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According to the large volume of studies in the field of “Islamic city” over the past century; multiplicity, diversity, dispersion and sometimes contradictory results of the studies on the one hand, and the need to properly respond to many unanswered questions in this field, on the other hand, and the necessity of theoretical foundations development of Islamic City; evaluation of former Research and studies, has an undeniable necessity. This will improve the quality of research and will help researchers in the ongoing activities.Therefore, this study, with the aim to develop a theoretical foundations for Islamic city, and with descriptive-analytical methods, investigated available resources about Islamic Cities and has analyzed their defects and weaknesses.

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One of the main tasks of applied Geomorphology is study of position and of vulnerable human environment confronting to variety of geomorphologic hazards. In fact the area and its suburb is one of the area with frequent occurrence of climatic drought. these area turns to one of the most susceptible arid regions to sands migration hazards. then owing to the main target of research in first step, we calculate the main existing factors of climatic drought such as RAI, PNPI, RIA, z score and SPI in the study area. in the next step, using statistical analysis (Kendal and spear man correlation coefficient), to evaluate the effect and correlation between occurrence of drought and increase of hazard due to the migration sands was studied. Finally, results show field worked help us to make a comprehensive overview hazard in the study area and migration of sand dunes, in this study area. Furthermore, with periodic increasing degree of climatic Drought, also percent of frequency of sands occurrence, represent a relative increase, as the result we can predict and reduce occurrence of these kind of hazard and have more readiness in environmental management by appropriate planning to condition of the zone and exact calculation.

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As one of the most dangerous forms of the urban wastes, sanitary and hospital wastes can threaten seriously citizens’ health if they are ill-managed. Optimal positioning of disposable sanitary/hospital wastes is a most significant stage in disposal management of such dangerous wastes. Taking advantage of effective factors in positioning optimal sites for disposing the sanitary/hospital wastes, this study has tried to locate the optimal sites and areas in Bonab Township for disposing the wastes using quantitative models. A descriptive-analytical method was used to materialize our functional-developmental objectives in this study. Network analysis models pragmatics and Decision Making Trial and Evaluation Laboratory (DEMATEL) were used to locate optimal and proper spaces for disposing the wastes. 12 factors were considered to develop spatial layers. A fuzzy logic was used for measurements and different fuzzy operators were used in the spatial layers overlapping process. The results indicate that the existing site for hospital waste disposal in Bonab Township will not meet the increasing needs of the city whose population is growing in future. Finally, the optimal site was selected out of five spatial areas introduced by the mixed models using both spatial assessment and measurements. The site is supposed to be used for managing the hospital/sanitary wastes disposal in this township.

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Findings of research show that most important of reasons must be seek into two kind of internal or regional factors and external or trans0regional factors. findings of this study show that trends such as totalitarian methods of governance, Saudi Arabia supports from promotion of salafism, the meaningful growth of terrorist and extremist actions, geopolitical position of central Asia along with presence of multi(many) thousands of salafism extremists in Syria, having rich full sources of oil and gas, the government of ruling minority on majority, lack of essential awareness of people about truth Islam, influence and presence salafi elements in Russia and theirs significant effects on labors migrants, poor and life severe limitation and many other problems are considered as the most important of obvious hypothesizes of being center or axes of crisis in Eurasia. This research is going to explanation factors and obstacles of convergence of countries of central Asia, and take into consideration the factors that threat Pease and stability of central Asia and its periphery, and Ukraine.

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In order to investigate the spatial and temporal variations of relative vorticity in Iran, we have extracted the mean monthly relative vorticity data from the NCEP Reanalysis data site for the window of 45 to 62.5 degrees east and 25 to 40 degrees north for the 1971-2005 period with 2.5 degrees resolution. The mean monthly maps of the extracted data were drawn and described.The results showed that in winter season most of the country is under the positive relative vorticity indicating the existence of instability over the country and invasion of westerlies resulting in rain. The spring season was the same as winter, but toward the end of the season the negative vorticity was invading the country from the south. So that, in summer most of the country was occupied by the negative voriticity and resulted stability. During this season only the southern coasts of the Caspian was out of the negative vorticity occupation. During fall season the winter conditions were dominating the country from the north.

