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Physicalistic Theology is a term that has no exact definition in theologian views. In the 20th century some of Christian thinkers on theology, like Nancy Murphy and Peter van Inwagen, by accepting a Physicalistic approach on human being, tried to analyze the Christian beliefs about human identity and his immortality. This approach today is called Physicalistic Theology. According to this approach, human is not but this physical body itself and so we can simply analyze the immortality problem. In this article we try to by an analytic and descriptive method, analyze the immortality of human according to the view of Physicalistic Theology. We will analyze the most important reasoning of Physicalistic Theology that is: no-interaction between the material and the immaterial, interaction between the person and the body, and the physicalism in Christian beliefs. One of the conclusions of this article is that according to Physicalistic view, the person that at some time has not been in the world, must exists any time to destroyed forever because the Christians believe to things that cannot justify rationally. The problem of immortality is one of these matters. Physicalistic Theology try to prove the immortality based on the miracles and the absolute power of God.

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The present study attempts to investigate this concept through a phenomenological study of the lived experience of the visitors of Naghsh-e-Jahan monuments at summer time of 1393. Apart from a comprehensive review of literature on qualitative research methodology, and the architecture of the period, the theoretical foundations of phenomenology and its application in architecture were thoroughly reviewed. Using the phenomenological observation method of Max-Vanen & a semi-structured interview plan, 58 visitors of the historical monuments of Naghsh-e-Jahan were chosen as participants and were interviewed in depth. Then the recorded data were transcribed and analyzed and the findings indicated that 16 components were significantly effective in forming the esthetic perception of the participants. Therefore, as the result of the investigation, the following conclusions may be stated: The concept of beauty is not an absolute entity. The different concepts of beauty are formed on the basis of the lived experiences of the people.

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Sacred intellect in Avicenna, a degree of rationality in which the highest form of communication is done with the intellectual world. Reasonable time to the times of human rationality is achieved without difficulty, pain and time, only be achieved by applying guess. The owners of Avicenna's top intellects in human beings are sacred and highest prophet for them. These people are the first intelligible human teachers perceive first and put it to other people. . Bu-Ali about how to communicate the power of the active intellect and innate or acquired its own works differently to comment the funds are somehow retractable. To prove his philosophical question of the nature and functions of the sacred intellect as much existence of intellect, perception as well as all forms of The Holy Quran verses seeks help.

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Dialogue between Dreyfus, as the biggest American commentator of Heidegger and Merleau- Ponty, and Searle, as one of the biggest analytic philosophers, started at the seventies. According to Searle, phenomenology is superficially and blind and has systematic errors. Additionally, in his view the concept of non-representational intention as center of Dreyfus’s phenomenology is inconsistent. But, in our opinion, Dreyfus introduces a consistent concept of non-representational intention, and proposes that Searle does not have a sound understanding of phenomenology. Dreyfus draws a distinction between two interpretations of Searle: Searle as phenomenologist and Searle as analytic philosopher. Dreyfus believes Searle’s approach as a phenomenologist is wrong because ignores non-representational intention; He also criticizes Searle’s approach as analytic philosopher because this approach accepts causality for an abstract structure. However, we believe that Dreyfus himself fails to go beyond the subject-object dualism. Moreover, we show in this paper that introducing non-representational intention is not sufficient for rejecting Descartes dualism.

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Today, phenomenology, with an emphasis on direct explanations with regard to the lived experience of people is interest of different areas. With emphasis on body, Merleau- Ponty's phenomenology is considered in medical science. In his phenomenology, Merleau- Ponty gives new definition of body and names it lived body. Lived body is against of mechanical body and is the central of subjectivity and being- in- the- world and included all of existential aspects of man. Such definition enable doctors to consider all of existential aspects of man besides his physiological and same understanding of the disease based on the patient lived experience. This paper attempts to examine the implications of this new concept of the body as it is described in the medical field.

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Descartes is truly named as the father of modern philosophy, but why his philosophy is accompanied with the qualification of "new? The innovation on Cartesian system follows from the fact that he tries to present a innovative picture of Man, God, and World basically different from those found in traditional philosophy. The Cartesian Man differs from the Aristotelian one in that the latter is a rational animal while the former is of two separate, incompatible parts: res cogitans and res extensa. In Descartes, soul - as a principle of life in traditional philosophy- reduces to the mind, rationality to the speaking, and life to the pure mechanism. The Cartesian World is, also, very different from Aristotelian one because the latter is a world of Ten Categories but in the former one can find no Aristotelian categories but quantity or, in Cartesian terms, extension. The Cartesian God is a supremely perfect being that never deceives us while in traditional philosophy God is of several divine names, most important of them, the Creator. The main role of God in Descartes thought, is an epistemological than ontological or theological. Descartes by his philosophy, designs to make us as the "masters and Lords of nature".

