The first treatise written in Persian to criticize Darwin’ s theory and published in 1880 isJamā l al-Dī n al-Afghā nī ’ s Niychirī ya. Another treatise written in Persian in this subject by Ayatollah Muḥ ammad-Ḥ usayn Shahristā nī in 1881 titled Ā yā t Bayyinā t. Following that treatise, adetailed book published in 1912 by Ayatollah Muḥ ammad-Riẓ ā Najafī-Iṣ fahā nī , titled Naqd Falsafat Dā rwan. Mirʾ ā t al-ʿ Aql (The Mirror of Reason), a book in theology, is written in Persian by Ayatollah Muḥ ammad-‘ Alī Sunqurī-Ḥ ā ʾ irī (1876-1958) in 1911. The firstvolume includes an introduction and three chapters, containing the problems of materialism anditscontradictions. Sunqurī critiques materialism in a philosophical-theological way. Then he, in the third chapter, “ Nawā mī s Arbaʾ a” , addressed the four main axes of Darwin’ s theory and consider its corruptions, according to his own opinion. I claim that this book was a turning point in the history of science in Qajar period