Undoubtedly, Macedonian Alexander is one of the history makers and effective miens in the history and civilization of human being. It is surprising that independent works on Alexander in Persian literature are much more than any other historical or mythical figure. In addition to many historical texts which are talking about Alexander, s life and personality in detail, eight works have been written in prose and verse about the story of Alexander, s life. Three of them have been written in prose and five of them have been written in verse. There is no attention to prose works in this regard because researches in this field have been on verse works especially in Alexander’ snameh and Shahnameh. In this study, we try to study and analyze the Alexander, s story in Shahnameh, Nezami, s Alexander, snameh, Alexanderian mirror, Kheradnameh of Alexander and Alexander, snameh which was narrated by Kalistence, the story of Alexander in Darabnameh and Alexander, snameh of Manuchehr Hakim in order to recognize mythical and legendary mien of Alexander, s behavior, speech, and deed as well as the authors, views in these works thoroughly and carefully.This study consists of three sections: (A) name, race, and lineage (B) personality and manner (C) Alexander, s military expeditions and his enemies.In these sections, we will also study the differences and similarities of the mentioned works about Alexander. It must be said that in the beginning of each part, we will offer the historical issues about each subject briefly to make the readers more familiar with these issues. And in the last part, we will study the reasons of frequent regard and notice of Alexander in Persian literature and language.