Organizations experience management needs during the different periods of their life cycle. In fact, based on the present conditions dominating the organization during a specific period, management measures should be taken or an organization would actually die. This problem is even more extreme about the tenants in incubators and preincubator stage seeds, because companies and seed firms in incubators are truly vulnerable against mismanagement, and this problem would cause failure more than any other time. Taking nice management style during preincubation and incubation period, not only prevents from death of the company, but also increase probability of success, because the success of organization is depend on their successful passage from different levels and stages. In this paper, the types of management styles and mismanagement are carefully dealt with, and regarding position of the pre-incubation seeds and tenants in incubators over the life cycle of the organizations, different types of management including improper styles which can affect the organization trend of management are introduced also for a successful passage from pre-incubation to incubation regarding the management style of organization in pre-incubation, we suggested a management style effective for organization during the incubation period.