geopolitical position resulting from access to free seas, adjacent to Iran, overpopulation and southern provinces homogeneous and having the oil rich resources south, is confronted with several problems such as the growing Conclusion Three factors "territory", "ethnicity" and "politics" played a major role in the formation and self-determination territory conflicts and territoriality will have in the north of Iraq. For example, the Kurdistan Regional State consistently on several issues in oil and gas sphere with central State has had disagreement and conflict Such as: "The difference in terms of oil and gas law in Iraq", "different interpretations of the constitution, " "how the distribution of oil revenues, " "Disagreement the introduction of state oil and gas fields" and "border disputes in the oil-rich regions, particularly in Kirkuk”. The Kurdistan Regional Government in keeping with "territoriality the Kirkuk" to have taken actions such as: Kurds to return to the "the Kirkuk" and venture contracts in the oil and gas producing in the squares located in the "the Kirkuk" and "Mosul." But the eventual reunification "Kirkuk" Kurdistan, detrimental to the Sunni Arabs enclosed area without oil would be and opposing them up will have sought. Even Shia Arabs in the south and central government also are opposed with incorporation of "Kirkuk" to Kurdistan and it is to the detriment of national and local interests their and cause to increase powers knows Kurdistan Regional. In this regard, the provisions of the Iraqi constitution, such as the lack of enforcement of Article 140 of constitution and failure to resolve the conflict areas of Kurds, Arabs and Turkmens by the Federal Supreme Court has a special place. Because "Kurdistan Regional" is the only federal department in Iraq and this point is effective in causing imbalance power and unequal relations of between Iraq's ethnic groups during territorial conflicts.

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The results show that some oil company: Bvardh, Breym and Cyclin which is about 9/6 percent of the area of the city and 4/6 percent of the population have more per capita than other 36 neighborhoods of the city of Abadan. So that an imbalance in spatial structure and irregularities, contradictions and double standards in urban morphology, ecology, social and economic have been created in Abadan. The results obtained from the analysis of Friedman model showed that most of the gap between Abadan neighborhoods belongs to the neighborhoods of oil industry because the overall average rating of these neighborhoods compared to other neighborhoods in the city of Abadan offers a much lower amounts. It can be said that, boroughs such as Board, Brim and silken which are finance ally supported by oil company receive high level services, on the other hand, other boroughs which were created organic and automatically do not benefit from good facilities and proper welfare amenities in urban infrastructures. The effects of this form of development and also unequal distribution of proper facilities to receive social, economical, special and urban features causes a paradox (contrast) in the special structure of Abadan.Based on the analysis of the impact of the spatial structure of employees of the oil industry on spatial structure through economic variable equal to 0/036, 0/053of varying social and physical variable is equal to0/066. This suggests that the changing economics of employees of the oil industry through economical variables had the maximum impact and through the physical variables had minimal impact on spatial structure in the city of Abadan. By0/488, the oil industry had substantial and significant direct impacts on urban spatial structure of Abadan which has greatly sorted inconsistency, contradiction and injustice created in spatial structure the city. This issue has caused social justice and sustainable development to face with serious problems.Introduction Any phenomenon occurs obligatory in the specific space and location, consequently affects the space and location, to some extent. Industry and industrial development as a basic economical activity is not exception and causes an effectiveness tromp different national policies at macro level or causes to be influenced by changes and strong structural reforms. It has shown specific forms of space- matrix structures in the city. Any industrial strategy leads to a space planning/ designing. It is not possible to understand and imagine urban planning without having a good / accurate understanding of industrial changes and issues. The special structure the city depends on different interrelationships of all forces and factors within the city. These factors can include the force of market. activities, urban city infra structures and various services Cities have been formed from a vanity of Social, economic, and formal Structures However, mentioning the spatial structure of