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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

View 1866

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Objective (s): One of the key issues in the Quranic verses is the subject of formation and creation of embryo as the beginning point of human life. Some 76 verses of 41 Surahs of the holy Quran have mentioned this issue. The interesting point is that the holy Quran has described all stages of creation of embryo in simple words so that it can be understandable for people of that time, nevertheless, Quranic information on embryo are so accurate that are even consistent with the contemporary findings of embryology science.This article is aimed at presenting Quran’s comprehensive and complete view on creation and evolution of embryo to provide interdisciplinary medical and Quranic students with proper understanding of this issue.Methods: This article has been completed based on descriptive-analytical method and necessary information and data have been gathered through reliable sources. Conclusion: 1- Quran has mentioned the common role of man and woman in productivity. 2- Quran delicately has mentioned that all sperms of man are not responsible for pregnancy and only part of it contributes to productivity.3- Quran has mentioned to both male and female factors for creation of embryo.

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View 15043

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Objective (s): To investigate whether Quranic teachings could improve social acceptance or not.Methods: This was a semi-experimental study. Research community comprised of 120 students and a sample of 42 people randomly were selected. Experimental group and control groups were evaluated in three points in time: pre-test, one and three months post test.Results: The mean score for social acceptance was 18.9, 19.2, and 19.4 at three points in time respectively. The one-way analysis of variance indicated that Quranic lessons significantly improved the social acceptance (P<0.0001).Conclusion: The findings suggest that education and Quranic training workshop might positively affect social acceptance.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

View 2106

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Objective (s): Carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS) is the most common entrapment neuropathy with annual cost of about one billion. The purpose of this study is to evaluate the effectiveness of intercessory prayer in the treatment of carpal tunnel syndrome.Methods: In this cross sectional interventional study, patients with Electro physiological confirmed diagnosis of CTS with inclusion criteria’s during autumn 2005 underwent intercessory prayer. They were evaluated for subjective symptoms with (VAS 10mm), objective signs and electro diagnostic parameters before and 6 weeks after a three-week intercessory prayer.Results: 12 patients with 23 hands were enrolled. At 6 weeks after the end of therapy, subjective symptoms, phalen, reverse phalen and Electro diagnostic findings (Median DSL &DML) show significant changes (CI 95% p valve<0.05). In tinel test, and Flick Sign, there were no significant changes (p value>0.05). About 47.8 % of cases cured completely and other changes (p value>0.05). Changed so much but there were no significant changes in CTS grades in Chi square test, it may be due to the patients’ low count. 74.99% of patients were satisfied or highly satisfied with the therapy.Conclusion: We recommended that intercessory prayer (IP) should be considered in the employed as a cost-effective, non-invasive, low side effect treatment for carpal tunnel syndrome. It deserves to be studied more with enough patient sampling. 

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

View 1966

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Objective (s): Since rational and rationalism has been one of the common subjects raised in Quran and philosophy. The objective of this research is shedding light on the issue of rationality with two distinct philosophical and Quranic approaches. Methods: This was a descriptive-analytical study. Data collected based on a bibliographical method and referring to terminology and philosophy sources.Results: Examining the ideas of philosophers and pondering in the rationale-related verses of the holy Quran indicates that there is a distinction between approaches of these two fields to the issue of rationality. Conclusion: According to this research it can be realized that philosophical rationale is a means for comprehension of generalities just despite the Quranic rationale which tries to move from trivial and superficial phenomenon to general and major issues through an applied approach and ultimately establishing a relation between generalities and details.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Objective (s): Islamic management is a concern of those who believe in Islam as a perfect and complete religion. Several theorists have attempted to identify and introduce this concept from different point of views that leads to development of concept of Islamic management.The objective of this article is to introduce and categorize this different point of views. First of all, this article, divides Islamic management theories within two major groups: the old one (from the emergence of Islam to 19th century) and contemporary (after 19th century up to now especially after Islamic revolution of Iran).Methods: We used comparative research method to recognize different views on Islamic management and categorize them. First of all, we search to find books or articles written about Islamic management. Then we tried to understand the point of view of authors toward Islamic management and compare the main stream of these texts according to Fred Lootans (1972).Results:  this study led us to categorize different views to Islamic management to following approaches:1. Growth approach to Islamic management 2. Principle approach 3. Traits of Islamic managers approach4. Functions of Islamic managers approach5. The impact of Islamic values on management approachConclusion: We tries throw this article to introduce definition of Islamic management, the fundamentals and most famous theorists of each approach.

