Introduction: Agricultural activities in each kind, each branch and each region, has substantive in development and economy of that region. In this regard, horticulture and exploiting from it, in one hard has substantive role on job-making and climate and in other hard ,has a role in removing the needs of food for people. Horticulture activity in developed agriculture field regard to its entotic and positive aspects, has some priority on farming in the case of having correct managing, and having good balance in ecology and because of its low damaging factors. In horticulture field Iran country because of having the most suitable climate conditions, is among the most procures of garden products and these conditions put our country among the most gardening countries around the world and the most important part draughness, extensive compete among the import and internal gardeners products, existing the pollutant industrial center around this region, lack of comprehensive program and lack of policy in keeping and developing the garden and decreasing the garden grounds because of extensive villa making, are the most important external treating factors. Of village inhabitants incomes of our country producer populations can be provided via gardening activities. In this field baghbahadoran section, because of having high environment potentials for gardening, is one of the most important gardening regions in Isfahan province. This region has located in a suitable please as the view point of geography position and is exploited from zayandrood water and good soil but because of different reasons like: lack of scientific-research work, lack of good management and planning, changing the village structure of region and draugthness, the gardening section has failed with some recession. Therefore functional planning in gardening field appropriate with the conditions of each region, along with removing the different problems for village’s societies can provide some conditions to develop these regions and then develop the country. Because of statistical lacking and the lack of exact numbers of gardeners’ in this studied region, the statically society of this research, has mentioned more than 45957 persons for this region population according to year 2006, which then among, 146 region gardener have questioned and studied as the chosen statistical samples regard to kokaran method with the separation of cities and villages of this region.Methodology: To access the research purposes, at first by the method of descriptive- analytical, dumentary and by using from measurement method and field and studies between 146 gardeners’ of region as chosen statistical sample, and 30 exporter and related responsible persons related to gardening , have been questioned. In this stage, regard to acquired data, to analyze the data, presenting strategy and the function of develop and maintain of gardening activity, the swot analytical method was used. Then via idea making of gardeners’, the measuring of indices, via the method of» removing the scale« and their evaluation and analyses, the priorities were defined at last to decrease the weak points And threats and also to enrich the powerless point and existing chances related gardening activities in Baghbahadoran section, suitable strategies were presented.Discussion: To present the functions and policies of gardening development in Baghbahadoran section, after knowing the strong point, weaknesses, chases and threats presented in economic, social and cultural ecological and organizational facts, the functions matrix regard to defined purpose, was extracted swot matrix, will present st3 functions, wt functions, wo functions and so functions. Extracting the possible functions can be done via a matrix which is formed via exchanging external and internal factors. At last, evaluation of functions, have been done via attention to environmental- ecological, social, cultural, economical, organizational and prioritization necessities and via quantifying and analyzing the data.Conclusion: The prioritization of factors is among the power points factors in maintain, develop the gardens, and gardening activity from the view point of two cooperator groups, existing income for selves, making suitable and beautiful scenery in region, existing kind of economical and job making activity in the region, existing and making native and exprineced gardeners, existing and making native knowledge, existing and making economical income for people in this region and existing and making the young and active factor in region. Therefore using the best possibilities is emphasizing. Among the weak point, the low literacy amount of grandness, having little availability to store houses, and lake of suitable packaging, lack of changing workshops and industries in the region, leaving the farming and gardening jobs, existing the differences on the lost and….,are the most important difficulties and obstacles for gardeners. According to this fact, the necessity of planning and making essential policies decrease or omitting these problems to enrich and increase the gardens efficiency and gardening activity is essential and necessary. Among the external chances, development of novel irrigation methods and suitable irrigation and paying more attention to make village small industries and product processing, are the most hopeful factor to maintain and develop the gardens and they are effective factor on region gardening. Among the external threats, the fluctuation in price market, having weakness in pricing the products, draugthness and low amount of raining, having intense compete among import of raining, having intense compete among import and internal garden product, existing of industrial canters around this region, lack of comprehensive program and lack of policy making on maintain and develop of gardens, decreasing the gardens lands because of extensive villa making are the most important threatening factors, so the different and defensives functions and essential functions in this point, have been presented.