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Introduction: Dense breasts are considered as limitation for the sensitivity of mammography. This study evaluates the role of adjunctive breast ultrasound screening in women with dense mammograms.Methods: A cross-sectional study was performed in Tabriz AL Zahra hospital during a year (1394-1395). Asymptomatic women who referred for screening which shows dense breasts (ACR III OR IV) underwent ultrasonography screening for breast cancer. Mammography and sonography assessment were performed and categorized based on as BIRADS CATEGORY system. The final results of mammography BIRADS CATEGORY and sonography BIRADS CATEGORY were compared.Results: Three hundred and thirty women with mean age of 47.6 years were enrolled into the study. According to the report of mammography, 65, 161, 102 and 2 reports were categorized in BIRADS CATEGORY 0, 1, 2 and 4, respectively. The sonography reports were similar to mammography in BIRADS CATEGORY 1 and 2. Among 65 lesions with BIRADS CATEGORY 0, 10 were suspected as malignant with sonography. The biopsy of the suspicious lesions showed the malignancy in 30% of them.Conclusion: This study reveals the values of sonography screening in detecting early stage of breast cancer in mammograms with BIRADS category 0 lesions in women with dense breasts. A larger long-term study is, however, needed to assess its feasibility and impact on breast cancer prognosis.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Introduction: Published reports indicate that only a limited prognostic factor of breast cancer has been addressed by researchers. In other words, the relationship of all the known prognostic factors corresponding to breast cancer patients is not addressed by literature. Analyzing the relationship is capable of affecting the process of treating breast cancer patients. This paper focuses on studying comprehensively the relationship between all prognostic factors corresponding to breast cancer women.Methods: This cross-sectional survey used the data of Sheikh Aliyan etal. (1). In this study, 1822 patients with breast cancer, who in 1395-1386 years were treated in three hospitals of Tehran, have been studied. This research used pathological examination, histopathological report, and magnetic imaging tocomplete patients’ data. In this study, SPSS software is used to analyze data statistically.Results: This comprehensive study addresses which prognostic factors of breast cancer have relationship with each other significantly. So that, this research indicates that there is a significant relationship for the factors as the follow: A) Between age and prognosis of 1) the type of pathology, 2) lymph node involvement, 3) the number of lymph nodes involved, and 4) the type of surgery B) Between pathology, chemotherapy and prognostic of 1) lymph node involvement, 2) number of lymph nodes involved, 3) the type of surgery, 4) the type of pathology C) Between the receptor and the prognosis of 1) grade 2) the size of the tumor, 3) stage of the disease, 4) the type of surgery and 5) metastasis D) Between the involvement of lymph nodes with involved lymph node nimbers, chemotherapy, and prognostic of 1) grade 2) the size of the tumor, 3) stage of the disease, 4) types of surgeries, 5) metastasis E) Between the grade and prognostic of 1) the size of the tumor, 2) stage of the disease, 3) the type of surgery and 4) metastasis F) Between tumor size, chemotherapy and prognosis of 1) stage of the disease, 2) the type of surgery, 3) metastasis G) Between stage of disease, chemptherapy and the prognosis of 1) the type of surgery, 2) metastasis H) Between the type of surgery, chemptherpy and the metatstssis prognosis Conclusion: There is a significant relationship for %50.4 of the known prognosis of breast cancer; however, the relationship for %49.6 of them is not detected significantly.

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Introduction: Intravenous lidocaine has anti-inflammatory role and analgesic properties, and is able to reduce the need for opioids during and after surgery. This study was conducted with the aim of evaluating the effect of intravenous (IV) lidocaine infusion during general anesthesia on levels of inflammatory factors according to Glasgow prognostic score in breast cancer surgery candidates.Methods: The present study is a randomized clinical trial.63 patients with breast cancer, who were candidates of mastectomy elective surgery, were included. The patients were allocated to 2 groups using a random numbers table. After inducing anesthesia similarly for all the patients using midazolam 0.02 mg/kg, fentanyl 2-4 mg/kg, propofol 1-2 mg/kg and atracurium 0.5 mg/kg, the first group received 1.5 mg/kg/hr IV lidocaine and in the second group, the same volume of normal saline was infused intravenously. Glasgow prognostic score was calculated before surgery and also 6, 24, and 48 hours and 14 days after surgery. Required data were gathered via a checklist. To statistically analyze the data, SPSS software version 20 was used. To compare qualitative variables, Fisher’s exact test, and to compare means of quantitative data, independent t-test was applied. In addition, for comparing C reactive protein, albumin, and Glasgow prognostic score measures between the 2 groups; generalized mixed model regression analysis was used. Significance level was considered to be p<0.05.Results: A total of 63 women with breast cancer, with the mean age of 49.25±9.32 years, were included.28 of them were allocated to lidocaine group and 35 were in the control group. Mean age was 48.61±9.26 years in lidocaine group and 49.89±9.38 years in control group (p=0.591). Additionally, there was no statistically significant difference between the 2 groups regarding incision size (p=1.000) and duration of surgery (p=0.752). Using mixed model regression analysis and after adjusting the effect of baseline measures of variables, a significant difference was not detected between the groups regarding their Glasgow prognostic score during the follow-up time (p=0.122).Conclusion: Based on the results of this study, IV infusion of lidocaine during general anesthesia did not have a significant effect on the level of inflammatory factors according to Glasgow prognostic score in patients who were candidates of breast cancer surgery.

