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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources



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در بازنگری و تعیین نام نمونه های متعلق به جنس Tragopogon موجود در هرباریوم وزارت جهاد کشاورزی ("IRAN")، نمونه ای که از استان همدان (همدان به طرف تویسرکان، گردنه شهرستانه، 8 کیلومتری گنج نامه، 2800-2530 متر، 17/5/1371، ترمه، موسوی و تهرانی، IRAN-52191) جمع آوری شده بود، مشخصاتی به شرح ذیل داشت:گیاه چندساله خشبی، به ارتفاع تا 40 سانتی متر، دارای ساقه های متعدد، از قاعده منشعب، انشعابات دو شاخه، نازک اما محکم، شیاردار، کاملا بدون کرک، از بخش میانی به پایین پوشیده از برگ، در نیمه بالایی کاملا لخت. برگ ها شبیه برگ گندمیان، با رگ بندی موازی، در راس غالبا برگشته به بیرون، در قاعده پهن، در برگ های پایینی به عرض تا 5 میلی متر، در حاشیه موجی-چین دار، با حاشیه غشایی باریک. دم گل بلند، در زمان رسیدن میوه ضخیم نگردیده.

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بیشتر گونه های جنس Lecanicillium بیمارگر حشرات (entomogenous) و یا هیپرپارازیت سایر قارچ ها (fungicolous) می باشند. در گونه های این جنس کنیدیوفورها از ریسه ها تمایز نیافته و عموما روی میسلیوم هوایی تشکیل می شوند. کنیدیوم ها در سرهای کنیدیومی و روی فیالیدها یا آفانوفیالیدها تولید می شوند و مرحله جنسی آن ها متعلق به جنس های Cordyceps و Torrubiella می باشد. در پاییز سال 1385 طی بازدید از اماکن زمستان گذرانی سن گندم در کوهدشت دو نمونه حشره آلوده به قارچ جمع آوری گردید.

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در فروردین سال 1385، گونه ای از قارچ های آسکومیستی از شاخه های جوان درخت چنار (Platanus orientalis L.) از پارک جنگلی کرمان جمع آوری شد. پس از بررسی منابع Cain, R.F. 1961. Studies of coprophilous ascomycetes. Can. J. Bot. 39: 1633-1666.;) Valldosera, M. & Guarro, J. 1990. Estudiossobre hongos coprófilos aislados en Espana. XV. El ġénero Preussia (Sporormiella). Bol. Soc. Micol. Madrid 14: 81–94.) نام این گونه Preussia typharum (Sacc.) Cain تعیین شد که برای فلور قارچ های ایران جدید بوده و مورفولوژی آن به شرح زیر است:این قارچ دارای آسکوکارپ های پراکنده، انفرادی، تا حدی فرورفته در پوست شاخه ها، کروی تا نیمه کروی، براق، دارای سطح صاف و فاقد مو(glabrous) ، فاقد استیول، به ابعاد 350-250 میکرومتر، به رنگ قهوه ای در مراحل اولیه پیدایش که در زمان بالغ شدن به رنگ سیاه تغییر می یابد؛ پریدیوم نازک، غشایی (membranous)، به رنگ قهوه ای تیره با سایه هایی از رنگ قرمز روشن، شامل سلول هایی با دیواره ضخیم، به اشکال منظم زاویه دار (textura angularis) یا چند وجهی (textura epidermoidea) به ابعاد 5/7-5 میکرومتر می باشد.

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در بررسی و تعیین نام نمونه های ناشناخته متعلق به جنس Echinops L. در هرباریوم ایران (“IRAN”) نمونه ای جمع آوری شده از استان خراسان (شیروان، کوسه، منطقه کوهستانی الخاص، 2100-1900 متر، 26/4/1365، ترمه، موسوی و تهرانی، 51576-IRAN) با مشخصات زیر مشاهده گردید:گیاه چندساله، به ارتفاع بیش از 80 سانتی متر. ساقه منفرد، در سراسر طول دارای برگ، از قسمت میانی به بالا منشعب، انشعابات بلند و منتهی به یک کپه؛ ساقه اصلی ضخیم، شیاردار، در بخش های پایینی و میانی به رنگ مایل به قهوه ای، بدون کرک های تار عنکبوتی-نمدی، دارای کرک های غده ای بدون پایه بسیار تنک؛ انشعابات ساقه کم و بیش دارای کرک های تار عنکبوتی-نمدی تنک و کرک های غده ای بدون پایه پراکنده؛