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Leibniz's philosophy has been subject to many studies, but few have addressed aesthetic aspects of his theory. What Leibniz has written concerning aesthetic issues is scattered all through his works, and were we to understand his aesthetic ideas we must bring these dispersed parts together for explanation and interpretation. In the present paper, I attempted to extract Leibniz ideas pertaining to aesthetics, and to introduce, on their basis, a unified aesthetic theory of his, and demonstrate the importance of this theory for his epistemology. First, I brought into light Leibniz's general ideas concerning aesthetics, and then, due to the epistemological- psychological significance of sense perception in Leibniz's philosophy, I inquired into it in detail and attempted to clarify the place of sense (and aesthetic) knowledge in human knowledge according to Leibniz. Finally, in the last part, I ventured to divide Leibniz's approach to sense (and aesthetic) qualities into objective and subjective aspects and investigated each separately.

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In Wittgenstein's view, religious beliefs use an image; they are commitments which are unshakably everlasting and have the potentiality to give order to whole life. It is hardly based on evidence. Accordingly, they neither receive any assistance from science or philosophy nor receive any damage from them. Nowadays you may observe priests including Don Cupitt who are not realists. This observations stands in sharp contrast with what is held in religious societies. They even contradict with scientific and religious realities which hold religion as a set of images of reality. As Wittgenstein argues to be the case, religious propositions are pieces of evidence about which objective realities are not taken to be very true. These statements are not supposed to refer to anything, rather they are assumed to play a significant role in human religious life.

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The age of the sign is essentially theological. The system that is based on a basic concept, a concept that shapes the circulation of signs, is essentially theological. This central concept has named in each thought differently: the reality, essence, existence, truth, God, Logos, Nous, End etc. In This logocentric system(s), there is a transcendental signified that means and proves the chain of signification. Deconstructive reading of Derrida showed that there is no signified outside of the chain of signification that makes language to have bound. This revolutionary idea collapses hierarchical significative oppositions, and thus makes signifiers to be rank and homologous.By erasing the oppositions of signifiers, it is nonsense to talk about death of God; there is no death, and no life. We're always in the middle of an eternal play. Word (Logos), yet constantly erased and written and rewritten. A/ theology is the absurdity of this claims that theology has terminated; a new a/ system for those who lives in borders.

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Question: In Islamic philosophy, Active Intellect is Peripatetic tenth intellect. Also in Peripatetic epistemology, Potential human intellect, acts by unification or conjunction with active (agent) intellect. This intellective thrust has a wielder and more attractive role in Illuminative wisdom. Meted: The research methodology based on tradition Comparative studies to analyze and adapt votes Gazi Saeed Qummi and votes illuminated Suhrawardi .Results:1- Human's archetype adjust with Gabriel, in religions and Active (agent) Intellect in Illuminative wisdom. 2-Human's archetype appears as "perfect nature" format during personal relation to every special individual. 3 and also explains relation between Emam and believer in shiaa's idea.

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This article is aimed to rephrase and critique the arguments presented by Joseph LaPorte about the truth of theoretical identity statements in natural sciences. LaPorte is classified as an essentialist who accepts the real kinds, but he denies the essence of the kinds to be discovered. His arguments are based on the vagueness of the terms of kinds. In his view while science progress we convention (not discover) what is related to the kinds. I evaluate LaPorte's arguments and show they can be applied only for the border terms in scientific theories and so the generalization of the claim is not defensible.

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The term of prohairesis was systematically entered in philosophical debates by Aristotle. This concept is generally translated as intention, will, purpose, choice, purposive choice, rational choice, and deliberative choice that the later seems to be Aristotle's definition of prohairesis. To understand the internal structure of prohairesiss, we have to understand the conceptions of action, intention, belief, whish, will, and virtues. For Aristotle if an action will be done through a decision, this action is voluntary, but its contrary is not credible. He believes that the children and animals act voluntarily, but they have not any decision, because they have not any deliberation.

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Philosophy of language and its problems are among the most important and challengeable topics in contemporary philosophical thought. Discussion about the sense of a sentence is one of these important debates. Gottlob Frege explains the sense of a term as the form of the representation of its reference. He calls the sense of a sentence a "thought" and believes that the reference of a sentence is determined by its truth value.In this article, at first, we develop a new approach to the notion of thought. To reach this aim, some of Frege's logical and epistemological presuppositions and also the properties of thought from his point of view will be examined. Then, on the basis of a vague relation that Frege supposes between a thought and its owner his view is criticized. Finally, we will criticize Frege's opinion about true essence and the inessential properties of thoughts. It will be shown that Frege's interpretation of these notions is incomplete and makes the notion of thought problematic.

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One of the greatest problems in Plato that appears in different forms in his works is the relation of nomos and phusis. This thesis has been in fifth century B.C as the contradiction of phusis and nomos among big thinkers. In this essay, we tried to investigate the relation of phusis and nomos in Plato's thoughts according to current theories of the contradiction of these in dialogues Gorgias, Republic and Protagoras. Plato tries to minimize consequences of belief to contradiction of phusis and nomos in social and political life by assertion large scale relation between phusis and nomos. Plato depicts the ultimate solution of this problem in Law. There he accounts nomos as raised from phusis that is sub sovereignty of divine. Indeed union of phusis and gods in Plato's thought is sanction for the identity of phusis and nomos.

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