The effect of six antibacterial materials including, Penicillin, Tetracycline, Coamoxyclave, Daxycillin, Cephtyzoxim, and Cephtryaxon, was studied on adults and nymphs of Bemisia tabaci Gennadius, each in three concentrations of 0.05, 0.1, and 0.2%. The results indicated that they had no significant effect on survival percentage of egg, nymphal instars, and adults, mean longevity, and adult’s eclusion percentage. Of the studied antibiotics, Cephtryaxon and Cephtyzoxim had the greatest effect on fecundity. There was positive relationship between antibiotics concentration and their effect on fecundity. Application of antibiotics caused the significant decrease in length and width of the nymph. Antibiotics application on the adults increased the number of male progeny, but when the materials were applied on the nymphs, the sex of progeny had no significant difference to control. In trials of antibiotics application on the nymphs, all the materials except penicillin had significant effect on survival percentage of different nymphal instars and adult’s eclusion; as the effect of Cephtryaxon, Cephtyzoxim, and Daxycillin was determined greater than other ones. Unlike the longevity, mean fecundity of adults was significantly lower than control. Comparision of the results of antibiotics application on adults and nymphs indicated that the antibiotics effects on the nymphal instars were more that on the adults. The antibiotics had no significant effect on nymphal survival, when were applied on adults contrary to the nymphal instars. Also, the effect of antibiotics on fecundity, when were applied on the nymphs, was more than the adults. Since Encarsia formosa Gahan (Hymenoptera: Aphelinidae) is an efficient parasitoid on aleyrodids, in order to studying the possibility of integrated control of B. tabaci by antibacterial materials and E. formosa, the antibiotics effects were evaluated on the parasitoid. The studied morphological and biological characteristics were body length size, and head capsule width of larvae and adults, longevity, fecundity and sex ratio of the first and second generations. Antibiotics affected on the all the mentioned morphological and biological characteristics significantly. Of the studied antibiotics, Cephtryaxon, and Cephtyzoxim had lower effect on the parasitoid’s sex ratio; therefore, integrating of the two antibiotics with E. formosa is probably possible in IPM programs.