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در بهار سال 1386 از برگ ها و دمبرگ های گیاه توت فرنگی (Fragaria ananassa D.) قارچ بیمارگری به نام Pestalotiopsis longisetula (Guba) X.A. Sun & Q.X. Ge از استان های کردستان و گلستان جدا شد. پرگنه قارچ در محیط کشت سیب زمینی-دکستروز-آگار (PDA) به  رنگ سفید مایل به صورتی بود که در قسمت هایی از آن نقاط سیاه رنگ مشاهده و توده هاگ روی آن تشکیل شد. قطر پرگنه پس از هشت روز در تشتک پتری به نه سانتی متر رسید. کنیدی های پنج سلولی مخروطی طویل، راست یا راست تا کمی خمیده با فرورفتگی در محل دیواره  بین سلولی و سر باریک در محیط کشت تشکیل شدند. ابعاد کنیدی ها 21-29x6-7 میکرومتر، با سه زایده به طول 32-20 میکرومتر و زایده انتهایی (basal pedicel) به طول 6-3 میکرومتر و سلول های رنگی میانی 20-17 میکرومتر بودند.

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The morphology of 11 species of the genus Vicia from Iran was studied using Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM). The main pattern in seed coat sculpturing in the species was papillose, but the size and the number of side ribs in papillae and the density of papillae, were different in various species. Four morphological characters of seeds: relative hilum length and shape, relative position of the lens to hilum and seed circumference were constant. The results indicate that seed morphology is not useful in circumscribing sections in Vicia, but applicable in delimiting species and seed coat microsculpturing and testa patterns and that can provide additional characters for delimiting natural groups. However, the variation of these characters was too little to be applied for separating close species.

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In September 2005, a fungus was isolated from fig fruits in Tehran. Colony on MEA (Malt Extract Agar) attained a diameter of 90 mm and a height of 6 mm after 48 h at 24oC, white at first, then covered with black sporangia, especially around the margin at maturity. Sporangiophores, light brown, encrusted with crystalloid ornamentation, erect, up to 66 µm in diameter, arising directly from substrate, apex bend when young, upright at maturity, simple, rarely branched, widening towards the apex, each terminating in a sporangium, local swelling, dichotomous branching and sporadic septation were observed (Fig. 1, b, f, g & i). Sporangia more or less globose, multi-spored, 25-275m in diameter, white at first, turning light brown to black at maturity, wall persistent, covered with crystalline spines (Fig. 1, a) and having at maturity a longitudinal suture where it separates into two more or less equal halves to reveal a lighter zone of sporangial contents that later become more liquid and drop-like (Fig. 1, f). Columellae mouse-grey coloured with a truncate base, obpyriform, obovoid, obconical to cylindrical, 13-130µm in diameter at the widest point, smooth-walled, with a slight basal collar (Fig. 1, b, f, g & h). Sporangiospores more or less globose, broadly fusiform or ellipsoid, to ovoid or irregular (5-)7.4-14.8(-20)´ (5-)6-8.3(-9) µm, hyaline smooth-walled filled with granular contents, marked with faint striation, with 2-3(-7) hyaline appendages, arising from the ends of the spore (Fig. 1, e & J). Chlamydospores, light brown, smooth-walled, intercalary, singly, rarely in pairs or more, produced in the mycelium, globose with 11-32(-51)mm in diameter, ovoid, barrel-shaped, cylindrical to irregular in shape and size 15-29´ 10-160mm (Fig. 1, c & h). This fungus is heterothallic. The substrate hyphae produce chlamydospores and sporophores that terminate in sporangia with a large columella and a persistent wall that is covered with calcium oxalate crystals and has a longitudinal suture (Fig. 1, d & h). Optimum temperature for growth is 24-30C, sporulation occurs between 5-35oC, at 37oC grows well with no sporulation, little growth occurs at 40oC and no growth at 42° C. This fungus was identified as Gilbertella persicaria as is described by BENNY, G.L. [1991. Gilbertellaceae, a new family of the Mucorales (Zygomycetes). Mycologia 83(2): 150-157]. A subculture is preserved at the fungus culture collection of the Ministry of Jihad-e Agriculture (Iran) under IRAN 1040C.

