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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Heavy metals are considered as dangerous environmental pollutants, which pose serious health threats to humans, plants, as well as micro organisms by entering the food chain. This research attempted to evaluate the amount of lead absorption in different parts of plane tree and ash in Malayer. Therefore, 108 samples from leaves, branches and roots were collected in the polluted site (Emam Square and Valieasr Street) and in control or unpolluted site (Seifieh Park) at different time intervals. The concentration of lead was measured by Atomic Absorption (AA). The results indicated that the amount of lead absorption in the parts of plane tree was more than the ash species. In both species, the tree root absorbs lead more than the aboveground organs. The Emam Square site absorbs lead more than other site. The most and the least amount of lead absorption were observed on September and July, respectively.

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The role of forest as a source in sustainable development will happen when we have a multilateral view to the forest ecosystem. The most important subject is the existence of forest road with optimum density. Different elements affect forest road erosion, the most important of which is the runoff produced by rain, directly threatening the surface of forest roads. The purpose of this study is investigation of margin channels in 50 kilometers of forest road in series 1 of Makarood forestry plan from No 36 watershed of Kazemrood with approximate area of 2732 hectares by using topographic maps (1:25000) and HYFA, Excel, ARC GIS 9.2 software and GPS receiver to control the status of field drainage (culvert, channels). Also, the peak discharge with different return periods from 2, 5, 10, 25, 50, and 100 is determined by means of considering the intensity of rain, the runoff coefficient, the length of stream and steeping slop, topographical and hydrological and vegetation conditions in each sub-watershed. Results of this research indicate that from a total of 90 sub-watersheds, 5 forest roads which have been constructed in different routes, have 120 fracture points in the road slope, with only 70 culverts having been constructed in medium distance from 400 to 650 meters which carry out the drainage of the occurred runoffs. Also from about of 70 constructed culverts in these routes 90% have the capability of transferring the peak discharge with only 2-year interval, 70% transfer capability in 5-years interval, 50% transfer capability in 100-year period, 35% transfer capability in 50- and 25-year period and less than 30% have ability to transfer 100-year discharge. 

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To investigate ecosystem variety and related physiographic factors (elevation, aspect and slope), 75 ha of Aghuzchal forest were studied. Vegetation data and information (trees, shrubs, and herbs) were collected from 40 sample plots through systematic random sampling method (20m´20m) which were then analyzed using TWINSPAN program. The data were classified into four ecological groups. The ecological groups consist of: first unit (Fagus orientalis L, and Epimedium pinnatum F.), second unit (Alnus subcordata L, Acer cappadocicum B. and Lamium album L.), third unit (Acer cappadocicum B. and Tamus communis L.), and forth unit (Tilia begonifolia Stev. and Carex acuiformis L.). Using analysis of variance, statistical difference between diversity indices with respect to ecological groups was found. Results showed that the highest Simpson and Margalef are related to units B and C. The highest Camargo indices are related to units A and D.

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In this study utilizing the time series data for the period from 1981 to 2006 and applying OLS procedure as well as Eviews software, supply and demand functions of writing and printing paper is estimated as single-equation regression models. In such situation, it is possible to identify the explanatory variables related to production and consumption of wood and paper and help factories to determine the production capacity with respect to domestic demand. In addition, if it is necessary, such finding will help government to allocate the necessary currency for imports of this product. The reason for using this procedure is based on the hypothesis that linear classical regression models can be used as estimators in unbiased condition and possesses the least variance (BLUE). The applied model uses the functional form as linear log-log model which permits the interpretation of estimated coefficient in terms of elasticities. The results of demand function with assumption of lack of serial autocorrelation between residual terms of different equations at 0.05 statistical levels indicate that intercept, newspaper price as a substitute commodity, literacy rate and production rate of wood and paper variables imposes positive effect and wood and paper price variable has slightly negative effect on its consumption. Since absolute price elasticity estimate is less than one, it shows that demand for wood and paper is inelastic. The war dummy variable is significant at 0.05 level that shows it influences the wood and paper consumption. The results of supply function with the similar assumption indicate that wood and paper price is newspaper price as a substitute commodity. Wood and paper consumption with the first lagged have positive effect and intercept, wood and paper imports and production cost with the first lagged have negative effect on its production. The war dummy variable imposes positive effect on wood and paper production at 0.05 level.