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Healthy City project was introduced by the World Health Organization in Ottawa charter for “improved sanitation”. This project developed a framework for implementing the program “Health for All” in 2000.Then, this project with own complete sanitary programs turned into a widespread and global movement especially in local levels, and in this case, 21 agenda has an important role in implementation of healthy city in human settlements.The neighborhoods of Tehran metropolis are one of the most fundamental social-physical elements and it is determined as communication ring among the citizens. In recent years, the quality of life and public health have reduced due to high-rise housing and air pollution. Since the citizen’s health program is not only health care but also includes social, mental and physical welfare. In this regard, this research tries to evaluate the importance of neighborhood parks in citizen’s health.Research findings show that access to the green spaces improve health and wellbeing, and prevents diseases. Green space provides opportunities to develop and strengthens social cohesion and social support. Furthermore, people appear to stimulate physical activity in green space that has a vital role in promoting citizens health. Adequate level of physical activity reduces the risk of coronary heart disease and stroke, hypertension, diabetes, and depression. Feeling energetic, life satisfaction, and concentration on tasks are the other benefits of green space. The basic methods are library methods and field study. The case study is Bahar Azadi; neighborhood park in region 5 of Tehran that is located in Shahran neighborhood.

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Today the city with many challenges in the economic, social and environmental faced. However, increasing the proportion of urban population increased with detrimental consequences for cities has brought. Sustain such growth, urbanization, social problems, economic and environmental crisis poses and warning of instability cities. Among other problems, such as various forms of pollution, traffic and other psychological problems, quality of life and consequently reduce the livability of cities. Thus, the necessity and importance of sustainable development and livability in cities today is quite apparent. Livability and sustainable development concepts and approaches that the city away from all kinds of pollution, traffic, environmental problems, economic, social and physical brings to citizens.Term livability refers to the degree necessary to provide a community based on the needs and capacities of the community. A non-liveable society is indifferent to the needs of its community and does not respect their wishes. Overall livability of the three dimensions of economic, social and environmental division and each have their own characteristics. Dimensions and measures required for this study was based on the globally dominant language selected livability. The purpose of this study was to investigate the livability of Tehran Metropolis is in line with sustainable development. Descriptive research - with the aim of analysis.The data for analysis were collected using a questionnaire that  validity and reliability with a nominal alpha 0.831 is approved. The software utilizes data from EXCEL, ARCGIS, SPSS and statistical tests were analyzed. Population groups, citizens, and private sector managers and deputy mayor respectively. The results indicate that Tehran metropolitan livability in all three dimensions of economic, social and environmental impact assessment is moderate to low, with the current trend towards sustainable development will not go ahead. Among the 22 districts, Tehran city area than in other areas of livability is better than other areas of the district 20 of Tehran Tehran areas of livability worse than the other is a must.

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Planning in the different components Considered from the perspective of geography that One of the most important is environmental planning. In this regard, For this Thread; Study area Sabalan selected. Research Perspective The target is Applications and the method and nature is analytic. Analysis Structure the present situation, area sabalan Shows the area has a lot of potential and capabilities in the context of development planning; The following is a description of the components; And should use this function in the process of sustainable development taken maximum advantage.These components include: Economic potential of mineral resources - Agricultural potential- Tourist Features - Features, fountains and waterfalls and mineral waters - Features of Sport Tourism – Honey production -Vegetation Features and herbal plants.

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Expansion spatial-physical cities and towns, due to increasing urban population, one of the most important features is the cities of present era. That it caused an imbalance in urban structure, the imbalance in access to urban services and facilities and localizing activity and population. The awareness of the physical form of a city, town planners urgent need to regulate and utilization of urban land. The present study emphasizes that the problem of concentration and distribution of populations and activities in the city limits Boroujerdi, the pattern of the city transforms to analyze and scrutinize the research is that of cognitive research, and b i are the target of basic research is experimental and the pattern of the descriptive analytic models using the Herfindahl-Henderson, Shannon entropy (absolute and relative) and Moran models to analyze and determine physical form of the city of Broujerd discussed. Urban development plans and census data and data blocks of two decades 1375-85 extracted, so documentary- library style has been collecting research data. Results show that the city of Broujerd cope with sprawl and physical detachment and the dominant pattern is in a random pattern and multi-polar spatial distribution.

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What risk you want, not what will happen. Important issue of how to deal with it. Over 440 kilometers of coastline in the world, the natural environment is one of the most dynamic show and its multiple function, bringing the population and the activities themselves, they have made the most strategic areas of the coastal state. Most important natural hazards in coastal areas at risk of destruction, loss of life, financial and security will be a sea storm. Research before trying to storm the economic and security implications of the study to Bandar Abbas. According to forecasts of scientists The possibility of a tsunami in the Persian Gulf And the severe storms and dangerous in winter occurs in the Persian Gulf That is a lot of damage, storm damage may occur offshore in the Persian Gulf and the most happening city of Bandar Abbas in Hormozgan occur.On the one hand the disintegration of established military and security forces will be deployed on the beaches and the country's economic base is one of the most important challenges facing the crisis will make. Now the question is the storm with the waves What happens Bandar Drsvahl 10 meters from the beach facilities and what users are affected and the economic and security implications of what the research the collection of information a descriptive-analytic method was created by an library and the maps and GIS and Globalmapper software, and reached the conclusion that Vqv as storm waves 10 meters in Bandar Abbas, regional security and economic crises will have.