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In studying and identification of herbarium materials of the genus Echinops available in “IRAN” herbarium, a specimen collected from Khorasan Province (Shirvan, Kouseh, Alkhas, 1900-2100, 17.7.1986, Termeh, Mousavi & Tehrani, IRAN-51576) with the following morphological characters were seen: Perennial plant, more than 80 cm high. Stem solitary, longitudinally leafy, branched from above the middle, branches long, one headed; main stem thick, sulcate, brownish in lower and middle parts, deprived of arachnoid-tomentose hairs, sparsely covered with sessile glands: branches loosely arachnoid-tomentose with sparsely sessile glands, below the heads for a distance of 5-6 cm densely white tomentose. Leaves leathery-herbaceous, bicolor, green with sparsely sessile glands above, very loosely arachnoids at margins, appressed white tomentose below, becoming glabrous along the protruding main nerve; basal leaves lanceolate-oblong in outline, including spines ±26 x 10 cm, pinnatisect, with ca. seven segments on each sides, segments triangular; wide at base or often with asymmetric lobes, terminated to spines up to 20 cm long, lower and median stem leaves very similar to basal ones, sessile, attenuate towards base with remotely spines; upper and uppermost leaves decrescent, sinuate, sessile, terminated to a long spine up to 2-2.5 cm. Heads cornigerous, consisting of lower non-cornigerous and upper cornigerous capitulum. Involucral bracts ca. 14 in number, glabrous; outers lanate, linear at base, subrhombiform above, mucronate at tip, dentate-spinose along margin; medians wider and longer, terminating to a long stiff spine, membranous at margin; inners tightly connate forming a dark pentahedral leathery tube, libber at tip (Fig. 2).  Based on the above morphological characteristics and referring to Flora Iranica, No. 139 A (RECHINGER 1979), the specimen was identified as Echinops transcaspicus Bornm. According to the tight connation of inner involucral bracts, this species is placed under the sect. Oligolepis Bunge. Also, this species is more readily distinguishable from other species of this section by having cornigerous heads, green color of upper surface of leaves because of existing of only sessile glandular hairs, the glabrous stem in a long length, only outer bracts which are lanate and short brush hairs comparing with length of involucre (shorter than half).Except Type specimen which is imperfect and has been collected from Saratovka in Ashgabat (Turkmenistan, near Iranian border) by SINTENIS in 1902 (BABROV 1962, Flora of the USSR, Vol. 27), the only other specimen, belongs to Flora of Afghanistan, collected by Freitag from Maimana in NW of Afghanistan (boundary region between Afghanistan and Turkmenistan). Therefore, the above-mentioned species is considered as a record from Iran. This is worthy to mention that, the studied specimen is not only morphologically complete, but some more explanations are also added to the previous description.

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In the framework of a project on lichen flora of Iran, a foliose lichen belonging to the order Lecanorales collected from Mazandaran Province was studied. Broad, grey lobes, a reticulately maculate upper surface and simple to squarrosely branched rhizines suggested that the specimen belonged to genus Rimelia (BRODO et al. 2001. Lichen of North America, p.642). Other morphological, anatomical and chemical features were as follows:Thallus: saxicoulus, grey-green, foliose, loosely attached, flat or curled downward, lobes 4-15 mm across, upper surface with a reticulate pattern of maculae, soralia close to the margins, lobe margins with unbranched black cilia, abundant or sparse, 0.2-1.5mm, lower surface black in the center and brown close to the margins with usually simple and black rhizines (Fig. 3).Photobiont: green (Trebouxia?). Chemistry: Cortex K+ yellow, medulla K+ deep red, PD+ orange, KC-, C. The above characteristics matched features described by BRODO et al. (l.c.) for R. reticulata. On the basis of lichen checklist of Iran (SEAWARD et al. 2008. Sauteria 15: 459-520), this is the first record of a Rimelia species for Iranian lichen flora. A voucher specimen was deposited with the fungus reference collection of the Ministry of Jihad-e-Agriculture ("IRAN") at the Iranian Research Institute of Plant Protection, Tehran (Iran).Material examined: Mazandaran Province, Kheiroodkenar, on moss-covered rock, 5.5.2005, M. Eshratifar (IRAN 13530 L).

