Introduction: With increasing of population and the valuable water resource pollutions, a demand has been felt for new and inexpensive methods in order to remediation and improving of water quality. Cadmium is a trace element. In low concentration, this heavy metal is harmful to life, and considered as a dangerous pollutant. Cadmium leads to pollution and reduction of water quality; sometimes even toxicity through contaminated sources such as wastewater (Agricultural, municipal and industrial). Phytoremediation with aquatic macrophytes is an effective and inexpensive method for improving water quality and wastewater. The aim of this study was to investigate the cadmium phytoremediation by Ceratophyllumdemersum L. as a potential method for remediation of cadmium pollution in aquatic medium.Materials and Methods: In this study, the remediation of cadmium pollution in aquatic medium monitored, within 14 days cultivation of coontail (Ceratophyllumdemersum L.). At first, for estimating the level of local wastewater cadmium pollutions, five-month cadmium concentration measurement of steel industrial wastewater and urban wastewater set. Then, plants collected from the irrigation channels of Shahid Chamran University of Ahvaz. After finding the best pH of nutrient solution for Ceratophyllumdemersum L. growth by cultivating the plants in 2 liters pots filled by the solutions with three different pH (5.5, 7 and 9.5) within three weeks; 12 grams of plants cultivated in 2 liters of Hoagland nutrient solution contaminated by cadmium (pH=7). The initial contamination levels were set as five different concentrations of cadmium (0, 1, 2, 4, and 6 mg l-1) with three replications. The cadmium concentrations of the pots were measured every day and on the last day of cultivation, plants wet weight, plants dry weight and Cd concentration in plants were measured. Then, biomass production, Cd bioconcentration factor (BCF), Cd uptake index, and Cd uptake percentage of plants were calculated. Standard deviations calculation and correlation and regression analysis were performed using Microsoft Office Excel2007 and SPSS 16. One-way ANOVA performed to identify significant differences in metal concentrations in the different treatments. Differences considered significant at p<0.05.