Having historical view of science, in general, and of philosophy, in particular, is essential for both science and philosophy. By historical view of science and philosophy not only their emergence and their evolutionary processes (trends) can be further cleared, but it can be seen that it is impossible to separate, for instance, philosophy from its history. This historical view is what among Muslim philosophers, quite unlike philosophers in western world, has been a bit overlooked. One of the reasons for this is related to the Muslim philosophers' approaches to philosophy.In this article I have tried using a "documentary and analysis" methodology to show to what extent the two Muslim philosophers, i.e. Sadrulmotallehin and allamah Tabatabai, have interested in historical view of philosophy. Definitely, believing in prophetic wisdom has played Sadrulmotaalehin, in spite of being attracted to predecessor's opinion and deeply exploring their thoughts, has at times gone astray in presenting and attributing the viewpoints to the different igures and schools of philosophy. But, it can be said that Allamah Tabatabi's neglect of this is more considerable.