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During years 2006-2007, 244 samples plants suspected to disease were collected from garlic farms in Hamedan Province. Among collected samples symptoms of canker and wound was observed in 53 samples. These samples were cultured on PDA medium, and 31 fungal isolates was obtained (Fig. 4). According to colony characters and microscopic features the obtained fungus was identified as Embellisia allii (Campan.) E.G. Simmons. (ELLIS, M.B. 1976. More Dematiaceous hyphomycetes). Descrption of this species is as follow: The colour of colony on Potato Dextrose Agar (PDA) is brown. Mycelia typically dark smooth to rough, developing intrahyphal, laterally compound chlamydospores. Conidiophores short, simple or rarely branched with clearly observable scar of conidiogenous sites. Width and length of conidiophores are 5-7 and 30-50 µm, respectively. Conidia brown, initially spherical and then tend to obovoid or subcylindric and 33-34 × 4.3-4.5 µm (Fig. 5). Conidia are fragmoconidia, but in a few conidia is formed one or two longitudinal septa. Embellisia allii is new for mycoflora of Iran and this is the first report of this fungus as causal agent of bulb canker of garlic in Hamedan Province.Material examined: on Allium sativum, Garlic farms of Hamedan Province, 2006-2007, Coll. R. Mahdizadeh Naraghi & D. Zafari (Herb. No.: Buali-101).

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In order to collect and identify macrobasidiomycetes of Iran, specimens of one ectomycorrhiza were collected from Gilan Province (N. Iran) in 2008. The characteristic features of these specimens were as follows:Fruit body semicircular, circular to irregular, up to 5cm across. Surface felty or velvety, white to pale pink colored (Fig. 6 A & B); lower surface in semicircular or circular fruit bodies and all of the fruit body in irregulars, covered with tooth-like projections up to 3mm long, white to cream colored with brown tip (Fig. 6 C & D Hyphae of cap and stipe with clamp connection. Spores globose to subglobose, inamyloid, 4.5-5.5 x 3.5-4.5µm. Spore print is brown.Specimens identified as Hydnellum peckii Banker (Thelephorales, Bankeraceae) (STALPERS, J.A. 1993. Keys to the species of the Thelephorales, Studies in Mycology, 35) which is a new report for Iran fungus flora.The bright red droplets on the surface of fruit body and hydnoid hymenopore are the specific characteristics of H. peckii. Fungus grows solitary or in clusters on ground under conifers as mycorrhiza.Materials examined: on soil under conifers, Gilan Province, Fooman to Masooleh, 13.10.2008, Asef & Torabi (IRAN 13549 F); on soil under conifers, Gilan Province, Parehsar, 15.10.2008, Asef & Torabi (IRAN 13548 F).

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Polystichum includes about 260 species spreading all over the word (HEATHER, E., DRISCOLL, D. and BARRINGTON, S. 2007. Origin of Hawaiian Polystichum in the context of a world phylogeny. Amer. J. Bot. 94: 1413-1424) but only four species are so far found in Iran. In the present paper, a species belonging to this genus with its presence previously been uncertain in Iran is now being considered as a new report for the country. Based on the collection made from Dorfak mountain in Gilan Province and also visiting Ecological Garden of Nowshahr Herbarium, a specimen was observed with the following characters:Plant perennial; rhizome short, erect, pale brown; frond 1-pinnate, coriaceous, lanceolate, ± 35cm high, evergreen; pinnules nearly alternate, 25-35 pairs, oblong to lanceolate, bending towards the apex, sessile or with short petioles, lower most pinnules shorter than upper ones, triangular and wider than long, margins dentate, spinules, lower surface scaly, scales light-brown; veins free, forked; sori rounded-ovate, ornamentation reticulate, located between costae and margins,; indusium peltate, grayish white, margin dentate (Fig. 7).According to above-mentioned characteristics and referring to FREY, W., FRAHM, J.-P., FISCHER, E. and LOBIN, W. (2006. The Liverworts, Mosses and Ferns of Europe), the specimen was identified as Polystichum lonchitis (L.) Roth. Parsa (PARSA, A. 1951. Flora of Iran. Vol. 1) has long time back reported it from Heyran and Asalem (Gilan Province), but reinvestigation to find this specimen in both habitat and local herbariums has not been successful. On the other hand, this species has not been reported in any of recent researches on Iranian ferns viz. MAZUJI, A. (2004. Systematic study & distribution of N. Iranian ferns. PhD. thesis. Islamic Azad University, Research & Science Branch, Tehran).Polystichum lonchitis due to its 1-pinnate frond is a distinguishing species among all members of the genus in Iran. Presently, five specimens of this plant are preserved in "IRAN" herbarium. Note: This plant because of overgrazing is endangered in Iran.Geographical distribution: In most rocky, moist and shaded places of Asia, NW. Africa, Alpine mountains of Europe as well as N.America.Specimens observed: Gilan Province, Deylaman, Dorfakmt., 2300m, Eskandari & Pahlevani (IRAN 45507); Mazandaran Province, Sari, Dodangeh, 2750m., Zare'e (Herbarium of Nowshahr Ecological Garden 7805).

