The process of world’s move toward the end of history and development of a concept called Messiah and its ups and downs in the age of commincation, has been noted in many cinematic productions. Noting the apocalyptic theme in many Western cinematic productions is one of the first products formed and shown in the cinema. At the end of the world, a savior comes for upholding justice, a theme that can be seen in many cinematic productions of the West. Perhaps, a root of this thinking can be seen in the activities of Meliss. Meliss established the first film studio around Paris in 1897. He used his films to express his ideas. His first long film, Dreyfus trial (250 meter), supported the freedom seeking ideas of innocent convicts under a tyranny, and would herald the end with the release. Perhaps looking at the next activities in this line can reveal the use of religious and messianic themes of the end of history in 300, Persepolis, Independence Day, The Green Mile, A Night without the King, The Messiah.The methodology for the identification and analysis of apocalyse themes and implications is based on cinematic productions and has various approaches, techniques and methods. A close look at activities done in this field, whether in Iran or beyond shows that the present approach shouldinclude various approaches, time-based approaches (e.g., history based analyzes r the ones based on time or date), or the approaches based on depth and vastness (such as methods used in descriptive methods) or the semiotic approaches and so it includes any of a series of methods and techniques.It may be possible to use the emphasis on how to collect data and thus use all three categories of methods, be it descriptive, explanatory or combination to elicit and analyze messianic themes and analysis of the related concepts that can be used. Descriptive research can utilize qualitative content analysis, discourse analysis, content analysis. Explanatory research uses the inferential content analysis and combination research makes use of critical discourse analysis, narrative analysis, content analysis, and communication.The approach emphasized in this paper is the scientific evidence and documentation. In this paper, ia lso aim to design a methodology of content analysis for understanding the mesianistic themes in the movies.