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Cities historically the main center for accumulation of human groups, spiritual focus of investment and economic growth, which are the main centers. On the other hand, the center is always a constant target of the wars and military action between the parties to the conflict are discussed and Due to the important functions having critical facilities, critical, has been attacked during the war. Create stability and reduce injuries and fatalities in urban areas during the conflict of the important goals of urban planning authorities. Passive defense is one of the ways in which this approach has been of particular interest, officials and planners. The main purpose of this article is also critical to the pathology of urban land uses in medical centers and hospitals in times of crisis, the passive defense principles and requirements of professionalism. Study area The study also hospitals and medical centers in Mashhad Imam Reza (AS) are the Razavi. Hospitals based on two main factors, namely the design and method of localization based on passive defense were examined. The findings suggest that an important weakness Razavi Hospital in design, is a integrating the majority of hospitals in a building But regarding the existence of intelligent fire systems, air relief, access to networks and the conditions of proper outdoor parking is in good condition. Imam Reza Hospital, also in terms of distribution, access, metro, and access to fire stations and facilities an air relief in good condition but In contrast to the absence of intelligent fire systems, lack of adequate open space in and around the hospital grounds, parking, lack of access to class communication arteries and intersections and high traffic in the area around the hospital and the presence of the military in passive defense is not in good condition. At the end of the article, some suggestions for improving the condition of existing facilities and the design and general layout of new health centers, according to the principles of passive defense was offered.

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This article explore the influence of psychological capitals on the rising of life quality in meshkinshar county. This research is an applied, analytical-exploratory study. The research method was analytical -explanative survey type. Target population in the study was the rural people of located in Meshkinshar County. The needed information by means of questionnaire was collected from rural people of settled in Meshkinshar County. The all of rural people in the amount of 90359 was estimated. In addition for determining sample size the rural peoples of settled in the rural areas of Meshkinshar county was used Cochran formula. Finally, the sample size of rural peoples 196 was determined. For uplifting the amount of accuracy and validity of findings the sample size was 200 raised. The tool of measurement was made researcher questionnaire. The content and face validity of the instrument was specified after several times review and correction by the faculty of members at university and several expertise of administrative offices. The reliability analysis was conducted and Cronbach’s alpha values for the various sections of instrument were estimated to be between 0.71 and 0.82. The inferential findings of research showed that there was a statistically significant positive relationship between all of psychological capital components with rising of life quality in the rural areas of Meshkinshar County. In addition, the results of the multivariate regression revealed that 3 component of optimism, self-efficacy and resiliency in the base of acquired Beta was reported. The number of coefficient of determination in the three stages for this three variable 74 was obtained. Finally, based on the results analysis, some applied recommendations have been provided.

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New approaches of development, with particular emphasis on the involvement of stakeholders in the development process and the development agenda, So on; participatory methods have been considered in different aspects of development. Since entrepreneurship is one of facilitator and promoter of rural development, we try to explore the possibilities of collaborative entrepreneurship in Iranian villages. Thus the hypothesis of this study is: The first, participatory approach to entrepreneurship is reasonably fit. Second, due to the lack of infrastructure needs for participatory development, the best strategy is to diversify. The study population for this survey consists of 53 entrepreneurs and the same number of control group to compare the results which has been completed with the analysis of 13 questionnaires filled by local governor. Spss software was used to analyze data. To examine the possibility of applying corporative management method for entrepreneuring, we chose some strategic assessment modals along with a questionnaire. The final modal in this section was SWOT and two prioritizing and scoring methods by ANP technique with super decision software were used to increase precision. Finally, two mentioned methods showed that the grounds necessary to apply corporative methods of empowerment, the experts believe, but they core not in ideal situation.

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This study reports on field research in Qazvin. The topic of this study focuses on a bathhouse named “Safa” in Qazvin. Effective techniques such as observation and interview were utilized in this research. In this study, the owner of this bathhouse has provided the researcher not only with invaluable information about its architecture and changes brought about over time but also with a significant role that this beautiful building plays in daily lives of people, considering different ceremonies and family rituals. We have attempted to get familiar with this magnificent and impressive building not only in Qazvin but also throughout Iran. Then we need to identify the unknown social and cultural aspects of the building.

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