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In reviewing of herbarium materials of the genus Tragopogon L. and identification of undetermined specimens available in “IRAN” herbarium, a specimen which has been colleted from Hamedan Province (Hamedan to Touyserkan, Shahrestaneh Pass, 8 km to Ganjnameh, 2530-2800 m, 7.8.1992, Termeh, Mousavi & Tehrani, IRAN-52191) had the following characters:Suffrutescent perennial plant, many-stemmed, up to 40 cm high, branched from the base, branches furcate, thin but rigid, glabrous, costate, densely leafy below the middle, absolutely naked above. Leaves grass-like (graminiformis), nervation parallel, flaccid, usually curved at apex, widened at base, up to 5 mm wide in lower leaves, undulate-crispate along margin, narrowly membranous. Peduncle very long not thickened in fruit-bearing period. Involucre including five bracts, in flowering period ca. 10 mm long, in fruit-bearing period ca. 20 mm long, floccose at base; bracts glabrous, 3-4 mm wide, attenuate toward apex. Flowers yellow, slightly longer than involucre. Achenes ca. 12 mm long, smooth, minutely dentate along margin, green-yellowish, 5-ribbed, thick, indistinctly attenuate toward apex, obtuse above, without beak. Pappus brownish, plumose, ca. 10mm long (Fig. 8).Based on the above morphological characteristics and referring to Flora Iranica  No. 122 (RECHINGER 1977), the specimen determined as Tragopogon erostris Boiss. & Hausskn.The only specimen of this species (Boiss. Fl. Or. 3: 754, 1854) is the type specimen, collected by Haussknecht from chalky mountains in Kermanshah Province (Sonqor, Kuh-e Dalakhani, 3000 m, date unknown, a. 1867, preserved in G-BOISS herbarium). Therefore, this specimen which was collected from a locality closed to the type specimen is the second report of the taxon after about 154 years from type specimen publication date.

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During the spring of 2007, a pathogen identified as Pestalotiopsis longisetula (Guba) X.A. Sun & Q.X. Ge was isolated from lesions on stems and leaves of strawberry (Fragaria ananassa D.) from Golestan and Kordestan Provinces of Iran. On PDA (potato-dextrose-agar), it produced a pinkish-white colony with black, slimy conidial masses protruding from the surface. After eight days incubation at 23oC, the colony diameter reached 90mm on PDA. Conidia produced in culture were 5-celled, long fusiform, straight or slightly curved, hardly constricted at septa, with a tapering base (Fig. 9). They measured 21-29 × 6-7 µm, with three apical setulae of 20-32 µm long and a basal pedicel of 3-6 µm long. The three intermediate colored cells were 17-20 µm, the upper two usually fuliginous, black at septa and walls, lowest cell olivaceous. The apical cells were hyaline, long conic to cylindrical. This description matches that of P. longisetula (GUBA, E.F. 1961. Monograph of Monochaetia and Pestalotia. Harvard University Press. 342 p.).The pathogenicity of two isolates was determined on leaves and petioles of 8-week old strawberry plants inoculated with a conidial suspension of the fungus (1 × 107 conidia/ml), incubated in a moist chamber for three days and then transferred to growth chambers at 23oC with a 12-h photoperiod. Three plants were inoculated with each isolate. Symptoms appeared on stems and leaves five days after inoculation. Symptoms did not appear on control plants inoculated with sterile distilled water. The same fungus, P. longisetula, was re-isolated from these symptoms. This is the first report of P. longisetula from Iran.