a city means its formal structure in which the elemental composing items and the way they are mixed taken into consideration. The spatial structure of every city depends on its background and the factors and events which have created some environmental circumstances to develop it. The formation of cities, spatial-formal structure reflects the collision of some various views and ideas governing different times and places. Cultural, social, and economic changes in the 19 and 20 the centuries influenced by modernism have to the rapid growth cities and the appearing of megacarriers with fundamental transformations their organizational and structural form these changes and their following rapid city dwellings growth has led.To the new spatial structure and polarizing one more city centers.The changes include city arrangement method, building density and population, and transportation networks. Hence, different city patterns with different spatial structures and related transportation systems are created.Methodology In order to obtain data, documentary and library methods are used. The required information is used to obtain the average income of the families in urban parts through administration of questionnaires in the urban parts of Abadan. Using kook ran formula and according to the number of families in each urban region, volume sample for region one (361), region two (346), region three (370), region four (332), region five (345), region six (340), region (340) region seven (361), region eight (334), region nine (363), region ten (365) and for region eleven (228). Then in the urban parts, the volume of questionnaires is determined regarding the number of family members in proportion to all families. The questionnaires are distributed to families a simply random method. In order measure and to obtain the average of land in square meter, the price was asked from the real estate agencies in each part of Abadan.Conclusions and discussion The result obtained from spreading pattern, fridman test, branch analysis model, and analytic tests of Levin and integrated indicators, all lead us to issues that the basic and problematic factor causing disorder in boroughs and spatial structure of Abadan was the oil company and its activities and side applications. The effects of this kind of development as well as in equal and inefficient distribution of the mentioned indicators have caused a type of paradox in the spatial structure of Abadan.Conclusion The results show that some oil company districts like: Bovard, Berim, and Siklin belonging to the oil company industry employees and supported by it have higher standard services. However, other suburbs lacked the necessary welfare infrastructural services, and effects of such form of development and undesirable, unequal distribution let to some polarity in e structure of Abadan.This led disarrangement, incongruity, contrast, and injustice in the morphology of districts and the whelp city regarding the indices of economic, social and formal structure as well as the population.

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Introduction The concept of power and its presence in the world of politics are so significant that experts like Wolfers compare it with the role of money in the world of economy and believe that the function of power in the world of politics is exactly similar to the function of money in the world of economics (Seyfzadeh 1379, 170). To be more precise, today nations are struggling to gain, maintain, or demonstrate power (Alem 1376, 188). So, what matters in international relations is the power of political units which, under the title of national power and through gaining geopolitical weight, increases bargaining power of nations in regional and global relations and in this way guarantees national security. One of the primary and challenging geopolitical problems for countries in international system, is the existence of conflicts and lack of correspondence between theoretical and true definitions of national government. The ethnic, lingual, racial, and cultural variety of governments' (minorities') population structure has made it difficult for governments to create an integrated national identity. That is why world's political map is constantly changing and new countries are born. Countries that have an integrated nation or are monoethnic, enjoy national integrity as an empowering factor (Hafeznia 1385, 283). In contrast, presence of different nationalities in a country can act like centrifugal force, i.e. if minorities' rights are neglected, national identity and security will be endangered (Karimipour 1379, 25). Globalization process in information, economic, and even political aspects has threatened national boundaries and released bottom forces upward. Having new political, social, and cultural demands, these forces have exposed national governments to numerous problems (Gheisary 1382, 398). This issue has