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The forest trees barks have compounds which the major part of that is tannin. Tannins are complex polyphenolic compounds with great structural diversity. Tannins have Bitter flavor and contractible effects. Tannins react with protein of skin. Therefore, they can be used in medicine and industry. The aims of this study are measurement of yield, phenolic compounds and tannins of poplar's bark (P.deltoides and P.euramerican). After collection of barks and drying, extraction was done according to TAPPI standard (T204 om-88) using acetone, ethanol and water solution and also we extracted materials of barks with NaoH solution (W/V 1:10) in temperature of 90˚C and in a period of one hour. Active phenolic compounds of extractive materials of tree barks were evaluated by Stiasny Number method. According to Hagerman 1998, condensed tannin was measured by using Column chromatography and Sephadex LH-20. Liquid solution of Fecl3 was used to determine Hydrolysable tannins. The extractive materials yield of populus deltoides and and populus euramerican's bark obtained were 12.5 and 19.2%, respectively based on dry weight of bark. According to Stiasny Number of populus deltoids (42%) and populus euramerican (52%), the amounts of phenolic compounds obtained were 5.25 and 9.98%, respectively (based on dry weight of bark).The total tannin of populus deltoids and populus euramerican obtained were 1.3 and 1.2 % based on dry weight of bark, respectively. The amounts of condensed tannin obtained were 0.24 and 0.45%, respectively. According to the results, the amount of extractive materials of populus euramerican bark is 54% more than populus deltoids and also the phenolic compounds and condensed tannin of euramerican are twice as that of deltoids.

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View 1724

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The objective of this study was to investigate the influence of acetylation on mechanical properties of the medium density fiberboard (MDF). Industrial fibers were acetylated in a reactor at 120°C, with acetic anhydride and without any catalyst to achieve weight gains 5, 9 and 16% (WPGs) and tested with FTIR spectroscopy. The test boards were made based on target density 0.7g/cm3, with 10 mm thickness under 30 bar pressure at the temperature of 180°C for 5 min press time. Internal bonding (IB) and module of rupture (MOR) and elasticity (MOE) of the boards were determined. The results showed that IB and MOR and MOR were reduced by acetylation.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

View 1175

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This study investigated the effects of populus deltoids spp trees age on biometrical, physical and chemical properties of wood. For this purpose, three normal Populus trees were randomly cut down in different ages with 4, 8, 12, 16 and 20, 12 years old from Shastkolateh Experimental Forest located in Gorgan. Anatomical, physical and chemical properties of each tree were measured. Then data were statistically analyzed. The results indicated that the effects of different ages of populus deltoids spp trees on fiber dimension (fiber length, fiber diameter and cell wall thickness), wood physical properties (dry density, critical density and volumetric shrinkage) and chemical components (cellulose, lignin, extractives materials in alchoal-aceton, hot water, sodium hydroxide soluble extractives and ash) have significant difference in 95% confident levels. Also, the results revealed that there are no significance differences in anatomical characteristics, physical properties and chemical components of populus deltoids spp trees after 12 years old because in this age the period of juvenile wood of populus deltoids spp trees is finished. Therefore, based on fundamental properties of wood, the best cutting age of populus deltoids spp trees (77/51 clone) from Shastkolateh zone in Golestan Province is 12 years old.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Crown imperial, (Fritillaria imperialis) has a limited distribution in some regions of the world. Manesht protected area in Ilam is one of the most important natural habitats of F. imperialis. This research presents a case study to understand the living environment of F. imperialis by Ellenberg table and field studies for site management and planning. In order to achieve better accuracy in site study, Ellenberg table was used. Ellenberg table values constitute a relative scale of optima per species with regard to soil acidity, moisture and nitrogen, ligth and temperature based on field studies. The study was performed based on the plant existing environment. Conditions such as elevation, geographic aspect, climatic factors (annual rainfall and temperature), soil acidity, nitrogen companion vegetation were identified. Feild and lab studies and overlaying the existing location of F. imperialis on digitized maps showed that this plant grows on elevations (1800 – 2000 meters), only northward (light: moderate), annual temperature (18 – 20°C) , annual rainfall (600 – 750 mm/year), soil pH: 7/85 and N: 0.55% and companian vegetation were Quercus persica, Pistacia mutica, Daphne mucronata, Cirsium arvense, Euphorbia helioscopia, Lonicera nummulariifolia, Acer monspessulanum, Crataegus azarolus and Capsella bursa-pastoris. Comparison of the results with Ellenberg table showed that general results are close to the Ellenberg table.