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An ascomycetous fungus was collected from twigs of oriental plane tree (Platanus orientalis L.) from forest park of Kerman in April 2008 that was identified Preussia typharum (Sacc.) Cain [CAIN, R.F. 1961. Studies of coprophilous ascomycetes. Can. J. Bot. 39: 1633-1666; VALLDOSERA, M. & GUARRO, J. 1990. Estudiossobre hongos coprófilos aislados en Espana. XV. El ġénero Preussia (Sporormiella). Bol. Soc. Micol. Madrid 14: 81-94]. This is the first report of this fungus from Iran. A description of the fungus is given bellow:Ascocarps scattered, partly immersed in the bark, brown when young turning to black at maturity, globose to subglobose, shining, glabrous, non-ostiolate, splitting irregularly, without definite cleavage area, 250–350 mm in diam. (Fig. 11 A); peridium thin, membranous, dark-brown with shades of light red, consisting of thick-walled, angular (textura angularis) to isodiametric (textura epidermoidea), 5–7.5 mm cells (Fig. 11 B); asci vary in shape from cylindrical-clavate, 50–60 × 15.5–19.5 mm, to broadly clavate, 43–50 × 26–30 mm, 8-spored, with long stipes measuring 30–48 × 2.5–4.5 mm, lying in a parallel layer attached at the base of ascocarps, with crozier at base, bitunicate with thick and persistent wall when young, evanescent when mature, but not elongating in water to discharge ascospores (Fig. 11 C-E); ascospores crowded in a partially overlapping fascicle lying parallel with ascus, arranged tri-seriate at above and bi- or uni-seriate at below or rarely bi- or tri-seriate at the whole length of cylindrical-clavate asci and tri- or four-seriate at the whole length of broadly clavate asci, 4-celled, fusiform-cylindrical, 27–30 × 7.5–9 mm, deeply constricted at transverse septa, easily separable at all septa, straight or rarely slightly curved, smooth, hyaline at first, then olivaceous brown to light brown, finally very dark brown and opaque at maturity, with a large guttule when mounted in water (Fig. 11 F), mainly with parallel to oblique, rarely diagonal germ slit, sometimes with a kink near the middle (Fig. 11 H), end-cells distinctively longer than mid-cells with slightly to distinctively attenuated ends (conical to sub-conical), measuring 8.5–10.3 × 6.5–8 mm, mid-cells globose to distinctively barrel-shaped, measuring 7–8.5 × 8–8.5 mm (Fig. 11 G).Closest species to P. typharum is P. fleischhakii (Auersw.) Cain (CAIN 1961, VALLDOSERA & GUARRO 1990), which resembles P. typharum in ascocarps, peridium, asci and ascospores characteristics, is distinguished from that by possessing asci with very short stipes (reaching 10–14 mm in length), longer and narrower ascospores (26–35 × 6.5–7.5 mm), with narrower end-cells, measuring 8–10 × 6–7 mm and shorter and wider mid-cells, measuring 5.5–7.5 × 6–7.5 mm.

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Lecanicillium species are mostly entomogenous and/or fungicolous. Conidiophores commonly arising from aerial hyphae, usually prostrate and little differentiated from the subtending hyphae. Conidiogenesis is phialidic and their teleomorph belong to the ascomycetous genera Cordyceps and Torrubiella. Two samples of infected sunn pest (Eurygaster integriceps) were collected from Kuhdasht (Lorestan Province) in autumn 2006 and an infected beetle belonging to the family Tenebrionidae was collected from Hamedan Province in summer 2007 From which L. psalliotae (Treschow) Zare & W. Gams was isolated (ZARE, R. & GAMS, W. 2001. A revision of Verticillium section Prostrata. IV. Genera Lecanicillium and Simplicillium gen. nov. Nova Hedwigia 73: 1–50). Macroscopic and microscopic features of the fungus are given here.Colonies high, white, with red, reddish-cream to cream reverse, reaching 24-47 mm diameter in 10 days at 24°C on PDA with red to purple pigment usually diffusing into the agar, particularly on PDA. Phialides rather long, aculeate, arising from undifferentiated prostrate conidiophores, solitary or more often 3-4 in whorls, but sometimes up to six on each node, measuring 25-35 × 1.0-1.4 µm. Conidia single-celled, typically solitary or in small clusters at right angle to the phialide tip, commonly falcate, measuring 5-10 x 1.2-1.7 mm, subsequent conidia oval to ellipsoidal microconidia, measuring 2.7-3.7 X 1.0-1.5 mm. Octahedral crystals abundantly present. Optimum temperature for growth is 21-24(-27)o C and no growth occurs at 33°C. This is the first record of this species from Iran (Fig. 10).