changed some of the conventional functions of national governments, which were meant for sovereignty and territorial integrity. With regard to the fact that minority support was part of European and American diplomacy in 20th century, today foreign powers interfere in countries' affairs, especially those of the third world, which results in minoritization and has set the scene for conflicts between spatial minorities and governments (Bazarsalan & Ibid 1997, 16-17). Also awakening of internal identities, when they are in contrast with a greater identity, called national identity, increases the pressure on government. As Jasper Biro says, today the incidents and crises related to the demands of minorities and ethnic groups are so widespread that 21th century could be called "the century of ethnic resurrection" (Biro 1998, 15). So, taking into account the role of population heterogeneity in governments' power, these questions need to be regarded as important issues: what is the role of spatial minorities in increasing or decreasing national power? What procedure do spatial minorities adopt to satisfy their demands? How can foreign agents passivize spatial minorities? What approaches are helpful to decrease the pressure of spatial minorities on governments? What is the role of national governments in management and organization of spatial minorities? The hypothesis made at the outset is that diversity and variety of minorities decreases countries' national power.Methodology Adopting descriptive-analytic research design and using library data and websites related to political sciences, political geography, and sociology, this study aims to find out how spatial minorities, as a political phenomenon, can threaten sovereignty and power of governments, following the procedure of globalization and due to upward release of bottom forces. The independent variable in this study is national power and generally speaking, sovereignty of governments. The independent variable is the phenomenon of spatial minorities.Results Deep structural attempts made to homogenize and transform the ethnic-cultural variety in most countries, especially modern ones, indicates the effect of minorities on their power. Taking into account its role in the process of political participation and ultimately its effect on legitimization of ruling systems, homogeneity of population, whether quantitative or qualitative, is one of the most important components of national power which, compared to economic, military, geographical, etc factors has a more fundamental role in political success and empowering the nations. In order to reduce tensions and stop ethnic conflicts, we need to resort to solutions which neutralize conditions and reasons behind tensions and crises. These solutions, as well as respecting minorities' identity, should guarantee their rights to justly benefit country's political and economic resources. As factors like foreign support, weakness of central government, and minorities' demands could lead to violent and separatist movements by ethnic groups, attempts must be made to reduce the tendencies toward passivity and challenging the minorities. To do so, the following points are of great importance: - enhancing political knowledge of all layers of society and informing them about foreign interference in ethnic conflicts- creating cooperative platforms in political, economic, and social arenas- attempt to increase power which adds to authority and influence of political systems in global transactions- attempt to increase job opportunities all over the country- attempt to prioritize construction and development especially in border areas- using ability of ethnic elites to manage ethnic areas.Conclusion The most important mechanism through which national ends and interests are realized is to achieve national power which is obtained from different social, economic, geographic, technological, military, and political sources in a collective function. However, development of ethnic conflicts and its significance in international politics together with the vision that national power is undermined by ethnicities, has become an extensible theory in analyzing ethnicity relations and political power challenge. In this regard, "nation's mixture", "minority quantity", and "people's (or minorities') political participation" has always been at the center of attention by governments, as they indicate the degree to which the population is homogeneous or heterogeneous and consequently shows the level of the society's political participation - an indication of legitimizing the ruling system. This paper postulates that minority groups' mutual relations with government can increase or decrease national power. The research design is descriptive-analytic and the results indicate that a combination of minorities' demands, weakness of government and foreign supports, can play a role in decreasing countries' national power.

