The current research was conducted, to evaluate groundwater quantity and quality in two aquifers of Saveh and Arak plains, IRAN. Geographic information system software, (version 9.2) was used for studies of spatially and temporally changes in the groundwater level fluctuations and their quality analysis. Results showed that the average drop of groundwater levels during 7 years in 57 wells at Arak plain was 3.38 and in 63 wells at Saveh plain was 10.19 meters. Annual average drop in groundwater level at the same area before construction of Saveh reservoir dam (1987-1994) was 0.98 meters, which increased to 1.47 meters after the reser voir construction (1995-2008). According to Wilcox method, several water qualities were recognized in both regions. In Saveh plain four classes of C4-S2, C4-S1, C3-S1 and C2-S1 made up, respectively, 16, 46, 30 and 16 percent of the ground water in the rogion. The C4-S1, C3-S1 and C2-S1 classes made up, respectively, 42, 56 and 2 percent of the whole ground water in the area. Regarding to the effects of wet and dry seasons, it was found that the water quality during wet seasons specially in deeper wells became better than during dry seasons.