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The aim of this study was modelling the spatial distribution of Lilium ledebourii (Baker) Boiss. based on ecological characteristics, in order to predict potential habitats for conservation of a rare plant. Knowledge of the spatial distributions of rare and threatened species and the underlying ecological factors plays an important role in regional conservation assessments and development planning. One potential means to complement the insufficient information concerning the distribution and site suitability of rare species is provided by species distribution modeling. Lilium ledebourii (Liliaceae), locally named “Susan-e-Chelcheragh” is an endemic and rare species growing on the highlands of Damash region in Gilan Province of Iran. The habitat of this species is under IUCN protection, Category III (Natural Monument) by the Iranian Department of Environment since 1976. The development of the distribution model required the integration of geographical information system (GIS), spatial, logical, analytical and statistical tools. First, we selected and studied the main resource variables such as elevation, geographical aspect, slope, soil and vegetation cover in L. ledebourii site including: Damash, Dorfak and Khanghah (Ardebil Province) by field investigations and literature. Topographical data in geographical information system (GIS) was analyzed and land-form characteristics were provided. Results were analyzed (statistical & logical) and effective factors on spatial distribution of L. ledebourii were introduced. Results were classified into two models including: conceptual model and quantitative-weighted model. Weighting in quantitative-weighted model performed based on Analytical Hierarchy Process compares the performance of two models indicating that the quantitative-weighted model was more accurate and effective than the conceptual model.

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Most of the research on Phragmites australis is restricted to sites on the European continent even though P. australis occurs abundantly in many regions in the Asian and other continents under different climatic and habitat conditions. The populations used in this study were collected from different parts of Iran. All these populations were grown in the same conditions in experimental field, located in Agricultural Science Department Research Station (University of Tehran). The rhizomes of 39 populations of common reed were planted in a randomized complete block design (RCBD) with three replications. At the end of season, some growth traits were measured. The comparison of the traits revealed differences in shoot length, shoot diameter, shoot internodes, leaf area, panicle length, leaf dry weight, stem dry weight, panicle dry weight, percent of flowering shoots, start panicle formation (days after planting) and senescence time (days after planting) among common reed populations in Iran. A dendrogram was prepared on the basis of studied traits using the UPGMA algorithm and separated the 39 populations into four groups which were mainly in accordance with geographical origins.

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Festuca L. comprises perennial herbs and about 450 species. It belongs to the tribe Poeae R. Br. (= Festucaceae Dumort), subfamily Pooideae of Poaceae. These species are different in leaf size, life duration and lamina width. The genus is divided into two groups based on lamina width: fine-leaved and broad-leaved. In this study, leaf anatomy of F. akhanii, F. elwendiana, F. heterophylla, F. sulcata and F. valesiaca belonging to the fine-leaved group are investigated. Leaf sections are made with microtome and then double-stained. Quantitative and qualitative anatomical features of the leaves, such as density of stomata and trichome, type of mesophyll and mechanical tissues are studied and their taxonomic value were verified in order to classify different species. These features are used for multivariate analysis. Leaf anatomy shows useful characteristics within the genus which assists to make the identification key.

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In order to investigate the variation within and among populations of Parrotia persica C.A. Meyer based on leaf morphological traits, three populations were selected from Behshar area, in the east of Mazandaran Province. The populations selected along a transect in different altitudes of 182, 340, 540 meter above the sea level, respectively. In each population, 10 trees were selected and some leaves were collected from middle crown in early October. Leaves mixed together and then five leaves were selected randomly for study. The result shows that base angle, top leaf figure, end leaf figure and width lamina in 0.1 length of leaf had significant difference among populations. PCA analysis indicated that maximum width of lamina, length of petiole, leaf figure; end leaf figure and base angle constitute a major role in the observed variance. Cluster analysis accommodated all trees into four groups. The results indicated that leaf morphology variation among the trees in the studied populations was high, especially in Pasand 1.Also, base angle, numbers of vine and end leaf figure have the lowest plasticity population and top leaf figure and length of petiole had the highest plasticity in relation to environmental conditions.

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Among 170 insects infected by fungal pathogens, obtained during 2003-08 from three Northern provinces of Iran (Mazandaran, Gilan and Golestan), eight taxa of entomophthoralean fungi were identified including four pathogens of dipteran insects: Entomophaga tipulae was found on a crane fly, Entomophthora muscae was seen on five flies attached to broadbean leaves, Pandora bulata was observed only on one fly attached to a hawthorn leave and Pandora dipterigena was observed on 19 dark-winged fungus gnats of Sciaridae family, attached to Persian Ironwood and lettuce leaves. Most of the collected samples were infected aphids. Zoophthora sp. on one aphid, Entomophthora planchoniana on 17 aphids, Neozygites fresenii on 20 aphids and Pandora neoaphidis, the most frequent pathogen, were identified on 60 infected aphids. Entomophaga tipulae, Entomophthora muscae, Pandora bulata, Pandora dipterigena and Zoophthora sp. are new records for Iran.

