This research analyzes patterns and different interdisciplinary educational programs and takes their propriety with Islamic economics and finance into consideration. Actually, this answers the question that if Islamic economics and finance is going to be held as an interdisciplinary field in the Islamic humanities, which of the main interdisciplinary approaches should be adopted and how much is the potentiality of every interdisciplinary approach herein? Presenting principles “maximum integration” and “maximum usage”, the research shows that proper approach toward Islamic economics and finance is content-based integration and among different approaches, intra-disciplinary and parallel inter-disciplinary approaches can’t secure the principles. Although multi-disciplinary, cross-disciplinary, pluri-disciplinary, trans-disciplinary and post-disciplinary approaches are more appropriate than two previous ones, but in current condition, because of their shortcomings, usage of them is not suggested. Finally, it seems that potentiality and efficiency of Interdisciplinary approach is more than the others. Hence, planner of Islamic economics and finance can utilize this in designing the relevant curriculum. However, in practice, Interdisciplinary approach can be taken as basic and principal approach and simultaneously, advantages of other approaches can be used to strength educational program.