Cosmology and the question of the ruling order of the universe are the subjects which the scholars of various sciences, including the wonders writings, have been addressing. The main question of this study is that how behaved wonders of creation, in terms of cosmology, and showing the order of the world? In this research, a descriptive-analytic method has been tried to obtain an accurate understanding of cosmology in the writing of marvels, in the first step, the world, cosmology and ʿ Adjā ʾ ib literature in Islamic civilization are addressed, then Components and elements of world knowledge in this texts are studied and analyzed. The results of the research show that Cosmology in the wonders of creation (ʿ Adjā ʾ ib Nā mah/Makhlū qā t) is a combination of different opinions, but the important thing is the issue of unity of origin, the continuity of the universe of creation and the flow of greatness and power of god (Allā h) in the creatures