This article reviews and analyzes fictional elements of Fraed o Soluk.We research these titles: tale and story, genre, size, language, dialogue, character, narrator and speakers, view angle, action and structure of stories, moral results,time and place in Fraed o Soluk.This study explains the structure of stories from different dimensions. Fraed o Soluk includes the moral stories and its prose was written according to the method of Kalile va Demneh and Sandbadname.In stories and tales of Fraed of Soluk, there are features such as emphasis on the events, the absence of a strong cause and effect relationships between events, absolutism, moral results, immutability of characters, quality of narrative, common themes, and hypothetical time and place.There are 58 stories in Fraed o Soluk. The main stories are longer than secondary stories. Dialogue occurs mostly between main characters of stories. Linguistic features of technical prose (sixth and seventh century) in this book can be seen. There are 289 characters in the stories of this book. 85 percent are public and 15 percent are special. Most characters are animals (29 percent), men and boys (19/5 percent) and job holders (14 percent). Main narrators include: book’s author, Behrooz, businessman son and Ghasir.The main narrators of the stories are often unknown.From a total of 58 stories, 45 percent have action and 55 percent have no specific action.95 percent of stories have moral results and recommendations.38 percent of the stories have time.70 percent of the stories have place.