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Introduction: this study was performed to investigate of role of Self-differentiation and Self conscious (shame and guilt) in predicting the quality of life of women with breast cancer in Tehran.Methods: This study was a cross- sectional study; the sample consisted of 200 women with cancer who refer to Imam Hossein Hospital. To gather the data, the Self-differentiation Scale (DSI-SF-20), the Self-conscious (GAPS-16), and the Quality of Life scale (SF-12) were used. Data was analyzed through analysis of regression by SPSS20 software.Results: Results showed that there was a significant positive correlation among Self differentiation with Physical and mental dimensions of Quality of Life, and a significant negative correlation among Self-conscious (shame and guilt) with Physical and mental dimensions of Quality of Life. Also, regression analysis indicated that Self-differentiation and Self-conscious significantly predicted 28% of the variance of Physical dimension and 41% of the variance of mental dimension of Quality of Life.Conclusion: The results of this study Suitable for Psychologists and related professionals, to help breast cancer patients, in order to increase the ability of self-differentiation and decrease the emotions of shame and guilt, that it can improve the quality of life of these patients.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Introduction: Breast cancer and the type of treatment in these women can affect their sexual function and intimacy. Unsuccessful sexual interaction is one of the factors that lead to low sexual self-esteem. This research aimed at studying the efficacy of four-factor psychotherapy (therapeutic relationship, expectancy to therapy, increasing awareness and behavior regulation) on increasing sexual self-esteem and its five subscales (skill, attractiveness, control, moral judgment and adaptiveness) in breast cancer survivors.Methods: A semi-experimental study was conducted with pre-test/post-test control group design and2/5 months follow up. The research population included married breast cancer survivors who referred to Shohada-e Tajrish hospital in2015. The research samples involved 30survivors who selected available and randomly assigned into two groups of 15, a control group and an experimental group. The research instruments included sexual self-esteem inventory for women (SSEI-W) (1996) that administered to both groups as pre-test, post-test and follow-up. Four-factor psychotherapy program performed in experimental group for 10-weekly 90 minute sessions and data was analyzed using analysis of covariance.Results: four-factor psychotherapy led to significant effect on increasing women sexual self- esteem and control and moral judgment subscales and this significance remained unchanged to the2/5 months follow-up about control and moral judgment.Conclusion: four-factor psychotherapy is effective on increasing sexual self-esteem and its two subscales (control and moral judgment) on breast cancer survivors.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Introduction: Breast cancer is known as the most prevalent cancer among women. The cancer and its treatments including chemotherapy impose many symptoms and side effects and impress the patients’ life quality and family members. Therefore, they need the knowledge, understanding and abilities rather than factors influencing the quality of their lives. This study has been accomplished to explore the effect of family-centered empowerment model on the functional scales quality of life in women with breast cancer undergoing chemotherapy.Methods: The present study is a clinical trial, a quasi-experimental study. The selection of 70 women with breast cancer undergoing chemotherapy in both intervention and control groups was done through purposive sampling. The research tools included demographic questionnaire, questionnaire information about the disease and treatment and quality of life are two standard questionnaires (QLQ-C30, QLQ-Br23). Family-centered empowerment model in the intervention group and post-test one month after the intervention examined.Results: The results showed that the implementation of model improving the general functional scales (physical, role, cognitive, emotional and social) for patients in the intervention group (P<0.05). The specific function of scales in the two groups after the intervention in terms of body image, sexual performance and sexual pleasure, there was no significant difference (P>0.05) but after coming back attitude was improved in the intervention group.Conclusion: The results showed that the implementation of the empowerment family centered on the promotion of general and specific functional scale (with the exception of the aspects of body image, sexual function and sexual pleasure) quality of life for women with breast cancer undergoing chemotherapy was effective.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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