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In order to study the effect of the Various concentrations of the Zinc Sulphate, Indole butyric acid (IBA), Naphthaleneacetic acid (NAA) and the mixtures of these two hormones (NAA+IBA) on the rooting of the semi-hard wood cuttings of aralia elegantissima, was conducted in a greenhouse around Chalous. The required semi-hardwood cuttings were prepared from the mother plant (stalk), which were planted in the bed of the green house and lacked the shoot. This experiment was arranged in the form of complete randomized design with 3 replications and 13 treatmens In this research, hormone treatment included 4 Levels: 0, 1000, 2000 and 3000 ppm of Indole butyric acid and 4 Levels, 0,1000 , 2000 and 3000 ppm of the naphthalene acetic acid and the mixture of these two hormone treatment regulators with the concentration of 1000 ppm of IBA + 1000 ppm of NAA, 1000 PPM IBA + 2000 ppm NAA, and 1000 ppm of IBA+ 3000 ppm NAA, 0 , 1500, 3000 and 5000 ppm of the Zinc Sulphate. The bottom part of the cuttings was dipped into the above solutions. The traits, including the percent of the rooted cuttings, fresh weight, dry weight, number of the root and the length of the root were evaluated. The results showed that the highest rooting percent of the cuttings was obtained with 3000 ppm of the ZnSO4. The best root length was obtained in the cuttings with 2000 ppm of the IBA. The cuttings which were treated by the 3000 ppm of ZnSO4 had the highest number of the roots. Also, the dry weight of the root in the cuttings which were treated by 3000 ppm of the ZnSO4 showed the highest value. The highest of the fresh weight was obtained with 3000 ppm of ZnSO4 and with 1000 + 1000 ppm of NAA + IBA.

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View 1829

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Flood studies to plan for optimal utilization and to control this natural phenomenon is main concern in the world and our country. Great damages caused by floods in different parts of the country during past few years demand comprehensive plans; knowing that it is impossible to plan and apply flood control methods without a good knowledge about the behavior of this phenomenon. The extent of flood damages in various conditions depends on the amount of inflow and the geometrical characteristics of flow bed and adjacent areas. Thus flood hazard zonation for different return Periods is necessary to predict the extent of damages caused by floods in different conditions and to justify socio-economical aspects of flood control programs. It is impossible to plan optimal land use in river margins and flood plains and to prohibit and restrict floods without a good knowledge of flood intensity and torrential flow behavior along the river route and flood plain. As a result, in this research, regarding more adaptation between estimated hydrographs by unit hydrograph method and flood index method, this method was selected to estimate flood hydrographs, in related sub-basins for given return periods. After this stage, by estimating the outlet flood hydrograph in the headwaters and existing sub-basins along given route for determining flood hazard plain, maximum water levels in 44 distinct cross sections were determined along about 43 kilometers of the river route. In the end, by using digital elevation model (DEM) produced from river bed and boundaries and the maximum water level in given cross sections for return periods of 5,10,20,25,50,100 years the flood hazard plain was determined by HEC-RAS Software Capability.

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The Actinidia carambola was researched for its biosorption performance in the sequestering of Pb(II), Cu(II) and Ni(II) from contaminated water with heavy metals. The effects of three parameters (pH, contact time of biomass and metal solution and initial metal ions concentration) on the biosorption were investigated. one-at-a-time research were shown the best level of mentioned parameters (for three metals). The highest capacity of heavy metals uptake was reached in the beginning minutes of contact time (30, 30 and 30min for Pb(II), Cu(II) and Ni(II), respectively) and at pH=3 for all metals. Increasing the initial metal concentration in lower values caused a steep growth in biosorption, which was not observed in higher concentrations. The general affinity sequence of Actinidia carambola for metals uptake was as Cu(II) > Pb(II) >Ni(II). Also, isotherm and kinetic studies were carried out by Langmuir and Freundlich adsorption isotherm models and Lagergren pseudo-first order and second order rate equations, respectively. Langmuir adsorption isotherm model showed a better performance in description of adsorption behavior than Freundlich model. The second order kinetic model provides a perfect description of biosorption with r2»1, for Pb(II) and Cu(II), and r2»0.998 for Ni(II).

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