Amir Najm al-Din Hasan ebne Alae Sajzi Dehlavi is one of the well-known poets of India composing poems in Persian. This famous poet and writer emerged a little after Sa’di. Amir Hasan has been influenced by Sa’di, especially in sonnets, so much that, although Amir Khosro Dehlavi-known as the Indian parrot-lived at the same, he is known as the Sa’di of India. In fact, Amir Hasan’s works have been influenced by Sheikhe Shiraz and, hence, are similar to his poems in different respects like diction, synthesis,aesthetics, meter, thoughts expressed, feelings, themes, and motifs. Although the clear, fluid and mellow sonnets of Amir Hasan reminds us of Sa’di’s gay, melodic and lovely sonnets, they are not comparable to Sa’di’s sonnets in terms of clarity, fluidity, mellowness, coherehce, and synthesis. The enthusiasm arising from Amir Hasan’s sonnets shows that, similar to Sa’di, he is drunk with love and mysticism and love flows in his sonnets like blood in his veins; that is the secrect for the long-lasting popularity of Amir Hassan’s poems. This article intends to show the similarities between the taste, styles, themes and motifs of the two poets found in their sonnets that have the same meter and rhyme.