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No doubt that the specialized vocabulary in every science, represented those science, and scientific language as an integral part of every science. Any scientific study requires the loss of a coherent set of specific vocabulary of the discipline, synonyms for them, and suggest them to precisely define the areas of disagreement and eliminate possible misunderstandings.The etymological origin of ‘territory’ is often traced back to the Latin ‘terra’ (geographic area) and ‘terrere’ (to frighten: to terrorise).Territory is back. For long something of a poor relation among spatial concepts, and until recently on the wane politically, territory today seems to be ever more important. Borders, security, sovereignty, secession, invasion and occupation—all usually seen as close correlates of territory—are rarely out of the news. Meanwhile, in political theory and philosophy, the fashionable notion of deterritorialisation cannot be separated from a correlative reterritorialisation. Territory’s time has come, or so it seems.If any kind of space is quintessentially “state space”, it is surely “territory”. Yet, for all the far-reaching discussion of the territorial re-organization of the contemporary state, the decline and rise of the political salience of territory, and the implications of territory for the exercise of power, the nature of territory itself—it's being and becoming, rather than its consequences and effects—remains under-theorized and too often taken for granted. The intense engagement with diverse forms of social theory that has marked human geography since the 1980s has involved a comprehensive interrogation and re-thinking of many of the core concepts of the discipline, including space, place, landscape, region and scale. Until recently, however, the concept of territory has not received the same level of attention, at least in the Anglophone literature.It is interesting to think about the reasons for this relative neglect. It seems plausible to suggest that among critical human geographers the concept of territory may even have been seen as something of an embarrassment. There are a couple of possible explanations for this, particularly if we accept for the sake of argument that territory has usually been understood as a bounded and in some respects homogeneous portion of geographical space.Geographical thinking in the 1980s and 1990s came increasingly to emphasize the porosity and fluidity of boundaries, and the supposedly consequent reduction in their political salience. It also stressed the increasingly (or even intrinsically) heterogeneous character of space and place. In these circumstances, invoking the concept of territory risked being seen as either anachronistic (because the world had changed) or reactionary (because an insistence on seeing the world in terms of bounded and homogenous spaces suggested a fear of Otherness and an exclusionary attitude to social and cultural difference).The concept of territory may also have been embarrassing for some because of its ill-defined, but powerful associations with the use of similar concepts in animal ethology and socio-biology. After all, one of the commonest uses of the term “territory” in general discourse is to refer to the home range of an animal, particularly with reference to aggressive and defensive behaviors. Of course, anything that risks smuggling socio-biological assumptions into studies of human activity is anathema to most critical social scientists. A similar mistrust of ideas smacking of environmental determinism may have added to the suspicion with which the concept of territory has sometimes been regarded.Although many discussions of territory suggest that it is fundamentally a political phenomenon, the perception that it also often involves fixed borders perhaps raised the spectre of “natural boundaries” and nineteenth century understandings about the relationship between culture and environment: desert peoples, mountain peoples, forest peoples and plains peoples; each with a special ineffable bond between culture, nature and “territory”.The assertion of territorial control has been explained as an innate, instinctive inclination of human beings to possess and to defend an area against intruders, similar to animals. Although every individual human being requires some space to live, and feels emotionally attached to certain places, the diversity of political entities in the past and present shows that neither individuals nor social collectives seek instinctively fixed, closed, and clearly demarcated territories for their survival or the protection of property. People may feel more comfortable and relaxed when they control ‘their’ territory, yet the scale and size of the territory they consider as their ‘natural’ home, or as their fatherland - their backyard, city, region, village, state, federation, neighborhood, empire, etc. - is indeterminate.Political Geography has several concepts such as place, space, scale and territory, and so that the concepts are disputed. Concept of territory, according to many experts in the field of political geography, one of the most controversial concepts in this field. Choose the appropriate equivalent can help audience for easy understand. This study is fundamental theoretical, and descriptive analysis using primary sources in Persian and Latin, try to find the nature of the concept of territory and introduce appropriate equivalent in Persian political geography literature. As research founding's in appropriate equivalent for territory shows, political geographers use it in different meanings, beyond the understanding of natural geographers as a framework for natural processes, and also as human geographers consider the term mentioned as a static field of human events. In terms of political geography, territory is not only mere space for human action as physical framework, but is a clear reflection of "power relations between political actors", So that in several important aspects of social life and social power, such as function of "space control", "political actors", "borders and apply the monopoly rule" arises. So territory is field that individuals try to control by methods such as "defense", "control", "exclusion" and "inclusion", thus territory, in political geography literature confined space is defined by a boundary, that provides power and control for state; And thus the territory consist of the land, because the land is the physical and human (non-political) domain.