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In this research, five species of the genus Polystichum, belonging to Dryopteridaceae, namely, P. lonchitis, P. woronowii, P. setiferum, P. braunii and P. aculeatum, were collected from Gilan and Mazandaran Provinces and studied micro-morphologically. In order to compare the spores, their morphology and their ornamentation was studied. The spores each were picked from sporangia and each sample was coated by a thin layer of gold material was photographed using a Scanning Electro Microscopy (SEM). Shape, size, exine ornamentation of spores were studied for each species. P. lonchitis was found to have considerable differences from other species by its reticulated ornamentation, which distinguishes this species from the others.

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In this paper, nine species of bolete fungi belonging to genera Boletus, Leccinum, Suillus and Xerocomus are reported from Arasbaran (E. Azarbaijan Province, N.W. Iran).From identified species Boletus edulis, B. erythropus, B. fechtneri, B. fragrans and X. ferrugineus are reported from Arasbaran as new for Iran.B. pulverulentus, L. pseudoscabrum, S. collinitus and S. granulatus have already been reported from other parts of Iran. All species are redescribed and illustrated with photographs and drawings.1. Boletus edulis Bull. (Fig. 1)From soil, near Quercus sp., E. Azarbaijan Province, Arasbaran, Kalaleh to Khoineh roud, 20.10.2003, Tavanii (IRAN3145 F).2. B. erythropus Pers. (Fig. 2)From soil, E. Azarbaijan Province, Arasbaran, Lomee, 6.11.2006, Asef and Torabi (IRAN 5609 F).3. B. fechtneri Velen (Fig. 3)From soil, E. Azarbaijan Province, Arasbaran, Aynalou, 22.9.2005, Asef and Sadeghi (IRAN 3140 F).4. B. fragrans Vittad. (Fig. 4)From soil, near conifers, E. Azarbaijan Province, Arasbaran, Kalaleh, (2600 m), 22.09.2005, Asef (IRAN 3144 F)5. B. pulverulentus Opat.From soil, E. Azarbaijan Province, Arasbaran, Makidi, 22.06.2007, Asef (IRAN 5611 F), from soil, E. Azarbaijan Province, Arasbaran, Aynalou, 23.08.2007, Asef and Sadeghi (IRAN 3138 F).6. Leccinum pseudoscabrum (Kallenb.) Šutara (Fig. 5) From soil, E. Azarbaijan Province, Arasbaran, Ghal-e Darasi, 01.06.2004, Asef (IRAN 3188 F).7. Suillus collinitus (Fr.) Kuntze (Fig. 6)From soil, near conifers, E. Azarbaijan Province, Arasbaran, Makidi, 06.10.2004, Asef (IRAN 3229 F).8. S. granulatus (L.) Roussel (Fig. 7)From soil, near conifers, E. Azarbaijan Province, Arasbaran, Makidi, 06.10.2004, Tavanii (IRAN 3203 F), from soil, near Conifers, E. Azarbaijan Province, Arasbaran, Aynalou, 03.10.2004, Asef (IRAN 3212 F).9. Xerocomus ferrugineus (Schaeff.) Bon. (Fig. 8)From soil, E. Azarbaijan Province, Arasbaran, Kalaleh, 7.11.2006, Asef and Torabi (IRAN 5054 F).

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The stem anatomy and pollen morphology of Iranian members of the genus Corydalis (except C. seisumsiana in pollen morphology) were studied using light and SEM microscopy. The results verified the argument that the tuberous sections of Corydalis, including Radix-cava, Corydalis and Leonticoides could be classified in a single subgenus as a natural grouping. The study also revealed that the species brought under each of the above sections in systematic had strong communalities with each other in anatomical (number and type of vascular bundles and stem cells) and pollen (pollen size, exine ornamentation and perforations) characteristics.  This supported the existing section-wise classification of the Iranian members of the genus Corydalis as being a natural grouping. Accordingly, a pollen key is presented for Corydalis species of Iran.

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