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View 4723

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Objective (s): Religious doctrines imply that action observation can be affected by observer behavior and his/her developments, therefore suggests avoiding observation immoral behavior. Religion teaches us that value of behaviors depends on intention of actions. The aim of this article is to study scientific evidences about this doctrine.Methods: A review of literature including Avicenna’s books on mirror neurons.Results: Thinkers such as Avicenna’s have explained this effect very well. Recent studies demonstrated sensory motor neurons called mirror neurons are special neurons that show activity both when the individual is executing a goal directed action and when observing the same action performed by another nonspecific. Mirror neurons present a versatile self-learning mechanism for the coordination of perceptional and motor actions. They also seem to present a potential bridge between minds. An understanding of the coupling of perception with actions via the mirror neurons, and the management of the respective internal representations, has opened the road to elucidating the computational principles underlying human cognition. Evidences suggest that the human mirror neuron system dose not simply provide an action recognition mechanism, but also constitutes a neural system for coding the intention of others.This mirror mechanism may sub serve different functions, including action understanding, empathy, imitation, action prediction, action simulation, and social interaction.Conclusion: In fact mirror neurons can be used to provide rational rather than religious grounds for ethics. Therefore consideration and recognition of the role and function of mirror neuron system and use these findings along with religious instruction improve training models for social skills and social behaviors.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

View 1946

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Objective (s): This article is seeking to examine the relationship between historical statements of the holy Quran and statements of the science of history. Methods: The article has been written based on descriptive-analytical method. Its historical materials and data were collected based on bibliographical documents.Results: The science of history can be categorized into two major branches: humanistic experimental sciences and naturalistic experimental sciences. Quran can be categorized based on the Divine teachings. In this article, the relation between statements of the science of history and historical statements of Quran has been examined and the following results obtained: 1- The relationship between unity and conformity; some of the Quranic historical statements are exactly consistent with some of the statements of science of history. The fact that such statements have been just recently discovered in the history science, they show scientific miracle of the holy Quran in the field of history.2- No statement of science of history, which is considered definite in the view of historians, is inconsistent with historical statements of the holy Quran because the Revealer of the scripture is the one who has the absolute science and wisdom.3- Some of the statements of the science of history have no relationship with the historical statements of the holy Quran and are quite distinct issues. Some of these statements can be used for better interpretation and comprehension of Quran and historical narrations.4- We can find some historical statements especially in the area of historical traditions of Quran which the science of Quran has not yet discovered them. Such statements can be a source of inspiration for history scholars. Even they can pave the ground for the advent of new history theories.5- In the issue of discussions around the reason behind the revelation of Quranic verses and sacred narrations we can regard the issue of consistency with the definite statements developed by historians as a criterion for understanding Quranic verses and narrations.Conclusion: The study findings suggest that Quarn could help historian to understand the science of history more perfectly.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

View 1242

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Objective (s): To present a desirable model for management from Quarn’s perspective.Methods: Two methods were used to collect data: literature search and collecting data from a sample of 25 informants using a purposed questionnaire.Results: The analysis showed that there were significant correlation between fundemental management principles and management from Quran’s perspective. In addtion it was found that compared to western style of management more attention have been paid to these principles in management from Quran’s perspective.Conclusion: The findings from this study indicate that there are associations between the specifications of a desirable Islamic management and management duties that can be extracted from Holy Quran.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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