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One of the most important issues in the study of national security that is of great importance in issues related to sustainable development, In recent decades the world's population and concerns arising from the significant increase in the consumption of conventional fuels, Necessity and urgency of sustainable and secure access to energy is more and more evident. Not long in the end accept and rely too much on them in addition to global challenges such as pollution At the national level and regional problems such as internal conflicts and conflicts between governments as well. Therefore, it is essential It should be noted that fossil fuels are a finite and non-renewable energy sources Necessity and urgency of sustainable and secure access to energy is more and more evident.The results indicate that the geopolitical situation of both countries depends on securing sustainable energy.As well as renewable and nonrenewable energy factors played the biggest impact on security mechanisms and utilizing the renewable energy sources in the energy mix Iran and Japan, to contribute significantly to the country's energy and national security.In this study we compared geopolitical Iran and Japan, the effect of renewable and nonrenewable energy in the country's energy security mechanisms are compared and assessed.Introduction "Interests", "power" and "security" concepts that are national in a bipolar system of the Cold Pyshajng, generally had military applications. Words Mmvlahm hand power using the facilities of a country to achieve its national interests, whether it was used "national security" was picked up, The use of military force to defend the territorial integrity of the country against foreign invasion.. Today these concepts in addition to military applications political and other functions, whether economic, social, cultural and environmental found.It all together and find meaning in order to achieve sustainable development. Security, whether as an end or as a means, seeks to preserve the independence and territorial integrity of the country and creating the conditions that lead to reduced vulnerability to threats. Hence, today, the first priority of government planning and national security has become a national concern. Japan is currently the world as one of the most developed countries, according to several reasons its dependence on the national fixed factor, more than before. Japan's heavy reliance on national security requirements in the field of energy, the country Vadarbh referring to alternative agents in order to sustain stability and security and non-stop development program. Japan's lack of natural resources and high dependence on energy imports has caused the supply of energy and its conservation is important and vital for Japan As one of the most influential national security issues in the debate is the issue of energy.And now this issue very closely and inextricably linked with security and defense policy Japan has found; Evaluation and utilization of renewable energy emerging in the name of national security, Japan has become one of the strategies. In connection with the Islamic Republic of Iran, despite considerable potential in the field of renewable energy and improving energy security, stressing the need to further increase national power, it seems Do these concepts so that should be a priority in government planning and policy-have not. What about the energy situation in Iran is obvious, favorable geopolitical position and the presence of huge reserves of oil and gas Which is on track to achieve sustainable development factors are considered. But considering the current security issues such as instability and conflict in the Middle East and threats related to energy and obviously the end of fossil fuels, According to Iran's need for high potential in terms of using renewable energy is felt.problem statement According to what was said above, In this study we review the strategic policies of the Japanese government to improve the energy situation and achieve sustainable development, Despite the constraints that caused the country's major economic powers have become one of, To assess the challenges and opportunities in the way of improving energy security deal between Iran and Japan. No doubt aware of the priorities of national security in relation to energy issues as well as identify the characteristics of their geopolitical, a more detailed analysis of study This study helps.The main research question The use of renewable energy in order to guarantee and enhance the national security of countries in the current era How And the type of relationship analysis and interpretation of the concept of national security issues between Iran and Japan look like.The secondary question- Geopolitical and security situation in Iran and Japan in terms of energy How do you assess it. The impact of renewable energy and renewable energy in security mechanism between Iran and Japan look like. The necessity of the project As noted earlier, one of the most important issues discussed in the review of national security, issues related to energy and apply strategies to enhance national energy security. Processing importance to the issue of the fact that the use of appropriate patterns of energy efficiency in order to achieve sustainable development and emphasize national security Will be considered. Thus, according to the research, the need for case studies can be found in the importance of energy and function This factor, especially in the national security of Iran and Japan, as well as how it affects the security of this country's future. Given the limitations of fossil energy, planning to use more renewable energy With the aim of strengthening and improving the country's energy security is very important. Since Japan despite the limitations associated with conventional sources of energy, And relying solely on scientific and technological capabilities have won the Top Rated global economy and the sustainable development, Its strategies and appropriate scenarios can be used to improve energy security in Iran.According to this national security targets are defined separately in each country We must also bear in mind that classification to achieve these goals is different in each country.

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